Leiden University Centre for Digital Humanities
Small Grants Call for Applications 2023-2024
The LUCDH funds the development of Digital Humanities & AI research activities, knowledge, and skills through a Small Grants program.
LUCDH invites Leiden University members of staff, affiliates, or PhD students within the Humanities Faculty (or those co-working with a member of staff or student within the Humanities Faculty) to apply.
Application Deadline 15 Dec 2023 (23:59 CET) - now closed.
We welcome researchers applying for financial support with costly Infrastructure items. These could include research software, lab equipment, or software development. If this applies to your research project, please contact us at lucdh@hum.leidenuniv.nl.
*Awards for Small Grant research projects will be granted on condition of a successful interview with an LUCDH staff member.
- Who can apply?
- What can I apply for?
- How much can be applied for?
- What is the deadline for applications?
- How can I apply?
- Who will evaluate the proposals?
- Do you have examples of successful projects?
- What are the expectations for Research Development projects?
- What are the expectations for Personal Development tracks?
- Can I also apply for projects that are educational in nature?
Who can apply?
You can apply for the Small Grants if you are a Leiden University member of staff, an affiliate, or a PhD student within the Humanities Faculty or are co-working with a member of staff or student within the Humanities Faculty.
What can I apply for?
We welcome applications for two kinds of grants
a. Research Development projects
These funds are intended to help the applicant develop Digital Humanities research that is exploratory in nature, such as a grassroots project or a proof of concept. Successful applications have the potential to lead to larger individual or collaborative research projects and/or grant proposals. The proposal can be in any field of the humanities and can engage any aspect of the Digital, including research on digital media or the development of digital text or audiovisual sources and methods.
Funds can be used for research assistance, including (short) student assistantships, equipment or software, infrastructural support (for costly items, please contact us first at lucdh@hum.leidenuniv.nl), events such as planning meetings, workshops, or consultations. Funds can be combined with other internal or external sources of funding.
Note: Any material(s) or software purchased from an awarded Small Grant will remain the property of LUCDH, and must be returned to LUCDH at the agreed completion date of a project. These items will then be available for other DH researchers to borrow.
Follow-up projects are eligible, but priority will be given to projects that chart new territory for the researcher and humanities research at Leiden.
b. Personal Development tracks
This funding covers costs associated with participation in a summer school, workshop, or other personal development track related to Digital Humanities knowledge and/or skills.
How much can be applied for?
- The maximum amount that can be requested for Research Development grants is 3500 Euro.
- The maximum amount that can be requested for Personal Development grants is 1000 Euro.
In some cases, the funding committee may elect to award a portion of the requested budget to promising projects in instances where the committee judges a lower level of funding is feasible and suitable.
What is the deadline for applications?
The deadline for applications in this call will be 15 December 2023 (23:59 CET).
If you have not received confirmation within 4 work days that your application has been received, please check in with us at lucdh@leidenuniv.nl.
*Applicants will be notified in January 2024 whether their proposal has been successful or not in reaching the interview stage. At this interview, an LUCDH staff member will assess if your project meets the conditions of the Small Grant.
How can I apply?
You can apply for Research Development project grants by filling out the Research Development project proposal form:
pdf: Research Development appl. download location;
word doc: Research Development appl. download location.
- Fill in this link: Small Grant - Administrative form, and
- the relevant form
- a current CV
- a file detailing the funds requested
to lucdh@hum.leidenuniv.nl before 15 December 2023 (23:59 CET) using the subject line “Small Grants Proposal”.
If you have not received confirmation within 4 work days that your application has been received, please check in with us at lucdh@leidenuniv.nl.
You can apply for Personal Development track grants by filling out the Personal Development track proposal form:
pdf: Personal Development appl. download location;
word doc: Personal Development appl. download location.
- Fill in this link: Small Grant - Administrative form, and
- the relevant form
- a current CV
- a file detailing the funds requested
to lucdh@hum.leidenuniv.nl before 15 December 2023 (23:59 CET) using the subject line “Small Grants Proposal”.
If you have not received confirmation within 4 work days that your application has been received, please check in with us at lucdh@leidenuniv.nl.
Who will evaluate the proposals?
All proposals will be evaluated by a committee consisting of LUCDH Staff Members and a member of the LUCDH Advisory Board.
Do you have examples of successful projects?
Yes, you can find a list of previously funded Small Grants projects here.
If you still have doubts whether and how your research development project idea is feasible and/or eligible for funding, do not hesitate to contact us at lucdh@hum.leidenuniv.nl
What are the expectations for Research Development projects?
We will invite all successful applicants of Research Development grants for a meeting with a LUCDH staff member to discuss their projects, with an eye to identify potential challenges and opportunities and provide advice where and if needed.
The LUCDH will also ask all successful applicants to provide:
- In Jan/Feb 2024: One paragraph and one image for the project page on the LUCDH website.
- In Jan 2025: A presentation of the project’s results or progress during the yearly "Digital Pilot Project" Symposium.
- Upon completion of the project, but no later than January 2025:
- A one-page report, detailing the project’s results and an overview of challenges encountered and opportunities identified.
- An overview of all project expenses.
- An updated text and image for the project page on the LUCDH website.
What are the expectations for Personal Development tracks?
The LUCDH will ask all successful applicants to provide:
- Upon completion of the track, but no later than January 2025:
- A half-page report, discussing the knowledge and/or skills gained during this personal development track and if and how this has led or may lead to opportunities for the researcher.
- An overview of all personal development track expenses.
Can I also apply for projects that are educational in nature?
The primary purpose of the Small Grants is to support research developments, knowledge, and skills. If you are primarily interested in digital innovation in education instead consider applying for FGW Onderwijsinnovatie grants (form in Dutch) - application deadline 3 October 2023. Contact ecole@hum.leidenuniv.nl for further information on possible grant opportunities.