Universiteit Leiden

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Sarah Vandenbroucke


S.E.M. Vandenbroucke LLM
+31 71 527 2727

Titel onderzoek: Compliance with fundamental labor rights through codes of conduct in the global supply chain.

Meer informatie over Sarah Vandenbroucke

Sarah Vandenbroucke is a promovendus at the department of Business studies at Leiden Law School since March 2020. She pursued her bachelor’s degree in law in France (Lille), then obtained a Master in European Law from Leiden Law School in 2017 and a Master in European Labor Studies from Amsterdam Graduate School of Social Sciences in 2018. Before joining Leiden University, she worked in New Delhi (India) for the ILO regional office for South Asia.

In her research, Sarah Vandenbroucke addresses the topics of Corporate Social Responsibility and Business Ethics, and the effectiveness of corporate self-regulation to implement fundamental labor rights. The title of her PhD project is “Compliance with fundamental labor rights through codes of conduct in the global supply chain”. It observes the impact of codes of conduct in practice on the conditions of work in the multinationals’ supply chains.

This PhD is conducted in Empirical Legal Studies, involving quantitative and qualitative methodologies of research. With a background in law and in sociology, Sarah Vandenbroucke alternates discipline to answer her research questions and analyze practical implications of the adoption of codes of conducts. The data collected for this research are compiled in the Database of Business Ethics developed by Leiden University.


  • Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
  • Instituut Fiscale en Economische vakken
  • Bedrijfswetenschappen


Kamerlingh Onnes Gebouw
Steenschuur 25
2311 ES Leiden
Kamernummer B2.26



  • Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
  • Instituut Fiscale en Economische vakken
  • Bedrijfswetenschappen


  • Observatoire de l'Ethique Publique Participation to a research think tank on public ethics in France.
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