Catherijne Knibbe
Professor of Individualized drug treatment
- Name
- Prof.dr. C.A.J. Knibbe
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 6329
- 0000-0001-9893-4415
Catherijne Knibbe (Prof. Dr.) is Professor of Individualized Drug Treatment.
More information about Catherijne Knibbe
PhD Candidates
Former PhD candidates
Aline Engbers
Lu Chen
Sjoerd de Hoogd
Sinziana Cristea
Cornelis Smit
Sebastiaan Goulooze
Roeland Wassman
Yvette Lentferink
Jantine Brussee
Elisa Calvier
Rick Admiraal
Marloes van der Aa
Anne van Rongen
Margreke Brill
Soulmaz Fazeli Farsani
Roosmarijn de Cock
Laura van Gulik
Ibrahim Ince
Jeroen Diepstraten
Chenguang Wang
Elke Krekels
Simone van Kralingen
Imke Bartelink
Sabine Ahlers
Mariska Peeters
Professional background & training
Professor Knibbe is professor of Individualized Drug Treatment at the Leiden University since 2010, clinical pharmacologist-hospital pharmacist in the St. Antonius Hospital in Nieuwegein since 2001 and holds a guest appointment at the Erasmus MC/Sophia Childrens Hospital since 2003 for different collaborative pediatric clinical pharmacology projects.
She studied pharmacy at Utrecht University where she received MSc and Pharm D degrees in 1994 and 1996 respectively. After graduation she qualified as a hospital pharmacist in 2001, as clinical pharmacologist in 2002 and received her PhD at Leiden University in 2002.
Knibbe leads the Quantitive Clinical Pharmacology group which focusses on the development and application of advanced computational techniques combining the statistical power of the population approach with physiologically-based approaches, to predict the efficacy and safety of drugs and optimize dosing in special patient populations like such as (prematurely born) neonates or children, individuals with obesity or critically ill patients.
For her research line she is supported by different grants, among which different ZonMw grants for dosing individualization in neonates, children and individuals with obesity, the prestigious Vidi grant in 2013 for her research project ‘From Descriptive to Predictive Pharmacology in Children using Semi-Physiological population modelling’ and a Veni grant in 2006.
She has supervised 24 PhD students, is currently co-supervising 12 PhD students and 2 Post Docs, and is co-author of over 300 international peer-reviewed publications and contributions to books. She is a frequently invited speaker on national and international conferences.
Dr. Knibbe became a Fellow (FCP) of the American College of Clinical Pharmacology (ACCP) in 2019. In 2009, she was awarded the ‘Huizenga penning’ by the Dutch Society of Hospital Pharmacy, which is an award presented to young Dutch hospital-pharmacists for scientific work of outstanding quality. In 2002, she received the Best PhD Thesis Award 2002 by the Dutch Society of Clinical Pharmacology and Biopharmacy. Many of her (former) PhD students have received awards for their work.
Other activities
In the St. Antonius hospital, Dr. Knibbe is member of the Management Board of the Department of Clinical Pharmacy of the St. Antonius hospital, supervisor of the Clinical Pharmacology training program, co-supervisor of the Hospital Pharmacy training program, and consultant for the department of Intensive Care and Anesthesiology. She is an active member of the American College of Clinical Pharmacology (ACCP) where she serves in the Board of Regents, as co-chair of the Annual Meeting program committee, and many other capacities. She is a member of Scientific Council of Kika, of the national expert group on dosing guidelines for obese and bariatric surgery patients of the KNMP, has been member of the Central Committee of Research Involving Human Subjects (the 'CCMO') in The Hague from 2011-2023, member of the certification committee of the Dutch Society of Clinical Pharmacology & Biopharmacy from 2004-2023, has been chair of the Concilium Hospital Pharmacy of the Dutch Society of Hospital Pharmacy and member of the national Committee of State ‘Doek’ involving medical-ethical aspects of (non-therapeutic) research in children.
Professor of Individualized drug treatment
- Science
- Leiden Academic Centre for Drug Research
- LACDR/Pharmacology
- Ziekenhuisapotheker-Klinisch Farmacoloog (Staflid)
- guestappointment
- Lid programma commissie(s)
- Geven van lezingen op nascholingsactiviteiten