Wolfgang Löffler
Universitair hoofddocent
- Naam
- Dr. W. Löffler
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 5931
- loeffler@physics.leidenuniv.nl
- 0000-0001-6587-8947
Meer informatie over Wolfgang Löffler
Promovendi / Postdocs
In de Media
Universitair hoofddocent
- Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen
- Leiden Instituut Onderzoek Natuurkunde
- LION - Quantum Matter & Optics
- Steindl P., Frey J.A., Norman J., Bowers J.E., Bouwmeester D. & Löffler W. (2023), Cross-polarization-extinction enhancement and spin-orbit coupling of light for quantum-dot cavity quantum electrodynamics spectroscopy, Physical Review Applied 19(6): 064082.
- Steindl P., Ent T. van der, Meer H. van der, Frey J.A., Norman J., Bowers J.E., Bouwmeester D. & Löffler W. (2023), Resonant two-laser spin-state spectroscopy of a negatively charged quantum-dot–microcavity system with a cold permanent magnet, Physical Review Applied 20(1): 014026.
- Wan L., Yu T., Zhao d. & Löffler W. (2023), Pixel super‐resolution interference pattern sensing via the aliasing effect for laser frequency metrology, Laser & Photonics Reviews 17(10): 2200994.
- Reep T.H.A. van der, Molenaar D., Löffler W. & Pinto Y. (2023), Quantum detector tomography applied to the human visual system: a feasibility study, Journal of the Optical Society of America A 40(2): 285-293.
- Fedoseev V., Fisicaro M., Meer H. van der, Löffler W. & Bouwmeester D. (2022), Realignment-free cryogenic macroscopic optical cavity coupled to an optical fiber , Review of Scientific Instruments 93: 013103.
- Fedoseev V., Luna F., Hedgepeth I., Loeffler W. & Bouwmeester D. (2021), Stimulated Raman adiabatic passage in optomechanics, Physical Review Letters 126(11): 113601.
- Steindl P., Snijders H., Westra G., Hissink E., Iakovlev K., Polla S., Frey J.A., Norman J., Gossard A.C., Bowers J.E., Bouwmeester D. & Löffler W. (2021), Artificial coherent states of light by multiphoton interference in a single-photon stream, Physical Review Letters 126(14): 143601.
- Cameron R.P., Löffler W. & Stephan K.D. (2021), Theoretical proposal for the experimental realisation of a monochromatic electromagnetic knot, Journal of Optics 23(6): 064006.
- Newsom D.C., Luna F., Fedoseev V., Löffler W. & Bouwmeester D. (2020), Optimal optomechanical coupling strength in multimembrane systems, Physical Review A 101(3): 033829 .
- Ding D., Driel D. van, Pereira L.M.C., Bauters J.F., Heck M.J.R., Welker G., Dood M.J.A. de, Vantomme A., Bowers J.E., Löffler W & Bouwmeester D. (2020), Probing interacting two-level systems with rare-earth ions, Physical Review B 101(1): 014209.
- Snijders H.J., Kok D.N.L., Stolpe M.F. van de, Frey J.A., Norman J., Gossard A.C., Bowers J.E., Exter M.P. van, Bouwmeester D. & Löffler W. (2020), Extended polarized semiclassical model for quantum-dot cavity QED and its application to single-photon sources, Physical Review A 101(5): 053811.
- Mariani F., Löffler W., Aas M., Ojambati O.S., Hong P., Vos W.L. & Exter M.P. van (2018), Scattering media characterization with phase-only wavefront modulation, Optics Express 26(3): 2369-2379.
- Sonar S.A., Fedoseev V., Weaver M.J., Luna F., Vlieg E., Meer H. van der, Bouwmeester D. & Löffler W. (2018), Strong thermomechanical squeezing in a far-detuned membrane-in-the-middle system, Physical Review A 98(1): 013804.
- Weaver M.J., Newsom D., Luna F., Löffler W. & Bouwmeester D. (2018), Phonon interferometry for measuring quantum decoherence, Physical Review A 97(6): 063832.
- Snijders H.J., Frey J.A., Norman J., Post V.P., Gossard A.C., Bowers J.E., Exter M.P. van, Löffler W. & Bouwmeester D. (2018), Fiber-Coupled Cavity-QED Source of Identical Single Photons, Physical Review Applied 9(3): 031002.
- Snijders H.J., Frey J.A., Norman J., Flayac H., Savona V., Gossard A.C., Bowers J.E., Exter M.P. van, Bouwmeester D. & Löffler W. (2018), Observation of the Unconventional Photon Blockade, Physical Review Letters 121(4): 043601.
- Frey J.A., Snijders H.J., Norman J., Gossard A.C., Bowers J.E., Löffler W. & Bouwmeester D. (2018), Electro-optic polarization tuning of microcavities with a single quantum dot, Optics Letters 43(17): 4280-4283.
- Hiesmayr B.C., Dood M.J.A. de & Löffler W. (2016), Observation of Four-Photon Orbital Angular Momentum Entanglement, Physical Review Letters 116(7): 073601.
- Snijders H.J., Frey J.A., Norman J., Bakker M.P., Langman E.C., Gossard A., Bowers J.E., Exter M.P. van, Bouwmeester D. & Löffler W. (2016), Purification of a single-photon nonlinguarity, Nature Communications 8(7): 12578.
- Bakker M.P., Ruytenberg T., Löffler W., Barve A., Coldren L., Exter M.P. van & Bouwmeester D. (2015), Quantum dot nonlinearity through cavity-enhanced feedback with a charge memory, Physical Review B : Condensed Matter 91(24): 241305.
- Bakker M.P., Barve A.V., Ruytenberg T., Löffler W., Coldren L.A., Bouwmeester D. & Exter M.P. van (2015), Polarization degenerate solid-state cavity quantum electrodynamics, Physical Review B: Condensed Matter 91(11): 115319.
- Bakker M.P., Snijders H., Löffler W., Barve A.V., Coldren L.A., Bouwmeester D. & Exter M.P. van (2015), Homodyne detection of coherence and phase shift of a quantum dot in a cavity, Optics Letters 40: 3173-3176.
- Hetharia D., Exter M.P. van & Löffler W. (2014), Spatial coherence and the orbital angular momentum of light in astronomy, Physical Review A 90(6): 063801.
- Löffler W., Nye J.F. & Hannay J. (2014), An experiment on the shifts of reflected C-lines, Journal of Optics 16(085703): .
- Götte J.B., Löffler W. & Dennis M.R. (2014), Eigenpolarizations for Giant Transverse Optical Beam Shifts, Physical Review Letters 112(23): 233901.
- Hiesmayr B.C. & Löffler W. (2014), Mutually Unbiased Bases and Bound Entanglement, Physica Scripta 4(014017): .
- Löffler W., Hermosa N., Aiello A. & Woerdman J.P. (2013), Total internal reflection of orbital angular momentum beams, Journal of Optics 15(014012): .
- Geelen D. & Löffler W. (2013), Walsh modes and radial quantum correlations of spatially entangled photons, Optics Letters 38(20): 4108-4111.
- Hiesmayr B.C. & Löffler W. (2013), Complementarity reveals bound entanglement of two twisted photons, New Journal of Physics 15: 083036.
- Götte J., Mentschel M. & Löffler W. (2013), Beyond catoptrics, Journal of Optics 15(010301): .
- Löffler W., Aiello A. & Woerdman J.P. (2012), Observation of Orbital Angular Momentum Sidebands due to optical reflection, Physical Review Letters 109(11): 113602.
- Salakhutdinov V.D., Eliel E.R. & Löffler W. (2012), Full-Field Quantum Correlations of Spatially Entangled Photons, Physical Review Letters 108(17): 173604.
- Ricci F., Löffler W. & Exter M.P. van (2012), Instability of higher-order optical vortices analyzed with a multi-pinhole interferometer, Optics Express 20(20): 22961-22975.
- Löffler W., Aiello A. & Woerdman J.P. (2012), Spatial Coherence and Optical Beam Shifts, Physical Review Letters 109(21): 213901.
- Löffler W., Exter M.P. van, Hooft G.W. 't, Nienhuis G., Broer D.J. & Woerdman J.P. (2011), Search for Hermite-Gauss mode rotation in cholesteric liquid crystals, Optics Express 19(14): 12978-12983.
- Löffler W., Broer D.J. & Woerdman J.P. (2011), Circular dichroism of cholesteric polymers and the orbital angular momentum of light, Physical Review A 83: 065801.
- Löffler W., Euser T.G., Eliel E.R., Scharrer M., Russel P.S.J. & Woerdman J.P. (2011), Fiber Transport of Spatially Entangled Photons, Physical Review Letters 106(24): 240505.
- Löffler W., Exter M.P. van, Hooft G.W. 't, Eliel E.R., Hermans K., Broer D.J. & Woerdman J.P. (2010), Polarization-dependent Goos-Hänchen shift at a graded dielectric interface, Optics Communications 283: 3367.