Universiteit Leiden

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Marieke Liem

Professor Security and Interventions

Prof.dr. M.C.A. Liem
+31 70 800 9935

Marieke Liem is professor of Security and Interventions at Leiden University, where she and her team coordinate the European Homicide Monitor. A graduate of University of Cambridge in the U.K., Marieke Liem completed her PhD in Forensic Psychology from Utrecht University, the Netherlands. Before joining the Institute of Security and Global Affairs, she was a Marie Curie fellow at Harvard University. Her research interests involve interpersonal violence, with specific research projects on domestic homicide (including intimate partner homicide), homicide by the mentally ill, homicide followed by suicide, the effects of confinement on violent offenders, and international comparative research on lethal violence.

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A graduate of University of Cambridge in the U.K., Marieke Liem completed her PhD in Forensic Psychology from Utrecht University , the Netherlands. She has conducted research on homicide in various countries, and is currently chairing the European Homicide Research Group. Her research interests involve interpersonal violence, with specific research projects on domestic homicide, homicide by the mentally ill, homicide followed by suicide, the effects confinement on violent offenders, and international comparative research in lethal violence.

Together with William Pridemore , Liem has brought together scholars working in the field of homicide research. This collaboration has resulted in the Handbook of European Homicide Research, and a recent Special Issue of the European Journal of Crimonology devoted to homicide in Europe.

Her recent research focuses on the effects of long-term imprisonment of homicide offenders. Recent publications on this topic include Post-Release Success Among Paroled Lifers in Laws, The Role of Transformation Narratives in Desistance Among Released Lifers in Criminal Justice and Behavior and Criminal Recidivism Among Homicide Offenders in the Journal of Interpersonal Violence. Her article on Recidivism of Homicide Offenders was featured in Aggression and Violent Behavior; and she was quoted in feature on the Prison Problem.

For a complete overview of scholarly publications, please click here.

You can download her CV here

Professor Security and Interventions

  • Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
  • Institute of Security and Global Affairs
  • Physical violence and public order

Work address

Turfmarkt 99
2511 DP The Hague
Room number 4.15




  • Stichting Sileo Bestuurder
  • Stichting Intelligence Studies Bestuurder
  • EUDA Lid wetenschappelijke commissie
  • International Criminology Editorial Board member
  • Politieacademie - Landelijke Deskundigheid Makelaar (LDM) Als deskundige desgevraagd advies geven in zaken van ernstig geweld.
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