Leonardus Visser
Hoogleraar Infectieziekten
- Naam
- Prof.dr. L.G. Visser
- Telefoon
- +31 71 526 6534
- l.g.visser@lumc.nl
- 0000-0002-3600-9782
Leo Visser is hoogleraar in de Infectieziekten, in het bijzonder de reizigersgeneeskunde, afdelingshoofd van de afdeling Infectieziekten en plaatsvervangend opleider Interne Geneeskunde in het Leids Universitair Medisch Centrum (LUMC). Daarnaast is hij lid van de Europese Expert Committee on Travel Medicine en president van de International Society of Travel Medicine.
Meer informatie over Leonardus Visser
Leo Visser is hoogleraar in de Infectieziekten, in het bijzonder de reizigersgeneeskunde, afdelingshoofd van de afdeling Infectieziekten en plaatsvervangend opleider Interne Geneeskunde in het Leids Universitair Medisch Centrum (LUMC). Daarnaast is hij lid van de Europese Expert Committee on Travel Medicine en president van de International Society of Travel Medicine.
Reizen naar verre oorden ligt in het bereik van een toenemend aantal personen. In 2015 bedroeg het aantal internationale reizigers 1,2 miljard. Naar verwachting zal dit aantal stijgen tot 1,8 miljard in 2030.
De moderne luchtvaart stelt de mens in staat om in korte tijd de wereld rond te vliegen. Als gevolg hiervan openbaren de verschijnselen van een ziekte opgedaan in een ver land zich vaak pas na terugkeer. Gezondheidsproblemen tijdens en na de reis variëren van (tropische) infectieziekten en verergering van reeds aanwezige chronische aandoeningen tot ongevallen, cultuurshock en medische missers na medisch toerisme.
De specifieke kennis over het voorkomen en de verspreiding van (infectie)ziekten, de gevolgen van reizen op gezondheid, het nut van vaccinatie, de werkzaamheid en veiligheid van preventieve behandeling en de diagnose en behandeling van (tropische) infectieziekten behoort tot het specialisme van de reizigersgeneeskunde.
Reizigersgeneeskunde beperkt zich niet tot de individuele reiziger, maar gaat ook over volksgezondheid. Door de globalisering met toenemende verplaatsing van mensen en goederen is er wereldwijd een voortdurende dreiging van het opduiken van (ernstig) besmettelijke infectieziekten uit andere landen. Recente voorbeelden zijn SARS (2003), H1N1 (2009), Ebola (2013) en Zika (2015). De verspreiding van extended-spectrum betalactamase of carbapenemase producerende bacteriën via reizigers uit o.a. Zuid-en Zuidoost Azië kan belangrijke gevolgen hebben voor de behandeling van banale infecties hier bij ons.
Tenslotte heeft reizigersgeneeskunde ook raakvlakken met wereldgezondheid (global health) en de gezondheid van migranten en azielzoekers (migrant health). Juist die gespecialiseerde kennis over ziekte en gezondheid in verre landen is niet alleen geschikt voor het adviseren van reizigers, maar ook om migranten beter te begeleiden bij het bevorderen van hun gezondheid op reis en in Nederland.
Het wetenschappelijk onderzoek op gebied van reizigersgeneeskunde richt zich in toenemende mate op het verwerven van kennis over gedrag en risicofactoren voor het oplopen van een reis-gerelateerde aandoening met als doel preventie, diagnose en behandeling te verbeteren. Hierbij wordt in het bijzonder aandacht gegeven aan kwetsbare reizigers met chronische aandoeningen, hoge leeftijd of onder behandeling met afweeronderdrukkende medicatie.
Wetenschappelijke carrière
Leo Visser heeft zijn opleiding geneeskunde gedaan aan de Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (België). Vervolgens specialiseerde Visser zich verder in de interne geneeskunde aan dezelfde universiteit en in infectieziekten in het LUMC. Aan de Universiteit van Leiden heeft hij zijn promotieonderzoek gedaan. De titel van zijn proefschrift (1997) luidt ‘Virulence Proteins of Yersinia enterocolitica inhibit antimicrobial functions of professional phagocytes’. Hij werd in 2014 benoemd tot hoogleraar Infectieziekten, in het bijzonder reizigersgeneeskunde, van het Leids Universiteit Medisch Centrum. De titel van zijn oratie is ‘Ik ga op reis en ik neem mee …’.
Al meer dan 20 jaar is Professor Visser actief op het vlak van patiëntenzorg, onderzoek, onderwijs en opleiding in het vakgebied van interne geneeskunde en infectieziekten, met de nadruk op vaccinatieleer, tropische infectieziekten, reizigersgeneeskunde en wereldgezondheidszorg.
Professor Visser is hoofd van de afdeling Infectieziekten en van de gespecialiseerde reizigers- en vaccinatiepollikliniek in het LUMC.
Professor Visser is lid van meerdere nationale en internationale commissie en wetenschappelijke organisaties. Momenteel is hij President van de International Society of Travel Medicine en lid van de Europese Commissie van Travel Medicine Experts. In het verleden was onder andere hij bestuurslid van TropNet, een Europees Netwerk op het gebied van Reizigersgeneeskunde en Tropische Infectieziekten, en voorzitter van het Landelijk Coördinatiecentrum voor Reizigersadvisering (LCR).
Zijn huidige onderzoeksactiviteiten spelen zich af in het veld van de vaccinatie immunologie bij kwetsbare personen door een afweerstoornis of hoge leeftijd en alternatieve vaccinatie routes zoals intradermale toediening in het algemeen, en immuunresponsen na gelekoorts- of rabiesvaccinatie in het bijzonder. Daarnaast is hij nauw betrokken bij het onderzoek naar nieuwe malariavaccins van de afdeling Parasitogie van het LUMC en Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen.
Hoogleraar Infectieziekten
- Faculteit Geneeskunde
- Divisie 2
- Infectieziekten
- Zaeck, L.M.; Tan, N.H.; Rietdijk, W.J.R.; Geers, D.; Sablerolles, R.S.G.; Bogers, S.; Dijk, L.L.A. van; Gommers, L.; Leeuwen, L.P.M. van; Rugebregt, S.; Goorhuis, A.; Postma, D.F.; Visser, L.G.; Dalm, V.A.S.H.; Lafeber, M.; Kootstra, N.A.; Huckriede, A.L.W.; Haagmans, B.L.; Baarle, D. van; Koopmans, M.P.G.; Kuy, P.H.M. van der; Geurtsvankessel, C.H.; Vries, R.D. de & SWITCH-ON Res Grp (2024), Original COVID-19 priming regimen impacts the immunogenicity of bivalent BA.1 and BA.5 boosters, Nature Communications 15(1).
- Dijk, W.J. van; Prins, M.L.M.; Roukens, A.H.E.; Roozen, G.V.T.; Roestenberg, M.; Visser, L.G.; Vlieg, A.V. & Rosendaal, F.R. (2024), Coagulation and in flammatory response after intramuscular or intradermal mRNA-1273 SARS-CoV-2 vaccine, Research and Practice in Thrombosis and Haemostasis 8(3).
- Overduin, L.A.; Koopman, J.P.R.; Prins, C.; Verbeek-Menken, P.H.; Pijper, C.A. de; Heerink, F.; Genderen, P.J.J. van; Grobusch, M.P. & Visser, L.G. (2024), Rabies knowledge gaps and risk behaviour in Dutch travellers, Travel Medicine and Infectious Disease 60.
- Leegwater, E.; Baidjoe, L.; Wilms, E.B.; Visser, L.G.; Touw, D.J.; Winter, B.C.M. de; Boer, M.G.J. de; Paassen, J. van; Berg, C.H.S.B. van den; Prehn, J. van; Gelder, T. van & Moes, D.J.A.R. (2024), Population pharmacokinetics of trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole, Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics.
- Bilsen, M.P.; Conroy, S.P.; Schneeberger, C.; Platteel, T. N.; Nieuwkoop, C. van; Mody, L.; Caterino, J.M.; Geerlings, S.E.; Koeves, B.; Wagenlehner, F.; Kunneman, M.; Visser, L.G. & Lambregts, M.M.C. (2024), A reference standard for urinary tract infection research, The Lancet Infectious Diseases 24(8): e513-e521.
- Overduin, L.A.; Koopman, J.P.R.; Prins, C.; Verbeek-Menken, P.H.; Pijper, C.A.D.; Eble, P.L.; Heerink, F.; Genderen, P.J.J.V.; Grobusch, M.P. & Visser, L.G. (2024), Boostability after single-visit pre-exposure prophylaxis with rabies vaccine, The Lancet Infectious Diseases 24(2): 206-216.
- Bilsen, M.P.; Treep, M.M.; Aantjes, M.J.; Andel, E. van; Stalenhoef, J.E.; Nieuwkoop, C. van; Leyten, E.M.S.; Delfos, N.M.; Uhm, J.I.M. van; Sijbom, M.; Akintola, A.A.; Numans, M.E.; Achterberg, W.P.; Mooijaart, S.P.; Beek, M.T. van der; Cobbaert, C.M.; Conroy, S.P.; Visser, L.G. & Lambregts, M.M.C. (2024), Diagnostic accuracy of urine biomarkers for urinary tract infection in older women, Clinical Microbiology and Infection 30(2): 216-222.
- Prins, M.L.M.; Roozen, G.V.T.; Pothast, C.R.; Huisman, W.; Binnendijk, R. van; Hartog, G. den; Kuiper, V.P.; Prins, C.; Janse, J.J.; Lamers, O.A.C.; Koopman, J.P.R.; Kruithof, A.C.; Kamerling, I.M.C.; Dijkland, R.C.; Kroon, A.C. de; Azimi, S.; Feltkamp, M.C.W.; Kuijer, M.; Jochems, S.P.; Heemskerk, M.H.M.; Rosendaal, F.R.; Roestenberg, M.; Visser, L.G. & Roukens, A.H.E. (2024), Immunogenicity and reactogenicity of intradermal mRNA-1273 SARS-CoV-2 vaccination, npj Vaccines 9(1).
- Tan, N.H.; Lafeber, M.; Sablerolles, R.S.G.; Roders, I.V.; Hoef, A. van de; Grafhorst, K. van; Visser, L.G.; Postma, D.F.; Goorhuis, A.; Rietdijk, W.J.R. & Kuy, P.H.M. van der (2024), Evaluation of a group-based online informed consent conversation (eConsent) in participants from a low-risk vaccination clinical trial, Trials 25(1).
- Roozen, G.V.T.; Prins, M.L.M.; Prins, C.; Janse, J.J.; Gruyter, H.L.M.D.; Pothast, C.R.; Huisman, W.; Koopman, J.P.R.; Lamers, O.A.C.; Kuijer, M.; Myeni, S.K.; Binnendijk, R.S.V.; Hartog, G. den; Heemskerk, M.H.M.; Jochems, S.P.; Feltkamp, M.C.W.; Kikkert, M.; Rosendaal, F.R.; Roestenberg, M.; Visser, L.G. & Roukens, A.H.E. (2024), Intradermal delivery of the third dose of the mRNA-1273 SARS-CoV-2 vaccine: safety and immunogenicity of a fractional booster dose, Clinical Microbiology and Infection 30(7): 930-936.
- Leegwater, E.; Dol, L.; Benard, M.R.; Roelofsen, E.E.; Delfos, N.M.; Feltz, M. van der; Mollema, F.P.N.; Bosma, L.B.E.; Visser, L.E.; Ottens, T.H.; Burgel, N.D. van; Arbous, S.M.; Bouazzaoui, L.H. el; Knevel, R.; Groenwold, R.H.H.; Boer, M.G.J. de; Visser, L.G.; Rosendaal, F.R.; Wilms, E.B. & Nieuwkoop, C. van (2023), Rapid response to remdesivir in hospitalised COVID-19 patients: A propensity score weighted multicentre cohort study, Infectious Diseases and Therapy 12(10): 2471-2484.
- Hoogerwerf, M.A.; Janse, J.J.; Kuiper, V.P.; Schuijlenburg, R. van; Kruize, Y.C.M.; Sijtsma, J.C.; Nosoh, B.A.; Koopman, J.P.R.; Verbeek-Menken, P.H.; Westra, I.M.; Meij, P.; Brienen, E.A.T.; Visser, L.G.; Lieshout, L. van; Jochems, S.P.; Yazdanbakhsh, M.; Roestenberg, M. & Microbe, L. (2023), Protective efficacy of short-term infection with Necator americanus hookworm larvae in healthy volunteers in the Netherlands, The Lancet Microbe 4(12): E1024-E1034.
- Bilsen, M.P.; Uhm, J.I.M. van; Stalenhoef, J.E.; Nieuwkoop, C. van; Groenwold, R.H.H.; Visser, L.G. & Lambregts, M.M.C. (2023), Intravesical aminoglycoside instillations as prophylaxis for recurrent urinary tract infection, JAC-Antimicrobial Resistance 5(2).
- Geers, D.; Sablerolles, R.S.G.; Baarle, D.V.; Kootstra, N.A.; Rietdijk, W.J.R.; Schmitz, K.S.; Gommers, L.; Bogers, S.; Nieuwkoop, N.J.; Dijk, L.L.A. van; Haren, E. van; Lafeber, M.; Dalm, V.A.S.H.; Goorhuis, A.; Postma, D.F.; Visser, L.G.; Huckriede, A.L.W.; Sette, A.; Grifoni, A.; Swart, R.L. de; Koopmans, M.P.G.; Kuy, P.H.M. van der; GeurtsvanKessel, C.H.; Vries, R.D. de & SWITCH Res Grp (2023), Article Ad26.COV2.S priming provided a solid immunological base for mRNA-based COVID-19 booster vaccination, iScience 26(1).
- Geers, D.; Sablerolles, R.S.G.; Baarle, D. van; Kootstra, N.A.; Rietdijk, W.J.R.; Schmitz, K.S.; Gommers, L.; Bogers, S.; Nieuwkoop, N.J.; Dijk, L.L.A. van; Haren, E. van; Lafeber, M.; Dalm, V.A.S.H.; Goorhuis, A.; Postma, D.F.; Visser, L.G.; Huckriede, A.L.W.; Sette, A.; Grifoni, A.; Swart, R.L.D.; Koopmans, M.P.G.; Kuy, P.H.M. van der; GeurtsvanKessel, C.H.; Vries, R.D. de & SWITCH Res Grp (2023), Ad26.COV2.S priming provided a solid immunological base for mRNA-based COVID-19 booster vaccination, iScience 26(1).
- Bilsen, M.P.; Aantjes, M.J.; Andel, E. van; Stalenhoef, J.E.; Nieuwkoop, C. van; Leyten, E.M.S.; Delfos, N.M.; Sijbom, M.; Numans, M.E.; Achterberg, W.P.; Mooijaart, S.P.; Beek, M.T. van der; Cobbaert, C.M.; Conroy, S.P.; Visser, L.G. & Lambregts, M.M.C. (2023), Current pyuria cutoffs promote inappropriate urinary tract infection diagnosis in older women, Clinical Infectious Diseases.
- Westgeest, A.C.; Ruffin, F.; Kair, J.L.; Park, L.P.; Korn, R.E.; Webster, M.E.; Visser, L.G.; Schippers, E.F.; Boer, M.G.J. de; Lambregts, M.M.C. & Fowler, V.G. .J.r. (2023), The association of female sex with management and mortality in patients with Staphylococcus aureus bacteraemia, Clinical Microbiology and Infection 29(9): 1182-1187.
- Arends, E.J.; Meziyerh, S.; Moes, D.J.A.R.; Kamerling, S.W.A.; Kooy, S. van der; Ogando, N.S.; Snijder, E.J.; Hemert, M. van; Visser, L.G.; Feltkamp, M.C.W.; Claas, E.C.J.; Rabelink, T.J.; Kooten, C. van; Vries, A.P.J. de & Teng, Y.K.O. (2023), Voclosporin and the antiviral effect against SARS-CoV-2 in immunocompromised kidney patients, Kidney International Reports 8(12): 2654-2664.
- Bilsen, M.P.; Treep, M.M.; Aantjes, M.J.; Andel, E. van; Stalenhoef, J.E.; Nieuwkoop, C. van; Leyten, E.M.S.; Delfos, N.M.; Uhm, J.I.M. van; Sijbom, M.; Akintola, A.A.; Numans, M.E.; Achterberg, W.P.; Mooijaart, S.P.; Beek, M.T. van der; Cobbaert, C.M.; Conroy, S.P.; Visser, L.G. & Lambregts, M.M.C. (2023), Diagnostic accuracy of urine biomarkers for urinary tract infection in older women, Clinical Microbiology and Infection 30(2).
- Swets, M.C.; Termorshuizen, F.; Keizer, N.F. de; Paassen, J. van; Palmen, M.; Visser, L.G.; Arbous, M.S. & Groeneveld, G.H. (2023), Influenza season and outcome after elective cardiac surgery, The Annals of Thoracic Surgery 116(6): 1161-1167.
- Saint Lary, C.D. de; Kasbergen, L.M.R.; Bruijning-Verhagen, P.C.J.L.; Jeugd, H. van der; Chandler, F.; Hogema, B.M.; Zaaijer, H.L.; Klis, F.R.M. van der; Barzon, L.; Bruin, E. de; Bosch, Q. ten; Koopmans, M.P.G.; Sikkema, R.S. & Visser, L.G. (2023), Assessing West Nile virus (WNV) and Usutu virus (USUV) exposure in bird ringers in the Netherlands, One Health 16.
- Bilsen, M.P.; Jongeneel, R.M.H.; Schneeberger, C.; Platteel, T.N.; Nieuwkoop, C. van; Mody, L.; Caterino, J.M.; Geerlings, S.E.; Köves, B.; Wagenlehner, F.; Conroy, S.P.; Visser, L.G. & Lambregts, M.M.C. (2023), Definitions of Urinary Tract Infection in Current Research: A Systematic Review, Open Forum Infectious Diseases 10(7).
- Prins, M.L.M.; Prins, C.; Vries, J.J.C. de; Visser, L.G. & Roukens, A.H.E. (2023), Establishing immunogenicity and safety of needle-free intradermal delivery by nanoporous ceramic skin patch of mRNA SARS-CoV-2 vaccine as a revaccination strategy in healthy volunteers, Virus Research 334.
- Roukens, A.H.E. & Visser, L.G. (2023), Fractional dose yellow fever vaccination, coming of age, The Lancet Infectious Diseases 23(8): 889-890.
- Westgeest, A.C.; Buis, D.T.P.; Sigaloff, K.C.E.; Ruffin, F.; Visser, L.G.; Yu, Y.S.; Schippers, E.F.; Lambregts, M.M.C.; Tong, S.Y.C.; Boer, M.G.J. de & Fowler, V.G. (2023), Global differences in the management of Staphylococcus aureus bacteremia, Clinical Infectious Diseases 77(8).
- Tan, N.H.; Geers, D.; Sablerolles, R.S.G.; Rietdijk, W.J.R.; Goorhuis, A.; Postma, D.F.; Visser, L.G.; Bogers, S.; Dijk, L.L.A. van; Gommers, L.; Leeuwen, L.P.M. van; Boerma, A.; Nijhof, S.H.; Dort, K.A. van; Koopmans, M.P.G.; Dalm, V.A.S.H.; Lafeber, M.; Kootstra, N.A.; Huckriede, A.L.W.; Baarle, D. van; Zaeck, L.M.; GeurtsvanKessel, C.H.; Vries, R.D. de; Kuy, P.H.M. van der & SWITCH ON Res Grp (2023), Immunogenicity of bivalent omicron (BA.1) booster vaccination after different priming regimens in health-care workers in the Netherlands (SWITCH ON), The Lancet Infectious Diseases 23(8): 901-913.
- Warmerdam, A.M.T.; Luppino, F.S. & Visser, L.G. (2023), The occurrence and extent of anxiety and distress among Dutch travellers after encountering an animal associated injury, Tropical Diseases, Travel Medicine and Vaccines 9(1).
- Scheper, H.; Mahdad, R.; Elzer, B.; Löwik, C.; Zijlstra, W.; Gosens, T.; Lugt, J.C.T. van der; Wal, R.J.P. van der; Poolman, R.W.; Somford, M.P.; Jutte, P.C.; Bos, P.K.; Zwaan, R.E.; Nelissen, R.G.H.H.; Visser, L.G.; Boer, M.G.J. de & Wound Care App Study Grp (2023), Wound drainage after arthroplasty and prediction of acute prosthetic joint infection, Journal of Bone and Joint Infection 8(1): 59-70.
- Swets, M.C.; Termorshuizen, F.; Keizer, N.F. de; Paassen, J. van; Palmen, M.; Visser, L.G.; Arbous, M.S. & Groeneveld, G.H. (2023), Influenza season and outcome after elective cardiac surgery, The Annals of Thoracic Surgery 116(6).
- Sablerolles, R.S.G.; Rietdijk, W.J.R.; Goorhuis, A.; Postma, D.F.; Visser, L.G.; Geers, D.; Schmitz, K.S.; Garrido, H.M.G.; Koopmans, M.P.G.; Dalm, V.A.S.H.; Kootstra, N.A.; Huckriede, A.L.W.; Lafeber, M.; Baarle, D. van; GeurtsvanKessel, C.H.; Vries, R.D. de; Kuy, P.H.M. van der & SWITCH Res Grp (2022), Immunogenicity and reactogenicity of vaccine boosters after Ad26.COV2.S priming, New England Journal of Medicine 386.
- Westgeest, A.C.; Schippers, E.F.; Delfos, N.M.; Visser, L.G.; Fijter, J.W. de; Boer, M.G.J. de & Lambregts, M.M.C. (2022), Acute kidney injury in Staphylococcus aureus bacteremia, European Journal of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases 41.
- Leegwater, E.; Westgeest, A.C.; Schippers, E.F.; Wilms, E.B.; Nieuwkoop, C. van & Visser, L.E. (2022), Hypokalaemia in patients treated with intravenous flucloxacillin , British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 88(6).
- Westgeest, A.C.; Mooij, D. de; Eger, C.Y.; Delfos, N.M.; Feltz, M. van der; Visser, L.G. & Groeneveld, G.H. (2022), Erratum to “Measles outbreaks – potential threat for health care professionals” Infect Prev Pract, Volume 2, Issue 3, September 2020, 100074, INFECTION PREVENTION IN PRACTICE 4(3).
- Kuiper, V.P.; Plas, P. van der; Hoogerwerf, M.A.; Koopman, J.P.R.; Meulen, A.E. van der; Roukens, A.H.E.; Visser, L.G. & Roestenberg, M. (2022), A comparison of two Fendrix hepatitis B vaccination schedules in patients with inflammatory bowel disease, Vaccine 40(43): 6201-6205.
- Scheper, H.; Wal, R.J.P. van der; Mahdad, R.; Keizer, S.; Delfos, N.M.; Lugt, J.C.T. van der; Veldkamp, K.E.; Nolte, P.A.; Leendertse, M.; Gelinck, L.B.S.; Mollema, F.P.N.; Schippers, E.F.; Wattel-Louis, H.G.; Visser, L.G.; Nelissen, R.G.H.H. & Boer, M.G.J. de (2022), Effectiveness of different antimicrobial strategies for staphylococcal prosthetic joint infection, Open Forum Infectious Diseases 9(10).
- Swets, M.C.; Russell, C.D.; Harrison, E.M.; Docherty, A.B.; Lone, N.; Girvan, M.; Hardwick, H.E.; Investigators, I.; Visser, L.G.; Openshaw, P.J.M.; Groeneveld, G.H.; Semple, M.G. & Baillie, J.K. (2022), SARS-CoV-2 co-infection with influenza viruses, respiratory syncytial virus, or adenoviruses, The Lancet 399(10334): 1463-1464.
- Swets, M.C.; Russell, C.D.; Harrison, E.M.; Docherty, A.B.; Lone, N.; Girvan, M.; Hardwick, H.E.; Investigators, I.; Visser, L.G.; Openshaw, P.J.M.; Groeneveld, G.H.; Semple, M.G. & Baillie, J.K. (2022), SARS-CoV-2 co-infection with influenza viruses, respiratory syncytial virus, or adenoviruses.
- Swets, M.C.; Russell, C.D.; Harrison, E.M.; Docherty, A.B.; Lone, N.; Girvan, M.; Hardwick, H.E.; Investigators, I.; Visser, L.G.; Openshaw, P.J.M.; Groeneveld, G.H.; Semple, M.G. & Baillie, J.K. (2022), SARS-CoV-2 co-infection with influenza viruses, respiratory syncytial virus, or adenoviruses, The Lancet 399(10334): 1463-1464.
- Roukens, A.H.E.; Pothast, C.R.; Konig, M.; Huisman, W.; Dalebout, T.; Tak, T.; Azimi, S.; Kruize, Y.; Hagedoorn, R.S.; Zlei, M.; Staal, F.J.T.; Bie, F.J. de; Dongen, J.J.M. van; Arbous, S.M.; Zhang, J.L.H.; Verheij, M.; Prins, C.; Does, A.M. van der; Hiemstra, P.S.; Vries, J.J.C. de; Janse, J.J.; Roestenberg, M.; Myeni, S.K.; Kikkert, M.; Yazdanbakhsh, M.; Heemskerk, M.H.M.; Smits, H.H.; Jochems, S.P.; Collaboration BEAT-COVID Grp & Collaboration COVID-19 LUMC Grp (2022), Prolonged activation of nasal immune cell populations and development of tissue-resident SARS-CoV-2-specific CD8(+) T cell responses following COVID-19, Nature Immunology 23.
- Zlei, M.; Sidorov, I.A.; Joosten, S.A.; Heemskerk, M.H.M.; Myeni, S.K.; Pothast, C.R.; Brouwer, C.S. de; Boomaars-van der Zanden, A.L.; Meijgaarden, K.E. van; Morales, S.T.; Wessels, E.; Janse, J.J.; Goeman, J.J.; Cobbaert, C.M.; Kroes, A.C.M.; Cannegieter, S.C.; Roestenberg, M.; Visser, L.G.; Kikkert, M.; Feltkamp, M.C.W.; Arbous, S.M.; Staal, F.J.T.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M.; Dongen, J.J.M. van; Roukens, A.H.E.; Vries, J.J.C. de; Collaboration BEAT-COVID & Collaboration LUMC COVID (2022), Immune determinants of viral clearance in hospitalised COVID-19 patients, Cells 11(17).
- Vlot, J.A.; Steenbergen, J.E. van; Luppino, F.S.; Geary, K.; Genderen, P.J.J. van & Visser, L.G. (2022), Hospital-based care and/or death followed by repatriation in Dutch travelers: The HAZARD study, Travel Medicine and Infectious Disease 49.
- Beulens, C.; Raven, S.F.H.; Jaarsveld, C.H.M. van; Loo, I. van; Boland, G.; Visser, L.G.; Hoebe, C.J.P.A. & Vossen, A.C.T.M. (2022), Evaluation of a personalized, dose-sparing revaccination strategy in hepatitis B vaccine non-responders, Vaccine 40(23): 3210-3215.
- Swets, M.C.; Russell, C.D.; Harrison, E.M.; Docherty, A.B.; Lone, N.; Girvan, M.; Hardwick, H.E.; Investigators, I.; Visser, L.G.; Openshaw, P.J.M.; Groeneveld, G.H.; Semple, M.G. & Baillie, J.K. (2022), SARS-CoV-2 co-infection with influenza viruses, respiratory syncytial virus, or adenoviruses, The Lancet 399(10334): 1463-1464.
- Sablerolles, R.S.G.; Rietdijk, W.J.R.; Goorhuis, A.; Postma, D.F.; Visser, L.G.; Schmitz, K.S.; Geers, D.; Bogers, S.; Haren, E. van; Koopmans, M.P.G.; Dalm, V.A.S.H.; Kootstra, N.A.; Huckriede, A.L.W.; Akkerman, R.; Beukema, M.; Lafeber, M.; Baarle, D. van; Vries, R.D. de; Kuy, P.H.M. van der; GeurtsvanKessel, C.H. & SWITCH Res Grp (2022), Durability of immune responses after boosting in Ad26.COV2.S-primed healthcare workers, Clinical Infectious Diseases 76(3).
- Tan, N.H.; Sablerolles, R.S.G.; Rietdijk, W.J.R.; Goorhuis, A.; Postma, D.F.; Visser, L.G.; Bogers, S.; Geers, D.; Zaeck, L.M.; Koopmans, M.P.G.; Dalm, V.A.S.H.; Kootstra, N.A.; Huckriede, A.L.W.; Baarle, D. van; Lafeber, M.; GeurtsvanKessel, C.H.; Vries, R.D. de & Kuy, P.H.M. van der (2022), Analyzing the immunogenicity of bivalent booster vaccinations in healthcare workers: The SWITCH ON trial protocol, Frontiers in Immunology 13.
- Roozen, G.V.T.; Prins, M.L.M.; Binnendijk, R. van; Hartog, G. den; Kuiper, V.P.; Prins, C.; Janse, J.J.; Kruithof, A.C.; Feltkamp, M.C.W.; Kuijer, M.; Rosendaal, F.R.; Roestenberg, M.; Visser, L.G. & Roukens, A.H.E. (2022), Safety and immunogenicity of intradermal fractional dose administration of the mRNA-1273 vaccine, Annals of Internal Medicine 175(12).
- Westgeest, A.C.; Schippers, E.F.; Sijbom, M.; Visser, L.G.; Boer, M.G.J. de; Numans, M.E.; Lambregts, M.M.C. & MRSA Network Holland West (2022), Exploring the barriers in the uptake of the Dutch MRSA 'search and destroy' policy using the cascade of care approach, Antibiotics 11(9).
- Swets, M.C.; Russell, C.D.; Harrison, E.M.; Docherty, A.B.; Lone, N.; Girvan, M.; Hardwick, H.E.; Investigators, I.; Visser, L.G.; Openshaw, P.J.M.; Groeneveld, G.H.; Semple, M.G. & Baillie, J.K. (2022), SARS-CoV-2 co-infection with influenza viruses, respiratory syncytial virus, or adenoviruses, The Lancet 399(10334): 1463-1464.
- Verheijden, M.; Laumen, L.; Mulder, M.; Boshoven, M.; Roelfsema, J.; Pronk, M.; Visser, L.G. & Wegdam-Blans, M. (2022), Migratory myiasis in a European traveller due to Hypoderma larvae, Journal of Travel Medicine.
- Graaf, M.A. de; Antoni, M.L.; Kuile, M.M. ter; Arbous, M.S.; Duinisveld, A.J.F.; Feltkamp, M.C.W.; Groeneveld, G.H.; Hinnen, S.C.H.; Janssen, V.R.; Lijfering, W.M.; Omara, S.; Postmus, P.E.; Ramai, S.R.S.; Rius-Ottenheim, N.; Schalij, M.J.; Schiemanck, S.K.; Smid, L.; Stoger, J.L.; Visser, L.G.; Vries, J.J.C. de; Wijngaarden, M.A.; Geelhoed, J.J.M. & Roukens, A.H.E. (2021), Short-term outpatient follow-up of COVID-19 patients, EClinicalMedicine 32.
- Diks, A.M.; Overduin, L.A.; Leenen, L.D. van; Slobbe, L.; Jolink, H.; Visser, L.G.; Dongen, J.J.M. van & Berkowska, M.A. (2021), B-cell immunophenotyping to predict vaccination outcome in the immunocompromised, Frontiers in Immunology 12.
- Lambregts, M.; Rump, B.; Ropers, F.; Sijbom, M.; Petrignani, M.; Visser, L.; Vries, M. de & Boer, M. de (2021), Antimicrobial guidelines in clinical practice, JAC-Antimicrobial Resistance 3(2).
- Slingers, G.; Vries, R. de; Vigeveno, R.M.; Mulder, S.; Farzan, N.; Vintges, D.R.; Goeman, J.J.; Bruisten, S.; Corput, B. van den; Geelhoed, M.J.J.; Visser, L.G.; Lubben, M. van der; Sterk, P.J.; Veen, J.C.C.M.I.T. & Groeneveld, G.H. (2021), Ruling Out SARS-CoV-2 Infeciton Using Exhaled Breath Analysis by Electronic Nose in a Public Health Setting, American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 203(9).
- Rosenstein, M.D.; Visser, A.W. de; Visser, L.G. & Roukens, A.H.E. (2021), Long-term immunity after a single yellow fever vaccination in travelers vaccinated at 60 years or older, Journal of Travel Medicine 28(8).
- Vignier, N.; Bouchaud, O.; Angheben, A.; Bottieau, E.; Calleri, G.; Salas-Coronas, J.; Martin, C.; Ramos, J.M.; Mechain, M.; Rapp, C.; Nothdurft, H.D.; Velasco, M.; Bardaji, A.; Rojo-Marcos, G.; Visser, L.G.; Hatz, C.; Bisoffi, Z.; Jelinek, T.; Duparc, S.; Bourhis, Y.; Tommasini, S.; Iannucelli, M.; Bacchieri, A.; Mattera, G.G.; Pich, E.M. & Behrens, R.H. (2021), Longitudinal study based on a safety registry for malaria patients treated with artenimol-piperaquine in six European countries, Malaria Journal 20(1).
- Verdoes, L.; Luppino, F.S.; Wallinga, J. & Visser, L.G. (2021), Delayed rabies post-exposure prophylaxis treatment among Dutch travellers during their stay abroad: a comprehensive analysis, Journal of Travel Medicine 28(3).
- Hoogerwerf, M.A.; Koopman, J.P.R.; Janse, J.J.; Langenberg, M.C.C.; Schuijlenburg, R. van; Kruize, Y.C.M.; Brienen, E.A.T.; Manurung, M.D.; Verbeek-Menken, P.; Beek, M.T. van der; Westra, I.M.; Meij, P.; Visser, L.G.; Lieshout, L. van; Vlas, S.J. de; Yazdanbakhsh, M.; Coffeng, L.E. & Roestenberg, M. (2021), A Randomized Controlled Trial to Investigate Safety and Variability of Egg Excretion After Repeated Controlled Human Hookworm Infection, The Journal of Infectious Diseases 223(5): 905-913.
- Dijk, W.J. van; Saadah, N.H.; Numans, M.E.; Aardoom, J.J.; Bonten, T.N.; Brandjes, M.; Brust, M.; Cessie, S. le; Chavannes, N.H.; Middelburg, R.A.; Rosendaal, F.; Visser, L.G. & Kiefte-de Jong, J. (2021), COVID RADAR app: Description and Validation of Population Surveillance of Symptoms and Behavior in Relation to COVID-19.
- Vlot, J.A.; Vive, M.G.D.; Brockhoff, H.J.; Genderen, P.J.J. van; Trompenaars, M.C.E.; Steenbergen, J.E. van & Visser, L.G. (2021), Predicting morbidity in older travellers during a short-term stay in the tropics, Journal of Travel Medicine 28(1).
- Scheper, H.; Wubbolts, J.M.; Verhagen, J.A.M.; Visser, A.W. de; Wal, R.J.P. van der; Visser, L.G.; Boer, M.G.J. de & Nibbering, P.H. (2021), SAAP-148 eradicates MRSA persisters within mature biofilm models simulating prosthetic joint infection, Frontiers in Microbiology 12.
- Slingers, G.; Vries, R. de; Vigeveno, R.M.; Mulder, S.; Farzan, N.; Vintges, D.R.; Goeman, J.J.; Bruisten, S.; Corput, B. van den; Geelhoed, M.J.J.; Visser, L.G.; Lubben, M. van der; Sterk, P.J.; Veen, J.C.C.M.I.T. & Groeneveld, G.H. (2021), Ruling Out SARS-CoV-2 Infeciton Using Exhaled Breath Analysis by Electronic Nose in a Public Health Setting, American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 203(9).
- Kuiper, V.P.; Rosendaal, F.R.; Kamerling, I.M.C.; Visser, L.G. & Roestenberg, M. (2021), Assessment of risks associated with severe acute respiratory syndrome Coronavirus 2 experimental human infection studies, Clinical Infectious Diseases 73(5): E1228-E1234.
- Dijk, W.J. van; Saadah, N.H.; Numans, M.E.; Aardoom, J.J.; Bonten, T.N.; Brandjes, M.; Brust, M.; Cessie, S. le; Chavannes, N.H.; Middelburg, R.A.; Rosendaal, F.; Visser, L.G. & Kiefte-de Jong, J. (2021), COVID RADAR app, PLOS} {ONE 16(6).
- Scheper, H.; Gerritsen, L.M.; Pijls, B.G.; Asten, S.A. van; Visser, L.G. & Boer, M.G.J. de (2021), Outcome of debridement, antibiotics, and implant retention for staphylococcal hip and knee prosthetic joint infections, focused on rifampicin use: a systematic review and meta-analysis, Open Forum Infectious Diseases 8(7).
- Reyes, A.; Carbo, E.C.; Slooten, J.S.V.T.; Kraakman, M.E.M.; Sidorov, I.A.; Claas, E.C.J.; Kroes, A.C.M.; Visser, L.G. & , J.J.C.V. de (2021), Viral metagenomic sequencing in a cohort of international travellers returning with febrile illness, Journal of Clinical Virology 143.
- Westgeest, A.C.; Schippers, E.F.; Delfos, N.M.; Ellerbroek, L.J.; Koster, T.; Hira, V.; Visser, L.G.; Boer, M.G.J. de & Lambregts, M.M.C. (2021), Complicated carriage with methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy 65(9).
- Sablerolles, R.S.G.; Goorhuis, A.; GeurtsvanKessel, C.H.; Vries, R.D. de; Huckriede, A.L.W.; Koopmans, M.P.G.; Lafeber, M.; Postma, D.F.; Baarle, D. van; Visser, L.G.; Dalm, V.A.S.H.; Kootstra, N.A.; Rietdijk, W.J.R. & Kuy, P.H.M. van der (2021), Heterologous ad26.COV2.S prime and mRNA-based boost COVID-19 vaccination regimens, Frontiers in Immunology 12.
- Rosenstein, M.D.; Visser, A.W. de; Visser, L.G. & Roukens, A.H.E. (2021), Long-term immunity after a single yellow fever vaccination in travelers vaccinated at 60 years or older: A 10-year follow-up study, Journal of Travel Medicine 28(8).
- Langenberg, M.C.C.; Hoogerwerf, M.A.; Koopman, J.P.R.; Janse, J.J.; Oosterhoud, J.K.V.; Feijt, C.; Jochems, S.P.; Dood, C.J. de; Schuijlenburg, R. van; Ozir-Fazalalikhan, A.; Manurung, M.D.; Sartono, E.; Beek, M.T. van der; Winkel, B.M.F.; Verbeek-Menken, P.H.; Stam, K.A.; Leeuwen, F.W.B. van; Meij, P.; Diepen, A. van; Lieshout, L. van; Dam, G.J. van; Corstjens, P.L.A.M.; Hokke, C.H.; Yazdanbakhsh, M.; Visser, L.G. & Roestenberg, M. (2020), A controlled human Schistosoma mansoni infection model to advance novel drugs, vaccines and diagnostics, Nature Medicine 26(3): 326-+.
- Burkhard, J.; Ciurea, A.; Gabay, C.; Hasler, P.; Muller, R.; Niedrig, M.; Fehr, J.; Villiger, P.; Visser, L.G.; Visser, A.W. de; Walker, U.A.; Hatz, C. & Buhler, S. (2020), Long-term immunogenicity after yellow fever vaccination in immunosuppressed and healthy individuals, Vaccine 38(19): 3610-3617.
- Schakel, L.; Veldhuijzen, D.S.; Middendorp, H. van; Prins, C.; Drittij, A.M.H.F.; Vrieling, F.; Visser, L.G.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M.; Joosten, S.A. & Evers, A.W.M. (2020), An internet-based psychological intervention with a serious game to improve vitality, psychological and physical condition, and immune function in healthy male adults, Journal of Medical Internet Research 22(7).
- Suijkerbuijk, A.W.M.; Mangen, M.J.J.; Haverkate, M.R.; Luppino, F.S.; Bantjes, S.E.; Visser, L.G.; Swaan, C.M.; Ruijs, W.L.M. & , E.A.B. over (2020), Rabies vaccination strategies in the Netherlands in 2018, Eurosurveillance 25(38): 8-15.
- Chen, L.H.; Freedman, D.O. & Visser, L.G. (2020), COVID-19 immunity passport to ease travel restrictions?, Journal of Travel Medicine 27(5).
- Vlot, J.A.; Blanter, A.I.; Jonker, E.F.F.; Korse, N.S.; Hack, E.; Visser, L.G. & Soonawala, D. (2020), Travel preparation and health risks in Dutch and Belgian medical students during an elective in low- or middle-income countries, Travel Medicine and Infectious Disease 37.
- Lambregts, M.M.C.; Wijnakker, R.; Bernards, A.T.; Visser, L.G.; Cessie, S. le & Boer, M.G.J. de (2020), Mortality after delay of adequate empiric antimicrobial treatment of bloodstream infection, Journal of Clinical Medicine 9(5).
- Wijnakker, R.; Lambregts, M.M.C.; Rump, B.; Veldkamp, K.E.; Reis, R.; Visser, L.G. & Boer, M.G.J. de (2020), Limited multi-drug resistant organism related stigma in carriers exposed to isolation precautions, Journal of Hospital Infection 106(1): 126-133.
- Lambregts, M.M.C.; Molendijk, E.B.D.; Meziyerh, S.; Schippers, E.F.; Delfos, N.M.; Leendertse, M.; Bernards, A.T.; Visser, L.G.; Dekkers, O.M. & Boer, M.G.J. de (2020), Early differentiation between uncomplicated and complicatedStaphylococcus aureusbacteraemia, International Journal of Clinical Practice 74(11).
- Roestenberg, M.; Walk, J.; Boor, S.C. van der; Langenberg, M.C.C.; Hoogerwerf, M.A.; Janse, J.J.; Manurung, M.; Yap, X.Z.; Garcia, A.F.; Koopman, J.P.R.; Meij, P.; Wessels, E.; Teelen, K.; Waardenburg, Y.M. van; Vegte-Bolmer, M. van de; Gemert, G.J. van; Visser, L.G.; Ven, A.J.A.M. van der; Mast, Q. de; Natasha, K.C.; Abebe, Y.; Murshedkar, T.; Billingsley, P.F.; Richie, T.L.; Sim, B.K.L.; Janse, C.J.; Hoffman, S.L.; Khan, S.M. & Sauerwein, R.W. (2020), A double-blind, placebo-controlled phase 1/2a trial of the genetically attenuated malaria vaccine PfSPZ-GA1, Science Translational Medicine 12(544).
- Raven, S.F.H.; Hoebe, C.J.P.A.; Vossen, A.C.T.M.; Visser, L.G.; Hautvast, J.L.A.; Roukens, A.H.E. & Steenbergen, J.E. van (2020), Serological response to three alternative series of hepatitis B revaccination Fendrix, Twinrix, and HBVaxPro-40) in healthy non-responders: a multicentre, open-label, randomised, controlled, superiority trial, The Lancet Infectious Diseases 20(1): 92-101.
- Buhler, S.; Jaeger, V.K.; Eperon, G.; Furrer, H.; Fux, C.A.; Jansen, S.; Neumayr, A.; Rochat, L.; Schmid, S.; Schmidt-Chanasit, J.; Staehelin, C.; Visser, A.W. de; Visser, L.G.; Niedrig, M. & Hatz, C. (2020), Safety and immunogenicity of a primary yellow fever vaccination under low-dose methotrexate therapy-a prospective multi-centre pilot study, Journal of Travel Medicine 27(6).
- Overduin, L.A.; Soentjens, P.H.P.; Goeman, J.J.; Berkowska, M.A.; Dongen, J.J.M. van & Visser, L.G. (2020), Redefining non-inferiority in anamnestic antibody responses using the mean increase of log-transformed antibody titers after revaccination, Vaccines 8(4).
- Lambregts, M.M.C.; Molendijk, E.B.D.; Meziyerh, S.; Schippers, E.F.; Delfos, N.M.; Leendertse, M.; Bernards, A.T.; Visser, L.G.; Dekkers, O.M. & Boer, M.G.J. de (2020), Early differentiation between uncomplicated and complicated Staphylococcus aureus bacteraemia, International Journal of Clinical Practice 74(11).
- Vlot, J.A.; Blanter, A.I.; Jonker, E.F.F.; Korse, N.S.; Hack, E.; Visser, L.G. & Soonawala, D. (2020), Travel preparation and health risks in Dutch and Belgian medical students during an elective in low- or middle-income countries: A prospective self-reporting cohort study, Travel Medicine and Infectious Disease 37.
- Raven, S.F.H.; Hoebe, C.J.P.A.; Vossen, A.C.T.M.; Visser, L.G.; Hautvast, J.L.A.; Roukens, A.H.E. & Steenbergen, J.E. van (2020), Serological response to three alternative series of hepatitis B revaccination Fendrix, Twinrix, and HBVaxPro-40) in healthy non-responders, The Lancet Infectious Diseases 20(1): 92-101.
- Overduin, L.A.; Soentjens, P.H.P.; Goeman, J.J.; Berkowska, M.A.; Dongen, J.J.M. van & Visser, L.G. (2020), Redefining non-inferiority in anamnestic antibody responses using the mean increase of log-transformed antibody titers after revaccination, Vaccines 8(4).
- Suijkerbuijk, A.W.M.; Mangen, M.J.J.; Haverkate, M.R.; Luppino, F.S.; Bantjes, S.E.; Visser, L.G.; Swaan, C.M.; Ruijs, W.L.M. & , E.A.B. over (2020), Rabies vaccination strategies in the Netherlands in 2018, Eurosurveillance: Europe's journal on infectious disease surveillance, epidemiology, prevention and control 25(38): 8-15.
- Westgeest, A.C.; Mooij, D. de; Eger, C.Y.; Delfos, N.M.; Feltz, M. van der; Visser, L.G. & Groeneveld, G.H. (2020), Measles outbreaks e potential threat for health care professionals, INFECTION PREVENTION IN PRACTICE 2(3).
- Schakel, L.; Veldhuijzen, D.S.; Middendorp, H. van; Prins, C.; Drittij, A.M.H.F.; Vrieling, F.; Visser, L.G.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M.; Joosten, S.A. & Evers, A.W.M. (2020), An internet-based psychological intervention with a serious game to improve vitality, psychological and physical condition, and immune function in healthy male adults: randomized controlled trial, Journal of Medical Internet Research 22(7).
- Roestenberg, M.; Walk, J.; Boor, S.C. van der; Langenberg, M.C.C.; Hoogerwerf, M.A.; Janse, J.J.; Manurung, M.; Yap, X.Z.; García, A.F.; Koopman, J.P.R.; Meij, P.; Wessels, E.; Teelen, K.; Waardenburg, Y.M. van; Vegte-Bolmer, M. van de; Gemert, G.J. van; Visser, L.G.; Ven, A.J.A.M. van der; Mast, Q. de; Natasha, K.C.; Abebe, Y.; Murshedkar, T.; Billingsley, P.F.; Richie, T.L.; Sim, B.K.L.; Janse, C.J.; Hoffman, S.L.; Khan, S.M. & Sauerwein, R.W. (2020), A double-blind, placebo-controlled phase 1/2a trial of the genetically attenuated malaria vaccine PfSPZ-GA1, Science Translational Medicine 12(544).
- Wijnakker, R.; Lambregts, M.M.C.; Rump, B.; Veldkamp, K.E.; Reis, R.; Visser, L.G. & Boer, M.G.J. de (2020), Limited multi-drug resistant organism related stigma in carriers exposed to isolation precautions, Journal of Hospital Infection 106(1): 126-133.
- Suijkerbuijk AWM, Mangen MJJ, Haverkate MR, Bantjes SE, Ruijs WLM, Swaan CM, Visser LG, Over EAB, Luppino FS & de Wit GA (2019), Rabies vaccination strategies in a western country: a cost evaluation, European Journal of Public Health 29.
- Lambregts, M.M.C.; Bernards, A.T.; Beek, M.T. van der; Visser, L.G. & Boer, M.G. de (2019), Time to positivity of blood cultures supports early re-evaluation of empiric broad-spectrum antimicrobial therapy, PLoS ONE 14(1).
- Lambregts, M.M.C.; Hendriks, B.J.C.; Visser, L.G.; Bernards, S.T. & Boer, M.G.J. de (2019), Using local clinical and microbiological data to develop an institution specific carbapenem-sparing strategy in sepsis: a nested case-control study, Antimicrobial Resistance and Infection Control 8.
- Wilder-Smith, A.; Chen, L.H.; Melo, A. & Visser, L.G. (2019), Improving clinical management of patients with severe yellow fever, Lancet Infectious Diseases 19(7): 678-679.
- Langenberg, M.C.C.; Hoogerwerf, M.A.; Janse, J.J.; Lieshout, L. van; Corstjens, P.L.A.M.; Roestenberg, M.; Dam, G.J. van; Diepen, A. van; Dood, C.J. de; Feijt, C.; Ganesh, M.S.; Gerritsma, H.; Hardeman, G.; Hokke, C.H.; Koopman, J.P.R.; Kos-van Oosterhoud, J.; Kruize, Y.C.M.; Meij, P.; Ozir-Fazalalikhan, A.; Schuijlenburg, R. van; Smits, H.H.; Verbeek-Menken, P.H.; Visser, L.G.; Vries, J.J.C. de; Winkel, B.M.F.; Yazdanbakhsh, M. & CoHSI Clinical Trial Team (2019), Katayama Syndrome Without Schistosoma mansoni Eggs, Annals of Internal Medicine 170(10): 732-+.
- Overduin, L.A.; Dongen, J.J.M. van & Visser, L.G. (2019), The Cellular Immune Response to Rabies Vaccination: A Systematic Review.
- Roukens, A.H.E. & Visser, L.G. (2019), Fractional-dose yellow fever vaccination: an expert review, Journal of Travel Medicine 26(6).
- Hoogerwerf, M.A.; Coffeng, L.E.; Brienen, E.A.T.; Janse, J.J.; Langenberg, M.C.C.; Kruize, Y.C.M.; Gootjes, C.; Manurung, M.D.; Dekker, M.; Becker, L.; Erkens, M.A.A.; Beek, M.T. van der; Ganesh, M.S.; Feijt, C.; Winkel, B.M.F.; Westra, I.M.; Meij, P.; Loukas, A.; Visser, L.G.; Vlas, S.J. de; Yazdanbakhsh, M.; Lieshout, L. van & Roestenberg, M. (2019), New Insights Into the Kinetics and Variability of Egg Excretion in Controlled Human Hookworm Infections, Journal of Infectious Diseases 220(6): 1044-1048.
- Chen, L.H.; Kozarsky, P.E. & Visser, L.G. (2019), What's Old Is New Again: The Re-emergence of Yellow Fever in Brazil and Vaccine Shortages, Clinical Infectious Diseases 68(10): 1761-1762.
- Tran, T.M.; Bijker, E.M.; Haks, M.C.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M.; Visser, L.; Schats, R.; Venepally, P.; Lorenzi, H.; Crompton, P.D. & Sauerwein, R.W. (2019), Whole-blood transcriptomic signatures induced during immunization by chloroquine prophylaxis and Plasmodium falciparum sporozoites, Scientific Reports 9.
- (2019), The Cellular Immune Response to Rabies Vaccination: A Systematic Review, Vaccines 7(3).
- Warreman, E.B.; Lambregts, M.M.C.; Wouters, R.H.P.; Visser, L.G.; Staats, H.; Dijk, E. van & Boer, M.G.J. de (2019), Determinants of in-hospital antibiotic prescription behaviour: a systematic review and formation of a comprehensive framework, Clinical Microbiology and Infection 25(5): 538-545.
- Lambregts, M.M.C.; Visser, L.G.; Boer, M.G.J. de; Staats, H. & Dijk, E. van (2019), 'Determinants of in-hospital antibiotic prescription behaviour' - Author's reply, Clinical Microbiology and Infection 25(5): 638-639.
- Scheper, H.; Derogee, R.; Mandad, R.; Wal, R.J.P. van der; Nelissen, R.G.H.H.; Visser, L.G. & Boer, M.G.J. de (2019), A mobile app for postoperative wound care after arthroplasty: Ease of use and perceived usefulness, International Journal of Medical Informatics 129: 75-80.
- Asmuth, E.G.J. von; Brockhoff, H.J.; Wallinga, J. & Visser, L.G. (2019), S. typhi Vi capsular polysaccharide vaccine-induced humoral immunity in travellers with immunosuppressive therapy for rheumatoid disease, Journal of Travel Medicine 26(1).
- Schakel, L.; Veldhuijzen, D.S.; Crompvoets, P.I.; Bosch, J.A.; Cohen, S.; Middendorp, H. van; Joosten, S.A.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M.; Visser, L.G. & Evers, A.W.M. (2019), Effectiveness of Stress-Reducing Interventions on the Response to Challenges to the Immune System: A Meta-Analytic Review, Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics 88(5): 274-286.
- Visser, L.G. (2019), Fractional-dose yellow fever vaccination: how much more can we do with less?, Current Opinion in Infectious Diseases 32(5): 390-393.
- Peppel, R.J. van de; Beek, M.T. van der; Visser, L.G.; Boer, M.G.J. de & Wallinga, J. (2019), Managing invasive aspergillosis in haematological patients in the era of resistance polymerase chain reaction and increasing triazole resistance: A modelling study of different strategies, International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents 53(3): 284-293.
- Wijnakker, R.; Visser, L.E.; Schippers, E.F.; Visser, L.G.; Burgel, N.D. van & Nieuwkoop, C. van (2019), The impact of an infectious disease expert team on outpatient parenteral antimicrobial treatment in the Netherlands, International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy 41(1): 49-55.
- Jonker, E.F.F.; Uijlings, M.A.C.; Visser, L.G. & Soonawala, D. (2019), Comparison of the immunogenicity of Dukoral (R) oral cholera vaccine between renal transplant recipients on either a calcineurin inhibitor or mycophenolate - A controlled trial, Vaccine 37(23): 3133-3139.
- Visser, L.G.; Veit, O. & Chen, L.H. (2019), Waning immunity after single-dose yellow fever vaccination: Who needs a second shot?, Journal of Travel Medicine 26(7).
- Langenberg, M.C.C.; Hoogerwerf, M.A.; Janse, J.J.; Lieshout, L. van; Corstjens, P.L.A.M.; Roestenberg, M.; Dam, G.J. van; Diepen, A. van; Dood, C.J. de; Feijt, C.; Ganesh, M.S.; Gerritsma, H.; Hardeman, G.; Hokke, C.H.; Koopman, J.P.R.; Kos-van Oosterhoud, J.; Kruize, Y.C.M.; Meij, P.; Ozir-Fazalalikhan, A.; Schuijlenburg, R. van; Smits, H.H.; Verbeek-Menken, P.H.; Visser, L.G.; Vries, J.J.C. de; Winkel, B.M.F.; Yazdanbakhsh, M. & CoHSI Clinical Trial Team (2019), Katayama Syndrome Without Schistosoma mansoni Eggs, Annals of Internal Medicine 170(10): 732-+.
- Jonker, E.F.F.; Uijlings, M.A.C.; Visser, L.G. & Soonawala, D. (2019), Comparison of the immunogenicity of Dukoral® oral cholera vaccine between renal transplant recipients on either a calcineurin inhibitor or mycophenolate - A controlled trial, Vaccine 37(23): 3133-3139.
- Asmuth, E.G.J. von; Brockhoff, H.J.; Wallinga, J. & Visser, L.G. (2019), S. typhi Vi capsular polysaccharide vaccine-induced humoral immunity in travellers with immunosuppressive therapy for rheumatoid disease, Journal of Travel Medicine 26(1).
- Jonker, E.F.F.; Ravenhorst, M.B. van; Berbers, G.A.M. & Visser, L.G. (2018), Safety and immunogenicity of fractional dose intradermal injection of two quadrivalent conjugated meningococcal vaccines, Vaccine 36(26): 3727-3732.
- Roukens, A.H.E.; Halem, K. van; Visser, A.W. de & Visser, L.G. (2018), Long-Term Protection After Fractional-Dose Yellow Fever Vaccination Follow-up Study of a Randomized, Controlled, Noninferiority Trial, Annals of Internal Medicine 169(11): 761-+.
- Roach, R.E.J.; Doorn, R. van; Bruine, F.T. de; Arend, S.M. & Visser, L.G. (2018), A recurrent migratory swelling, Lancet Infectious Diseases 18(9): 1045-1045.
- Janse, J.J.; Langenberg, M.C.C.; Kos-Van Oosterhoud, J.; Ozir-Fazalalikhan, A.; Brienen, E.A.T.; Winkel, B.M.F.; Erkens, M.A.A.; Beek, M.T. van der; Lieshout, L. van; Smits, H.H.; Webster, B.L.; Zandvliet, M.L.; Verbeek, R.; Westra, I.M.; Meij, P.; Visser, L.G.; Diepen, A. van; Hokke, C.H.; Yazdanbakhsh, M. & Roestenberg, M. (2018), Establishing the Production of Male Schistosoma mansoni Cercariae for a Controlled Human Infection Model, Journal of Infectious Diseases 218(7): 1142-1146.
- Peppel, R.J. van de; Visser, L.G.; Dekkers, O.M. & Boer, M.G.J. de (2018), The burden of Invasive Aspergillosis in patients with haematological malignancy: A meta-analysis and systematic review, Journal of Infection 76(6): 550-562.
- Laaveri, T.; Vlot, J.A.; Dam, A.P. van; Hakkinen, H.K.; Sonder, G.J.B.; Visser, L.G. & Kantele, A. (2018), Extended-spectrum beta-lactamase-producing Enterobacteriaceae (ESBL-PE) among travellers to Africa: destination-specific data pooled from three European prospective studies, BMC Infectious Diseases 18.
- Grootveld, R. van; Dam, G.J. van; Dood, C. de; Vries, J.J.C. de; Visser, L.G.; Corstjens, P.L.A.M. & Lieshout, L. van (2018), Improved diagnosis of active Schistosoma infection in travellers and migrants using the ultra-sensitive in-house lateral flow test for detection of circulating anodic antigen (CAA) in serum, European Journal of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases 37(9): 1709-1716.
- Visser L. G. (2018), Update on travel vaccines, International Journal of Infectious Diseases 73: 38-38.
- Kouijzer, I.J.E.; Scheper, H.; Rooy, J.W.J. de; Bloem, J.L.; Janssen, M.J.R.; Hoven, L. van den; Hosman, A.J.F.; Visser, L.G.; Oyen, W.J.G.; Bleeker-Rovers, C.P. & Geus-Oei, L.F. de (2018), The diagnostic value of F-18-FDG-PET/CT and MRI in suspected vertebral osteomyelitis - a prospective study, European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging 45(5): 798-805.
- Lambregts, M.M.C.; Warreman, E.B.; Bernards, A.T.; Veelken, H.; Borne, P.A.V.; Dekkers, O.M.; Visser, L.G. & Boer, M.G. de (2018), Distribution and clinical determinants of time-to-positivity of blood cultures in patients with neutropenia, European Journal of Haematology 100(2): 206-214.
- Lambregts, M.M.C.; Bernards, A.T.; Visser, L.G. & Boer, M.G.J. de (2018), Re: 'Development of diagnostic prediction tools for bacteraemia caused by 3rd generation cephalosporin-resistant Enterobacteriaceae in suspected bacterial infections' by Rottier, et al., Clinical Microbiology and Infection 24(12): 1346-1348.
- Chen, L.H.; Gautret, P. & Visser, L.G. (2018), Rabies Preexposure Prophylaxis: Application of Updated World Health Organization Position to Travelers, Clinical Infectious Diseases 67(12): 1948-1950.
- Wijsman, C.A.; Hanssen, J.L.J.; Scheper, H.; Visser, L.G. & Lieshout, L. van (2018), A case of delayed diagnosis of East-African trypanosomiasis in a Dutch traveller , Journal of Travel Medicine.
- Kouijzer, I.J.E.; Scheper, H.; Rooy, J.W.J. de; Bloem, J.L.; Janssen, M.J.R.; Hoven, L. van den; Hosman, A.J.F.; Visser, L.G.; Oyen, W.J.G.; Bleeker-Rovers, C.P. & Geus-Oei, L.F. de (2018), The diagnostic value of 18F-FDG-PET/CT and MRI in suspected vertebral osteomyelitis - a prospective study, European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging 45(5): 798-805.
- Lambregts, M.M.C.; Bernards, A.T.; Visser, L.G. & Boer, M.G.J. de (2018), Re: 'Development of diagnostic prediction tools for bacteraemia caused by 3rd generation cephalosporin-resistant Enterobacteriaceae in suspected bacterial infections' by Rottier, et al., Clinical Microbiology and Infection 24(12): 1346-1348.
- Grootveld, R. van; Dam, G.J. van; Dood, C. de; Vries, J.J.C. de; Visser, L.G.; Corstjens, P.L.A.M. & Lieshout, L. van (2018), Improved diagnosis of active Schistosoma infection in travellers and migrants using the ultra-sensitive in-house lateral flow test for detection of circulating anodic antigen (CAA) in serum, European Journal of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases 37(9): 1709-1716.
- Lääveri, T.; Vlot, J.A.; Dam, A.P. van; Häkkinen, H.K.; Sonder, G.J.B.; Visser, L.G. & Kantele, A. (2018), Extended-spectrum beta-lactamase-producing Enterobacteriaceae (ESBL-PE) among travellers to Africa: destination-specific data pooled from three European prospective studies, BMC INFECTIOUS DISEASES 18.
- Janse, J.J.; Langenberg, M.C.C.; Kos-Van Oosterhoud, J.; Ozir-Fazalalikhan, A.; Brienen, E.A.T.; Winkel, B.M.F.; Erkens, M.A.A.; Beek, M.T. van der; Lieshout, L. van; Smits, H.H.; Webster, B.L.; Zandvliet, M.L.; Verbeek, R.; Westra, I.M.; Meij, P.; Visser, L.G.; Diepen, A. van; Hokke, C.H.; Yazdanbakhsh, M. & Roestenberg, M. (2018), Establishing the Production of Male Schistosoma mansoni Cercariae for a Controlled Human Infection Model, The Journal of Infectious Diseases 218(7): 1142-1146.
- Wijsman, C.A.; Hanssen, J.L.J.; Scheper, H.; Visser, L.G. & Lieshout, L. van (2018), A case of delayed diagnosis of East-African trypanosomiasis in a Dutch traveller , Journal of Travel Medicine.
- Lambregts, M.M.C.; Bernards, A.T.; Visser, L.G. & Boer, M.G.J. de (2018), Re: 'Development of diagnostic prediction tools for bacteraemia caused by 3rd generation cephalosporin-resistant Enterobacteriaceae in suspected bacterial infections' by Rottier, et al., Clinical Microbiology and Infection 24(12): 1346-1348.
- Lieshout, L. van; Grootveld, R. van; Dood, C. de; Vries, J. de; Visser, L.G.; Soonawala, D.; Corstjens, P. & Dam, G.J. van (2017), DIAGNOSIS OF LOW-INTENSITY SCHISTOSOMA INFECTION IN A NON-ENDEMIC SETTING USING THE ULTRASENSITIVE LATERAL FLOW TEST FOR DETECTION OF SCHISTOSOME CIRCULATING ANODIC ANTIGEN (CAA), American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 95(5): 217-217.
- Neumayr, A.; Munoz, J.; Schunk, M.; Bottieau, E.; Cramer, J.; Calleri, G.; Lopez-Velez, R.; Angheben, A.; Zoller, T.; Visser, L.; Serre-Delcor, N.; Genton, B.; Castelli, F.; Esbroeck, M. van; Matteelli, A.; Rochat, L.; Sulleiro, E.; Kurth, F.; Gobbi, F.; Norman, F.; Torta, I.; Clerinx, J.; Poluda, D.; Martinez, M.; Calvo-Cano, A.; Sanchez-Seco, M.P.; Wilder-Smith, A.; Hatz, C.; Franco, L. & TropNet (2017), Sentinel surveillance of imported dengue via travellers to Europe 2012 to 2014: TropNet data from the DengueTools Research Initiative, Eurosurveillance 22(1): 39-47.
- Croce, E.; Hatz, C.; Jonker, E.F.; Visser, L.G.; Jaeger, V.K. & Buhler, S. (2017), Safety of live vaccinations on immunosuppressive therapy in patients with immune-mediated inflammatory diseases, solid organ transplantation or after bone-marrow transplantation - A systematic review of randomized trials, observational studies and case reports, Vaccine 35(9): 1216-1226.
- Gier, B. de; Suryapranata, F.S.T.; Croughs, M.; Genderen, P.J.J. van; Keuter, M.; Visser, L.G.; Vugt, M. van & Sonder, G.J.B. (2017), Increase in imported malaria in the Netherlands in asylum seekers and VFR travellers, Malaria Journal 16.
- Jonker, E.F.F. & Visser, L.G. (2017), Single visit rabies pre-exposure priming induces a robust anamnestic antibody response after simulated post-exposure vaccination: results of a dose-finding study, Journal of Travel Medicine 24(5).
- Ruiter, R.; Wunderink, H.F.; Veenendaal, R.A.; Visser, L.G. & Boer, M.G.J. de (2017), Helicobacter pylori resistance in the Netherlands: a growing problem?, Netherlands Journal of Medicine 75(9): 394-398.
- Vlasveld, I.N.; Roestenberg, M. & Visser, L.G. (2017), Granulating wound after a holiday in Peru, Netherlands Journal of Medicine 75(9): 418-419.
- Stalenhoef, J.E.; Terveer, E.M.; Knetsch, C.W.; van't Hof, P.J.; Vlasveld, I.N.; Keller, J.J.; Visser, L.G. & Kuijper, E.J. (2017), Fecal Microbiota Transfer for Multidrug-Resistant Gram-Negatives: A Clinical Success Combined With Microbiological Failure, Open Forum Infectious Diseases 4(2).
- Lieshout, L. van; Grootveld, R. van; Dood, C. de; Vries, J. de; Visser, L.G.; Soonawala, D.; Corstjens, P. & Dam, G.J. van (2017), DIAGNOSIS OF LOW-INTENSITY SCHISTOSOMA INFECTION IN A NON-ENDEMIC SETTING USING THE ULTRASENSITIVE LATERAL FLOW TEST FOR DETECTION OF SCHISTOSOME CIRCULATING ANODIC ANTIGEN (CAA), American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 95(5): 217-217.
- Vosse, E. van de; Wengen, A. van; Meide, W.F. van der; Visser, L.G. & Dissel, J.T. van (2017), A 38-year-old woman with necrotising cervical lymphadenitis due to Histoplasma capsulatum, Infection 45(6): 917-920.
- Henegouwen, J.M.V.; Groeneveld, G.H.; Boer, M.G.J. de & Visser, L.G. (2017), A more restrictive use of quinolones in patients with community acquired pneumonia is urgently needed, Netherlands Journal of Medicine 75(10): 462-463.
- Schakel, L.; Veldhuijzen, D.S.; Middendorp, H. van; Prins, C.; Joosten, S.A.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M.; Visser, L.G. & Evers, A.W.M. (2017), The effects of a psychological intervention directed at optimizing immune function: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial, Trials 18.
- Tran, T.M.; Jones, M.B.; Ongoiba, A.; Bijker, E.M.; Schats, R.; Venepally, P.; Skinner, J.; Doumbo, S.; Quinten, E.; Visser, L.G.; Whalen, E.; Presnell, S.; O'Connell, E.M.; Kayentao, K.; Doumbo, O.K.; Chaussabel, D.; Lorenzi, H.; Nutman, T.B.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M.; Haks, M.C.; Traore, B.; Kirkness, E.F.; Sauerwein, R.W. & Crompton, P.D. (2016), Transcriptomic evidence for modulation of host inflammatory responses during febrile Plasmodium falciparum malaria, Scientific Reports 6.
- Wieten, R.W.; Goorhuis, A.; Jonker, E.F.F.; Bree, G.J. de; Visser, A.W. de; Genderen, P.J.J. van; Remmerswaal, E.B.M.; Berge, I.J.M. ten; Visser, L.G.; Grobusch, M.P. & Leeuwen, E.M.M. van (2016), 17D yellow fever vaccine elicits comparable long-term immune responses in healthy individuals and immune-compromised patients, Journal of Infection 72(6): 713-722.
- Wieten, R.W.; Jonker, E.F.F.; Pieren, D.K.J.; Hodiamont, C.J.; Thiel, P.P.A.M. van; Gorp, E.C.M. van; Visser, A.W. de; Grobusch, M.P.; Visser, L.G. & Goorhuis, A. (2016), Comparison of the PRNT and an immune fluorescence assay in yellow fever vaccinees receiving immunosuppressive medication, Vaccine 34(10): 1247-1251.
- Wieten, R.W.; Jonker, E.F.F.; Leeuwen, E.M.M. van; Remmerswaal, E.B.M.; Berge, I.J.M. ten; Visser, A.W. de; Genderen, P.J.J. van; Goorhuis, A.; Visser, L.G.; Grobusch, M.P. & Bree, G.J. de (2016), A Single 17D Yellow Fever Vaccination Provides Lifelong Immunity; Characterization of Yellow-Fever-Specific Neutralizing Antibody and T-Cell Responses after Vaccination, PLoS ONE 11(3).
- Walk, J.; Schats, R.; Langenberg, M.C.C.; Reuling, I.J.; Teelen, K.; Roestenberg, M.; Hermsen, C.C.; Visser, L.G. & Sauerwein, R.W. (2016), Diagnosis and treatment based on quantitative PCR after controlled human malaria infection (vol 15, 398, 2016), Malaria Journal 15.
- Tran, T.M.; Jones, M.B.; Ongoiba, A.; Bijker, E.M.; Schats, R.; Venepally, P.; Skinner, J.; Doumbo, S.; Quinten, E.; Visser, L.G.; Whalen, E.; Presnell, S.; O'Connell, E.M.; Kayentao, K.; Doumbo, O.K.; Chaussabel, D.; Lorenzi, H.; Nutman, T.B.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M.; Haks, M.C.; Traore, B.; Kirkness, E.F.; Sauerwein, R.W. & Crompton, P.D. (2016), Transcriptomic evidence for modulation of host inflammatory responses during febrile Plasmodium falciparum malaria, Scientific Reports 6.
- Levecke, B.; Dorny, P.; Vercammen, F.; Visser, L.G.; Esbroeck, M. van; Vercruysse, J. & Verweij, J.J. (2015), Transmission of Entamoeba nuttalli and Trichuris trichiura from Nonhuman Primates to Humans, Emerging Infectious Diseases 21(10): 1871-1872.
- Schats, R.; Bijker, E.M.; Gemert, G.J. van; Graumans, W.; Vegte-Bolmer, M. van de; Lieshout, L. van; Haks, M.C.; Hermsen, C.C.; Scholzen, A.; Visser, L.G. & Sauerwein, R.W. (2015), Heterologous Protection against Malaria after Immunization with Plasmodium falciparum Sporozoites, PLoS ONE 10(5).
- Bijker, E.M.; Schats, R.; Visser, L.G.; Sauerwein, R.W. & Scholzen, A. (2015), Ex vivo lymphocyte phenotyping during Plasmodium falciparum sporozoite immunization in humans, Parasite Immunology 37(11): 590-598.
- Kuenzli, E.; Vlot, J.A.; Laaveri, T.; Visser, L.G.; Hatz, C. & Kantele, A. (2015), Asymptomatic carriage of extended-spectrum beta-lactamase-producing Enterobacteriaceae in travelers returning from Southern Asia: trends over time, Tropical Medicine and International Health 20: 69-70.
- Cox, J.A. & Visser, L.G. (2015), A family with African tick bite fever, Travel Medicine and Infectious Disease 13(3): 274-275.
- Buhler, S.; Eperon, G.; Ribi, C.; Kyburz, D.; Gompel, F. van; Visser, L.G.; Siegrist, C.A. & Hatz, C. (2015), Vaccination recommendations for adult patients with autoimmune inflammatory rheumatic diseases, Swiss Medical Weekly 145.
- Schats, R.; Bijker, E.M.; Gemert, G.J. van; Graumans, W.; Vegte-Bolmer, M. van de; Lieshout, L. van; Haks, M.C.; Hermsen, C.C.; Scholzen, A.; Visser, L.G. & Sauerwein, R.W. (2015), Heterologous Protection against Malaria after Immunization with Plasmodium falciparum Sporozoites, PLoS ONE 10(5).
- Levecke, B.; Dorny, P.; Vercammen, F.; Visser, L.G.; Esbroeck, M. van; Vercruysse, J. & Verweij, J.J. (2015), Transmission of Entamoeba nuttalli and Trichuris trichiura from Nonhuman Primates to Humans, Emerging Infectious Disease 21(10): 1871-1872.
- Bijker, E.M.; Schats, R.; Visser, L.G.; Sauerwein, R.W. & Scholzen, A. (2015), Ex vivo lymphocyte phenotyping during Plasmodium falciparum sporozoite immunization in humans, Parasite Immunology 37(11): 590-598.
- Schlagenhauf, P.; Hatz, C.; Behrens, R.; Visser, L.; Funk, M.; Holzer, B.; Bourquin, C.; Beck, B.; Etter, H.; Furrer, H.; Genton, B.; Landry, P.; Chappuis, F.; Loutan, L.; Stossel, U.; Jeschko, E.; Rossanese, A. & Nothdurft, H.D. (2015), Mefloquine at the crossroads? Implications for malaria chemoprophylaxis in Europe, Travel Medicine and Infectious Disease 13(2): 192-196.
- Wieten, R.W.; Jonker, E.; Bree, G. de; Goorhuis, A.; Visser, L.G.; Leeuwen, E. van & Grobusch, M.P. (2014), Yellow fever vaccination immune responses are measurable up to 38 years after vaccination, International Journal of Infectious Diseases 21: 437-437.
- Westerloo, D.J. van; Landman, G.W.; Prichard, R.; Lespine, A. & Visser, L.G. (2014), Persistent Coma in Strongyloides Hyperinfection Syndrome Associated With Persistently Increased Ivermectin Levels, Clinical Infectious Diseases 58(1): 143-+.
- Nahrendorf, W.; Scholzen, A.; Bijker, E.M.; Teirlinck, A.C.; Bastiaens, G.J.H.; Schats, R.; Hermsen, C.C.; Visser, L.G.; Langhorne, J. & Sauerwein, R.W. (2014), Memory B-Cell and Antibody Responses Induced by Plasmodium falciparum Sporozoite Immunization, The Journal of Infectious Diseases 210(12): 1981-1990.
- Bühler, S. & Visser, L.G. (2014), Hepatitis A vaccination in patients with rheumatic diseases and drug-induced immunosuppression, Travel Medicine and Infectious Disease 12(2): 115-117.
- Bijker, E.M.; Teirlinck, A.C.; Schats, R.; Gemert, G.J. van; Vegte-Bolmer, M. van de; Lieshout, L. van; IntHout, J.; Hermsen, C.C.; Scholzen, A.; Visser, L.G. & Sauerwein, R.W. (2014), Cytotoxic Markers Associate With Protection Against Malaria in Human Volunteers Immunized With Plasmodium falciparum Sporozoites, The Journal of Infectious Diseases 210(10): 1605-1615.
- Soonawala, D.; Lieshout, L. van; Boer, M.A.M. den; Claas, E.C.J.; Verweij, J.J.; Godkewitsch, A.; Ratering, M. & Visser, L.G. (2014), Post-Travel Screening of Asymptomatic Long-Term Travelers to the Tropics for Intestinal Parasites Using Molecular Diagnostics, American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 90(5): 835-839.
- Bijker, E.M.; Schats, R.; Obiero, J.M.; Behet, M.C.; Gemert, G.J. van; Vegte-Bolmer, M.V. de; Graumans, W.; Lieshout, L. van; Bastiaens, G.J.H.; Teelen, K.; Hermsen, C.C.; Scholzen, A.; Visser, L.G. & Sauerwein, R.W. (2014), Sporozoite Immunization of Human Volunteers under Mefloquine Prophylaxis Is Safe, Immunogenic and Protective: A Double-Blind Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial, PLoS ONE 9(11).
- Blum, J.; Buffet, P.; Visser, L.; Harms, G.; Bailey, M.S.; Caumes, E.; Clerinx, J.; Thiel, P.P.A.M. van; Morizot, G.; Hatz, C.; Dorlo, T.P.C. & Lockwood, D.N.J. (2014), LeishMan Recommendations for Treatment of Cutaneous and Mucosal Leishmaniasis in Travelers, 2014, Journal of Travel Medicine 21(2): 116-129.
- Bijker, E.M.; Teirlinck, A.C.; Schats, R.; Gemert, G.J. van; Vegte-Bolmer, M. van de; Lieshout, L. van; IntHout, J.; Hermsen, C.C.; Scholzen, A.; Visser, L.G. & Sauerwein, R.W. (2014), Cytotoxic Markers Associate With Protection Against Malaria in Human Volunteers Immunized With Plasmodium falciparum Sporozoites, Journal of Infectious Diseases 210(10): 1605-1615.
- Westerloo, D.J. van; Landman, G.W.; Prichard, R.; Lespine, A. & Visser, L.G. (2014), Persistent Coma in Strongyloides Hyperinfection Syndrome Associated With Persistently Increased Ivermectin Levels, Clinical Infectious Diseases 58(1): 143-+.
- Nahrendorf, W.; Scholzen, A.; Bijker, E.M.; Teirlinck, A.C.; Bastiaens, G.J.H.; Schats, R.; Hermsen, C.C.; Visser, L.G.; Langhorne, J. & Sauerwein, R.W. (2014), Memory B-Cell and Antibody Responses Induced by Plasmodium falciparum Sporozoite Immunization, Journal of Infectious Diseases 210(12): 1981-1990.
- Esposito, D.H.; Stich, A.; Epelboin, L.; Malvy, D.; Han, P.V.; Bottieau, E.; Silva, A. da; Zanger, P.; Slesak, G.; Genderen, P.J.J. van; Rosenthal, B.M.; Cramer, J.P.; Visser, L.G.; Munoz, J.; Drew, C.P.; Goldsmith, C.S.; Steiner, F.; Wagner, N.; Grobusch, M.P.; Plier, D.A.; Tappe, D.; Sotir, M.J.; Brown, C.; Brunette, G.W.; Fayer, R.; Sonnenburg, F. von; Neumayr, A.; Kozarsky, P.E. & Tioman Island Sarcocystosis Invest (2014), Acute Muscular Sarcocystosis: An International Investigation Among Ill Travelers Returning From Tioman Island, Malaysia, 2011-2012, Clinical Infectious Diseases 59(10): 1401-1410.
- Teirlinck, A.C.; Roestenberg, M.; Vegte-Bolmer, M. van de; Scholzen, A.; Heinrichs, M.J.L.; Siebelink-Stoter, R.; Graumans, W.; Gemert, G.J. van; Teelen, K.; Vos, M.W.; Nganou-Makamdop, K.; Borrmann, S.; Rozier, Y.P.A.; Erkens, M.A.A.; Luty, A.J.F.; Hermsen, C.C.; Sim, B.K.L.; Lieshout, L. van; Hoffman, S.L.; Visser, L.G. & Sauerwein, R.W. (2013), NF135.C10: A New Plasmodium falciparum Clone for Controlled Human Malaria Infections, The Journal of Infectious Diseases 207(4): 656-660.
- Paltansing, S.; Vlot, J.A.; Kraakman, M.E.M.; Mesman, R.; Bruijning, M.L.; Bernards, A.T.; Visser, L.G. & Veldkamp, K.E. (2013), Extended-Spectrum β-Lactamase-producing Enterobacteriaceae among Travelers from the Netherlands, Emerging Infectious Diseases 19(8): 1206-1213.
- Wynberg, E.; Toner, S.; Wendt, J.K.; Visser, L.G.; Breederveld, D. & Berg, J. (2013), Business Travelers' Risk Perception of Infectious Diseases: Where Are the Knowledge Gaps, and How Serious Are They?, Journal of Travel Medicine 20(1): 11-16.
- Soonawala, D.; Verdijk, P.; Wijmenga-Monsuur, A.J.; Boog, C.J.; Koedam, P.; Visser, L.G. & Rots, N.Y. (2013), Intradermal fractional booster dose of inactivated poliomyelitis vaccine with a jet injector in healthy adults, Vaccine 31(36): 3688-3694.
- Grobusch, M.P.; Goorhuis, A.; Wieten, R.W.; Verberk, J.D.M.; Jonker, E.F.F.; Genderen, P.J.J. van & Visser, L.G. (2013), Yellow fever revaccination guidelines change - a decision too feverish?
- Teirlinck, A.C.; Roestenberg, M.; Vegte-Bolmer, M. van de; Scholzen, A.; Heinrichs, M.J.L.; Siebelink-Stoter, R.; Graumans, W.; Gemert, G.J. van; Teelen, K.; Vos, M.W.; Nganou-Makamdop, K.; Borrmann, S.; Rozier, Y.P.A.; Erkens, M.A.A.; Luty, A.J.F.; Hermsen, C.C.; Sim, B.K.L.; Lieshout, L. van; Hoffman, S.L.; Visser, L.G. & Sauerwein, R.W. (2013), NF135.C10: A New Plasmodium falciparum Clone for Controlled Human Malaria Infections.
- Paltansing, S.; Vlot, J.A.; Kraakman, M.E.M.; Mesman, R.; Bruijning, M.L.; Bernards, A.T.; Visser, L.G. & Veldkamp, K.E. (2013), Extended-Spectrum beta-Lactamase-producing Enterobacteriaceae among Travelers from the Netherlands, Emerging Infectious Disease 19(8): 1206-1213.
- Neumayr, A.L.C.; Morizot, G.; Visser, L.G.; Lockwood, D.N.J.; Beck, B.R.; Schneider, S.; Bellaud, G.; Cordoliani, F.; Foulet, F.; Laffitte, E.A.; Buffet, P. & Blum, J.A. (2013), Clinical aspects and management of cutaneous leishnnaniasis in rheumatoid patients treated with TNF-alpha antagonists, Travel Medicine and Infectious Disease 11(6): 412-420.
- Brouwer, E.E.; Hellemond, J.J. van; Genderen, P.J.J. van; Slot, E.; Lieshout, L. van; Visser, L.G. & Wismans, P.J. (2013), A case report of transfusion-transmitted Plasmodium malariae from an asymptomatic non-immune traveller, Malaria Journal 12.
- Visser, L.G. (2012), The Immunosuppressed Traveler, Infectious Disease Clinics of North America 26(3): 609-+.
- Kreeftmeijer-Vegter, A.R.; Genderen, P.J. van; Visser, L.G.; Bierman, W.F.W.; Clerinx, J.; Veldhuizen, C.K.W. van & Vries, P.J. de (2012), Treatment outcome of intravenous artesunate in patients with severe malaria in the Netherlands and Belgium, Malaria Journal 11: -.
- Visser, L.G. (2012), The Immunosuppressed Traveler, Infectious Disease Clinics of North America 26(3): 609-+.
- Soonawala, D.; Eggermond, A.M. van; Fidder, H. & Visser, L.G. (2012), Pretravel preparation and travel-related morbidity in patients with inflammatory bowel disease, Inflammatory Bowel Diseases 18(11): 2079-2085.
- Paassen, J. van; Bauer, M.P.; Arbous, M.S.; Visser, L.G.; Schmidt-Chanasit, J.; Schilling, S.; Olschlager, S.; Rieger, T.; Emmerich, P.; Schmetz, C.; Berkmortel, F. van de; Hoek, B. van; Burgel, N.D. van; Osterhaus, A.D.; Vossen, A.C.T.M.; Gunther, S. & Dissel, J.T. van (2012), Acute liver failure, multiorgan failure, cerebral oedema, and activation of proangiogenic and antiangiogenic factors in a case of Marburg haemorrhagic fever.
- Soonawala, D.; Geerts, J.W.H.J.; Mos, M. de; Yazdanbakhsh, M. & Visser, L.G. (2011), The immune response to schistosome antigens in formerly infected travelers., American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 84(1): 43-7.
- Soonawala, D.; Rimmelzwaan, G.F.; Gelinck, L.B.S.; Visser, L.G. & Kroon, F.P. (2011), Response to 2009 Pandemic Influenza A (H1N1) Vaccine in HIV-Infected Patients and the Influence of Prior Seasonal Influenza Vaccination., PLoS ONE 6(1): e16496.
- Demeester, R.P.; Bottieau, E.; Pini, A.; Visser, L.G.; Torrus-Tendero, D.; Wetsteyn, J.C.; Bisoffi, Z.; Pinazo, M.J.; Theunissen, C. & Ende, J. van den (2011), Prospective Multicenter Evaluation of the Expert System "KABISA TRAVEL" in Diagnosing Febrile Illnesses Occurring After a Stay in the Tropics., Journal of Travel Medicine 18(6): 386-394.
- Berg, J.; Breederveld, D.; Roukens, A.H.; Hennink, Y.; Schouten, M.; Wendt, J.K. & Visser, L.G. (2011), Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices Toward Malaria Risk and Prevention Among Frequent Business Travelers of a Major Oil and Gas Company., Journal of Travel Medicine 18(6): 395-401.
- Roukens, A.H. & Visser, L.G. (2011), Hepatitis B vaccination strategy in vaccine low and non-responders: A matter of quantity of quality?, Human Vaccines 7(6).
- Roukens, A.H. & Visser, L.G. (2011), Hepatitis B vaccination strategy in vaccine low- and non-responders A matter of quantity of quality?, Human Vaccines 7(6): 654-657.
- Soonawala, D.; Geerts, J.W.H.J.; Mos, M. de; Yazdanbakhsh, M. & Visser, L.G. (2011), The Immune Response to Schistosome Antigens in Formerly Infected Travelers, American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 84(1): 43-47.
- Soonawala, D.; Rimmelzwaan, G.F.; Gelinck, L.B.S.; Visser, L.G. & Kroon, F.P. (2011), Response to 2009 Pandemic Influenza A (H1N1) Vaccine in HIV-Infected Patients and the Influence of Prior Seasonal Influenza Vaccination, PLoS ONE 6(1).
- Roukens, A.H.E.; Gelinck, L.B.S.; Visser, L.G. & Teunissen, M.B.M. (2011), Intradermal Vaccination to Protect Against Yellow Fever and Influenza., Current Topics in Microbiology and Immunology.
- Berg, J.; Breederveld, D.; Roukens, A.H.; Hennink, Y.; Schouten, M.; Wendt, J.K. & Visser, L.G. (2011), Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices Toward Malaria Risk and Prevention Among Frequent Business Travelers of a Major Oil and Gas Company, Journal of Travel Medicine 18(6): 395-401.
- Demeester, R.P.; Bottieau, E.; Pini, A.; Visser, L.G.; Torrus-Tendero, D.; Wetsteyn, J.C.; Bisoffi, Z.; Pinazo, M.J.; Theunissen, C. & Ende, J. van den (2011), Prospective Multicenter Evaluation of the Expert System "KABISA TRAVEL" in Diagnosing Febrile Illnesses Occurring After a Stay in the Tropics, Journal of Travel Medicine 18(6): 386-394.
- Soonawala, D.; Vlot, J.A. & Visser, L.G. (2011), Inconvenience due to travelers' diarrhea: a prospective follow-up study, BMC Infectious Diseases 11: -.
- Soonawala, D.; Vlot, J.A. & Visser, L.G. (2011), Inconvenience due to travelers' diarrhea: a prospective follow-up study., BMC Infectious Diseases 11: 322.
- Visser LG (2011), TNF-α Antagonists and Immunization., Current Infectious Disease Reports 13(3): 243-7.
- Roukens, A.H.; Soonawala, D.; Joosten, S.A.; Visser, A.W. de; Jiang, X.H.; Dirksen, K.; Gruijter, M. de; Dissel, J.T. van; Bredenbeek, P.J. & Visser, L.G. (2011), Elderly Subjects Have a Delayed Antibody Response and Prolonged Viraemia following Yellow Fever Vaccination: A Prospective Controlled Cohort Study, PLoS ONE 6(12): -.
- Paassen, J. van; Bauer, M.P.; Dissel, J.T. van; Visser, L.G.; Vossen, A.C.T.M. & Arbous, M.S. (2010), Viral haemorrhagic fever in returned travellers; a review on clinical symptoms, management, and outbreak prevention, NETHERLANDS JOURNAL OF CRITICAL CARE 14(2): 98-106.
- Behrens, R.H.; Carroll, B.; Hellgren, U.; Visser, L.G.; Siikamaki, H.; Vestergaard, L.S.; Calleri, G.; Janisch, T.; Myrvang, B.; Gascon, J. & Hatz, C. (2010), The incidence of malaria in travellers to South-East Asia: is local malaria transmission a useful risk indicator?, Malaria Journal 9.
- Sharafeldin, E.; Soonawala, D.; Vandenbroucke, J.P.; Hack, E. & Visser, L.G. (2010), Health risks encountered by Dutch medical students during an elective in the tropics and the quality and comprehensiveness of pre-and post-travel care, BMC Medical Education 10.
- Roukens, A.H.; Vossen, A.C.; Boland, G.J.; Verduyn, W.; Dissel, J.T. van & Visser, L.G. (2010), Intradermal hepatitis B vaccination in non-responders after topical application of imiquimod (Aldara (R)), Vaccine 28(26): 4288-4293.
- Akello-Ayebare, G.; Richters, J.M.; Polderman, A.M. & Visser, L.G. (2010), Healthcare-seeking strategies among displaced children in war-ridden northern Uganda: the case of malaria, Annals of Tropical Medicine and Parasitology 104(5): 369-376.
- Rijckevorsel, G. van; Sonder, G.J.B.; Geskus, R.B.; Genderen, P.J.J. van; Keuter, M.; Ligthelm, R.J.; Visser, L.G.; Wetsteyn, J.C.F.M. & Hoek, J.A.R. van den (2010), Incidence and trends of imported malaria in the Netherlands: 2000-2007, International Journal of Infectious Diseases 14: E25E25.
- Jolink, H.; Hartigh, J. den; Visser, L.G. & Nieuwkoop, C. van (2010), Pancytopenia due to proguanil toxicity in a returning traveller with fever, European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 66(8): 811-812.
- Sharafeldin, E.; Soonawala, D.; Vandenbroucke, J.P.; Hack, E. & Visser, L.G. (2010), Health risks encountered by Dutch medical students during an elective in the tropics and the quality and comprehensiveness of pre-and post-travel care., BMC Medical Education 10: 89.
- Rijckevorsel, G.G.C. van; Sonder, G.J.B.; Geskus, R.B.; Wetsteyn, J.C.F.M.; Ligthelm, R.J.; Visser, L.G.; Keuter, M.; Genderen, P.J.J. van & Hoek, A. van den (2010), Declining incidence of imported malaria in the Netherlands, 2000-2007, Malaria Journal 9.
- Aboutaleb, N.; Beersma, M.F.C.; Wunderink, H.F.; Vossen, A.C.T.M. & Visser, L.G. (2010), Case report: West-Nile virus infection in two Dutch travellers returning from Israel, Eurosurveillance 15(34).
- Roukens AH, Vossen AC, van Dissel JT & Visser LG (2009), Reduced intradermal test dose of yellow fever vaccine induces protective immunity in individuals with egg allergy, Vaccine 27(18): 2408-2409.
- Aardema H, Sijpkens YWJ & Visser LG (2009), Pancytopenia in a simultaneous pancreas and kidney transplant recipient: an unexpected cause. A case of visceral leishmaniasis in a transplant recipient., Clinical Nephrology 71(4): 460-462.
- Gelinck LBS, van den Bemt BJF, Marijt WAF, van der Bijl AE, Visser LG, Cats HA, Rimmelzwaan GF & Kroon FP (2009), Intradermal influenza vaccination in immunocompromized patients is immunogenic and feasible, Vaccine 27(18): 2469-2474.
- Roukens AH, Visser LG & Kroon FP (2009), A note of caution on yellow fever vaccination during maraviroc treatment: a hypothesis on a potential dangerous interaction, AIDS 23(4): 542-543.
- Roukens, A.H. & Visser, L.G. (2008), Yellow fever vaccine: past, present and future, Expert Opinion on Biological Therapy 8(11).
- Gelinck, L.B.S.; Bijl, A.E. van der; Beyer, W.E.P.; Visser, L.G.; Huizinga, T.W.J.; Hogezand, R.A. van; Rimmelzwaan, G.F. & Kroon, F.P. (2008), The effect of anti-tumour necrosis factor α treatment on the antibody response to influenza vaccination, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 67(5): 713-716.
- Roukens, A.H.; Vossen, A.C.; Dissel, J.T. van & Visser, L.G. (2008), Reduced dose pre-exposure primary and booster intradermal rabies vaccination with a purified chick embryo cell vaccine (PCECV) is immunogenic and safe in adults, Vaccine 26(27-28).
- Roukens, A.H.; Berg, J.; Barbey, A. & Visser, L.G. (2008), Performance of self-diagnosis and standby treatment of malaria in international oilfield service employees in the field, Malaria Journal 7.
- Roukens, A.H.; Vossen, A.C.; Bredenbeek, P.J.; Dissel, J.T. van & Visser, L.G. (2008), Intradermally Administered Yellow Fever Vaccine at Reduced Dose Induces a Protective Immune Response: A Randomized Controlled Non-Inferiority Trial, PLoS ONE 3(4).
- Roukens, A.H.E.; Boland, G.J.; Vossen, A.C.T.M.; Dissel, J.T. van & Visser, L.G. (2008), Intradermal Hepatitis B Vaccination in Non-responders after Topical Application of Imiquimod (Aldara™) on the Vaccinated Skin, Vaccine.
- Nieuwkoop, C. van; Visser, L.G.; Groeneveld, J.H.M. & Kuijper, E.J. (2008), Chronic bacterial prostatitis and relapsing Enterococcus faecalis bacteraemia successfully treated with moxifloxacin, Journal of Infection 56(2): 155-156.
- Gelinck LBS, van der Bijl AE, Beyer WEP, Visser LG, Huizinga TWJ, van Hogezand RA, Rimmelzwaan GF & Kroon FP (2008), The effect of anti-tumour necrosis factor alpha treatment on the antibody response to influenza vaccination, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 67(5).
- Gelinck LBS, Van der Bijl AE, Visser LG, Huizinga TWJ, Van Hogezand RA, Rijkers GT & Kroon FP (2008), Synergistic immunosuppressive effect of anti-TNF combined with methotrexate on antibody responses to the 23 valent pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine, Vaccine 26(27-28).
- Roukens, A.H.E.; Dissel, J.T. van; Fijter, J.W. de & Visser, L.G. (2007), Health preparations and travel-related morbidity of kidney transplant recipients traveling to developing countries, Clinical Transplantation 21(4).
- Berg, J. & Visser, L.G. (2007), Expatriate chemoprophylaxis use and compliance: Past, present and future from an occupational health perspective, Journal of Travel Medicine 14(5).
- Huurman, V.A.L.; Visser, L.G.; Steens, S.C.A.; Terpstra, O.T. & Schaapberder, A.F.M. (2006), Persistent portal venous gas, Journal of Gastrointestinal Surgery 10(5).
- Schade, R.P.; Schinkel, J.; Roelandse, F.W.C.; Geskus, R.B.; Visser, L.G.; Dijk, J.M.C. van; Voormolen, J.H.C.; Pelt, H. van & Kuijper, E.J. (2006), Lack of value of routine analysis of cerebrospinal fluid for prediction and diagnosis of external drainage-related bacterial meningitis, Journal of Neurosurgery 104(1).
- Visser, L.G.; Verweij, J.J.; Esbroeck, M. van; Edeling, W.M.; Clerinx, J. & Polderman, A.M. (2006), Diagnostic methods for differentiation of Entamoeba histolytica and Entamoeba dispar in carriers:: Performance and clinical implications in a non-endemic setting, International Journal of Medical Microbiology 296(6): 397-403.
- Vollaard, A.M.; Verspaget, H.W.; Ali, S.; Visser, L.G.; Veenendaal, R.A.; Asten, H.A.G.H. van; Widjaja, S.; Surjadi, C. & Dissel, J.T. van (2006), Helicobacter pylori infection and typhoid fever in Jakarta, Indonesia, Epidemiology & Infection 134(1): 163-170.
- Meijer, J.A.A.; Sjögren, E.V.; Kuijper, E.; Verbist, B.M. & Visser, L.G. (2005), Necrotizing cervical lymphadenitis due to disseminated Histoplasma capsulatum infection, European Journal of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases 24(8): 574-576.
- Vollaard, A.M.; Ali, S.; Widjaja, S.; Asten, H.A.G.H. van; Visser, L.G.; Surjadi, C. & Dissel, J.T. van (2005), Identification of typhoid fever and paratyphoid fever cases at presentation in outpatient clinics in Jakarta, Indonesia, Transactions of The Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 99(6).
- Schade, R.P.; Schinkel, J.; Visser, L.G.; Dijk, J.M.C. van; Voormolen, J.H.C. & Kuijper, E.J. (2005), Bacterial meningitis caused by the use of ventricular or lumbar cerebrospinal fluid catheters, Journal of Neurosurgery 102(2).
- Bijl, A.E. van der; Gelinck, L.B.; Breedveld, F.C.; Hogezand, R.A. van; Rimmelzwaan, G.F.; Visser, L.G.; Huizinga, T.W. & Kroon, F.P. (2005), Anti-TNF-alpha inhibits the antibody response to influenza vaccination, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 64: 181-181.
- Leyten, E.M.S.; Soonawala, D.; Schultsz, C.; Herzog, C.; Ligthelm, R.; Wijnands, S. & Visser, L.G. (2005), Analysis of efficacy of CVD 103-HgR live oral cholera vaccine against all-cause travellers' diarrhoea in a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled study, Vaccine 23(43): 5120-5126.
- Vollaard, A.M.; Ali, S.; Asten, H.A.G.H. van; Widjaja, S.; Visser, L.G.; Surjadi, C. & Dissel, J.T. van (2004), Risk factors for typhoid and paratyphoid fever in Jakarta, Indonesia, Journal of the American Medical Association 291(21).
- Vollaard, A.M.; Ali, S.; Asten, H.A.G.H. van; Ismid, I.S.; Widjaja, S.; Visser, L.G.; Surjadi, C. & Dissel, J.T. van (2004), Risk factors for transmission of foodborne illness in restaurants and street vendors in Jakarta, Indonesia, Epidemiology & Infection 132(5).
- Verschuur, M.; Beek, M.T. van der; Tak, H.S.; Visser, L.G. & Maat, M.P.M. de (2004), Interindividual variation in the response by fibrinogen, C-reactive protein and interieukin-6 to yellow fever vaccination, Blood Coagulation and Fibrinolysis 15(5).
- Delfos, N.M.; Schippers, E.F.; Raoult, D. & Visser, L.G. (2004), Fever and vesicular rash in a traveler returning from South Africa, Clinical Infectious Diseases 39(5).
- Gordon, M.A.; Zijlstra, E.E.; Naus, C.W.A.; Visser, L.G.; Molyneux, M.E. & Lieshout, L. van (2003), Schistosomiasis does not contribute to death or recurrence of nontyphoid Salmonella bacteremia in human immunodeficiency virus-infected Malawian adults, Clinical Infectious Diseases 37(12): E177-E179.
- Berkhout J, Visser LG, van den Broek PJ, van de Klundert JAM & Mattie H (2003), Clinical pharmacokinetics of cefamandole and ceftazidime administered by continuous intravenous infusion, Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy 47(6).
- Beek, M.T. van der; Visser, L.G. & Maat, M.P.M. de (2002), Yellow fever vaccination as a model to study the response to stimulation of the inflammation system, Vascular Pharmacology 39(3): 117-121.
- Cobelens, F.G.J.; Kooij, S.; Warris-Versteegen, A. & Visser, L.G. (2000), Typhoid fever in group travelers: Opportunity for studying vaccine efficacy, Journal of Travel Medicine 7(1).
- Broek, P.J. van den; Visser, L.G.; Bohte, R. & van't Wout, J. (2000), Early diagnosis of pneumococcal pneumonia, Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy 46(3).
- Vreden SGS, Visser LG, Verweij JJ, Blotkamp J, Stuiver PC, Aguirre A & Polderman AM (2000), Outbreak of amebiasis in a family in The Netherlands, Clinical Infectious Diseases 31(4).
- Schippers EF, Hugen PWH, den Hartigh J, Burger DM, Hoetelmans RMW, Visser LG & Kroon FP (2000), No drug-drug interaction between nelfinavir or indinavir and mefloquine in HIV-1-infected patients, AIDS 14(17).
- Visser, L.G.; Seijmonsbergen, E.; Nibbering, P.H.; Broek, P.J. van den & Furth, R. van (1999), Yops of Yersinia enterocolitica inhibit receptor-dependent superoxide anion production by human granulocytes, Infection and Immunity 67(3): 1245-1250.
- vanLieshout, L.; Polderman, A.M.; Visser, L.G.; Verwey, J.J. & Deelder, A.M. (1997), Detection of the circulating antigens CAA and CCA in a group of Dutch travellers with acute schistosomiasis, Tropical Medicine and International Health 2(6): 551-557.
- Visser, L.G.; Hiemstra, P.S.; VandenBarselaar, M.T.; Ballieux, P.A. & VanFurth, R. (1996), Role of YadA in resistance to killing of Yersinia enterocolitica by antimicrobial polypeptides of human granulocytes, Infection and Immunity 64(5): 1653-1658.
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