Universiteit Leiden

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Leiden Academic Centre for Drug Research


The Leiden Academic Centre for Drug Research (LACDR) is responsible for the research and education in Bio-Pharmaceutical Sciences carried out at Leiden University.


LACDR as a research institute works at the leading edge of drug-design and fundamental research of new drugs, improvements and optimisation of existing drugs, and new developments in personalised medicine. Within Leiden University we participate in the research profile area of "Collaborative and effective drug development".

As an academic centre, we are also very strongly involved in education on several levels:

  • Training of undergraduate students, to become theoretically and experimentally trained in all relevant aspects of drug research and to gain hands-on experience in specialized research projects, leading to a Masters Degree in Bio-Pharmaceutical Sciences;
  • Training of graduate students, to become highly skilled and independent in experimental drug research through a specific 4-year project, leading to publications in international scientific literature and the PhD degree;
  • Collaboration with the (pharmaceutical) industry, in joint research projects and consultancies, and by offering specialized courses and symposia in relevant areas of drug research.

Read more about our vision, mission and lines of research

LACDR Institute Board

The institute board (IB) of the LACDR is responsible for all matters regarding research, education and operational management of the institute. 
The board members are: 
Scientific director: Prof.dr. Miranda van Eck  (chair)
Director of education: Dr. Rawi Ramautar
Director of operations: Thomas Klompmaker MSc MA

LACDR Management Team

The institute is led by the Institute Board in collaboration with the Management Team (MT). The MT is responsible for the daily management of the institute, and develops and implements research and education policies. 

The MT has regular contact with the Institute Council, the External Scientific Advisory Board, the Research Divisions and the Staff.

The members of the LACDR Management team:

LACDR Institute Council

The LACDR Institute Council (IR) offers the LACDR Management Team solicited and unsolicited advice on various matters of policy. If you have any matters you would like to bring to the attention of the Institute Council, do not hesitate to contact one of their members.

The IR of the LACDR is composed of people from all divisions, from all layers of the organisation (including students). The IR aims to serve as a bridge between the ‘working floor’ and the management team of the LACDR. During regular meetings (once every month), the IR advices the management team of the LACDR and brings points to their attention. Topics that are frequently discussed are: work pressure, education, student numbers, sustainability, diversity, etc.

Meet us every first Tuesday of the month

Every first Tuesday of the month we hold a walk-in/pre-meeting. Please do not hesistate to visit and to discuss any topic or matter you wish! On behalf of all of the IR members. 

The current LACDR Institute Council members and their contact details are:

Notes from these meetings are available for all LACDR employees, please mail chair Willem Jespers via ir@lacdr.leidenuniv.nl if you would like to request a copy.

Paragraph 47 and 48 from "facultair reglement" decribe the responsibilities of the Institute Council in more detail. Below you can find these paragraphs as well as an English Translation.

Reglement IR + Translation (pdf)


LACDR PhD Association

PhD candidates make up a significant community within the LACDR. It is important that we are represented well, therefore the PhD Association LACDR (PAL) was initiated. “PAL” represents the interests of PhD candidates in the decision-making processes of the university and fosters a sense of community among PhD candidates. The Association is comprised of representatives from various divisions who convene regularly to discuss important PhD-related matters.

We aim to provide clarity to PhD candidates regarding general concerns within different divisions or any changes implemented by the LACDR.

As part of the Institute council, PAL effectively communicates issues, ideas, and solutions to the Institute Council and daily board, the University PhD Council, and other relevant bodies. Once issues or ideas are brought forward, they will be discussed with the Institute council, who provides advice to the management team and usually addresses various topics, such as workload, education, student enrollment, facility changes, diversity, and more.

PhD candidates can reach out to us for advice or to report any concerns via pal@lacdr.leidenuniv.nl. Additionally, individual members can be contacted directly using the contact details provided in the Members section below

The current LACDR PhD Association members and their contact details are:

PhD Association regulations


LACDR Scientific Advisory Board

The Scientific Advisory Board  (SAB) of LACDR advises the management team in all strategic matters concerning the core tasks of the institute. In bi-annual meetings the research strategy of the institute, new developments regarding the LACDR teaching program and organizational topics are discussed. SAB members together are representative for LACDR's key stakeholders in academia including medical centers, governmental organization and pharma/biotech industry.

According to faculty regulations, the LACDR SAB has five members, with one member acting as chair. Currently the following SAB members have been appointed:

Frans Russel (Radboud Medical Center, Chair)

Carmen van Vilsteren (Chair Topsector Life Science & Health, Director Health at TU/e and Chair of e/MTIC Board)

Bert Leufkens (Pharmaceutical Policy and Regulatory Science at Utrecht University)

Ton Reinders (Consultant pharma & life sciences, former director of Oncode and Lygature

Bert Tuk (Tuk Consultancy Interim Management)


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