Universiteit Leiden

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Sign up/log in

Please sign up here for to the Leiden University Mentor Network.
In case you already registered, you can log in on mentornetwerk.universiteitleiden.nl.

Please note:
In case you sign up as a mentor, please don't forget to mention your Leiden University study and faculty on your personal profile. These are the terms that are mostly used by students and young alumni when they search for a mentor!

Apply as a mentor or mentee   

Your knowledge and experience can be very valuable to students and young alumni. Do you enjoy freeing up your time to help them and would you like to become a mentor? If so, please register as a mentor.

Would you like to get in touch with a mentor yourself? This is possible. Alumni can choose to be a mentor, a mentee or both at the same time in the mentor network. Students can only use the mentor network as a mentee.

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