Peter de Knijff
Hoogleraar Populatie- en Evolutiegenetica
- Naam
- Prof.dr. P. de Knijff
- Telefoon
- +31 71 526 9537
- 0000-0002-0899-771X

Peter de Knijff is hoogleraar populatie- en evolutiegenetica bij de afdeling human genetica van het LUMC. Aldaar is hij ook, sinds 1994, hoofd van het forensisch laboratorium voor DNA onderzoek (FLDO).
Peter de Knijff is hoogleraar populatie- en evolutiegenetica bij de afdeling human genetica van het LUMC. Aldaar is hij ook, sinds 1994, hoofd van het forensisch laboratorium voor DNA onderzoek (FLDO).
Populatie- en evolutiegenetica
Als populatiegeneticus bestudeer je de complexe interactie tussen migratie en evolutie, en de gevolgen daarvan. Exact waar je naar kijkt hangt sterk af van de onderzoeks-context. In een archeologische context kun je populatie genetische inzichten gebruiken om, aan de hand van genetisch onderzoek aan skeletmateriaal, migratie- en demografische veranderingen binnen een bepaalde geografische- en temporale context te beschrijven en te verklaren. In een forensische context is populatie genetisch inzicht cruciaal om de invloed van genetische variatie binnen- en tussen bevolkingsgroepen te beschrijven en te gebruiken om op juiste wijze de statistische evaluatie van forensisch genetisch bewijs uit te voeren en te duiden. In de context van gezondheidszorg kan populatiegenetica van groot belang zijn om beter te begrijpen of- en hoe, populatie genetische variatie belangrijk kan zijn bij, bijvoorbeeld, de keuze van medicatie welke gevoelig kan zijn voor verschillende genetische varianten.
Wetenschappelijke carrière
Het onderzoek van Peter de Knijff is niet alleen fundamenteel populatie-genetisch, maar ook gericht op het ontwikkelen van nieuwe forensische DNA analyse technieken. Hij was een van de grondleggers van het forensisch gebruik van variabele DNA kenmerken op het menselijke Y-chromosoom. Hij is ook een pionier ten aanzien van het forensisch gebruik van zgn. “massively parellel sequence” technieken. Hij begon, als research analist, in januari 1980 zijn wetenschappelijke carrière aan de Leidse Universiteit en promoveerde in Leiden op 4 juni 1992. Sinds 2005 is hij hoogleraar. Hij sprak zijn inaugurele rede, getiteld “Meehuilen met de wolven” uit op 23 juni 2006.
Hoogleraar Populatie- en Evolutiegenetica
- Faculteit Geneeskunde
- Divisie 4
- Humane Genetica
Hoogleraar Populatie- en Evolutiegenetica
- Faculteit Geneeskunde
- Divisie 4
- Humane Genetica
- Ralf, A.; Gonzalez, D.M.; Zandstra, D.; Wersch, B. van; Kousouri, N.; Knijff, P. de; Adnan, A.; Claerhout, S.; Ghanbari, M.; Larmuseau, M.H.D. & Kayser, M. (2022), Large-scale pedigree analysis highlights rapidly mutating Y-chromosomal short tandem repeats for differentiating patrilineal relatives and predicting their degrees of consanguinity, Human Genetics 142.
- Korpershoek, J.V.; Rikkers, M.; Wallis, F.S.A.; Dijkstra, K.; Raa, M. te; Knijff, P. de; Saris, D.B.F. & Vonk, L.A. (2022), Mitochondrial transport from mesenchymal stromal cells to chondrocytes increases DNA content and proteoglycan deposition In vitro in 3D cultures, Cartilage 13(4): 133-147.
- Knijff, P. de (2022), On the Forensic Use of Y-Chromosome Polymorphisms, Genes 13(5).
- Verkuil, Y.I.; Nicolaus, M.; Ubels, R.; Dietz, M.W.; Samplonius, J.M.; Galema, A.; Kiekebos, K.; Knijff, P. de & Both, C. (2022), DNA metabarcoding quantifies the relative biomass of arthropod taxa in songbird diets, Ecology and Evolution 12(5).
- Benschop, C.C.G.; Gaag, K.J. van der; Vreede, J. de; Backx, A.J.; Leeuw, R.H. de; Zuniga, S.; Hoogenboom, J.; Knijff, P. de & Sijen, T. (2021), Application of a probabilistic genotyping software to MPS mixture STR data is supported by similar trends in LRs compared with CE data, Forensic Science International: Genetics 52.
- Lahrouchi, N.; Postma, A.V.; Salazar, C.M.; Laughter, D.M. de; Tjong, F.; Piherova, L.; Bowling, F.Z.; Zimmerman, D.; Lodder, E.M.; Ta-Shma, A.; Perles, Z.; Beekman, L.; Ilgun, A.; Gunst, Q.; Hababa, M.; Skoric-Milosavljevic, D.; Stranecky, V.; Tomek, V.; Knijff, P. de; Leeuw, R. de; Robinson, J.Y.; Burn, S.C.; Mustafa, H.; Ambrose, M.; Moss, T.; Jacober, J.; Niyazov, D.M.; Wolf, B.; Kim, K.H.; Cherny, S.; Rousounides, A.; Aristidou-Kallika, A.; Tanteles, G.; Ange-Line, B.; Denomme-Pichon, A.S.; Francannet, C.; Ortiz, D.; Haak, M.C.; Harkel, A.D.J. ten; Manten, G.T.R.; Dutman, A.C.; Bouman, K.; Magliozzi, M.; Radio, F.C.; Santen, G.W.E.; Herkert, J.C.; Brown, H.A.; Elpeleg, O.; Hoff, M.J.B. van den; Mulder, B.; Airola, M.V.; Kmoch, S.; Barnett, J.V.; Clur, S.A.; Frohman, M.A. & Bezzina, C.R. (2021), Biallelic loss-of-function variants in PLD1 cause congenital right-sided cardiac valve defects and neonatal cardiomyopathy, Journal of Clinical Investigation 131(5).
- Kocher, A.; Papac, L.; Barquera, R.; Key, F.M.; Spyrou, M.A.; Hubler, R.; Rohrlach, A.B.; Aron, F.; Stahl, R.; Wissgott, A.; Bommel, F. van; Pfefferkorn, M.; Mittnik, A.; Villalba-Mouco, V.; Neumann, G.U.; Rivollat, M.; Loosdrecht, M.S. van de; Majander, K.; Tukhbatova, R.I.; Musralina, L.; Ghalichi, A.; Penske, S.; Sabin, S.; Michel, M.; Gretzinger, J.; Nelson, E.A.; Ferraz, T.; Nagele, K.; Parker, C.; Keller, M.; Guevara, E.K.; Feldman, M.; Eisenmann, S.; Skourtanioti, E.; Giffin, K.; Gnecchi-Ruscone, G.A.; Friederich, S.; Schimmenti, V.; Khartanovich, V.; Karapetian, M.K.; Chaplygin, M.S.; Kufterin, V.V.; Khokhlov, A.A.; Chizhevsky, A.A.; Stashenkov, D.A.; Kochkina, A.F.; Tejedor-Rodriguez, C.; Lagran, I.G.M. de; Arcusa-Magallon, H.; Garrido-Pena, R.; Royo-Guillen, J.I.; Novacek, J.; Rottier, S.; Kacki, S.; Saintot, S.; Kaverzneva, E.; Belinskiy, A.B.; Veleminsky, P.; Limbursky, P.; Kostka, M.; Loe, L.; Popescu, E.; Clarke, R.; Lyons, A.; Mortimer, R.; Sajantila, A.; Armas, Y.C. de; Godoy, S.T.H.; Hernandez-Zaragoza, D.I.; Pearson, J.; Binder, D.; Lefranc, P.; Kantorovich, A.R.; Maslov, V.E.; Lai, L.; Zoledziewska, M.; Beckett, J.F.; Langova, M.; Ingman, T.; Atienzar, G.G.; Ibanez, M.P.D.; Romero, A.; Sperduti, A.; Beckett, S.; Salter, S.J.; Zilivinskaya, E.D.; Vasil, D.V.; Heyking, K. von; Burger, R.L.; Salazar, L.C.; Amkreutz, L.; Navruzbekov, M.; Rosenstock, E.; Alonso-Fernandez, C.; Slavchev, V.; Kalmykov, A.A.; Atabiev, B.C.; Batieva, E.; Calmet, M.A.; Llamas, B.; Schultz, M.; Krauss, R.; Jimenez-Echevarria, J.; Francken, M.; Shnaider, S.; Knijff, P. de; Altena, E.; Vijver, K. van de; Fehren-Schmitz, L.; Tung, T.A.; Losch, S.; Dobrovolskaya, M.; Makarov, N.; Read, C.; Twest, M. van; Sagona, C.; Ramsl, P.C.; Akar, M.; Yener, K.A.; Ballestero, E.C.; Cucca, F.; Mazzarello, V.; Utrilla, P.; Rademaker, K.; Fernandez-Dominguez, E.; Baird, D.; Semal, P.; Marquez-Morfin, L.; Roksandic, M.; Steiner, H.; Salazar-Garcia, D.C.; Shishlina, N.; Erdal, Y.S.; Hallgren, F.; Boyadzhiev, Y.; Boyadzhiev, K.; Kussner, M.; Sayer, D.; Onkamo, P.; Skeates, R.; Rojo-Guerra, M.; Buzhilova, A.; Khussainova, E.; Djansugurova, L.B.; Beisenov, A.Z.; Samashev, Z.; Massy, K.; Mannino, M.; Moiseyev, V.; Mannermaa, K.; Balanovsky, O.; Deguilloux, M.F.; Reinhold, S.; Hansen, S.; Kitov, E.P.; Dobes, M.; Ernee, M.; Meller, H.; Alt, K.W.; Prufer, K.; Warinner, C.; Schiffels, S.; Stockhammer, P.W.; Bos, K.; Posth, C.; Herbig, A.; Haak, W.; Krause, J. & Kuhnert, D. (2021), Ten millennia of hepatitis B virus evolution, Science 374(6564): 183-+.
- Patterson, N.; Isakov, M.; Booth, T.; Buster, L.; Fischer, C.E.; Olalde, I.; Ringbauer, H.; Akbari, A.; Cheronet, O.; Bleasdale, M.; Adamski, N.; Altena, E.; Bernardos, R.; Brace, S.; Broomandkhoshbacht, N.; Callan, K.; Candilio, F.; Culleton, B.; Curtis, E.; Demetz, L.; Carlson, K.S.D.; Edwards, C.J.; Fernandes, D.M.; Foody, M.G.B.; Freilich, S.; Goodchild, H.; Kearns, A.; Lawson, A.M.; Lazaridis, I.; Mah, M.; Mallick, S.; Mandl, K.; Micco, A.; Michel, M.; Morante, G.B.; Oppenheimer, J.; Ozdogan, K.T.; Qiu, L.J.; Schattke, C.; Stewardson, K.; Workman, J.N.; Zalzala, F.; Zhang, Z.; Agusti, B.; Allen, T.; Almassy, K.; Amkreutz, L.; Ash, A.; Baillif-Ducros, C.; Barclay, A.; Bartosiewicz, L.; Baxter, K.; Bernert, Z.; Blazek, J.; Bodruzic, M.; Boissinot, P.; Bonsall, C.; Bradley, P.; Brittain, M.; Brookes, A.; Brown, F.; Brown, L.; Brunning, R.; Budd, C.; Burmaz, J.; Canet, S.; Carnicero-Caceres, S.; Causevic-Bully, M.; Chamberlain, A.; Chauvin, S.; Clough, S.; Condic, N.; Coppa, A.; Craig, O.; Cresnar, M.; Cummings, V.; Czifra, S.; Danielisova, A.; Daniels, R.; Davies, A.; Jersey, P. de; Deacon, J.; Deminger, C.; Ditchfield, P.W.; Dizdar, M.; Dobes, M.; Dobisikova, M.; Domboroczki, L.; Drinkall, G.; Dukic, A.; Ernee, M.; Evans, C.; Evans, J.; Fernandez-Gotz, M.; Filipovic, S.; Fitzpatrick, A.; Fokkens, H.; Fowler, C.; Fox, A.; Gallina, Z.; Gamble, M.; Morales, M.R.G.; Gonzalez-Rabanal, B.; Green, A.; Gyenesei, K.; Habermehl, D.; Hajdu, T.; Hamilton, D.; Harris, J.; Hayden, C.; Hendriks, J.; Hernu, B.; Hey, G.; Hornak, M.; Ilon, G.; Istvanovits, E.; Jones, A.M.; Kavur, M.B.; Kazek, K.; Kenyon, R.A.; Khreisheh, A.; Kiss, V.; Kleijne, J.; Knight, M.; Kootker, L.M.; Kovacs, P.F.; Kozubova, A.; Kulcsar, G.; Kulcsar, V.; Pennec, C. le; Legge, M.; Leivers, M.; Loe, L.; Lopez-Costas, O.; Lord, T.; , D. los; Lyall, J.; Marin-Arroyo, A.B.; Mason, P.; Matosevic, D.; Maxted, A.; McIntyre, L.; McKinley, J.; McSweeney, K.; Meijlink, B.; Mende, B.G.; Mendusic, M.; Metlicka, M.; Meyer, S.; Mihovilic, K.; Milasinovic, L.; Minnitt, S.; Moore, J.; Morley, G.; Mullan, G.; Musilova, M.; Neil, B.; Nicholls, R.; Novak, M.; Pala, M.; Papworth, M.; Paresys, C.; Patten, R.; Perkic, D.; Pesti, K.; Petit, A.; Petrisakova, K.; Pichon, C.; Pickard, C.; Pilling, Z.; Price, T.D.; Radovic, S.; Redfern, R.; Resutik, B.; Rhodes, D.T.; Richards, M.B.; Roberts, A.; Roefstra, J.; Sankot, P.; Sefcakova, A.; Sheridan, A.; Skae, S.; Smolikova, M.; Somogyi, K.; Somogyvari, A.; Stephens, M.; Szabo, G.; Szecsenyi-Nagy, A.; Szeniczey, T.; Tabor, J.; Tanko, K.; Maria, C.T.; Terry, R.; Terzan, B.; Teschler-Nicola, M.; Torres-Martinez, J.F.; Trapp, J.; Turle, R.; Ujvari, F.; Heiden, M. van der; Veleminsky, P.; Veselka, B.; Vytlacil, Z.; Waddington, C.; Ware, P.; Wilkinson, P.; Wilson, L.; Wiseman, R.; Young, E.; Zaninovic, J.; Zitnan, A.; Lalueza-Fox, C.; Knijff, P. de; Barnes, I.; Halkon, P.; Thomas, M.G.; Kennett, D.J.; Cunliffe, B.; Lillie, M.; Rohland, N.; Pinhasi, R.; Armit, I. & Reich, D. (2021), Large-scale migration into Britain during the Middle to Late Bronze Age, Nature.
- Altena, E.; Smeding, R.; Gaag, K.J. van der; Larmuseau, M.H.D.; Decorte, R.; Lao, O.; Kayser, M.; Kraaijenbrink, T. & Knijff, P. de (2020), The Dutch Y-chromosomal landscape, European Journal of Human Genetics 28(3): 287-299.
- Arindrarto, W.; Borras, D.M.; Groen, R.A.L. de; Berg, R.R. van den; Locher, I.J.; Diessen, S.A.M.E. van; Holst, R. van der; Meijden, E.D. van der; Honders, M.W.; Leeuw, R.H. de; Verlaat, W.; Jedema, I.; Kroes, W.G.M.; Knijnenburg, J.; Wezel, T. van; Vermaat, J.S.P.; Valk, P.J.M.; Janssen, B.; Knijff, P. de; Bergen, C.A.M. van; Akker, E.B. van den; Hoen, P.A.C. 't; Kielbasa, S.M.; Laros, J.F.J.; Griffioen, M. & Veelken, H. (2020), Comprehensive diagnostics of acute myeloid leukemia by whole transcriptome RNA sequencing, Leukemia 35.
- Rijdt, W.P. te; Mieremet, R.H.P.; Kraaijenbrink, T.; Regieli, J.J.; Lemmink, H.H.; Jan, S.Z.; Knijff, P. de & Hoedemaekers, Y.M. (2020), Deciduous teeth as an alternative DNA source for postmortem genetic testing.
- Roewer, L.; Andersen, M.M.; Ballantyne, J.; Butler, J.M.; Caliebe, A.; Corach, D.; D'Amato, M.E.; Gusmao, L.; Hou, Y.P.; Knijff, P. de; Parson, W.; Prinz, M.; Schneider, P.M.; Taylor, D.; Vennemann, M. & Willuweit, S. (2020), DNA commission of the International Society of Forensic Genetics (ISFG), Forensic Science International: Genetics 48.
- Bouma, M.J.; Orlova, V.; Hil, F.E. van den; Mager, H.J.; Baas, F.; Knijff, P. de; Mummery, C.L.; Mikkers, H. & Freund, C. (2020), Generation and genetic repair of 2 iPSC clones from a patient bearing a heterozygous c.1120del18 mutation in the ACVRL1 gene leading to Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia (HHT) type 2, Stem Cell Research 46.
- Lall, G.M.; Larmuseau, M.H.D.; Wetton, J.H.; Batini, C.; Hallast, P.; Huszar, T.I.; Zadik, D.; Aase, S.; Baker, T.; Balaresque, P.; Bodmer, W.; Borglum, A.D.; Knijff, P. de; Dunn, H.; Harding, S.E.; Lovvik, H.; Dupuy, B.M.; Pamjav, H.; Tillmar, A.O.; Tomaszewski, M.; Tyler-Smith, C.; Verdugo, M.P.; Winney, B.; Vohra, P.; Story, J.; King, T.E. & Jobling, M.A. (2020), Subdividing Y-chromosome haplogroup R1a1 reveals Norse Viking dispersal lineages in Britain, European Journal of Human Genetics 29.
- Khachatryan, L.; Leeuw, R.H. de; Kraakman, M.E.M.; Pappas, N.; Raa, M. te; Mei, H.L.; Knijff, P. de & Laros, J.F.J. (2020), Taxonomic classification and abundance estimation using 16S and WGS-A comparison using controlled reference samples, Forensic Science International: Genetics 46.
- Shvetsova, E.; Sofronova, A.; Monajemi, R.; Gagalova, K.; Draisma, H.H.M.; White, S.J.; Santen, G.W.E.; Lopes, S.M.C.D.; Heijmans, B.T.; Meurs, J. van; Jansen, R.; Franke, L.; Kielbasa, S.M.; Dunnen, J.T. den; Hoen, P.A.C. 't; Boomsma, D.I.; Pool, R.; Dongen, J. van; Hottenga, J.J.; Greevenbroek, M.M.J. van; Stehouwer, C. da; Kallen, C.J.H. van der; Schalkwijk, C.G.; Wijmenga, C.; Zhernakova, S.; Tigchelaar, E.F.; Slagboom, P.E.; Beekman, M.; Deelen, J.; Heemst, D. van; Veldink, J.H.; Berg, L.H. van den; Duijn, C.M. van; Hofman, B.A.; Uitterlinden, A.G.; Jhamai, P.M.; Verbiest, M.; Suchiman, H.E.D.; Verkerk, M.; Breggen, R. van der; Rooij, J. van; Lakenberg, N.; Mei, H.L.; Bot, J.; Zhernakova, D.V.; Hof, P.V. 't; Deelen, P.; Nooren, I.; Moed, M.; Vermaat, M.; Luijk, R.; Bonder, M.J.; Iterson, M. van; Dijk, F. van; Galen, M. van; Arindrarto, W.; Kielbasa, S.M.; Swertz, M.A.; Zwet, E.W. van; Isaacs, A.; Francioli, L.C.; Menelaou, A.; Pulit, S.L.; Dijk, F. van; Palamara, P.F.; Elbers, C.C.; Neerincx, P.B.; Ye, K.; Guryev, V.; Kloosterman, W.P.; Deelen, P.; Abdellaoui, A.; Leeuwen, E.M. van; Oven, M. van; Vermaat, M.; Li, M.; Laros, J.F.; Karssen, L.C.; Kanterakis, A.; Amin, N.; Hottenga, J.J.; Lameijer, E.W.; Kattenberg, M.; Dijkstra, M.; Byelas, H.; Setten, J. van; Schaik, B.D. van; Bot, J.; Nijman, I.J.; Renkens, I.; Marschall, T.; Schonhuth, A.; Hehir-Kwa, J.Y.; Handsaker, R.E.; Polak, P.; Sohail, M.; Vuzman, D.; Hormozdiari, F.; Enckevort, D. van; Mei, H.; Koval, V.; Moed, M.H.; Velde, K.J. van der; Rivadeneira, F.; Estrada, K.; Medina-Gomez, C.; Isaacs, A.; McCarroll, S.A.; Beekman, M.; Craen, A.J. de; Suchiman, H.E.; Hofman, B.A.; Oostra, B.; Uitterlinden, A.G.; Willemsen, G.; Platteel, M.; Veldink, J.H.; Berg, L.H. van den; Pitts, S.J.; Potluri, S.; Sundar, P.; Cox, D.R.; Sunyaev, S.R.; Dunnen, J.T. den; Stoneking, M.; Knijff, P. de; Kayser, M.; Li, Q.; Li, Y.; , Y. du; Chen, R.; Cao, H.; Li, N.; Cao, S.; Wang, J.; Bovenberg, J.A.; Pe'er, I.; Slagboom, P.E.; Duijn, C.M. van; Boomsma, D.I.; Ommen, G.J. van; Bakker, P.I. de; Swertz, M.A.; Wijmenga, C.; BIOS Consortium & GoNL Consortium (2019), Skewed X-inactivation is common in the general female population, European Journal of Human Genetics 27(3): 455-465.
- Nersisyan, L.; Nikoghosyan, M.; Francioli, L.C.; Menelaou, A.; Pulit, S.L.; Elbers, C.C.; Kloosterman, W.P.; Setten, J. van; Nijman, I.J.; Renkens, I.; Bakker, P.I.W. de; Dijk, F. van; Neerincx, P.B.T.; Deelen, P.; Kanterakis, A.; Dijkstra, M.; Byelas, H.; Velde, K.J. van der; Platteel, M.; Swertz, M.A.; Wijmenga, C.; Palamara, P.F.; Pe'er, I.; Ye, K.; Lameijer, E.W.; Moed, M.H.; Beekman, M.; Craen, A.J.M. de; Suchiman, H.E.D.; Slagboom, P.E.; Guryev, V.; Abdellaoui, A.; Hottenga, J.J.; Kattenberg, M.; Willemsen, G.; Boomsma, D.I.; Leeuwen, E.M. van; Karssen, L.C.; Amin, N.; Rivadeneira, F.; Isaacs, A.; Hofman, A.; Uitterlinden, A.G.; Duijn, C.M. van; Oven, M. van; Kayser, M.; Vermaat, M.; Laros, J.F.J.; Dunnen, J.T. den; Enckevort, D. van; Mei, H.L.; Li, M.K.; Stoneking, M.; Schaik, B.D.C. van; Bot, J.; Marschall, T.; Schonhuth, A.; Hehir-Kwa, J.Y.; Handsaker, R.E.; Polak, P.; Sohail, M.; Vuzman, D.; Estrada, K.; McCarroll, S.A.; Sunyaev, S.R.; Hormozdiari, F.; Koval, V.; Medina-Gomez, C.; Oostra, B.; Veldink, J.H.; Berg, L.H. van den; Pitts, S.J.; Potluri, S.; Sundar, P.; Cox, D.R.; Knijff, P. de; Li, Q.B.; Li, Y.R.; , Y.P. du; Chen, R.Y.; Cao, H.Z.; Wang, J.; Li, N.; Cao, S.J.; Bovenberg, J.A.; Ommen, G.J.B. van; Arakelyan, A. & Genome Netherlands Consortium (2019), WGS-based telomere length analysis in Dutch family trios implicates stronger maternal inheritance and a role for RRM1 gene, Scientific Reports 9.
- Knijff, P. de (2019), From next generation sequencing to now generation sequencing in forensics, Forensic Science International: Genetics 38: 175-180.
- Ralf, A.; Oven, M. van; Gonzalez, D.M.; Knijff, P. de; Beek, K. van der; Wootton, S.; Lagace, R. & Kayser, M. (2019), Forensic Y-SNP analysis beyond SNaPshot: High-resolution Y-chromosomal haplogrouping from low quality and quantity DNA using Ion AmpliSeq and targeted massively parallel sequencing, Forensic Science International: Genetics 41: 93-106.
- Kim, A.; Savary, C.; Dubourg, C.; Carre, W.; Mouden, C.; Hamdi-Roze, H.; Guyodo, H.; Douce, J. le; Pasquier, L.; Flori, E.; Gonzales, M.; Beneteau, C.; Boute, O.; Attie-Bitach, T.; Roume, J.; Goujon, L.; Akloul, L.; Odent, S.; Watrin, E.; Dupe, V.; Tayrac, M. de; David, V.; Genin, E.; Campion, D.; Dartigues, J.F.C.O.; Deleuze, J.F.; Lambert, J.C.; Redon, R.; Ludwig, T.; Grenier-Boley, B.; Letort, S.; Lindenbaum, P.; Meyer, V.; Quenez, O.; Dina, C.; Bellenguez, C.; Charbonnier-Le Clezio, C.; Giemza, J.; Chatel, S.; Ferec, C.; Marec, H. le; Letenneur, L.; Nicolas, G.; Rouault, K.; Bacq, D.; Boland, A.; Lechner, D.; Wijmenga, C.; Swertz, M.A.; Slagboom, P.E.; Ommen, G.J.B. van; Duijn, C.M. van; Boomsma, D.I.; Bakker, P.I.W. de; Bovenberg, J.A.; Slagboom, P.E.; Craen, A.J.M. de; Beekman, M.; Hofman, A.; Boomsma, D.I.; Willemsen, G.; Wolffenbuttel, B.; Platteel, M.; , Y.P. du; Chen, R.Y.; Cao, H.Z.; Cao, R.; Sun, Y.S.; Cao, J.S.; Swertz, M.A.; Dijk, F. van; Neerincx, P.B.T.; Deelen, P.; Dijkstra, M.; Byelas, G.; Kanterakis, A.; Bot, J.; Ye, K.; Lameijer, E.W.; Vermaat, M.; Laros, J.F.J.; Dunnen, J.T. den; Knijff, P. de; Karssen, L.C.; Leeuwen, E.M. van; Amin, N.; Koval, V.; Rivadeneira, F.; Estrada, K.; Hehirkwa, J.Y.; Ligt, J. de; Abdellaoui, A.; Hottenga, J.J.; Kattenberg, V.M.; Enckevort, D. van; Mei, H.; Santcroos, M.; Schaik, B.D.C. van; Handsaker, R.E.; McCarroll, S.A.; Eichler, E.E.; Ko, A.; Sudmant, P.; Francioli, L.C.; Kloosterman, W.P.; Nijman, I.J.; Guryev, V.; Bakker, P.I.W. de; FREX Consortium & GoNL Consortium (2019), Integrated clinical and omics approach to rare diseases: novel genes and oligogenic inheritance in holoprosencephaly, Brain 142: 35-49.
- Leeuw, R.H. de; Garnier, D.; Kroon, R.M.J.M.; Horlings, C.G.C.; Meijer, E. de; Buermans, H.; Engelen, B.G.M. van; Knijff, P. de & Raz, V. (2019), Diagnostics of short tandem repeat expansion variants using massively parallel sequencing and componential tools, European Journal of Human Genetics 27(3): 400-407.
- Gaag, K.J. van der; Leeuw, R.H. de; Laros, J.F.J.; Dunnen, J.T. den & Knijff, P. de (2018), Short hypervariable microhaplotypes: A novel set of very short high discriminating power loci without stutter artefacts, Forensic Science International: Genetics 35: 169-175.
- Yousefi, S.; Abbassi-Daloii, T.; Kraaijenbrink, T.; Vermaat, M.; Mei, H.L.; van't Hof, P.; Iterson, M. van; Zhernakova, D.V.; Claringbould, A.; Franke, L.; Hart, L.M. 't; Slieker, R.C.; Heijden, A. van der; Knijff, P. de; Hoen, P.A.C. 't & BIOS Consortium (2018), A SNP panel for identification of DNA and RNA specimens, BMC Genomics 19.
- Arciero, E.; Kraaijenbrink, T.; Asan; Haber, M.; Mezzavilla, M.; Ayub, Q.; Wei, W.; Zhaxi, P.C.; Yang, H.M.; Jian, W.; Jobling, M.A.; Driem, G. van; Xue, Y.L.; Knijff, P. de & Tyler-Smith, C. (2018), Demographic History and Genetic Adaptation in the Himalayan Region Inferred from Genome-Wide SNP Genotypes of 49 Populations, Molecular Biology and Evolution 35(8): 1916-1933.
- Olalde, I.; Brace, S.; Allentoft, M.E.; Armit, I.; Kristiansen, K.; Booth, T.; Rohland, N.; Mallick, S.; Szecsenyi-Nagy, A.; Mittnik, A.; Altena, E.; Lipson, M.; Lazaridis, I.; Harper, T.K.; Patterson, N.; Broomandkhoshbacht, N.; Diekmann, Y.; Faltyskova, Z.; Fernandes, D.; Ferry, M.; Harney, E.; Knijff, P. de; Michel, M.; Oppenheimer, J.; Stewardson, K.; Barclay, A.; Alt, K.W.; Liesau, C.; Rios, P.; Blasco, C.; Miguel, J.V.; Garcia, R.M.; Fernandez, A.A.; Banffy, E.; Bernabo-Brea, M.; Billoin, D.; Bonsall, C.; Bonsall, L.; Allen, T.; Buster, L.; Carver, S.; Navarro, L.C.; Craig, O.E.; Cook, G.T.; Cunliffe, B.; Denaire, A.; Dinwiddy, K.E.; Dodwell, N.; Ernee, M.; Evans, C.; Kucharik, M.; Farre, J.F.; Fowler, C.; Gazenbeek, M.; Pena, R.G.; Haber-Uriarte, M.; Haduch, E.; Hey, G.; Jowett, N.; Knowles, T.; Massy, K.; Pfrengle, S.; Lefranc, P.; Lemercier, O.; Lefebvre, A.; Martinez, C.H.; Olmo, V.G.; Ramirez, A.B.; Maurandi, J.L.; Majo, T.; McKinley, J.I.; McSweeney, K.; Mende, B.G.; Mod, A.; Kulcsar, G.; Kiss, V.; Czene, A.; Patay, R.; Endrodi, A.; Kohler, K.; Hajdu, T.; Szeniczey, T.; Dani, J.; Bernert, Z.; Hoole, M.; Cheronet, O.; Keating, D.; Veleminsky, P.; Dobes, M.; Candilio, F.; Brown, F.; Fernandez, R.F.; Herrero-Corral, A.M.; Tusa, S.; Carnieri, E.; Lentini, L.; Valenti, A.; Zanini, A.; Waddington, C.; Delibes, G.; Guerra-Doce, E.; Neil, B.; Brittain, M.; Luke, M.; Mortimer, R.; Desideri, J.; Besse, M.; Brucken, G.; Furmanek, M.; Haluszko, A.; Mackiewicz, M.; Rapinski, A.; Leach, S.; Soriano, I.; Lillios, K.T.; Cardoso, J.L.; Pearson, M.P.; Wlodarczak, P.; Price, T.D.; Prieto, P.; Rey, P.J.; Risch, R.; Guerra, M.A.R.; Schmitt, A.; Serralongue, J.; Silva, A.M.; Smrcka, V.; Vergnaud, L.; Zilhao, J.; Caramelli, D.; Higham, T.; Thomas, M.G.; Kennett, D.J.; Fokkens, H.; Heyd, V.; Sheridan, A.; Sjogren, K.G.; Stockhammer, P.W.; Krause, J.; Pinhasi, R.; Haak, W.; Barnes, I.; Lalueza-Fox, C. & Reich, D. (2018), The Beaker phenomenon and the genomic transformation of northwest Europe, Nature 555(7695): 190-+.
- Chaitanya, L.; Breslin, K.; Zuniga, S.; Wirker, L.; Pospiech, E.; Kukla-Bartoszek, M.; Sijen, T.; Knijff, P. de; Liu, F.; Branicki, W.; Kayser, M. & Walsh, S. (2018), The HIrisPlex-S system for eye, hair and skin colour prediction from DNA: Introduction and forensic developmental validation, Forensic Science International: Genetics 35: 123-135.
- Francioli, L.C.; Cretu-Stancu, M.; Garimella, K.V.; Fromer, M.; Kloosterman, W.P.; Samocha, K.E.; Neale, B.M.; Daly, M.J.; Banks, E.; DePristo, M.A.; Bakker, P.I.W. de & Genome Netherlands Consortium (2017), A framework for the detection of de novo mutations in family-based sequencing data, European Journal of Human Genetics 25(2): 227-233.
- Exel, E. van; Koopman, J.J.E.; Bodegom, D. van; Meij, J.J.; Knijff, P. de; Ziem, J.B.; Finch, C.E. & Westendorp, R.G.J. (2017), Effect of APOE epsilon 4 allele on survival and fertility in an adverse environment, PLoS ONE 12(7).
- Hoogenboom, J.; Gaag, K.J. van der; Leeuw, R.H. de; Sijen, T.; Knijff, P. de & Laros, J.F.J. (2017), FDSTools: A software package for analysis of massively parallel sequencing data with the ability to recognise and correct STR stutter and other PCR or sequencing noise, Forensic Science International: Genetics 27: 27-40.
- Bertola L. D., Jongbloed H., van der Gaag K. J., de Knijff P., Yamaguchi N., Hooghiemstra H., Bauer H., Henschel P., White P. A., Driscoll C. A., Tende T., Ottosson U., Saidu Y., Vrieling K. & de Iongh H. H. (2016), Phylogeographic Patterns in Africa and High Resolution Delineation of Genetic Clades in the Lion (Panthera leo), Scientific Reports 6.
- Hackinger, S.; Kraaijenbrink, T.; Xue, Y.L.; Mezzavilla, M.; Asan; Driem, G. van; Jobling, M.A.; Knijff, P. de; Tyler-Smith, C. & Ayub, Q. (2016), Wide distribution and altitude correlation of an archaic high-altitude-adaptive EPAS1 haplotype in the Himalayas, Human Genetics 135(4): 393-402.
- Mallick, S.; Li, H.; Lipson, M.; Mathieson, I.; Gymrek, M.; Racimo, F.; Zhao, M.Y.; Chennagiri, N.; Nordenfelt, S.; Tandon, A.; Skoglund, P.; Lazaridis, I.; Sankararaman, S.; Fu, Q.M.; Rohland, N.; Renaud, G.; Erlich, Y.; Willems, T.; Gallo, C.; Spence, J.P.; Song, Y.S.; Poletti, G.; Balloux, F.; Driem, G. van; Knijff, P. de; Romero, I.G.; Jha, A.R.; Behar, D.M.; Bravi, C.M.; Capelli, C.; Hervig, T.; Moreno-Estrada, A.; Posukh, O.L.; Balanovska, E.; Balanovsky, O.; Karachanak-Yankova, S.; Sahakyan, H.; Toncheva, D.; Yepiskoposyan, L.; Tyler-Smith, C.; Xue, Y.; Abdullah, M.S.; Ruiz-Linares, A.; Beall, C.M.; Rienzo, A. di; Jeong, C.; Starikovskaya, E.B.; Metspalu, E.; Parik, J.; Villems, R.; Henn, B.M.; Hodoglugil, U.; Mahley, R.; Sajantila, A.; Stamatoyannopoulos, G.; Wee, J.T.S.; Khusainova, R.; Khusnutdinova, E.; Litvinov, S.; Ayodo, G.; Comas, D.; Hammer, M.F.; Kivisild, T.; Klitz, W.; Winkler, C.A.; Labuda, D.; Bamshad, M.; Jorde, L.B.; Tishkoff, S.A.; Watkins, W.S.; Metspalu, M.; Dryomov, S.; Sukernik, R.; Singh, L.; Thangaraj, K.; Paabo, S.; Kelso, J.; Patterson, N. & Reich, D. (2016), The Simons Genome Diversity Project: 300 genomes from 142 diverse populations, Nature 538(7624): 201-+.
- Koopman, J.J.E.; Pijpe, J.; Bohringer, S.; Bodegom, D. van; Eriksson, U.K.; Sanchez-Faddeev, H.; Ziem, J.B.; Zwaan, B.; Slagboom, P.E.; Knijff, P. de & Westendorp, R.G.J. (2016), Genetic variants determining survival and fertility in an adverse African environment: a population-based large-scale candidate gene association study, Aging 8(7): 1364-1383.
- Chaitanya, L.; Oven, M. van; Brauer, S.; Zimmermann, B.; Huber, G.; Xavier, C.; Parson, W.; Knijff, P. de & Kayser, M. (2016), High-quality mtDNA control region sequences from 680 individuals sampled across the Netherlands to establish a national forensic mtDNA reference database, Forensic Science International: Genetics 21: 158-167.
- Haan, H.G. de; Vlieg, A.V.; Gaag, K.J. van der; Knijff, P. de & Rosendaal, F.R. (2016), Male-specific risk of first and recurrent venous thrombosis: a phylogenetic analysis of the Y chromosome, Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis 14(10): 1971-1977.
- Parson, W.; Ballard, D.; Budowle, B.; Butler, J.M.; Gettings, K.B.; Gill, P.; Gusmao, L.; Hares, D.R.; Irwin, J.A.; King, J.L.; Knijff, P. de; Morling, N.; Prinz, M.; Schneider, P.M.; Neste, C. van; Willuweit, S. & Phillips, C. (2016), Massively parallel sequencing of forensic STRs: Considerations of the DNA commission of the International Society for Forensic Genetics (ISFG) on minimal nomenclature requirements, Forensic Science International: Genetics 22: 54-63.
- Gaag, K.J. van der; Leeuw, R.H. de; Hoogenboom, J.; Patel, J.; Storts, D.R.; Laros, J.F.J. & Knijff, P. de (2016), Massively parallel sequencing of short tandem repeats-Population data and mixture analysis results for the PowerSeq (TM) system, Forensic Science International: Genetics 24: 86-96.
- Li, M.K.; Rothwell, R.; Vermaat, M.; Wachsmuth, M.; Schroder, R.; Laros, J.F.J.; Oven, M. van; Bakker, P.I.W. de; Bovenberg, J.A.; Duijn, C.M. van; Ommen, G.J.B. van; Slagboom, P.E.; Swertz, M.A.; Wijmenga, C.; Kayser, M.; Boomsma, D.I.; Zollner, S.; Knijff, P. de; Stoneking, M. & Genome Netherlands Consortium (2016), Transmission of human mtDNA heteroplasmy in the Genome of the Netherlands families: support for a variable-size bottleneck, Genome Research 26(4): 417-426.
- Batini, C.; Hallast, P.; Zadik, D.; Delser, P.M.; Benazzo, A.; Ghirotto, S.; Arroyo-Pardo, E.; Cavalleri, G.L.; Knijff, P. de; Dupuy, B.M.; Eriksen, H.A.; King, T.E.; Munain, A.L. de; Lopez-Parra, A.M.; Loutradis, A.; Milasin, J.; Novelletto, A.; Pamjav, H.; Sajantila, A.; Tolun, A.; Winney, B. & Jobling, M.A. (2015), Large-scale recent expansion of European patrilineages shown by population resequencing, Nature Communications 6.
- Kloosterman, W.P.; Francioli, L.C.; Hormozdiari, F.; Marschall, T.; Hehir-Kwa, J.Y.; Abdellaoui, A.; Lameijer, E.W.; Moed, M.H.; Koval, V.; Renkens, I.; Roosmalen, M.J. van; Arp, P.; Karssen, L.C.; Coe, B.P.; Handsaker, R.E.; Suchiman, E.D.; Cuppen, E.; Thung, D.T.; McVey, M.; Wendl, M.C.; Uitterlinden, A.; Duijn, C.M. van; Swertz, M.A.; Wijmenga, C.; Ommen, G.B. van; Slagboom, P.E.; Boomsma, D.I.; Schonhuth, A.; Eichler, E.E.; Bakker, P.I.W. de; Ye, K.; Guryev, V. & Genome Netherlands Consortium (2015), Characteristics of de novo structural changes in the human genome, Genome Research 25(6): 792-801.
- Leeuwen, E.M. van; Karssen, L.C.; Deelen, J.; Isaacs, A.; Medina-Gomez, C.; Mbarek, H.; Kanterakis, A.; Trompet, S.; Postmus, I.; Verweij, N.; Enckevort, D.J. van; Huffman, J.E.; White, C.C.; Feitosa, M.F.; Bartz, T.M.; Manichaikul, A.; Joshi, P.K.; Peloso, G.M.; Deelen, P.; Dijk, F. van; Willemsen, G.; Geus, E.J. de; Milaneschi, Y.; Penninx, B.W.J.H.; Francioli, L.C.; Menelaou, A.; Pulit, S.L.; Rivadeneira, F.; Hofman, A.; Oostra, B.A.; Franco, O.H.; Leach, I.M.; Beekman, M.; Craen, A.J.M. de; Uh, H.W.; Trochet, H.; Hocking, L.J.; Porteous, D.J.; Sattar, N.; Packard, C.J.; Buckley, B.M.; Brody, J.A.; Bis, J.C.; Rotter, J.I.; Mychaleckyj, J.C.; Campbell, H.; Duan, Q.; Lange, L.A.; Wilson, J.F.; Hayward, C.; Polasek, O.; Vitart, V.; Rudan, I.; Wright, A.F.; Rich, S.S.; Psaty, B.M.; Borecki, I.B.; Kearney, P.M.; Stott, D.J.; Cupples, L.A.; Jukema, J.W.; Harst, P. van der; Sijbrands, E.J.; Hottenga, J.J.; Uitterlinden, A.G.; Swertz, M.A.; Ommen, G.J.B. van; Bakker, P.I.W. de; Slagboom, P.E.; Boomsma, D.I.; Wijmenga, C.; Duijn, C.M. van & Genome Netherlands Consortium (2015), Genome of the Netherlands population-specific imputations identify an ABCA6 variant associated with cholesterol levels, Nature Communications 6.
- Leeuwen, E.M. van; Kanterakis, A.; Deelen, P.; Kattenberg, M.V.; Slagboom, P.E.; Bakker, P.I.W. de; Wijmenga, C.; Swertz, M.A.; Boomsma, D.I.; Duijn, C.M. van; Karssen, L.C.; Hottenga, J.J. & Genome Netherlands Consortium (2015), Population-specific genotype imputations using minimac or IMPUTE2, Nature Protocols 10(9): 1285-1296.
- Hallast, P.; Batini, C.; Zadik, D.; Delser, P.M.; Wetton, J.H.; Arroyo-Pardo, E.; Cavalleri, G.L.; Knijff, P. de; Bisol, G.D.; Dupuy, B.M.; Eriksen, H.A.; Jorde, L.B.; King, T.E.; Larmuseau, M.H.; Munain, A.L. de; Lopez-Parra, A.M.; Loutradis, A.; Milasin, J.; Novelletto, A.; Pamjav, H.; Sajantila, A.; Schempp, W.; Sears, M.; Tolun, A.; Tyler-Smith, C.; Geystelen, A. van; Watkins, S.; Winney, B. & Jobling, M.A. (2015), The Y-Chromosome Tree Bursts into Leaf: 13,000 High-Confidence SNPs Covering the Majority of Known Clades, Molecular Biology and Evolution 32(3): 661-673.
- Westen, A.A.; Kraaijenbrink, T.; Clarisse, L.; Grol, L.J.W.; Willemse, P.; Zuniga, S.B.; Medina, E.A.R. de; Schouten, R.; Gaag, K.J. van der; Weiler, N.E.C.; Kal, A.J.; Kayser, M.; Sijen, T. & Knijff, P. de (2015), Analysis of 36 Y-STR marker units including a concordance study among 2085 Dutch males, Forensic Science International: Genetics 14: 174-181.
- Kraaijenbrink, T.; Gaag, K.J. van der; Zuniga, S.B.; Xue, Y.L.; Carvalho-Silva, D.R.; Tyler-Smith, C.; Jobling, M.A.; Parkin, E.J.; Su, B.; Shi, H.; Xiao, C.J.; Tang, W.R.; Kashyap, V.K.; Trivedi, R.; Sitalaximi, T.; Banerjee, J.; Gaselo, K.T.O.; Tuladhar, N.M.; Opgenort, J.R.M.L.; Driem, G.L. van; Barbujani, G. & Knijff, P. de (2014), A Linguistically Informed Autosomal STR Survey of Human Populations Residing in the Greater Himalayan Region, PLoS ONE 9(3).
- Chaitanya, L.; Oven, M. van; Weiler, N.; Harteveld, J.; Wirken, L.; Sijen, T.; Knijff, P. de & Kayser, M. (2014), Developmental validation of mitochondrial DNA genotyping assays for adept matrilineal inference of biogeographic ancestry at a continental level, Forensic Science International: Genetics 11: 39-51.
- Westen, A.A.; Kraaijenbrink, T.; Medina, E.A.R. de; Harteveld, J.; Willemse, P.; Zuniga, S.B.; Gaag, K.J. van der; Weiler, N.E.C.; Warnaar, J.; Kayser, M.; Sijen, T. & Knijff, P. de (2014), Comparing six commercial autosomal STR kits in a large Dutch population sample, Forensic Science International: Genetics 10: 55-63.
- Welker, F.; Duijm, E.; Gaag, K.J. van der; Geel, B. van; Knijff, P. de; Leeuwen, J. van; Mol, D.; Plicht, J. van der; Raes, N.; Reumer, J. & Gravendeel, B. (2014), Analysis of coprolites from the extinct mountain goat Myotragus balearicus, Quaternary Research 81(1): 106-116.
- Chauhan, P.; Hansson, B.; Kraaijeveld, K.; Knijff, P. de; Svensson, E.I. & Wellenreuther, M. (2014), De novo transcriptome of Ischnura elegans provides insights into sensory biology, colour and vision genes, BMC Genomics 15.
- Walsh, S.; Chaitanya, L.; Clarisse, L.; Wirken, L.; Draus-Barini, J.; Kovatsi, L.; Maeda, H.; Ishikawa, T.; Sijen, T.; Knijff, P. de; Branicki, W.; Liu, F. & Kayser, M. (2014), Developmental validation of the HIrisPlex system: DNA-based eye and hair colour prediction for forensic and anthropological usage, Forensic Science International: Genetics 9: 150-161.
- Anvar, S.Y.; Khachatryan, L.; Vermaat, M.; Galen, M. van; Pulyakhina, I.; Ariyurek, Y.; Kraaijeveld, K.; Dunnen, J.T. den; Knijff, P. de; Hoen, P.A. 't & Laros, J.F.J. (2014), Determining the quality and complexity of next-generation sequencing data without a reference genome, Genome Biology 15(12).
- Balaresque, P.; King, T.E.; Parkin, E.J.; Heyer, E.; Carvalho-Silva, D.; Kraaijenbrink, T.; Knijff, P. de; Tyler-Smith, C. & Jobling, M.A. (2014), Gene Conversion Violates the Stepwise Mutation Model for Microsatellites in Y-Chromosomal Palindromic Repeats, Human Mutation 35(5): 609-617.
- Francioli, L.C.; Menelaou, A.; Pulit, S.L.; Dijk, F. van; Palamara, P.F.; Elbers, C.C.; Neerincx, P.B.T.; Ye, K.; Guryev, V.; Kloosterman, W.P.; Deelen, P.; Abdellaoui, A.; Leeuwen, E.M. van; Oven, M. van; Vermaat, M.; Li, M.; Laros, J.F.J.; Karssen, L.C.; Kanterakis, A.; Amin, N.; Hottenga, J.J.; Lameijer, E.W.; Kattenberg, M.; Dijkstra, M.; Byelas, H.; Settenl, J. van; Schaik, B.D.C. van; Bot, J.; Nijman, I.J.; Renkens, I.; Marscha, T.; Schonhuth, A.; Hehir-Kwa, J.Y.; Handsaker, R.E.; Polak, P.; Sohail, M.; Vuzman, D.; Hormozdiari, F.; Enckevort, D. van; Mei, H.; Koval, V.; Moed, M.T.H.; Velde, K.J. van der; Rivadeneira, F.; Estrada, K.; Medina-Gomez, C.; Isaacs, A.; McCarroll, S.A.; Beekrnan, M.; Craen, A.J.M. de; Suchiman, H.E.D.; Hofman, A.; Oostra, B.; Uitterlinden, A.G.; Willemsen, G.; Plattee, M.; Veldink, J.H.; Berg, L.H. van den; Pitts, S.J.; Potluri, S.; Sundar, P.; Cox, D.R.; Sunyaev, S.R.; Dunnen, J.T. den; Stoneking, M.; Knijff, P. de; Kayser, M.; Li, Q.B.; Li, Y.R.; , Y.P. du; Chen, R.; Cao, H.; Li, N.; Cao, S.; Wang, J.; Bovenberg, J.A.; Peer, I.; Slagboom, P.E.; Duijn, C.M. van; Boomsma, D.I.; Ommen, G.J.B. van; Bakker, P.I.W. de; Swertz, M.A.; Wijmenga, C.; Genome Netherlands Consortium & LifeLines Cohort Study (2014), Whole-genome sequence variation, population structure and demographic history of the Dutch population, Nature Genetics 46(8): 818-825.
- Kalf, R.R.J.; Mihaescu, R.; Kundu, S.; Knijff, P. de; Green, R.C. & Janssens, A.C.J.W. (2014), Variations in predicted risks in personal genome testing for common complex diseases, Genetics in Medicine 16(1): 85-91.
- Ballantyne, K.N.; Ralf, A.; Aboukhalid, R.; Achakzai, N.M.; Anjos, M.J.; Ayub, Q.; Balazic, J.; Ballantyne, J.; Ballard, D.J.; Berger, B.; Bobillo, C.; Bouabdellah, M.; Burri, H.; Capal, T.; Caratti, S.; Cardenas, J.; Cartault, F.; Carvalho, E.F.; Carvalho, M.; Cheng, B.W.; Coble, M.D.; Comas, D.; Corach, D.; D'Amato, M.E.; Davison, S.; Knijff, P. de; Ungria, M.C.A. de; Decorte, R.; Dobosz, T.; Dupuy, B.M.; Elmrghni, S.; Gliwinski, M.; Gomes, S.C.; Grol, L.; Haas, C.; Hanson, E.; Henke, J.; Henke, L.; Herrera-Rodriguez, F.; Hill, C.R.; Holmlund, G.; Honda, K.; Immel, U.D.; Inokuchi, S.; Jobling, M.A.; Kaddura, M.; Kim, J.S.; Kim, S.H.; Kim, W.; King, T.E.; Klausriegler, E.; Kling, D.; Kovacevic, L.; Kovatsi, L.; Krajewski, P.; Kravchenko, S.; Larmuseau, M.H.D.; Lee, E.Y.; Lessig, R.; Livshits, L.A.; Marjanovic, D.; Minarik, M.; Mizuno, N.; Moreira, H.; Morling, N.; Mukherjee, M.; Munier, P.; Nagaraju, J.; Neuhuber, F.; Nie, S.J.; Nilasitsataporn, P.; Nishi, T.; Oh, H.H.; Olofsson, J.; Onofri, V.; Palo, J.U.; Pamjav, H.; Parson, W.; Petlach, M.; Phillips, C.; Ploski, R.; Prasad, S.P.R.; Primorac, D.; Purnomo, G.A.; Purps, J.; Rangel-Villalobos, H.; Rebala, K.; Rerkamnuaychoke, B.; Gonzalez, D.R.; Robino, C.; Roewer, L.; Rosa, A.; Sajantila, A.; Sala, A.; Salvador, J.M.; Sanz, P.; Schmitt, C.; Sharma, A.K.; Silva, D.A.; Shin, K.J.; Sijen, T.; Sirker, M.; Sivakova, D.; Skaro, V.; Solano-Matamoros, C.; Souto, L.; Stenzl, V.; Sudoyo, H.; Syndercombe-Court, D.; Tagliabracci, A.; Taylor, D.; Tillmar, A.; Tsybovsky, I.S.; Tyler-Smith, C.; Gaag, K.J. van der; Vanek, D.; Volgyi, A.; Ward, D.; Willemse, P.; Yap, E.P.H.; Yong, R.Y.Y.; Pajnic, I.Z. & Kayser, M. (2014), Toward Male Individualization with Rapidly Mutating Y-Chromosomal Short Tandem Repeats, Human Mutation 35(8): 1021-1032.
- Geml, J.; Gravendeel, B.; Gaag, K.J. van der; Neilen, M.; Lammers, Y.; Raes, N.; Semenova, T.A.; Knijff, P. de & Noordeloos, M.E. (2014), The Contribution of DNA Metabarcoding to Fungal Conservation: Diversity Assessment, Habitat Partitioning and Mapping Red-Listed Fungi in Protected Coastal Salix repens Communities in the Netherlands, PLoS ONE 9(6).
- Boomsma, D.I.; Wijmenga, C.; Slagboom, E.P.; Swertz, M.A.; Karssen, L.C.; Abdellaoui, A.; Ye, K.; Guryev, V.; Vermaat, M.; Dijk, F. van; Francioli, L.C.; Hottenga, J.J.; Laros, J.F.J.; Li, Q.B.; Li, Y.R.; Cao, H.Z.; Chen, R.Y.; , Y.P. du; Li, N.; Cao, S.J.; Setten, J. van; Menelaou, A.; Pulit, S.L.; Hehir-Kwa, J.Y.; Beekman, M.; Elbers, C.C.; Byelas, H.; Craen, A.J.M. de; Deelen, P.; Dijkstra, M.; Dunnen, J.T. den; Knijff, P. de; Houwing-Duistermaat, J.; Koval, V.; Estrada, K.; Hofman, A.; Kanterakis, A.; Enckevort, D. van; Mai, H.L.; Kattenberg, M.; Leeuwen, E.M. van; Neerincx, P.B.T.; Oostra, B.; Rivadeneira, F.; Suchiman, E.H.D.; Uitterlinden, A.G.; Willemsen, G.; Wolffenbuttel, B.H.; Wang, J.; Bakker, P.I.W. de; Ommen, G.J. van & Duijn, C.M. van (2014), The Genome of the Netherlands: design, and project goals, European Journal of Human Genetics 22(2): 221-227.
- Larmuseau, M.H.D.; Vanderheyden, N.; Geystelen, A. van; Oven, M. van; Knijff, P. de & Decorte, R. (2014), Recent Radiation within Y-chromosomal Haplogroup R-M269 Resulted in High Y-STR Haplotype Resemblance, Annals of Human Genetics 78(2): 92-103.
- Trimbos, K.B.; Doorenweerd, C.; Kraaijeveld, K.; Musters, C.J.M.; Groen, N.M.; Knijff, P. de; Piersma, T. & Snoo, G.R. de (2014), Patterns in Nuclear and Mitochondrial DNA Reveal Historical and Recent Isolation in the Black-Tailed Godwit (Limosa limosa), PLoS ONE 9(1).
- Knijff, P. de (2014), How carrion and hooded crows defeat Linnaeus's curse, Science 344(6190): 1345-1346.
- Purps, J.; Siegert, S.; Willuweit, S.; Nagy, M.; Alves, C.; Salazar, R.; Angustia, S.M.T.; Santos, L.H.; Anslinger, K.; Bayer, B.; Ayub, Q.; Wei, W.; Xue, Y.L.; Tyler-Smith, C.; Bafalluy, M.B.; Martinez-Jarreta, B.; Egyed, B.; Balitzki, B.; Tschumi, S.; Ballard, D.; Court, D.S.; Barrantes, X.; Bassler, G.; Wiest, T.; Berger, B.; Niederstatter, H.; Parson, W.; Davis, C.; Budowle, B.; Burri, H.; Borer, U.; Koller, C.; Carvalho, E.F.; Domingues, P.M.; Chamoun, W.T.; Coble, M.D.; Hill, C.R.; Corach, D.; Caputo, M.; D'Amato, M.E.; Davison, S.; Decorte, R.; Larmuseau, M.H.D.; Ottoni, C.; Rickards, O.; Lu, D.; Jiang, C.T.; Dobosz, T.; Jonkisz, A.; Frank, W.E.; Furac, I.; Gehrig, C.; Castella, V.; Grskovic, B.; Haas, C.; Wobst, J.; Hadzic, G.; Drobnic, K.; Honda, K.; Hou, Y.P.; Zhou, D.; Li, Y.; Hu, S.P.; Chen, S.L.; Immel, U.D.; Lessig, R.; Jakovski, Z.; Ilievska, T.; Klann, A.E.; Garcia, C.C.; Knijff, P. de; Kraaijenbrink, T.; Kondili, A.; Miniati, P.; Vouropoulou, M.; Kovacevic, L.; Marjanovic, D.; Lindner, I.; Mansour, I.; Al-Azem, M.; Andari, A. el; Marino, M.; Furfuro, S.; Locarno, L.; Martin, P.; Luque, G.M.; Alonso, A.; Miranda, L.S.; Moreira, H.; Mizuno, N.; Iwashima, Y.; Moura, R.S.M.; Nogueira, T.L.S.; Silva, R.; Nastainczyk-Wulf, M.; Edelmann, J.; Kohl, M.; Nie, S.J.; Wang, X.P.; Cheng, B.W.; Nunez, C.; Pancorbo, M.M. de; Olofsson, J.K.; Morling, N.; Onofri, V.; Tagliabracci, A.; Pamjav, H.; Volgyi, A.; Barany, G.; Pawlowski, R.; Maciejewska, A.; Pelotti, S.; Pepinski, W.; Abreu-Glowacka, M.; Phillips, C.; Cadenas, J.; Rey-Gonzalez, D.; Salas, A.; Brisighelli, F.; Capelli, C.; Toscanini, U.; Piccinini, A.; Piglionica, M.; Baldassarra, S.L.; Ploski, R.; Konarzewska, M.; Jastrzebska, E.; Robino, C.; Sajantila, A.; Palo, J.U.; Guevara, E.; Salvador, J.; Ungria, M.C. de; Rodriguez, J.J.R.; Schmidt, U.; Schlauderer, N.; Saukko, P.; Schneider, P.M.; Sirker, M.; Shin, K.J.; Oh, Y.N.; Skitsa, I.; Ampati, A.; Smith, T.G.; Calvit, L.S. de; Stenzl, V.; Capal, T.; Tillmar, A.; Nilsson, H.; Turrina, S.; Leo, D. de; Verzeletti, A.; Cortellini, V.; Wetton, J.H.; Gwynne, G.M.; Jobling, M.A.; Whittle, M.R.; Sumita, D.R.; Wolanska-Nowak, P.; Yong, R.Y.Y.; Krawczak, M.; Nothnagel, M. & Roewer, L. (2014), A global analysis of Y-chromosomal haplotype diversity for 23 STR loci, Forensic Science International: Genetics 12: 12-23.
- Anvar, S.Y.; Gaag, K.J. van der; Heijden, J.W.F. van der; Veltrop, M.H.A.M.; Vossen, R.H.A.M.; Leeuw, R.H. de; Breukel, C.; Buermans, H.P.J.; Verbeek, J.S.; Knijff, P. de; Dunnen, J.T. den & Laros, J.F.J. (2014), TSSV: a tool for characterization of complex allelic variants in pure and mixed genomes, Bioinformatics 30(12): 1651-1659.
- Pijpe, J.; Voogt, A. de; Oven, M. van; Henneman, P.; Gaag, K.J. van der; Kayser, M. & Knijff, P. de (2013), Indian Ocean Crossroads: Human Genetic Origin and Population Structure in the Maldives, American Journal of Physical Anthropology 151(1): 58-67.
- Sanchez-Faddeev, H.; Pijpe, J.; Hulle, T. van der; Meij, H.J.; Gaag, K.J. van der; Slagboom, P.E.; Westendorp, R.G.J. & Knijff, P. de (2013), The influence of clan structure on the genetic variation in a single Ghanaian village, European Journal of Human Genetics 21(10): 1134-1139.
- Holmes, M.V.; Simon, T.; Exeter, H.J.; Folkersen, L.; Asselbergs, F.W.; Guardiola, M.; Cooper, J.A.; Palmen, J.; Hubacek, J.A.; Carruthers, K.F.; Horne, B.D.; Brunisholz, K.D.; Mega, J.L.; Iperen, E.P.A. van; Li, M.Y.; Leusink, M.; Trompet, S.; Verschuren, J.J.W.; Hovingh, G.K.; Dehghan, A.; Nelson, C.P.; Kotti, S.; Danchin, N.; Scholz, M.; Haase, C.L.; Rothenbacher, D.; Swerdlow, D.I.; Kuchenbaecker, K.B.; Staines-Urias, E.; Goel, A.; Hooft, F. van 't; Gertow, K.; Faire, U. de; Panayiotou, A.G.; Tremoli, E.; Baldassarre, D.; Veglia, F.; Holdt, L.M.; Beutner, F.; Gansevoort, R.T.; Navis, G.J.; Leach, I.M.; Breitling, L.P.; Brenner, H.; Thiery, J.; Dallmeier, D.; Franco-Cereceda, A.; Boer, J.M.A.; Stephens, J.W.; Hofker, M.H.; Tedgui, A.; Hofman, A.; Uitterlinden, A.G.; Adamkova, V.; Pitha, J.; Onland-Moret, N.C.; Cramer, M.J.; Nathoe, H.M.; Spiering, W.; Klungel, O.H.; Kumari, M.; Whincup, P.H.; Morrow, D.A.; Braund, P.S.; Hall, A.S.; Olsson, A.G.; Doevendans, P.A.; Trip, M.D.; Tobin, M.D.; Hamsten, A.; Watkins, H.; Koenig, W.; Nicolaides, A.N.; Teupser, D.; Day, I.N.M.; Carlquist, J.F.; Gaunt, T.R.; Ford, I.; Sattar, N.; Tsimikas, S.; Schwartz, G.G.; Lawlor, D.A.; Morris, R.W.; Sandhu, M.S.; Poledne, R.; Maitland-van der Zee, A.H.; Khaw, K.T.; Keating, B.J.; Harst, P. van der; Price, J.F.; Mehta, S.R.; Yusuf, S.; Witteman, J.C.M.; Franco, O.H.; Jukema, J.W.; Knijff, P. de; Tybjaerg-Hansen, A.; Rader, D.J.; Farrall, M.; Samani, N.J.; Kivimaki, M.; Fox, K.A.A.; Humphries, S.E.; Anderson, J.L.; Boekholdt, S.M.; Palmer, T.M.; Eriksson, P.; Pare, G.; Hingorani, A.D.; Sabatine, M.S.; Mallat, Z.; Casas, J.P. & Talmud, P.J. (2013), Secretory Phospholipase A(2)-IIA and Cardiovascular Disease, Journal of the American College of Cardiology 62(21): 1966-1976.
- Abdellaoui, A.; Hottenga, J.J.; Knijff, P. de; Nivard, M.G.; Xiao, X.J.; Scheet, P.; Brooks, A.; Ehli, E.A.; Hu, Y.S.; Davies, G.E.; Hudziak, J.J.; Sullivan, P.F.; Beijsterveldt, T. van; Willemsen, G.; Geus, E.J. de; Penninx, B.W.J.H. & Boomsma, D.I. (2013), Population structure, migration, and diversifying selection in the Netherlands, European Journal of Human Genetics 21(11): 1277-1285.
- Harteveld, C.L.; Refaldi, C.; Giambona, A.; Ruivenkamp, C.A.L.; Hoffer, M.J.V.; Pijpe, J.; Knijff, P. de; Borgna-Pignatti, C.; Maggio, A.; Cappellini, M.D. & Giordano, P.C. (2013), Mosaic segmental uniparental isodisomy and progressive clonal selection: a common mechanism of late onset beta-thalassemia major, Haematologica 98(5): 691-695.
- Westen, A.A.; Gaag, K.J. van der; Knijff, P. de & Sijen, T. (2013), Improved analysis of long STR amplicons from degraded single source and mixed DNA, International Journal of Legal Medicine 127(4): 741-747.
- Schaap, M.; Lemmers, R.J.L.F.; Maassen, R.; Vliet, P.J. van der; Hoogerheide, L.F.; Dijk, H.K. van; Basturk, N.; Knijff, P. de & Maarel, S.M. van der (2013), Genome-wide analysis of macrosatellite repeat copy number variation in worldwide populations: evidence for differences and commonalities in size distributions and size restrictions, BMC Genomics 14.
- Sanchez-Faddeev, H.; Pijpe, J.; Bodegom, D. van; Hulle, T. van der; Gaag, K.J. van der; Eriksson, U.K.; Spear, T.; Westendorp, R.G.J. & Knijff, P. de (2013), Ancestral Stories of Ghanaian Bimoba Reflect Millennia-Old Genetic Lineages, PLoS ONE 8(6).
- Kiezun, A.; Pulit, S.L.; Francioli, L.C.; Dijk, F. van; Swertz, M.; Boomsma, D.I.; Duijn, C.M. van; Slagboom, P.E.; Ommen, G.J.B. van; Wijmenga, C.; Bakker, P.I.W. de; Sunyaev, S.R. & Genome Netherlands Consortium (2013), Deleterious Alleles in the Human Genome Are on Average Younger Than Neutral Alleles of the Same Frequency, PLoS Genetics 9(2).
- Pardo, L.M.; Piras, G.; Asproni, R.; Gaag, K.J. van der; Gabbas, A.; Ruiz-Linares, A.; Knijff, P. de; Monne, M.; Rizzu, P. & Heutink, P. (2012), Dissecting the genetic make-up of North-East Sardinia using a large set of haploid and autosomal markers, European Journal of Human Genetics 20(9): 956-964.
- Balog, J.; Miller, D.; Sanchez-Curtailles, E.; Carbo-Marques, J.; Block, G.; Potman, M.; Knijff, P. de; Lemmers, R.J.L.F.; Tapscott, S.J. & Maarel, S.M. van der (2012), Epigenetic regulation of the X-chromosomal macrosatellite repeat encoding for the cancer/testis gene CT47, European Journal of Human Genetics 20(2): 185-191.
- Kraaijeveld, K.; Zwanenburg, B.; Hubert, B.; Vieira, C.; Pater, S. de; Alphen, J.J.M. van; Dunnen, J.T. den & Knijff, P. de (2012), Transposon proliferation in an asexual parasitoid, Molecular Ecology 21(16): 3898-3906.
- Ballantyne, K.N.; Keerl, V.; Wollstein, A.; Choi, Y.; Zuniga, S.B.; Ralf, A.; Vermeulen, M.; Knijff, P. de & Kayser, M. (2012), A new future of forensic Y-chromosome analysis: Rapidly mutating Y-STRs for differentiating male relatives and paternal lineages., Forensic Science International: Genetics.
- Westen, A.A.; Grol, L.J.W.; Harteveld, J.; Matai, A.S.; Knijff, P. de & Sijen, T. (2012), Assessment of the stochastic threshold, back- and forward stutter filters and low template techniques for NGM, Forensic Science International: Genetics 6(6): 708-715.
- Westen, A.A.; Haned, H.; Grol, L.J.W.; Harteveld, J.; Gaag, K.J. van der; Knijff, P. de & Sijen, T. (2012), Combining results of forensic STR kits: HDplex validation including allelic association and linkage testing with NGM and Identifiler loci, International Journal of Legal Medicine 126(5): 781-789.
- Kayser, M. & Knijff, P. de (2011), Improving human forensics through advances in genetics, genomics and molecular biology, Nature Reviews Genetics 12(3): 179-192.
- Kraaijeveld, K.; Franco, P.; Knijff, P. de; Stouthamer, R. & Alphen, J.J.M. van (2011), Clonal genetic variation in a Wolbachia-infected asexual wasp: horizontal transmission or historical sex?, Molecular Ecology 20(17): 3644-3652.
- Walsh, S.; Lindenbergh, A.; Zuniga, S.B.; Sijen, T.; Knijff, P. de; Kayser, M. & Ballantyne, K.N. (2011), Developmental validation of the IrisPlex system: Determination of blue and brown iris colour for forensic intelligence, Forensic Science International: Genetics 5(5): 464-471.
- Dieltjes, P.; Mieremet, R.; Zuniga, S.; Kraaijenbrink, T.; Pijpe, J. & Knijff, P. de (2011), A sensitive method to extract DNA from biological traces present on ammunition for the purpose of genetic profiling., International Journal of Legal Medicine 125(4): 597-602.
- Sampietro, M.L.; Trompet, S.; Verschuren, J.J.W.; Talens, R.P.; Deelen, J.; Heijmans, B.T.; Winter, R.J. de; Tio, R.A.; Doevendans, P.A.F.M.; Ganesh, S.K.; Nabel, E.G.; Westra, H.J.; Franke, L.; Akker, E.B. van den; Westendorp, R.G.J.; Zwinderman, A.H.; Kastrati, A.; Koch, W.; Slagboom, P.E.; Knijff, P. de & Jukema, J.W. (2011), A genome-wide association study identifies a region at chromosome 12 as a potential susceptibility locus for restenosis after percutaneous coronary intervention., Human Molecular Genetics 20(23): 4748-57.
- Filippo, C. de; Barbieri, C.; Whitten, M.; Mpoloka, S.W.; Gunnarsdottir, E.D.; Bostoen, K.; Nyambe, T.; Beyer, K.; Schreiber, H.; Knijff, P. de; Luiselli, D.; Stoneking, M. & Pakendorf, B. (2011), Y-chromosomal variation in sub-saharan Africa: insights into the history of niger-congo groups.
- Dieltjes, P.; Mieremet, R.; Zuniga, S.; Kraaijenbrink, T.; Pijpe, J. & Knijff, P. de (2011), A sensitive method to extract DNA from biological traces present on ammunition for the purpose of genetic profiling, International Journal of Legal Medicine 125(4): 597-602.
- Rasmussen, M.; Guo, X.S.; Wang, Y.; Lohmueller, K.E.; Rasmussen, S.; Albrechtsen, A.; Skotte, L.; Lindgreen, S.; Metspalu, M.; Jombart, T.; Kivisild, T.; Zhai, W.W.; Eriksson, A.; Manica, A.; Orlando, L.; Vega, F.M. de la; Tridico, S.; Metspalu, E.; Nielsen, K.; Avila-Arcos, M.C.; Moreno-Mayar, J.V.; Muller, C.; Dortch, J.; Gilbert, M.T.P.; Lund, O.; Wesolowska, A.; Karmin, M.; Weinert, L.A.; Wang, B.; Li, J.; Tai, S.S.; Xiao, F.; Hanihara, T.; Driem, G. van; Jha, A.R.; Ricaut, F.X.; Knijff, P. de; Migliano, A.B.; Romero, I.G.; Kristiansen, K.; Lambert, D.M.; Brunak, S.; Forster, P.; Brinkmann, B.; Nehlich, O.; Bunce, M.; Richards, M.; Gupta, R.; Bustamante, C.D.; Krogh, A.; Foley, R.A.; Lahr, M.M.; Balloux, F.; Sicheritz-Ponten, T.; Villems, R.; Nielsen, R.; Wang, J. & Willerslev, E. (2011), An Aboriginal Australian Genome Reveals Separate Human Dispersals into Asia, SCIENCE 333(6052): 94-98.
- Verschuren, J.J.W.; Sampietro, M.L.; Pons, D.; Trompet, S.; Ewing, M.M.; Quax, P.H.A.; Knijff, P. de; Zwinderman, A.H.; Winter, R.J. de; Tio, R.A.; Maat, M.P. de; Doevendans, P.A.F.M. & Jukema, J.W. (2011), Matrix metalloproteinases 2 and 3 gene polymorphisms and the risk of target vessel revascularization after percutaneous coronary intervention: Is there still room for determining genetic variation of MMPs for assessment of an increased risk of restenosis?, Disease Markers 29(5): 265-273.
- Ballantyne, K.N.; Goedbloed, M.; Fang, R.X.; Schaap, O.; Lao, O.; Wollstein, A.; Choi, Y.; Duijn, K. van; Vermeulen, M.; Brauer, S.; Decorte, R.; Poetsch, M.; Wurmb-Schwark, N. von; Knijff, P. de; Labuda, D.; Vezina, H.; Knoblauch, H.; Lessig, R.; Roewer, L.; Ploski, R.; Dobosz, T.; Henke, L.; Henke, J.; Furtado, M.R. & Kayser, M. (2010), Mutability of Y-Chromosomal Microsatellites: Rates, Characteristics, Molecular Bases, and Forensic Implications, American Journal of Human Genetics 87(3): 341-353.
- Lao, O.; Vallone, P.M.; Coble, M.D.; Diegoli, T.M.; Oven, M. van; Gaag, K.J. van der; Pijpe, J.; Knijff, P. de & Kayser, M. (2010), Evaluating self-declared ancestry of U.S. Americans with autosomal, Y-chromosomal and mitochondrial DNA., Human Mutation 31(12): E1875-93.
- Bayley, J.P.; Kunst, H.P.M.; Cascon, A.; Sampietro, M.L.; Gaal, J.; Korpershoek, E.; Hinojar-Gutierrez, A.; Timmers, H.J.L.M.; Hoefsloot, L.H.; Hermsen, M.A.; Suarez, C.; Hussain, A.K.; Vriends, A.H.J.T.; Hes, F.J.; Jansen, J.C.; Tops, C.M.; Corssmit, E.P.; Knijff, P. de; Lenders, J.W.M.; Cremers, C.W.R.J.; Devilee, P.; Dinjens, W.N.M.; Krijger, R.R. de & Robledo, M. (2010), SDHAF2 mutations in familial and sporadic paraganglioma and phaeochromocytoma, Lancet Oncology 11(4): 366-372.
- Shi, W.T.; Ayub, Q.; Vermeulen, M.; Shao, R.G.; Zuniga, S.; Gaag, K. van der; Knijff, P. de; Kayser, M.; Xue, Y.L. & Tyler-Smith, C. (2010), A worldwide survey of human male demographic history based on Y-SNP and Y-STR data from the HGDP-CEPH populations.
- Ewing, M.M.; Verschuren, J.J.W.; Sampietro, M.L.; Vries, M.R. de; Knijff, P. de; Quax, P.H.A. & Jukema, J.W. (2010), Annexin A5: genotypic risk marker for clinical restenosis after percutaneous coronary intervention, European Heart Journal 31: 803-803.
- Lemmers, R.J.L.F.; Vliet, P.J. van der; Gaag, K.J. van der; Zuniga, S.; Frants, R.R.; Knijff, P. de & Maarel, S.M. van der (2010), Worldwide Population Analysis of the 4q and 10q Subtelomeres Identifies Only Four Discrete Interchromosomal Sequence Transfers in Human Evolution, American Journal of Human Genetics 86(3): 364-377.
- Corach, D.; Lao, O.; Bobillo, C.; Gaag, K. van der; Zuniga, S.; Vermeulen, M.; Duijn, K. van; Goedbloed, M.; Vallone, P.M.; Parson, W.; Knijff, P. de & Kayser, M. (2010), Inferring Continental Ancestry of Argentineans from Autosomal, Y-Chromosomal and Mitochondrial DNA, Annals of Human Genetics 74: 65-76.
- Sternkopf, V.; Liebers-Helbig, D.; Ritz, M.S.; Zhang, J.; Helbig, A.J. & Knijff, P. de (2010), Introgressive hybridization and the evolutionary history of the herring gull complex revealed by mitochondrial and nuclear DNA, BMC Evolutionary Biology 10.
- Sampietro ML, Pons D, de Knijff P, Slagboom PE, Zwinderman A & Jukema JW (2009), A genome wide association analysis in the GENDER study., Netherlands Heart Journal 17(6): 262-4.
- Sampietro ML, Pons D, de Knijff P, Slagboom PE, Zwinderman AH & Jukema JW (2009), A genome wide association analysis in the GENDER study, Netherlands Heart Journal 17(6): 262-264.
- Kersbergen P, van Duijn K, Kloosterman AD, den Dunnen JT, Kayser M & de Knijff P (2009), Developing a set of ancestry-sensitive DNA markers reflecting continental origins of humans, BMC Genetics 10.
- He M, Gitschier J, Zerjal T, de Knijff P, Tyler-Smith C & Xue YL (2009), Geographical Affinities of the HapMap Samples, PLoS ONE 4(3).
- Kersbergen P, van Duijn K, Kloosterman AD, den Dunnen JT, Kayser M & de Knijff P (2009), Developing a set of ancestry-sensitive DNA markers reflecting continental origins of humans., BMC Genetics 10: 69.
- Moreau C, Vezina H, Yotova V, Hamon R, de Knijff P, Sinnett D & Labuda D (2009), Genetic Heterogeneity in Regional Populations of Quebec-Parental Lineages in the Gaspe Peninsula, American Journal of Physical Anthropology 139(4): 512-522.
- Balaresque P, Parkin E, Roewer L, Carvalho-Silva D, Mitchell R, van Oorschot RAH, Henke J, Stoneking M, Nasidze I & Wetton J (2009), Genomic complexity of the Y-STR DYS19: inversions, deletions and founder lineages carrying duplications, International Journal of Legal Medicine 123(1): 15-23.
- Vermeulen M, Wollstein A, van der Gaag K, Lao O, Xue YL, Wang QJ, Roewer L, Knoblauch H, Tyler-Smith C & de Knijff P (2009), Improving global and regional resolution of male lineage differentiation by simple single-copy Y-chromosomal short tandem repeat polymorphisms, Forensic Science International: Genetics 3(4): 205-213.
- Westen AA, Matai AS, Laros JFJ, Meiland HC, Jasper M, de Leeuw WJF, de Knijff P & Sijen T (2009), Tri-allelic SNP markers enable analysis of mixed and degraded DNA samples, Forensic Science International: Genetics 3(4): 233-241.
- Rodig H, Roewer L, Gross A, Richter T, de Knijff P, Kayser M & Brabetz W (2008), Evaluation of haplotype discrimination capacity of 35 Y-chromosomal short tandem repeat loci, Forensic Science International 174(2-3).
- Soltyszewski I, Plocienniczak A, Fabriciusc HA, Kornienko I, Vodolazhsky D, Parson W, Hradil R, Schmitter H, Ivanov P, Kuzniar P, Malyarchuk BA, Grzybowski T, Wozniak M, Henke J, Henke L, Olkhovets S, Voitenko V, Lagus V, Ficek A, Minarik G, de Knijff P, Rebala K, Wysocka J, Kapiska E, Cybulska L, Mikulich AI, Tsybovsky IS, Szczerkowska Z, Krajewski P & Ploski R (2008), Analysis of forensically used autosomal short tandem repeat markers in Polish and neighboring populations, Forensic Science International: Genetics 2(3).
- Balaresque P, Bowden GR, Parkin EJ, Omran GA, Heyer E, Quintana-Murci L, Roewer L, Stoneking M, Nasidze I, Carvalho-Silva DR, Tyler-Smith C, de Knijff P & Jobling MA (2008), Dynamic Nature of the Proximal AZFc Region of the Human Y Chromosome: Multiple Independent Deletion and Duplication Events Revealed by Microsatellite Analysis, Human Mutation 29(10).
- Lemmers RJLF, Wohlgemuth M, van der Gaag KJ, van der Vliet PJ, van Teijlingen CMM, de Knijff P, Padberg GW, Frants RR & van der Maarel SM (2007), Specific sequence variations within the 4q35 region are associated with Facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy, American Journal of Human Genetics 81(5).
- Jobling MA, Lo ICC, Turner DJ, Bowden GR, Lee AC, Xue YL, Carvalho-Silva D, Hurles ME, Adams SM, Chang YM, Kraaijenbrink T, Henke J, Guanti G, McKeown B, van Oorschot RAH, Mitchell RJ, de Knijff P, Tyler-Smith C & Parkin EJ (2007), Structural variation on the short arm of the human Y chromosome: recurrent multigene deletions encompassing Amelogenin Y, Human Molecular Genetics 16(3).
- Spierings E, Hendriks M, Absi L, Canossi A, Chhaya S, Crowley J, Dolstra H, Eliaou JF, Ellis T, Enczmann J, Fasano M, Gervais T, Gorodezky C, Kircher B, Laurin D, Leffell M, Loiseau P, Malkki M, Markiewicz M, Martinetti M, Maruya E, Mehra N, Oguz F, Oudshoorn M, Pereira N, Rani R, Sergeant R, Thomson J, Tran TH, Turpeinen H, Yang KL, Zunec R, Carrington M, de Knijff P & Goulmy E (2007), Phenotype frequencies of autosomal minor histocompatibility antigens display significant differences among ethnic populations, Tissue Antigens 69(5).
- de Knijff P (2007), Hidden African ancestors - Hidden secrets of your ancestors, European Journal of Human Genetics 15(5).
- Spierings E, Hendriks M, Absi L, Canossi A, Chhaya S, Crowley J, Dolstra H, Eliaou JF, Ellis T, Enczmann J, Fasano ME, Gervais T, Gorodezky C, Kircher B, Laurin D, Leffell MS, Loiseau P, Malkki M, Markiewicz M, Martinetti M, Maruya E, Mehra N, Oguz F, Oudshoorn M, Pereira N, Rani R, Sergeant R, Thomson J, Tran TH, Turpeinen H, Yang KL, Zunec R, Carrington M, de Knijff P & Goulmy E (2007), Phenotype frequencies of autosomal minor histocompatibility antigens display significant differences among populations, PLoS Genetics 3(6).
- Parkin, E.J.; Kraayenbrink, T.; Opgenort, J.R.M.L.; Driem, G.L. van; Tuladhar, N.M.; Knijff, P. de & Jobling, M.A. (2007), Diversity of 26-locus Y-STR haplotypes in a Nepalese population sample: Isolation and drift in the Himalayas, Forensic Science International 166(2-3).
- Kraaijenbrink T, van Driem GL, Gaselo KTO & de Knijff P (2007), Allele frequency distribution for 21 autosomal STR loci in Bhutan, Forensic Science International 170(1).
- Garrigan D, Kingan SB, Pilkington MM, Wilder JA, Cox MP, Soodyall H, Strassmann B, Destro-Bisol G, de Knijff P, Novelletto A, Friedlaender J & Hammer MF (2007), Inferring human population sizes, divergence times and rates of gene flow from mitochondrial, X and Y chromosome resequencing data, Genetics 177(4).
- Kraaijenbrink T, van Driem GL, Opgenort JRML, Tuladhar NM & de Knijff P (2007), Allele frequency distribution for 21 autosomal STR loci in Nepal, Forensic Science International 168(2-3).
- Lemmers R, Wohlgemuth M, van der Kaag C, Van der Vliet P, de Knijff P, Padberg G, Frants R & Van der Maarel S (2007), Specific sequence variations associated with FSHD, Neuromuscular Disorders 17(9-10).
- Roos A, Dieltjes P, Vossen RHAM, Daha MR & de Knijff P (2006), Detection of three single nucleotide polymorphisms in the gene encoding mannose-binding lectin in a single pyrosequencing reaction, Journal of Immunological Methods 309(1-2).
- Kivisild T, Shen PD, Wall DP, Do B, Sung R, Davis K, Passarino G, Underhill PA, Scharfe C, Torroni A, Scozzari R, Modiano D, Coppa A, de Knijff P, Feldman M, Cavalli-Sforza LL & Oefner PJ (2006), The role of selection in the evolution of human mitochondrial genomes, Genetics 172(1).
- Roos A, Bouwman LH, Terpstra OT, de Knijff P, van Hoek B, Verspaget HW, Berger SP, Daha MR, Frolich M, van der Slik AR, Doxiadis II, Roep BO & Schaapherder AFM (2006), Mannose-binding lectin gene polymorphisms confer a major risk for severe infections after liver transplantation, Molecular Immunology 43(1-2).
- Maitland-van der Zee AH, Jukema JW, Zwinderman AH, Hallman DM, de Boer A, Kastelein JJP & de Knijff P (2006), Apolipoprotein-E polymorphism and response to pravastatin in men with coronary artery disease (REGRESS), Acta Cardiologica 61(3).
- Lao O, van Duijn K, Kersbergen P, de Knijff P & Kayser M (2006), Proportioning whole-genome single-nucleotide-polymorphism diversity for the identification of geographic population structure and genetic ancestry, American Journal of Human Genetics 78(4).
- Roewer L, Croucher PJP, Willuweit S, Lu TT, Kayser M, Lessig R, de Knijff P, Jobling MA, Tyler-Smith C & Krawczak M (2005), Signature of recent historical events in the European Y-chromosomal STR haplotype distribution, Human Genetics 116(4).
- Bouwman LH, Eerligh P, Terpstra OT, Daha MR, de Knijff P, Ballieux BEPB, Bruining GJ, van der Slik AR, Roos A & Roep BO (2005), Elevated levels of mannose-binding lectin at clinical manifestation of type 1 diabetes in juveniles, Diabetes 54(10).
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- de Pauw ESD, Roelofs H, Zwinderman A, van Houwelingen JC, Fibbe WE, de Knijff P, Pearson PL & Tanke HJ (2005), Studying the biological and technical sources of variation in telomere length of individual chromosomes, Cytometry Part A 65A(1).
- Bouwman LH, Roos A, Terpstra OT, De Knijff P, Van Hoek B, Verspaget HW, Berger SP, Daha MR, Frolich M, Van Der Slik AR, Doxiadis II, Roep BO & Schaapherder AFM (2005), Mannose binding lectin gene polymorphisms confer a major risk for severe infections after liver transplantation, Gastroenterology 129(2).
- Schneider PM, Bender K, Mayr WR, Parson W, Hoste B, Decorte R, Cordonnier J, Vanek D, Morling N, Karjalainen M, Carlotti CMP, Sabatier M, Hohoff C, Schmitter H, Pflug W, Wenzel R, Patzelt D, Lessig R, Dobrowolski P, O'Donnell G, Garafano L, Dobosz M, de Knijff P, Mevag B, Pawlowski R, Gusmao L, Vide MC, Alonso AA, Fernandez OG, Nicolas PS, Kihlgreen A, Bar W, Meier V, Teyssier A, Coquoz R, Brandt C, Germann U, Gill P, Hallett J & Greenhalgh M (2004), STR analysis of artificially degraded DNA - results of a collaborative European exercise, Forensic Science International 139(2-3).
- Liebers D, de Knijff P & Helbig AJ (2004), The herring gull complex is not a ring species, Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 271(1542).
- Beekman M, Posthuma D, Heijmans BT, Lakenberg N, Suchiman HED, Snieder H, de Knijff P, Frants RR, van Ommen GJB, Kluft C, Vogler GP, Slagboom PE & Boomsma DI (2004), Combined association and linkage analysis applied to the APOE locus, Genetic Epidemiology 26(4).
- Broeks A, Urbanus JHM, de Knijff P, Devilee P, Nicke M, Klopper K, Dork T, Floore AN & van't Veer LJ (2003), IVS10-6T > G, an ancient ATM germline mutation linked with breast cancer, Human Mutation 21(5).
- Beekman M, Heijmans BT, Martin NG, Whitfield JB, Pedersen NL, DeFaire U, Snieder H, Lakenberg N, Eka H, Suchiman D, de Knijff P, Frants RR, van Ommen GJB, Kluft C, Vogler GP, Boomsma DI & Slagboom PE (2003), Evidence for a QTL on chromosome 19 influencing LDL cholesterol levels in the general population, European Journal of Human Genetics 11(11).
- Beekman M, Heijmans BT, Martin NG, Whitfield JB, Pedersen NL, DeFaire U, Snieder H, Lakenberg N, Knijff PC, Frants RR, van Ommen GJB, Kluft C, Vogler GR, Slagboom RE & Boomsma DI (2003), Two-locus linkage analysis applied to putative quantitative trait loci for lipoprotein(a) levels, Twin Research 6(4).
- Thomassen HA, Wiersema AT, de Bakker MAG, de Knijff P, Hetebrij E & Povel GDE (2003), A new phylogeny of swiftlets (Aves : Apodidae) based on cytochrome-b DNA, Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 29(1).
- Tanck MWT, Klerkx AHEM, Jukema JW, De Knijff P, Kastelein JJP & Zwinderman AH (2003), Estimation of multilocus haplotype effects using weighted penalised log-likelihood: Analysis of five sequence variations at the cholesteryl ester transfer protein gene locus, Annals of Human Genetics 67.
- Heijmans BT, Beekman M, Martin NG, Whitfield JB, Pedersen NI, DeFaire U, Snieder H, Lakenberg N, de Knijff P, Frants RR, van Ommen GJE, Kluft C, Vogler GP, Slagboom PE & Boomsma DI (2002), No evidence for a locus influencing Lp(a) levels cn chromosome, American Journal of Human Genetics 71(4): 454-454.
- Redd AJ, Agellon AB, Kearney VA, Contreras VA, Karafet T, Park H, de Knijff P, Butler JM & Hammer MF (2002), Forensic value of 14 novel STRs on the human Y chromosome, Forensic Science International 130(2-3).
- Bosch E, Lee AC, Calafell F, Arroyo E, Henneman P, de Knijff P & Jobling MA (2002), High resolution Y chromosome typing: 19 STRs amplified in three multiplex reactions, Forensic Science International 125(1).
- Kalaydjieva L, Calafell F, Jobling MA, Angelicheva D, de Knijff P, Rosser ZH, Hurles ME, Underhill P, Tournev I, Marushiakova E & Popov V (2001), Patterns of inter- and intra-group genetic diversity in the Vlax Roma as revealed by Y chromosome and mitochondrial DNA lineages, European Journal of Human Genetics 9(2).
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- Liebers D, Helbig AJ & De Knijff P (2001), Genetic differentiation and phylogeography of gulls in the Larus cachinnans-fuscus group (Aves : Charadriiformes), Molecular Ecology 10(10).
- Gill P, Brenner C, Brinkmann B, Budowle B, Carracedo A, Jobling MA, de Knijff P, Kayser M, Krawczak M, Mayr WR, Morling N, Olaisen B, Pascali V, Prinz M, Roewer L, Schneider PM, Sajantila A & Tyler-Smith C (2001), DNA Commission of the International Society of Forensic Genetics: recommendations on forensic analysis using Y-chromosome STRs, International Journal of Legal Medicine 114(6).
- Maat-Kievit A, Helderman-van den Enden P, Losekoot M, de Knijff P, Belfroid R, Vegter-van der Vlis M, Roos R & Breuning M (2001), Using a roster and haplotyping is useful in risk assessment for persons with intermediate and reduced penetrance alleles in Huntington disease, American Journal of Medical Genetics 105(8).
- Heijmans BT, Beekman M, Lakenberg N, Suchiman HED, Vogler GP, DeFaire U, Whitfield JB, de Knijff P, Kluft C, van Ommen GJB, Frants RR, Pedersen NL, Martin NG, Boomsma DI & Slagboom PE (2001), Genome scan for cardiovascular risk factors in three populations., American Journal of Human Genetics 69(4): 502-502.
- Kayser M, Krawczak M, Excoffier L, Dieltjes P, Corach D, Pascali V, Gehrig C, Bernini LF, Jespersen J, Bakker E, Roewer L & de Knijff P (2001), An extensive analysis of Y-chromosomal microsatellite haplotypes in globally dispersed human populations, American Journal of Human Genetics 68(4).
- Roewer L, Krawczak M, Willuweit S, Nagy M, Alves C, Amorim A, Anslinger K, Augustin C, Betz A, Bosch E, Caglia A, Carracedo A, Corach D, Dekairelle AF, Dobosz T, Dupuy BM, Furedi S, Gehrig C, Gusmao L, Henke J, Henke L, Hidding M, Hohoff C, Hoste B, Jobling MA, Kargel HJ, de Knijff P, Lessig R, Liebeherr E, Lorente M, Martinez-Jarreta B, Nievas P, Nowak M, Parson W, Pascali VL, Penacino G, Ploski R, Rolf B, Sala A, Schmidt U, Schmitt C, Schneider PM, Szibor R, Teifel-Greding J & Kayser M (2001), Online reference database of European Y-chromosomal short tandem repeat (STR) haplotypes, Forensic Science International 118(2-3).
- Beekman M, Lakenburg N, Cherny SS, De Knijff P, Kluft CC, Van Ommen GJB, Vogler GP, Frants RR, Boomsma DI & Slagboom PE (2001), A powerful and rapid approach to human genome scanning using small quantities of genomic DNA, Genetics Research 77(2).
- Rosser ZH, Zerjal T, Hurles ME, Adojaan M, Alavantic D, Amorim A, Amos W, Armenteros M, Arroyo E, Barbujani G, Beckman G, Beckman L, Bertranpetit J, Bosch E, Bradley DG, Brede G, Cooper G, Corte-Real HBSM, de Knijff P, Decorte R, Dubrova YE, Evgrafov O, Gilissen A, Glisic S, Golge M, Hill EW, Jeziorowska A, Kalaydjieva L, Kayser M, Kivisild T, Kravchenko SA, Krumina A, Kucinskas V, Lavinha J, Livshits LA, Malaspina P, Maria S, McElreavey K, Meitinger TA, Mikelsaar AV, Mitchell RJ, Nafa K, Nicholson J, Norby S, Pandya A, Parik J, Patsalis PC, Pereira L, Peterlin B, Pielberg G, Prata ML, Previdere C, Roewer L, Rootsi S, Rubinsztein DC, Saillard J, Santos FR, Stefanescu G, Sykes BC, Tolun A, Villems R, Tyler-Smith C & Jobling MA (2000), Y-chromosomal diversity in Europe is clinal and influenced primarily by geography, rather than by language, American Journal of Human Genetics 67(6).
- Roewer L, Kayser M, de Knijff P, Anslinger K, Betz A, Caglia A, Corach D, Furedi S, Henke L, Hidding M, Kargel HJ, Lessig R, Nagy M, Pascali VL, Parson W, Rolf B, Schmitt C, Szibor R, Teifel-Greding J & Krawczak M (2000), A new method for the evaluation of matches in non-recombining genomes: application to Y-chromosomal short tandem repeat (STR) haplotypes in European males, Forensic Science International 114(1).
- Kayser M, Roewer L, Hedman M, Henke L, Henke J, Brauer S, Kruger C, Krawczak M, Nagy M, Dobosz T, Szibor R, de Knijff P, Stoneking M & Sajantila A (2000), Characteristics and frequency of germline mutations at microsatellite loci from the human Y chromosome, as revealed by direct observation in father/son pairs.
- van Ittersum FJ, de Man AME, Thijssen S, de Knijff P, Slagboom E, Smulders Y, Tarnow L, Donker AJM, Bilo HJG & Stehouwer CDA (2000), Genetic polymorphisms of the renin-angiotensin system and complications of insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus.
- Santos FR, Pandya A, Kayser M, Mitchell RJ, Liu AP, Singh L, Destro-Bisol G, Novelletto A, Qamar R, Mehdi SQ, Adhikari R, de Knijff P & Tyler-Smith C (2000), A polymorphic L1 retroposon insertion in the centromere of the human Y chromosome.
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- de Knijff P (2000), Messages through bottlenecks: On the combined use of slow and fast evolving polymorphic markers on the human Y chromosome, American Journal of Human Genetics 67(5).
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- Kuivenhoven, J.A.; Jukema, J.W.; Zwinderman, A.H.; Knijff, P. de; McPherson, R.; Bruschke, V.G.; Lie, K.I.; Kastelein, J.J.P. & Regress Growth Evaluat Statin Study Grp (1998), The role of a common variant of the cholesteryl ester transfer protein gene in the progression of coronary atherosclerosis. The Regression Growth Evaluation Statin Study Group., New England Journal of Medicine 338(2): 86-93.