Universiteit Leiden

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Leiden Academic Centre for Drug Research


The distinction of outstanding and rewarded scientific and educational achievements is an important component of the promotion of our work at the LACDR.

Prizes and awards are sponsored and offered by a number of different organisations from industry, society or university. On this page we provide the announcements and procedures of internal and external research prizes, including how to apply and submit.

Below we have a list of the most relevant and interesting external research prizes that are sponsored.

Overview Prizes, Grants and Awards:

S.E. de Jongh-prize

Annual prize for a dissertation, research-report or scientific publication on the wider area of Pharmacology: pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics or clinical -pharmacology. The documents need to be accompanied by recommendation of the supervising professor. The jury consists of professors in Pharmacology at Leiden University.

Usually the deadline for submission is December 15th.

The prize is awarded at the annual Leiden Pharma Science Symposium in February.

Award: €1000,- and special memorial-coin of Prof. dr. S.E. de Jongh

For more information, please contact the secretary ms Jacqueline Ton: j.ton@lumc.nl

Galenusprijs, Galenus Research Prize of Medicine 

Annual Prize, awarded to the most significant and innovative research on the area of fundamental medicine-development or clinical medicine-research, performed during a PhD. The award consists of a golden medal, designed by Maitre Albert de Jaeger (grand prix de Rome), and €5000,-.

The prize is awarded at the DMD/FIGON conference at the Reehorst in Ede.

Deadline for submission is: 29th September.

More information (in Dutch) abouth the Galenus Research prize 

Suzanne Hovinga Award:

The aim of the Suzanne Hovinga foundation is to promote the studies of Bio-Pharmaceutical Sciences in Leiden and Biomedical Sciences in Utrecht. In Leiden, the Suzanne Hovinga Prize will be awarded to the student who has written a report on his/her Master internship of exceptional quality. The prize will be handed out each year during the LACDR Fall symposium.

Award: € 500,--

To be eligible your report, a signed assessment form (mark: 8,5 or higher) and a letter of recommendation must be submitted. Submission is only possible at the first opportunity after finishing the internship. Please submit your report, signed assessment form and a letter of recommendation by September 27 the latest. The submission can be send to Sharon Broekhof (s.broekhof@lacdr.leidenuniv.nl).

About the Award: The aim of the Suzanne Hovinga foundation is to promote the studies of Bio-Pharmaceutical Sciences in Leiden and Biomedical Sciences in Utrecht. In Leiden, the Suzanne Hovinga Prize will be awarded to the student who has written a report on his/her Master internship of exceptional quality. Both internal and external MSc internships from Bio Pharmaceutical Sciences are eligible. The prize will be handed out each year during the LACDR Fall symposium.

An independent jury will judge the submissions on the capability to demonstrate a basic understanding of the matter, logic of presentation of the material, thoroughness, readability and creativity. Only reports marked by an 8,5 or higher are eligible.

For more information, please contact Sharon Broekhof

Van Wersch Springboard Prize:

The Van Wersch Springboard prize at a value of € 10,000 has been made available by the Van Wersch Springplank Fund at the Leiden University Fund (LUF). The fund has been established by Mr. drs. L.J.A. van Wersch and Mrs. M.J.H. van Wersch-Knepflé.

This prize will be awarded biannual in even years. This amount is intended for activities related to research and will be donated to a talented researcher with the best dissertation in the field of pharmaceutical research, selected by the selection committee. In the event of a tie, the selection committee is free to award the prize to a maximum of 2 researchers. The available amount of money will then be shared. The prize winner will be accountable to the LUF for the use of the money within 12 months after receiving the amount by a short substantive report. The prize will be handed out during the LACDR Fall symposium.

Selection criteria

  • The eligible candidates have obtained a doctoral degree based on research carried out at the LACDR or CHDR, in any case under the supervision of a professor of LACDR and/or CHDR. 
  • Nominations are based on a completed thesis which have been defended no longer than two years prior to the date of a call for nominations or have been approved by the Doctorate Committee and therefore ready for defense. The deadline is June, 1st of the year in which the prize is awarded. 
  • A thesis can only be nominated once. 


The timeline for this grant is as follows:

  • Applications can be submitted before 11 July 2022 by sending the digital thesis and a recommendation letter of max. two A4 to Sharon Broekhof: s.broekhof@lacdr.leidenuniv.nl.
  • A selection committee of independent eminent scientists will select the award winner.
  • The winner will be celebrated in a ceremony to be held during an LACDR event in the fall of 2022.


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