Universiteit Leiden

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Andrea Evers

Professor of Health Psychology

Prof.dr. A.W.M. Evers
+31 71 527 6891

Andrea Evers is Professor of Health Psychology at the Institute of Psychology. Her research focuses on psychoneurobiological factors, such as stress and expectations, in health and disease. She is connected to Leiden University, TU Delft and Erasmus University in Rotterdam as Medical Delta professor, in which she is committed to researching the theme 'Healthy Society'.

More information about Andrea Evers


Andrea Evers blogs

Andrea Evers is Professor of Health Psychology and Scientific Director at the Institute of Psychology. Her research focuses on psychoneurobiological factors, such as stress and expectations, in health and disease. She is connected to Leiden University, TU Delft and Erasmus University in Rotterdam as Medical Delta professor, in which she is committed to researching the theme 'Healthy Society'.

Short CV

She obtained her doctorate in 2003 at Radboud University (cum laude). In 2011 she was appointed as professor of Health Psychology of somatic deseases at Radboud University and in 2013 she became professor of Health Psychology at Leiden University. In 2019 she was appointed as Medical Delta professor. For the Leiden-Delft-Rotterdam alliance, she is co-leader of the program Healthy Society.

She has received several prestigious research grants from the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research NWO (eg Veni 2004, Vidi 2008, Vici 2017), the European Research Council (eg ERC Consolidator Grant 2013), and the Stevin Prize (2019). She is project leader of the national Benefit consortium for healthy living (Zon-MW and Hartstichting). She is a clinical psychologist (BIG), cognitive behavioral therapist (VCGT) and member of the management team of the Leiden University Treatment and Expertise Center (LUBEC).

She is a member of the KNAW (Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences) and the KHMW (Royal Holland Society of Sciences and Humanities). From June 1, 2021, she is a member of the Supervisory Board of VU University Amsterdam. Since January 1, 2024 Andrea Evers has joined the Scientific Council for Government Policy (WRR) as a councilor.

Press photo 1(72DPI) by Ineke van Kester 
Press photo 2(300DPI) by Werry Crone
Press photo 3(300DPI) by Yoshua Rood


Evers has a specific interest in the psychoneurobiology of somatic complaints (e.g., pain and itch) and conditions (e.g., chronic inflammatory conditions), with particular emphasis on placebo effects, stress mechanisms, and treatments.

Andrea Evers' research group conducts both fundamental research on the psychoneurobiology of placebo and stress mechanisms and translational research on screening and self-management or cognitive-behavioural interventions for healthy populations and chronic somatic conditions.

Important research questions are: How does stress affect chronic somatic symptoms and conditions? How can we optimally use placebo effects in health care? Can we train immune and endocrine systems by psychological means? How can we optimise interventions for patients with chronic somatic complaints or conditions? Answering these questions will eventually lead to increased insight in the psychoneurobiology of health and chronic somatic conditions and the optimisation of screening and interventions in health care for patients with chronic somatic complaints and conditions.


Andrea Evers has received various grants for her research from, among others, the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO grants: VENI, VIDI and VICI), the Hartstichting, ZonMW, various health funds (including Hartstichting, Nierstichting, Diabetesfonds, Rheumafonds), the European Research Council (ERC Proof of Concept grant & ERC consolidator grant), Gravitation grant (grant NWO, Andrea Evers is one of the 5 wp leaders) and the Stevin Prize (2019, grant NWO).

Therapist training and certificates (selection)

  • Registration supervisor cognitive-behaviour therapy (2009, 2014, 2019) and cognitive-behaviour therapist (2004)
  • Registration clinical psychologist (BIG) (2006, 2011, 2016)

Key grants and prizes (selection)

  • Stevin Prize (2019), research grant 2.500.000 Euro for researchers who have achieved an exceptional success in the area of knowledge exchange and impact for society, NWO Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research.
  • The power of expectations. VICI Grant 2017, NWO Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research, ca.1.500.000 Euro (grant applicant).
  • Empowering expectations for health and disease: Development of a pioneering training tool. ERC Proof of Concept Grant 2015, 2016-2018, ca. 150.000 Euro (grant applicant).
  • We all benefit: The ecosystem for healthy living. Hartstichting  - ZonMW, 2017-2021, 2.499.426 Euro (projectleader).
  • Empowering expectations for health and disease: Training of the immune and endocrine system. ERC Consolidator Grant 2013, 2014-2019, ca. 2.000.000 Euro (grant applicant).
  • Unraveling the placebo effect: The power of expectancies for conditioning the immune and endocrine system. NWO-Vidi grant for high potentials, Innovational Research Incentives scheme VIDI grant, NWO Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research 2010-2015, 800.000 euro (grant applicant).
  • NWO Aspasia grant, NWO Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research 2010-2015 (grant applicant).
  • Psychophysiological stress mechanisms in chronic inflammatory diseases. NWO-Veni grant for high potentials, Innovational Research Incentives scheme VENI grant, NWO Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research, 2004-2007, 200.000 Euro (grant applicant).
  • Prof. Dr. Pieter Boeke Prijs award for the best research contribution in the area of psychotherapy 2003, Postgraduate Education College for Psychotherapy 2004 (Stichting Post Academiale Opleiding Psychotherapieën, PAO-P, 2004).
  • Prof. Dr. Goslingsprijs award for the best Ph.D. thesis in rheumatology 2002-2003. Dutch College of Rheumatology, 2003 (Nederlandse Vereniging voor Reumatologie, 2003).

National scientific memberships and advisory boards (selection)

  • Member of the KNAW (Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences) (since 2019)
  • Member of the KHMW (Royal Dutch Society of Sciences)
  • Board member of SIPS (Society for Interdisciplinary Placebo Studies)
  • Scientific Advisory Board of RIVM (National Institute for Public Health and the Environment)
  • Advisory Board Member of ESDAP (European Society for Dermatology and Psychiatry)
  • Program Chair Digital Society, Health and Well-being, VSNU
  • Chair Board of PGMP (Platform for Health and Medical Psychology)
  • Co-Chair route NeurolabNL, National Research Agenda
  • Co-Chair Profile Area ‘Health during the human life cycle’, Leiden University (chair since 2016 and board member since 2014)

Research schools and institutes (selection)

  • Experimental Psychopathology (EPP) (associate senior member 2003 – 2013, senior member since 2013)
  • Leiden Institute for Brain and Cognition (since 2014)

Editorial, reviewer and advisory activities (selection)

  • Editorial Board, Associate Editor Pain (since 2016)
  • Editorial Board Itch (since 2016)
  • Editorial Advisory Board European Journal of Pain (since 2012)
  • Editorial Advisory Board International Journal of Psychology (since 2011)


Personal website Andrea Evers
Selected media coverage Andrea Evers (Video & Audio)
Taking care of your health -  Theme: Influencing your health with your behaviour and thoughts

Professor of Health Psychology

  • Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
  • Instituut Psychologie
  • Gezondheids, Medische- Neuropsychologie

Work address

Pieter de la Court
Wassenaarseweg 52
2333 AK Leiden
Room number 2A05A




  • Medical Delta (U Leiden, TU Delft, Erasmus U) Hoogleraar Healthy Society
  • Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam Supervisory Board (Raad van Toezicht)
  • The Netherlands Scientific Council for Government (Wetenschappelijke Raad voor het Regeringsbeleid) Member (Raadslid)
  • KNAW Royal Academy for Arts and Sciences Member
  • Societal Impact Team (#Maatschappelijk Impact Team MIT#) Covid and other pandemics Member
  • KNAW - Sociaal Wetenschappelijke Raad Lid adviesorgaan
  • KHMW (Koninklijke Hollandse Maatschappij der Wetenschappen) Member
  • SIPS (Society for Interdiscipinary Placebo Studies) President Board
  • IASP (International Association for the Studies of Pain) Board Member Special Interest Group (SIG) Placebo and Pain
  • PGMP (Platform Gezondheids- en Medisch Psychologie) Chair Board
  • RIVM (Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu) Scientific Advisory Board - Behavioral Unit for Corona
  • ESDAP (European Society for Dermatology and Psychiatry) Advisory Board Member
  • Diabetesfonds Scientific Advisory Board
  • Nierstichting Scientific Advisory Board
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