Universiteit Leiden

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Graduate School of Archaeology

Privacy and data protection

As a PhD candidate, you probably work with personal data. That’s not just names and telephone numbers – it can also include things like cookies. To keep (personal) data as secure as possible, the university has established an information security policy.

Please visit the university webpages on privacy and data protection for more information about working with personal data, storing and sharing files online and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

For specific questions concerning data management in your research, please email researchsupport@arch.leidenuniv.nl.

Data Management course

Leiden University offers a Data Management course for PhDs. This course will give you a clear understanding of the principles and benefits of good data management. Data management involves the creation, safe storage and preservation of research data. The course covers the theory and practice of both data and project management.

For whom:                Employed, contract and external PhD candidates
Costs:                          Free of charge
Duration:                    15 hours

For more information on academic integrity, regulations and procedures, the committee and confidential adviser for academic integrity, please visit the university’s website on academic integrity.

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