Jeroen Duindam
Wetenschappelijk directeur / hoogleraar geschiedenis van de vroegmoderne tijd
- Naam
- Prof.dr. J.F.J. Duindam
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 2759
- 0000-0002-7175-5545
Jeroen Duindam is Wetenschappelijk Directeur en hoogleraar vroegmoderne geschiedenis bij het Instituut voor Geschiedenis.
Meer informatie over Jeroen Duindam
- Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen
- Leiden Institute for Area Studies
- SAS China
Wetenschappelijk directeur / hoogleraar geschiedenis van de vroegmoderne tijd
- Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen
- Instituut voor Geschiedenis
- Duindam. J.F.J. (2023), Early Modern Questions about the Post-Revolutionary Royal Court. In: Holtz B., Wienfort M. & Neugebauer W. (red.), Der preußische Hof und die Monarchien in Europa: Akteure, Modelle, Wahrnehmungen (1786-1918). Paderborn, Boston, Leiden : Schoening-Brill . 52-84.
- Duindam J.F.J. (2023), Families and power: a global perspective, European History Quarterly 53(3): 482-494.
- Duindam J.F.J. (2023), Bespreking van: Gelder K. van (2021), More than mere spectacle: coronations and inaugurations in the Habsburg monarchy during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. New York: Berghahn. Austrian History Yearbook 54: 228-229.
- Duindam J.F.J. (2022), Framing emptiness: response to a grandiloquent discussion of dynasty, Global Intellectual History 7(5): 876-881.
- Duindam J.F.J. (2022), Bachofen redivivus?: Female-biased kinship in world history . In: Weeda C., Sicking L. & Stein R. (red.), Communities, environment and regulation in the premodern world: essays in honour of Peter Hoppenbrouwers. CORN Publication Series nr. 20: Brepols. 27-46.
- Duindam J.F.J. (9 november 2022), Is ‘Great Ming’ a Dynasty: Discussant (Lezing).
- Duindam J.F.J. (2022), Echoes of global political dynasty in modern business families. Jewish Business Dynasties 1850-1950: Family, Power, Vulnerability 18 september 2022 - 20 september 2022. Seneffe, Belgium: Jewish Business Dynasties 1850-1950: Family, Power, Vulnerability.
- Duindam J.F.J. (2022), Central European Interdisciplinary Summer School (c. 1200-1700): Comparison: why and how? (Zoom workshop) (University of Pécs). [overig].
- Duindam J.F.J., Somsen Q.O. & Welten F.J.J. (2022), Organisation and opening lecture: Conference Monarchy in Turmoil. Princes, Courts, and Politics in Revolution and Restoration, 1780-1830. Monarchy in Turmoil. Princes, Courts, and Politics in Revolution and Restoration, 1780-1830 18 mei 2022 - 20 mei 2022. Leiden.
- Duindam J.F.J. (2021), Gender, succession and dynastic rule, History and Anthropology 32(2): 151-170.
- Duindam J.F.J. (2021), Zon en maan: de Franse koning en zijn maîtresse Bespreking van: Adams T. & Adams C. (2020) The Creation of the French Royal Mistress. From Agnès Sorel to Madame Du Barry, Tijdschrift voor Geschiedenis 134(2): 327-328.
- Duindam J.F.J. (2020), Dynasty. A Very Short Introduction. RealAudio: [audio].
- Duindam J.F.J. (2019), A plea for global comparison: redefining dynasty, Past and Present: a Journal of Historical Studies 242(Supp-14): 318–347.
- Duindam J.F.J. (2019), Dynasty. a Very Short Introduction: Oxford University Press.
- Duindam J.F.J. (2019), Bespreking van: Earenfight Theresa (2018), Royal and Elite Households in Medieval and Early Modern Europe. More than Just a Caslte. Boston. Zeitschrift für historische Forschung 46(2): 298-300.
- Duindam J.F.J. (2019), Bespreking van: Swann Julian (2019), 'Hovelingen uit de gratie: van de cold shoulder tot terechtstelling'. Exile, Imprisonment or Death. The Politics of Disgrace in Bourbon France, 1610-1789.. Oxford: 2017. Tijdschrift voor Geschiedenis 132(1): 135-136.
- Duindam J.F.J. (2019), Crossing Boundaries: Diplomacy and the Global Dimension, 1700–1850, International History Review : .
- Berkel M. van, Duindam J.F.J., Favereau M., Geevers L., Gommans G., Leeuwen R. van & Rietbergen P. (2018), Prince, Pen, and Sword. Eurasian Perspectives nr. 15. Leiden, Boston: Brill.
- Duindam J.F.J. (2018), Rulers and elites in global history: introductory observations. In: Berkel M. van & Duindam J.F.J. (red.), Prince, pen, and sword: Eurasian perspectives. Rulers & Elites nr. 15. Leiden/Boston: Brill. 1-31.
- Duindam J.F.J. (2018), The court as a meeting point: cohesion, competition, control. In: Berkel M. van. & Duindam J.F.J. (red.), Prince, pen, and sword: Eurasian perspectives. Rulers & Elites nr. 15. Leiden/Boston: Brill. 32-128.
- Duindam J.F.J. (2018), Prince, pen, and sword: Eurasian perspectives. In: Berk M. van & Duindam J.F.J. (red.), Prince, pen, and sword: Eurasian perspectives nr. 15. Leiden/Boston: Brill. 542-565.
- Duindam J.F.J. (2018), Société de cour: policer l'aristocratie. In: Charle Christophe & Roche Daniel (red.), L’EUROPE ENCYCLOPÉDIE HISTORIQUE: Actes Sud. 1044-1048.
- Duindam J.F.J. (2018), Bespreking van: Pomerantz M. & Vitz B. (2017), In the Presence of Power: Court and Performance in the Pre-Modern Middle East. New York. New York: New York University Press. The Medieval Review .
- Duindam J.F.J. (2017), Pre-modern Power Elites: Princes, Courts, Intermediaries. In: , The Palgrave Handbook of Political Elites: Palgrave. 161-179.
- Duindam J.F.J. (2017), ウィーンとヴェルサイユ ヨーロッパにおけるライバル宮廷 [tr. Duindam J.F.J., Vienna and Versailles. The Courts of Europe's Dynastic Rivals 1550-1780 (Cambridge University Press 2003)]. Tokyo: Tosui Shobo.
- Duindam J.F.J. & Gommans J.J.L. (red.) (2017), Rulers and Elites.
- Duindam J.F.J. (2016), Bespreking van: Featherstone Michael, Spieser Jean-Michel & Tanman Gülru (2016), The Emperor's House. Palaces from Augustus to the Age of Absolutism. Urban Spaces nr. 4. Berlijn: De Gruyter. Sehepunkte: Rezensionsjournal für Geschichtswissenschaften 16(6).
- Duindam J.F.J. (2016), Bespreking van: McMahon Keith (2016), Celestial Women: Imperial Wives and Concubines in China from Song to Qing. Leiden, Boston: Brill. NAN NÜ: Men, Women and Gender in Early and Imperial China 18(2): 400-401.
- Duindam J.F.J. (2015), Dynasties. A Global History of Power 1300-1800. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Duindam J.F.J. (2015), Royal Courts. In: Scott H. (red.), The Oxford Handbook of Early Modern European History. 1350-1750. Volume II Cultures and Power. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 440-477.
- Duindam J.F.J. (2015), Dynasty and Elites: from Early Modern Europe to Late Imperial China. In: Geevers L. & Marini M. (red.), Dynastic Identity in Early Modern Europe. Rulers, Aristocrats and the Formation of Identities. Farnham: Ashgate. 59-83.
- Duindam J.F.J. (6 september 2015), Der Günstling global? Favourites and Faction at Early Modern Courts. Der Günstling global? Favourites and Faction at Early Modern Courts: [blog].
- Duindam J.F.J. (2015), Dynasties, Medieval Worlds: Comparative and Interdisciplinary Studies 1(2): 59-78.
- Duindam J.F.J. (2015), De Europese universiteit: tussen wal en schip?, De Nederlandse Boekengids 1(1): 30-31.
- Duindam J.F.J. & Dabringhaus S. (2014), The Dynastic Centre and the Provinces. Agents and Interactions nr. 5. Leiden, Boston: Brill.
- Dabringhaus S. & Duindam J.F.J. (2014), The Dynastic Centre and the Provinces The Dynastic Centre and the Provinces. Agents and Interactions. Rulers & Elites nr. 5. Leiden and Boston: Brill.
- Duindam J.F.J. (2014), Bespreking van: Subrahmanyam Sanjay (2012), Translating Courtliness and Violence in Early Modern Eurasia: Harvard University Press. The Historian 76(3): 614-616.
- Duindam J.F.J. (2013), L’Europe des cours princières Entre Renaissance et premier XVIIe siècle. In: Ducos Blaise (red.), L'Europe de Rubens. Catalogue d'exposition. Paris: Hazan-Hachette. 72-109.
- Duindam J.F.J., Harries Jill, Humfress Caroline & Hurvitz Nimrod (2013), 'Introduction'. In: Duindam Jeroen, Harries JIll, Humfress Caroline & Hurvitz Nimrod (red.), Law and Empire. Ideas, Practices, Actors. Leiden, Boston: Brill. 1-22.
- Duindam J.F.J. (2013), The politics of female households: afterthoughts. In: Akkerman N. & Houben B. (red.), The Politics of Female Households. Ladies-in-Waiting across Early Modern Europe. Rulers & Elites nr. 4. Leiden, Boston: Brill. 365-370.
- Duindam J.F.J., Harries Jill, Humfress Caroline & Hurvitz Nimrod (red.) (2013), Law and Empire: Ideas, Practices, Actors. Leiden, Boston: Brill.
- Duindam J.F.J. (2013) EEN BASTION VAN ADELSMACHT IN HET HART VAN DE FRANSE MONARCHIE. Bespreking van: Horowski Leonhard (2012), Die Belagerung des Thrones. Machtstrukturen und Karrieremechanismen am Hof von Frankreich, 1661-1789. Ostfildern: Thorbecke Verlag GMBH Stuttgart. TIJDSCHRIFT VOOR GESCHIEDENIS 126(3): 419-420.
- Duindam J.F.J. (2013) Book review: The French court in the eighteenth century: noble power and Royal obstinacy. Bespreking van: (2012|2012), Ambrogio A.Caiani, Louis XVI and the French Revolution, 1789-1792|Leonhard Horowski: Die Belagerung des Thrones. Machtstrukturen und Karrieremechanismen am Hof von Frankreich 1661-1789. Cambridge|Ostfildern: Cambridge University Press|Thorbecke. Sehepunkte: Rezensionsjournal für Geschichtswissenschaften .
- Duindam J.F.J. (2013) LODEWIJK XVI OPNIEUW VOOR HET GERECHT?. Bespreking van: Caiani Ambrogio (2012), Louis XVI and the French Revolution, 1789-1792. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. TIJDSCHRIFT VOOR GESCHIEDENIS 126(4).
- Duindam J.F.J. (2013), Bespreking van: Subrahmanyam S. (2012), Courtly Encounters. Translating Courtliness and Violence in Early Modern Eurasia.. Cambridge Mass.: Harvard University Press. The Historian .
- Duindam J.F.J. (2013), Adel en staat in vroegmodern Europa. De omkering van een geschiedbeeld, Virtus : bulletin van de Werkgroep Adelsgeschiedenis 19: 39-48.
- Duindam J.F.J. (2012), The Habsburg Court in Vienna: Kaiserhof or Reichshof?. In: Evans R.J.W. & Wilson P.H. (red.), The Holy Roman Empire 1495-1806: A European Perspective. Leiden; Boston: Brill. 91-119.
- Duindam J.F.J. (2012), LE CENTRE DYNASTIQUE EN EUROPE ET EN ASIE: UNE COMPARAISON IDEALE. In: Fantoni Marcello (red.), The Court in Europa. Rome: Bulzoni. 375-406.
- Duindam J.F.J. (2012) Review of : D. De Vooght, Royal taste : food, power and status at the European European courts after 1789, Ashgate, 2012. Bespreking van: De Vooght Danielle (2011), Royal taste : food, power and status at the European courts after 1789. Aldershot: Ashgate. Food and History 9, 2: 309-311.
- Duindam J.F.J. (2012), Bespreking van: Storrs Chr. (2009), The fiscal-military state in eighteenth-century Europe. Essays in honour of P.G.M. Dickson. Farnham/Burlington: Ashgate. Zeitschrift für historische Forschung 2: 130-131.
- Duindam J.F.J. (2012), Almacht en onmacht: heersers en hun leefomgeving, Leidschrift 27(2): 7-16.
- Duindam J.F.J. (red.) (2012), . European History Quarterly. London: SAGE.
- Duindam J.F.J. (red.) (2012), . The Hungarian Historical Review. Budapest: Hungarian Academy of Sciences.
- Duindam J.F.J. (red.) (2012), . Virtus : bulletin van de Werkgroep Adelsgeschiedenis. Hilversum: Uitgeverij Verloren.
- Duindam J.F.J. (red.) (2012), . Rulers & Elites. Leiden: Brill.
- Duindam J.F.J. (2011), Versailles, Vienna, and Beyond: Changing Views of Household and Government in Early Modern Europe. In: Duindam J., Artan T. & Kunt I.M. (red.), Royal Courts in Dynastic States and Empires: A Global Perspective. Boston; Leiden: Brill. 401-431.
- Duindam J.F.J. (2011), Royal courts in dynastic states and empires. Introduction. In: Artan T., Kunt I.M. & Duindam J. (red.), Royal courts in dynastic states and empires. A Global Perspective. Leiden; Boston: Brill. 1-23.
- Duindam J.F.J. (2011), Courts, Rulers and Elites in Early Modern Europe and Asia: les extrèmes se touchent?. In: Eich P., Schmidt-Hofner S. & Wieland C. (red.), Der wiederkehrende Leviathan. Staatlichkeit und Staatswerdung in Spätantike und Früher Neuzeit. Heidelberg: Universitaetsverlag Winter. 317-342.
- Duindam J.F.J., Artan T. & Kunt I.M. (red.) (2011), Royal courts in dynastic states and empires: a global perspective nr. 1. Leiden; Boston: Brill.
- Duindam J.F.J. (2011) Book Review: ¿Louis XIV espagnol? Madrid et Versailles, images et modeles. Versailles and Paris, Centre de recherche du château de Versailles. Bespreking van: Sabatier G. & Torrione M. (2009), ¿Louis XIV espagnol? Madrid et Versailles, images et modeles. Versailles and Paris, Centre de recherche du château de Versailles nr. 189. Paris; Versailles: Edition de la Maison des sciences de l'homme. H-France Review 11: 1-4.
- Duindam J.F.J. (2011), Vergelijking als Maatstaf, Holland in de wereld, de wereld in Holland, Holland: historisch tijdschrift 43(3): 158-167.
- Duindam J.F.J. (2011), Bespreking van: Nexon Daniel (2009), The Struggle for Power in Early Modern Europe: Religious Conflict, Dynastic Empires and International Change nr. 4. Princeton NJ: Princeton University Press. European History Quarterly 41: 712-714.
- Duindam J.F.J. (2010), El legado borgoñón en la vida cortesana de los Habsburgo austriacos. In: Jonge Krista de & Garcia Garcia Bernardo (red.), El Legado de Borgoña. Fiesta y Ceremonia Cortesana en la Europa de los Austrias (1454-1648). Madrid 35-58.
- Duindam J.F.J. (2010), Early Modern Europe: beyond the strictures of modernization and national historiography, European History Quarterly 40(4): 606-623.
- Duindam J.F.J. (2003), Vienna and Versailles. The Courts of Europe's Dynastic Rivals. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Duindam J.F.J. (1995), Myths of Power. Norbert Elias and the Early Modern European Court. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.