Universiteit Leiden

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Leiden Institute of Physics

Fine Mechanical Department

What is the Fine Mechanical Department?

We have the required tools and knowledge for realizing the technical solutions to your questions.

  • 18 highly skilled and cooperative technicians.
  • A lot of knowledge on experimental research, engineering and production.
  • 3D design stations for visualization and engineering.
  • Outstanding workshop facilities with on-the-edge technologies.
  • Extensive technical warehouse.

We are dedicated to support experimental instrumentation and research within the institutes of Biology, Centre for Drug Research, Chemistry, Physics, Leiden Observatory and Laboratory for Astrophysics.

The FMD is hosted by the Physics Institute and welcomes you in the Gorlaeus Building.


  • Analysing your question and present a suitable solution(s),
  • Develop the solution to a design or advice,
  • Testing, preliminary design research, procurement,
  • Realisation according to the design,
  • Assembly, testing and modifications.

All of the above in close collaboration with you!

Working with the FMD is working together.

Meet us in an early stage of your research, so we can think with you!

When your research group has a regular contact person:
     -See the peoples page and make an appointment with that person.

When your research group has no regular contact person:
     -Contact our Project Coordinator; Gijsbert Verdoes

For a simple question or a small job:
     -Contact our Quick Service: more information at our entrance.

For the Technical Warehouse:
     -Visit us during office hours. Or contact Manon Mulder.

Where to find us:
     -Gorlaeus Building, ground floor, next to the wide stairs.

You are always welcome to visit our department.

To provide you with the best Quick Service possible, you should know the following:

1. A Quick Service job is best being described as a simple, non-complicated, self-contained, few hours job.

2. The Quick Service may have no background knowledge of your setup/project/experiment, or time to learn this. This can have effects on the safety issues, your information is the key to safety!

3. If design work and/or ordering materials/goods are involved, we tend to call it a project.

4. If you, or the Quick Service thinks that your question is beyond the Quick Service level you will be redirected to you regular contact person or the project coordinator of the FMD.

5. For a quick administration of materials and hours work, please bring your group name and a SAP number with you.

We are available for Quick Service between 08.00 and 17.00 hrs.

The technical warehouse is a FMD facility. The products that are kept on stock are to facilitate our work on the projects. The costs of the goods for these projects are debited to the SAP numbers of the research groups.

We welcome our customers to make use of this facility under the following conditions:

• Self Service is only after having received instructions.
• Instructions via the warehouse manager or your regular FMD contact.
• You need to know the appropriate SAP number for your purchase.
• Your purchases need to be registered with a coupon.
• Do not take any goods without a completed coupon.
• Fill out your coupon directly, completely and legibly.
• Goods return is only through the manager.
• The cutting of materials goes via the FMD Quick Service.
• Access only during opening hours (weekdays 8h00-17h00)
• For questions, address the warehouse manager or Quick Service.

Head of Department:
Maurice Heemskerk, heemskerk@physics.leidenuniv.nl
+31 71 527 5720
Mon – Fri
Gorlaeus Building, room EE.0.23


Visiting address
Leiden Institute of Physics
Huygens-Kamerlingh Onnes Laboratory
Niels Bohrweg 2
2333 CA Leiden
The Netherlands

Delivery address
Faculty of Science
Logistiek Centrum
tav Fijnmechanische Dienst
Wassenaarseweg 76
2333 AL Leiden

A half hour introduction tour will teach you the necessary details of what there is to know about the FMD and ELD. You will meet the relevant personnel and learn about the possibilities in engineering and production techniques. This way, you will know what to do if you need our help.

Date: Every first Monday of the month.

Send us an email at infoFMD@physics.leidenuniv.nl

Please mention the research group you are in so we can setup a meeting with the corresponding support for that group.

Our working hours are designated to the institutes: IBL, LACDR, LIC, LION and STRW. To check if we work according to the agreed proportion, we report back to the institutes. We do this by reporting the number of worked hours per SAP project. This is why we ask you to provide a SAP number.

Reports of worked hours are sent to the Directors of Operations every month. Every quarter there is an intermediate payment and the Project Bureau will receive a report of our department’s completed hours. At the end of the year there is a final calculation of worked hours and actual costs.

It is possible for others than FMD personnel, to use some of the our equipment and facilities. The following explains the what, when, why and how.
What facilities are available, and who is the expert:
  • Laser cutting on the Versalaser (Jeroen Mesman)
  • Laser welding on the Rofin laser spot welder (Thijs Hoogenboom)
  • Sandblasting on the macro- and micro blaster (Ruud van Egmond)
  • Leak detector (in the FMD) (Merlijn Camp)
  • Measuring Microscope (Merlijn Camp)
  • Ultrasonic cleaning (Merlijn Camp)
  • Ovens (Merlijn Camp)
  • Non-electric tools (Quick Service)
 For whom is this available:
  • You have followed our instructions and are skilled for the job.
  • You are connected to research groups that we support.
  • The job you need for is research, and research only.
  • You have asked the FMD expert for permission.
  • During office hours; between 9h00 and 16h00.
  • You have made a reservation of the equipment.
  • You have consulted your regular FMD support.
  • You will use the  equipment as intended.
  • You will obey the safety rules.
  • You will leave the workplace clean and neat.
  • If the tool leaves the FMD you will fill in the lend out form. 
Why do we facilitate:
  • It is a repeating job which you can do easily yourself
  • It saves time for the FMD support.
  • It speeds up your research.
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