Elizabeth den Hartog
University Lecturer
- Name
- Dr. E. den Hartog
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 2686
- e.den.hartog@hum.leidenuniv.nl
- 0000-0002-5499-8393
Elizabeth den Hartog is a University Lecturer at the Leiden University Centre for the Arts in Society.
My research focuses on three subject areas: Firstly, the relation between sculpture and architecture in the Middle Ages. Within this framework I have compiled an inventory of all of the Romanesque building sculptures in Maastricht and subsequently made an analysis of them. This resulted in a file catalogue and an exhibition at the Maastricht Bonnefanten Museum in 2003 -2004: De Weg naar het Paradijs (The Road to Paradise). I am currently involved in setting up a research project on Gothic building sculptures in the Netherlands and, together with a team, I am studying the rood screen fragments of the St Nicholas church in Ghent.
Secondly, I study the castles and country estates in the Netherlands, placing them in a world-wide context. This interest has arisen from my second job at the Castle Foundation (Kastelenstichting) Holland and Zeeland. This foundation supervises the castle ruins of Teylingen (Municipality of Teylingen) and Brederode (Municiplaity of Santpoort). In this context, I have conducted research on such subjects as the position of animals in and around castles as well as in country estates in Noordwijkerhout (Leeuwenhorst and Dijkenburg).
Within the scope of the Francia Media research group, I am involved with Church architecture around the year 1000 in the former area of Lotharingen.
Curriculum Vitae
After completing secondary school in Nijmegen, I studied History of Art at the Courtauld Institute of Art in London. In 1986, I was appointed part-time lecturer for the History of Medieval Architecture. In 1988, I obtained my doctorate in London with the dissertation ‘Twelfth century architecture and sculpture in the diocese of Liège and the duchy of Brabant, a formal analysis and a study of the origins, function and symbolism’. In 1999, I was awarded a grant from the Mondrian Foundation in order to compile a catalogue and a book on the Romanesque sculptures in Maastricht, and I acquired a part-time appointment at the Bonnefanten Museum in Maastricht for the period from August 1999 to August 2001. From 2002 - 2003 this was followed by a guest curatorship in order to prepare the exhibition De weg naar het Paradijs. Since 2001, I have also worked part-time for the Castle Foundation of Holland and Zeeland.
Teaching activities
I am the coordinator of a series of formal lectures on the specialist subject of Medievalism: Highlights of Medieval Art, and I also give several lectures within the specialist subject.
At the History of Art Department, I give lectures for first-year students on Medieval Architecture, the basic course report and a paper. For second-year students, I am involved as an architecture teacher in the Florence excursion. I also supervise a number of BA and doctoral theses. Finally, I give a number of series of independent lectures. In addition, I always enjoy accompanying the Leiden Art Historical Society on its excursions.
Romanesque Architecture and Sculpture in the Meuse Valley, Maaslandse Monografieën nr.8, Leeuwarden-Mechelen 1992.
‘Het maecenaat van Filips van de Elzas en zijn opvolgers. Over de oorsprong van het Ingeborgpsalter en de verbreiding van de Muldenstil’, Handelingen der Maatschappij voor Geschiedenis en Oudheidkunde te Gent, Nieuwe Reeks, Deel XLVIII, 1994, pp. 1-101.
Romanesque Sculpture in Maastricht, Bonnefantenmuseum Maastricht 2002.
De oudste kerken in Holland. Van kerstening tot 1300, Utrecht 2002.
Dieren in en rond de kastelen Teylingen en Brederode, Kastelenstichting Holland en Zeeland 2005
University Lecturer
- Faculty of Humanities
- Centre for the Arts in Society
- KG Architectuurgeschiedenis
- Project bouwsculptuur