Universiteit Leiden

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Computer Science & AI


The various bodies involved in the organisation of the Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science (LIACS) are listed below.

Management Team

The Management Team consists of the Scientific Director, the Director of Education and the Director of Operations.

Support Team

The Support Team welcomes you and is able to answer your questions regarding general information, administrative issues, grants and funding, communications, and directions towards people within the institute, faculty and/or university.

Project Office

The Project Office supports researchers with everything grant-related. Some of the services they offer are advice on funding opportunities, preparing the proposal, proposal review, budget checks and obtaining signatures. Always contact them as early as possible by e-mailing to PO@liacs.leidenuniv.nl
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Cluster Representatives Overleg

LIACS is composed of 10 clusters. The cluster representatives meet monthly to discuss operational matters of the institute in the the Cluster Representatives Overleg (CRO).The CRO advises the Management Team, and serves as an important discussion and communication vehicle in the institute. Since the Cluster Representatives typically chair their research group, that have (bi)weekly meetings, all matters discussed in the CRO are to be communicated be the representatives in their research groups, to ensure efficient and timely communication. The list of clusters is currently: Theory, Natural Computing, Data Science, Systems & Security, Media & Interaction, Bio-imaging, ADA, Programming Edu, Computational Imaging & Deep Learning, Business

Education Office

The Education Office supervises and supports all teaching and student affairs. Read more about the Education Office.

Education Committees

The Bachelor Education Committee and the Master Education Committee consist of teaching staff members and students, and are assisted by study advisers. The committees have an independent position within the education programmes. Students can bring up issues concerning courses or tuition programmes, provide feedback on the teaching environment and contribute to further improve Computer Science education.
Read more about the Bachelor Education Committee.
Read more about the Master Education Committee. 
Read more about the Business Studies Education Committee.

Board of Examiners

The Board of Examiners consists of scientific staff members are appointed by the Board of the Faculty of Science and act independently from the research institutes.
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Institute Council

The Institute Council consists of scientists, lecturers, support staff and students. They provide a forum for discussing the institute’s current situation and its prospects with regards to policies, strategies and other institute matters.
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Scientific Council

The Scientific Council of LIACS consists of all Associate and Full professors with an appointment of at least 0.5 fte. The council meets several times per year to discuss matters of strategic importance to the institute, and advices the Management Team. The full MT is part of the Scientific Council. LIACS aims to have once or twice per year a larger (20-25 people) full day meeting on Strategic matters to which the Scientific Council members are invited and also some other members of the institute such as assistant professors and support staff.

Advisory Board

The Advisory Board consists of five eminent scientists with specialist expertise in complementary disciplines. They all have prominent positions in the field of Computer Science in the Netherlands outside our own institute.
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