Universiteit Leiden

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Elizabeth den Hartog

Universitair docent

Dr. E. den Hartog
+31 71 527 2686

Kunsthistorica Elizabeth den Hartog bestudeert middeleeuwse sculpturen. Momenteel werkt zij aan een onderzoeksproject over Gotische sculpturen in Nederland. Zij bestudeert ook kastelen en landhuizen in Nederland en plaatst die in een mondiale context. Elizabeth is ook betrokken bij de architecctuur van kerken rond het jaar 1000 rondom het gebied van Lotharingen.

Meer informatie over Elizabeth den Hartog

Meer informatie is beschikbaar op de Engelstalige pagina

My research focuses on three subject areas: Firstly, the relation between sculpture and architecture in the Middle Ages. Within this framework I have compiled an inventory of all of the Romanesque building sculptures in Maastricht and subsequently made an analysis of them. This resulted in a file catalogue and an exhibition at the Maastricht Bonnefanten Museum in 2003 -2004:  De Weg naar het Paradijs (The Road to Paradise). I am currently involved in setting up a research project on Gothic building sculptures in the Netherlands and, together with a team, I am studying the rood screen fragments of the St Nicholas church in Ghent. 
Secondly, I study the castles and country estates in the Netherlands, placing them in a world-wide context. This interest has arisen from my second job at the Castle Foundation (Kastelenstichting) Holland and Zeeland. This foundation supervises the castle ruins of Teylingen (Municipality of Teylingen) and Brederode (Municiplaity of Santpoort). In this context, I have conducted research on such subjects as the position of animals in and around castles as well as in country estates in Noordwijkerhout (Leeuwenhorst and Dijkenburg). 
Within the scope of the Francia Media research group, I am involved with Church architecture around the year 1000 in the former area of Lotharingen.

Universitair docent

  • Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen
  • Centre for the Arts in Society
  • KG Architectuurgeschiedenis


Arsenaalstraat 1
2311 CT Leiden
Kamernummer A1.34




  • Rijksdienst voor het Cultureel Erfgoed Project bouwsculptuur
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