Universiteit Leiden

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It is generally accepted that a university education is about more than knowledge transfer alone. Alongside knowledge and understanding, students should develop the skills required to apply this knowledge and understanding.

Society and the labour market need academics who can critically analyse issues, generate solutions, collaborate, communicate, be socially responsible and reflect on themselves and the world around them. Students should also be aware of the skills they possess. Leiden University would like there to be room in the curriculum for these kinds of transferable skills.

Skills project

Within our ‘Skills’ project, we have identified 13 shared transferable skills, each with its own definition and description. These are skills that are important for all Leiden students, regardless of their study programme. The skills will enhance the employability of our students and ensure that, as engaged citizens, they are able to contribute to the solutions society needs. The way students develop skills varies between programmes. The prospectus shows which skills students learn in which programme.

The ‘Skills’ ambition is strongly linked to the ambition of ‘Employability Enhancement’ because developing transferable skills increases students’ employability. The ambitions ‘Engagement with Society’ and ‘Integration of Research and Teaching’ also help students develop transferable skills.

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