Universiteit Leiden

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Patricio Silva

Hoogleraar geschiedenis van Latijns Amerika

Prof.dr. P. Silva
+31 71 527 5496

Patricio Silva is een hoogleraar aan het Instituut voor Geschiedenis.

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Hoogleraar geschiedenis van Latijns Amerika

  • Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen
  • Instituut voor Geschiedenis
  • Latijns-Amerika studies


Reuvensplaats 3-4
2311 BE Leiden
Kamernummer 1.05


  • Silva P. (2024), Boric and the Centre-Left: From Vilification to a Tactical Alliance. In: Peña C. & Silva P. (eds) (red.), The Boric Government in Chile: Between Refoundation and Reform. London: Routledge. 59-80. Boekdeel
  • Peña C. & Silva P. (2024), The Challenges of the Boric Government. In: Peña C. & Silva P. (eds) (red.), The Boric Government in Chile: Between Refoundation and Reform. London: Routledge. 189-194. Boekdeel
  • Peña C. & Silva P. (2024), Boric's Government and its Transformative Hallmark. In: Peña C. & Silva P. (eds) (red.), The Boric Government in Chile: Between Refoundation and Reform. London: Routledge. 1-8. Boekdeel
  • Peña C. & Silva P. (eds) (red.) (2024), The Boric Government in Chile: Between Refoundation and Reform. London: Routledge. Boekredactie
  • Peña C. & Silva P. (2023), El gobierno de Boric y su impronta reformadora. In: Peña C. & Silva P. (red.), El Gobierno de Boric: entre Refundación y Reforma. Santiago de Chile: Editorial Catalonia. 9-20. Boekdeel
  • Silva P. & Peña C. (red.) (2023), El gobierno de Gabriel Boric: entre refundación y reforma. Santiago de Chile: Editorial Catalonia. Boekredactie
  • Silva P. (2023), The Chilean neoliberal state: origins, evolution, and contestation, 1973-2020. In: Centeno M.A. & Ferraro A.E. (red.), State and nation making in Latin America and Spain: the neoliberal state and beyond. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 67-98. Boekdeel
  • Silva P. (2023), Boric y la centroizquierda: De la denostación a la alianza táctica. In: Peña C. & Silva P. (red.), El Gobierno de Gabriel Boric: Entre Refundación y Reforma. Santiago de Chile: Editorial Catalonia. 85-116. Boekdeel
  • Peña C. & Silva P. (2023), Los desafíos del gobierno de Boric. In: Peña C. & Silva P. (red.), El Gobierno de Gabriel Boric: entre Refundación y Reforma. Santiago de Chile: Editorial Catalonia. 261-267. Boekdeel
  • Peña C. & Silva P. (2022), Beyond the revolt: the Chile that is coming. In: Peña C. & Silva P. (red.) Social revolt in Chile: triggering factors and possible outcomes. London/New York: Routledge. 103-111. Boekdeel
  • Peña C. & Silva P. (2022), The October revolt in Chile: introduction. In: Peña C. & Silva P. (red.), Social revolt in Chile: triggering factors and possible outcomes. London/New York: Routledge. 1-7. Boekdeel
  • Peña C & Silva P. (red.) (2022), Social revolt in Chile: triggering factors and possible outcomes. London: Routledge. Boekredactie
  • Silva P. (2022), Combating corruption in Chile: The Presidential Advisory Commissions on public probity, 1994–2015. In: Pozsgai-Alvarez J. (red.), The Politics of Anti-Corruption Agencies in Latin America. London: Routledge. 33-50. Boekdeel
  • Silva P. (2022), The October rebellion: exploring its historical roots. In: Peña C. & Silva P. (red.), Social revolt in Chile: triggering factors and possible outcomes. London/New York: Routledge. 28-47. Boekdeel
  • Silva P. (2021), Augusto Pinochet: The emergence of one-man rule in Chile (1973-1990). In: Larres K. (red.) Dictators and Autocrats: Securing Power across Global Politics. London: Routledge. 71-90. Boekdeel
  • Peña C. & Silva P. (2021), Más allá de la Revuelta: El Chile que viene. In: Peña C. & Silva P. (red.), La Revuelta de Octubre en Chile: Orígenes y consecuencias. Santiago de Chile: Fondo de Cultura Económica (FCE). 155-167. Boekdeel
  • Peña C. & Silva P. (2021), La Revuelta de Octubre en Chile: : Introducción. In: Peña C. & Silva P. (red.) La Revuelta de Octubre en Chile: Orígenes y consecuencias. Santiago de Chile: Fondo de Cultura Económica (FCE). 9-18. Boekdeel
  • Peña C. & Silva P. (red.) (2021), La Revuelta de Octubre en Chile: Orígenes y consecuencias. Santiago de Chile: Fondo de Cultura Económica (FCE). Boekredactie
  • Silva P. (2021), La Rebelión de Octubre y sus Raíces Históricas. In: Peña C. & Silva P. (red.) La Revuelta de Octubre en Chile: Orígenes y Consecuencias . Santiago de Chile: Fondo de Cultura Económica (FCE). 47-73. Boekdeel
  • Silva P. (2020), Chilean Neoliberal State: Origins, Evolution, and Contestation, 1973-2020 . ‘The Neoliberal State in Latin America’. 4-5 September 2020. 4 september 2020 - 5 september 2020. 'Refereed' congrespublicatie
  • Silva P. (2020), Bespreking van: Robert I. Rotberg ed (2019), Corruption in Latin America: How Politicians and Corporations Steal from Citizens. London: Springer. Latin American Politics and Society 62(2): 158-162. Boekbespreking
  • Silva P. (2019), Public Probity and Corruption in Chile. London: Routledge. Boek
  • Silva P. (2019), The Chilean Developmental State: Political Balance, Economic Accommodation, and Technocratic Insulation, 1924–1973. In: Ferraro A.E. & Centeno M.A. (red.), State and Nation Making in Latin America and Spain: The Rise and Fall of the Developmental State. New York: Cambridge University Press. 284-314. Boekdeel
  • Silva P. (2018), La República Virtuosa: Probidad Pública y Corrupción en Chile. Santiago de Chile: Ediciones Universidad Diego Portales. Boek
  • Silva P. (2016), 'A Poor but Honest Country’: Corruption and Probity in Chile, Journal of Developing Societies 32(2): 178-203. 'Refereed' artikel in tijdschrift
  • Silva P. (2015), Bespreking van: Sehnbruch Kirsten & Siavelis Peter M. (2014), Democratic Chile: The Politics and Policies of a Historical Coalition, 1990-2010. Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner Publishers. Journal of Latin American Studies 47(3): 621-623. Boekbespreking
  • Silva P. (2014), Nee tegen Pinochet: De film 'No' en de kracht van politieke marketing in Chili. In: Simon Thomas Marc (red.), Latijns Amerika in beeld: Visies op een bewogen regio. Amsterdam: Centre for Latin American Studies and Documentation. 24-32. Boekdeel
  • Silva P. & Rojas Aravena F. (2013), Gobernabilidad y convivencia democrática en América Latina: Las dimensiones macro, meso y micro. In: Silva P. & Rojas Aravena F. (red.), Gobernabilidad y Convivencia Democrática en América Latina: Las dimensiones regionales, nacionales y locales. San José: FLACSO. 1-16. Boekdeel
  • Silva P. & Rojas Aravena F. (red.) (2013), Gobernabilidad y Convivencia Democrática en América Latina: Las dimensiones regionales, nacionales y locales. San José: FLACSO. Boekredactie
  • Silva P. (2013), Gobernabilidad y representación democrática en el Chile post-Concertacionista. In: Silva P. & Rojas Aravena F. (red.), Gobernabilidad y Convivencia Democrática en América Latina: Las dimensiones regionales, nacionales y locales. San José: FLACSO. 177-196. Boekdeel
  • Silva P. (2012), Tecnócratas y política en Chile: de los Chicago Boys a los Monjes de Cieplan. In: Ariztía T. (red.), Produciendo lo Social: usos de las ciencias sociales el Chile reciente. Santiago de Chile: Ediciones Universidad Diego Portales. 73-100. Boekdeel
  • Silva P. (2011), La elite tecnocrática en la era de la Concertación. In: Joignant A. & Güell P. (red.), Notables, tecnócratas y mandarines. Santiago de Chile: Ediciones Universidad Diego Portales. 241-269. Boekdeel
  • Silva P. (2011), The Chilean right in the Concertación era, 1990-2010. In: Dominguez F., Lievesley G. & Ludlam S. (red.), Right-Wing Politics in the New Latin America. London: Zed Books. 210-224. Boekdeel
  • Silva P. (2011), Bespreking van: Huneeus C. (2007), The Pinochet Regime nr. 2. Boulder, Colorado: Lynne Rienner Publishers. Journal of Cold War Studies 13: 214-216. Boekbespreking
  • Silva P. (2011), Populistische varianten in Latijns-Amerika, Geschiedenis Magazine 46(2): 34-37. Non-refereed' artikel in tijdschrift
  • Silva P. (2011), Tecnocracia y gobernabilidad democrática en América Latina, Working paper. . San José, Costa Rica: FLACSO. 33. Non-refereed' congrespublicatie
  • Silva P. (2010), En el nombre de la razón: Tecnócratas y política en Chile. Santiago de Chile: Editorial Universidad Diego Portales. Boek
  • Silva P. (2009), Chile: Swimming against the tide?. In: Lievesley G. & Ludlam S. (red.), Reclaiming Latin America: Experimenrts in Radical Social Democracy. London & New York: Zed Books. 183-198. Boekdeel
  • Silva P. & Cleuren H.M.R.H. (2009), Assessing Participatory Democracy in Brazil and Chile: An Introduction. In: Silva P. & Cleuren H.M.R.H. (red.), Widening Democracy: Citizens and Participatory Schemes in Brazil and Chile. Leiden & Boston: Brill Publishers. 1-23. Boekdeel
  • Silva P. & Cleuren H.M.R.H. (red.) (2009), Widening Democracy: Citizens and Participatory Schemes in Brazil and Chile. Leiden & Boston: Brill Publishers. Boekredactie
  • Silva P. (2009), 经济全球化与智利外交政策中技术专家力量的增强, Jing ji quan qiu hua yu zhi li wai jiao zheng ce zhong ji shu zhuan jia li liang de zeng qiang ('Economic Globalization and the Technocratic Empowerment in Chilean Foreign Policy'). In: He Shunguo (red.), 全球化与亚太地方社会 quan qiu hua yu ya tai di fang she hui (Globalization and Asia-Pacific Local Society). Nanchang: 江西人民出版社,2009年。(Jiangxi People's Press).. 277-294. Boekdeel
  • Silva P. (2008), Die Technokratie in der chilenischen Politik. In: Boris D., Gerstenlauer T., Jenss A., Schank K. & Schulten J. (red.), Sozialstrukturen in Lateinamerika. Wiesbaden: VS Verslag für Sozialwissenschaften. 73-93. Boekdeel
  • Silva P. (2008), In the Name of Reason: Technocrats and Politics in Chile. Pennsylvania: Penn State University Press. Boek
  • Silva P. (2007), Estílos políticos y orientación tecnocrática bajos los gobiernos de Lagos y Bachelet en Chile, Revista de Sociología : 79-105. 'Non-refereed' artikel in tijdschrift
  • Silva P. (2007), Prólogo. In: Teijeiro J. (red.), La rebelión permanente: Crisis de identidad y persistencia étnico-cultural aymara en Bolivia. La Paz, Bolivia: Plural Editores. Boekdeel
  • Silva P. (2006), The Politics of Neo-liberalism in Latin America: Depoliticization and Technocratic Rule in Chile. In: Robinson R. (red.), The Neoliberal Revolution: Forging the Market State. London/New York: Palgrave. 39-57. Boekdeel
  • Silva P. (2006), Growth with Equity: Assessing Chile's Approach towards Globalization. Sutherland H. (red.), Evolutions and Civilizations: Historical Experiences in the Modern Times of the East and the West. . Beijing: Peking University. 448-483. Non-refereed' congrespublicatie
  • Silva P. (2006), Lastarria, Letelier and 'Scientific Politics' in Chile, Bicentenario: Revista de Historia de Chile y America 5(2): 85-114. 'Non-refereed' artikel in tijdschrift
  • Silva P. (2006), Los tecnócratas y la política en Chile: Pasado y Presente, Revista de Ciencia Política 26(2): 171-186. 'Non-refereed' artikel in tijdschrift
  • Silva P. (2006), Government-Business Relations and Economic Performance in South Korea and Chile: A Political Perspective. In: Boyd R., Galjart B. & Ngo T.W. (red.), Political Conflict and Development in East Asia and Latin America. London/New York: Routledge. 74-117. Boekdeel
  • Silva P. (2005), Violence and the Quest for Order in Contemporary Latin America. In: Koonings K. & Kruijt D. (red.), Armed Actors: Organised Violence and State Failure in Latin America. London & New York: Zed Books. 186-191. Boekdeel
  • Silva P. (2005) Boekbespreking. Bespreking van: Collier S. (2003), Chile, The Making of a Republic, 1830-1865: Politics and Ideas nr. 2. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. Bulletin of Latin American Research 24: 271-273. Boekbespreking
  • Silva P. (2004), The New Democratic Order in Latin America: The Technocratic Democracies?. In: , Latin America Transformed: Modernization and Modernity. New York: Oxford University. 157-170. Boekdeel
  • Silva P. (2004), Doing Politics in a Depoliticised Society: Social and Political Deactivation in Chile, Bulletin of Latin American Research : 63-78. 'Non-refereed' artikel in tijdschrift
  • Silva P. (2004), Violence and the Quest for Order in Contemporary America. In: Koonings Kees (red.), Armed Actors: Organised Violence and State Failure in Latin America. London & New York: Zed Books. 186-191. Boekdeel
  • Silva P. (2004), The New Democratic Order in Latin America: Towards Technocratic Democracies?. In: , Latin America Transformed: Modernization and Modernity. New York: Oxford University Press. 157-170. Boekdeel
  • Silva P. (2004) Het succes van Chili. Bespreking van: Collier S. (2003), Chile: The Making of a Republic, 1830-1865: Politics and Ideas. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Mare di Libri 1: 3-3. Boekbespreking
  • Silva P. (2004), Doing Politics in a Depoliticised Society: Social Change and Political Deactivation in Chile, Bulletin of Latin American Research 23(1): 63-78. 'Refereed' artikel in tijdschrift
  • Silva P. (2004) Het succes van Chili. Bespreking van: Collier , Chile, the Making of a Republic, 1830-1865: Politics and Ideas nr. 5. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Leids Universitair Weekblad Mare 1: 3-3. Boekbespreking
  • Silva P. (2004) Democratization: Theory and Experience. Bespreking van: Whitehead Laurence, Democratization: Theory and Experience. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Perspectives on Politics 2: 192-193. Boekbespreking
  • Silva P. (2004) Democratization: Theory and Experience. Bespreking van: Whitehead , Democratization: Theory and Experience nr. 1. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Perspectives on Politics 2: 192-193. Boekbespreking
  • Silva P. (2003), Democratisation and State-Civil Society Relations in Chile, 1983-2000: From Effervescence to Deactivation, Nordic Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies 32(2): 73-96. 'Refereed' artikel in tijdschrift
  • Silva P. (2003), Violence and the quest for order in contemporary Latin America. Utrecht: Universiteit Utrecht. [overig]. Overig
  • Silva P. (2003), Bulletin of Latin American Research. [overig]. Overig
  • Silva P. (2003), Human Security in an Age of Uncertainty: Reflections from Europe. In: Moufida G. & Rojas F. (red.), Human Security: Conflict Prevention and Peace in Latin America and the Caribbean. Santiago/: FLACSO-UNESCO. 61-70. Boekdeel
  • Silva P. (2003), Between autonomy and subordination: Government-military relations in post-authoritarian Chile. In: Cawthra G. & Luckham R. (red.), Governing Security: Democratic Control of Military and Security Establishments in Transitional Democracies. London and New York: Zed Books. 102-123. Boekdeel
  • Silva P. (2003), De betrekkingen tussen de staat en de civiele maatschappij in hedendaags Latijns-Amerika. Den Haag: Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken. [overig]. Overig
  • Silva P. (2003), The vulnerability of democracy in Latin America: Good governance in internationl cooperation. [overig]. Overig
  • Silva P. (2003), Faundez and the New Chilean Middle Class. [overig]. Overig
  • Dunkerley J. & Silva P. (2003), Mid-Term review research programme cultural anthropology, Utrecht University. Utrecht: The Dean, Faculty of Social Sciences, Utrecht University. Rapport
  • Silva P. (2003), Democratisation and state-civil society relations in Chile, 1983-2000: From effervescency to de-activation, Nordic Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies 32(2): 73-96. 'Refereed' artikel in tijdschrift
  • Silva P. (2003), En busqueda de la supremacia civil: los gobiernos de la Concertacion y los militares en Chile, Bicentenario: Revista de Historia de Chile y America 2(2): 227-257. 'Refereed' artikel in tijdschrift
  • Silva P. (2003), Bespreking van: Arceneaux C.L. (2001), Bounded missions: Military regimes and democratization in the southern cone and Brazil. University Park, PA, USA: The Pennsylvania State University Press. Journal of Latin American Studies 35: 402-403. Boekbespreking
  • Silva P. (2003), Bespreking van: Barros R. (2002), Constitutionalism anddDictatorship: Pinochet, the Junta, and the 1980 constitution nr. 2. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Political Studies 1: 272-273. Boekbespreking
  • Silva P. (2003), Eenheid en verdeeldheid in Chili: Consensus als overlevingsstrategie. [overig]. Overig
  • Silva P. (2003), CNWS/LDS Publications. [overig]. Overig
  • Silva P. (2003), Human Security in an Age of Insecurity. In: Rojas F. & Goucha M. (red.), Human Security, Conflict Prevention and Peace in Latin America and the Caribbean. Parijs: Unesco. 61-70. Boekdeel
  • Silva P. (2003), Thela Latin American series. Rozenberg Publishers. [overig]. Overig
  • Silva P. (2003), Revista de Ciencia Politica. Santiago de Chile: Universidad Catolica de Chile. [overig]. Overig
  • Silva P. & Hojman D. (2003), How 'new' are the 'New Chileans'?: Modernity, consumerism, and cultural change in contemporary Chile. [overig]. Overig
  • Silva P. (2002), Seguridad humana en un época de incertidumbre: reflexiones desde Europa. Rojas F. & Goucha M. (red.), Seguridad Humana: Prevención de conflictos y paz en América Latina y el Caribe. . Santiago de Chile/Parijs: UNESCO-FLACSO. 63-74. 'Refereed' congrespublicatie
  • Silva P. (2002), The Chilean Democratic Transition. Leiden: Politicologie, Universiteit Leiden. [overig]. Overig
  • Silva P. (2002), How to Do Politics a Depoliticed Society? Social Change and Political Deactivation in Chile. [overig]. Overig
  • Silva P. (2002), Memoria colectiva, miedo y consenso: psicología política de la transición democrática en Chile. Koonings K. & Kruijt D. (red.), Las sociedades del miedo: El legado de la guerra civil, la violencia y el terror en América Latina. . Salamanca, Spanje: Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca. 185-209. 'Refereed' congrespublicatie
  • Silva P. (2002) Military Regimes and Democratization. Bespreking van: Arceneaux C.L. (2002), Bounded missions: Military Regimes and Democratization in the Southern Cone and Brazil nr. 4. University Park, PA, USA: Pennsylvania State University Press. Journal of Latin American Studies 34. Boekbespreking
  • Silva P. (red.) (2002), . Bulletin of Latin American Research. Boekredactie
  • Silva P. (2002), The Model under Stress: Neoliberalism and Anti-neoliberalism within Chilean Concertación Governments. [overig]. Overig
  • Silva P. (2002), Landhervorming in Chili: boeren, grootgrondbezitters en de staat. Leiden: Universiteit Leiden. [overig]. Overig
  • Silva P. (2002), Guest scholar, Institute for Latin American Studies. Cambridge University. [overig]. Overig
  • Silva P. (2002), Dictatuur en Democratie in Latijns-Amerika. Leiden: Universiteit Leiden. [overig]. Overig
  • Silva P. (red.) (2002), . CNWS/LDS Publications. Boekredactie
  • Silva P. (2002), Searching for Civilian Supremacy: The Concertación Governments and the Military in Chile, Bulletin of Latin American Research 21(3): 396-412. 'Refereed' artikel in tijdschrift
  • Silva P. (2002) Descentralizing Development. Bespreking van: Angell A. (2002), Descentralizing Development: The Political Economy of Institutional Change in Colombia and Chile. Oxford/New York: Oxford University Press. Bulletin of Latin American Research 21: 154-156. Boekbespreking
  • Silva P. (2002), 3e European Congress of Latin Americanists. [overig]. Overig
  • Silva P. (red.) (2002), . Thela Latin American Series. Boekredactie
  • Silva P. (2001), Between autonomy and subordination: Government-military relations in Chile, 1990-2001. [overig]. Overig
  • Silva P. (2001), The soldier and the state in South America: Introduction. In: Silva P. (red.), The soldier and the state in South America: Essays in civil-military relations. Londen en New York: Palgrave. 1-12. Boekdeel
  • Silva P. (red.) (2001), The soldier and the state in South America: Essays in civil-military relations. Londen en New York: Palgrave. Boekredactie
  • Silva P. (2001), Towards technocratic mass politics in Chile? The 1999-2000 elections and the "Lavín Phenomenon", European Journal of Latin American and Carribean Studies 70: 25-39. 'Refereed' artikel in tijdschrift
  • Silva P. (11 augustus 2001), Niemand bereidt Cuba voor een zachte landing. Leidsch Dagblad: 3-3. 'Non-refereed' artikel in tijdschrift
  • Silva P. (2001), Forging military-technocratic alliances: The Ibáñez and Pinochet regimes in Chile. In: Silva P. (red.), The soldier and the state in South America: Essays in civil-military relations. Londen en New York: Palgrave. 87-107. Boekdeel
  • Silva P. (2001), Chilean culture. In: Ember M. & Ember C.R. (red.), Countries and their cultures. New York: Macmillan. 452-465. Boekdeel
  • Silva P. (2001), Democratisation and state-civil society relations in Chile, 1983-2000: From effervescency to deactivation. [overig]. Overig
  • Silva P. (2001), La problemática de la etnicidad en América Latina. [overig]. Overig
  • Silva P. (2001), Seguridad humana en una época de incertidumbre: Reflexiones desde Europa. [overig]. Overig
  • Silva P. (2001), Bespreking van: Ensalaco M. (2001), Chile under Pinochet: Recovering the truth nr. 2. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press. Political Studies 49: 386-387. Boekbespreking
  • Silva P. (2001), Bespreking van: Adler Lomnitz L. (2001), Chile's political culture and parties: An anthropological explanation nr. 3. Notre Dame, Indiana: University of Notre Dame Press. Political Studies 49: 601-602. Boekbespreking
  • Silva P. (2001), Transición democrática e inserción internacional: La experiencia de Chile. [overig]. Overig
  • Silva P. (2001), Bespreking van: Siavelis P.M. (2001), The president and congress in Postauthoritarian Chile: Institutional constraints to democratic consolidation nr. 2. University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press. Political Studies 49: 386-387. Boekbespreking
  • Silva P. (2001), Bespreking van: Londregan J.B. (2001), Legislative institutions and ideology in Chile nr. 3. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Political Studies 49: 601-602. Boekbespreking
  • Silva P. (2000), Interview Radio Nederland (Ebglish division). [overig]. Overig
  • Silva P. (2000), Democratic Restoration in Chile. [overig]. Overig
  • Silva P. (2000), Politics Across Frontiers: Pinochet's arrest in London and the Chilean democratic process. Amsterdam: Cedla. [overig]. Overig
  • Silva P. (2000), State capacity, technocratic insulation and government-business relations in South Korea and Chile. Santiago: Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales. Boek
  • Silva P. (2000), Interview 2 vandaag. [overig]. Overig
  • Silva P. (2000), Interview NOVA. [overig]. Overig
  • Silva P. (2000), Interview. [overig]. Overig
  • Silva P. (2000), Interview Radio 1. [overig]. Overig
  • Silva P. (2000), Politics Across Frontiers: Pinochet's Arrest in London and the Chilean Democratic Process. In: Dijk P. van (red.), Towards a Borderless Latin America. Amsterdam: CEDLA. 151-163. Boekdeel
  • Silva P. (2000), Democratic control of the military in the new Latin American democracies. [overig]. Overig
  • Silva P. (2000), The 1999-2000 presidential elections and the 'fenómeno Lavín': Towards a new right in Chile?. [overig]. Overig
  • Silva P. (2000), Chilean landowners: 'retrogados' or Schumpeterian entrepreneurs?. [overig]. Overig
  • Silva P. (2000), Growth, employment and equity: The impact of the economic reforms in Latin America and the Caribbean. Den Haag: ISS. [overig]. Overig
  • Silva P. (2000), Growth, employment and equity: the impact of the Economic Reforms in Latin America and the Caribbean: Findings of a CEPAL study. Amsterdam: CEDLA. [overig]. Overig
  • Silva P. (2000), Chileense visies op de Pinochet affaire. Amsterdam: CEDLA. [overig]. Overig
  • Silva P. (2000), Redesigning government-military relations in post-authoritarian Chile. [overig]. Overig
  • Silva P. (2000), Technifying the social agenda: Technocratic ascendancy and social policy in Latin America. [overig]. Overig
  • Silva P. (2000), Armed actors and the state in Guatemala, Colombia and Peru. [overig]. Overig
  • Silva P. (2000), Interview TV programma. [overig]. Overig
  • Silva P. (2000), Radio Business Nieuws. [overig]. Overig
  • Silva P. & Koonings K. (red.) (1999), Construcciones étnicas y dinámica sociocultural en América Latina. Quito: Abya-Yala Editores. Boekredactie
  • Nas P.J.M. & Silva P. (red.) (1999), Modernization, leadership, and participation. Leiden: DSWO Press. Boekredactie
  • Nas P.J.M. & Silva P. (1999), In pursuit of progress: 'Top-down' and 'bottom-up' roads towards development. In: Nas P.J.M. & Silva P. (red.), Modernization, leadership and participation. Leiden: DSWO-Press. 3-18. Boekdeel
  • Silva P. & Koonings K. (1999), Contrucciones étnicas en América Latina. In: Silva P. & Koonings K. (red.), Construcciones étnicas y dinámica sociocultural en América Latina. Quito: Abya-Yala Editores. 5-22. Boekdeel
  • Silva P. & Koonings K. (1999), Construyendo la etnicidad: Rumbos y dimensiones. In: Silva P. & Koonings K. (red.), Construcciones étnicas y dinámica sociocultural en América Latina. Quito: Abya-Yala Editores. 183-190. Boekdeel
  • Silva P. & Nas P.J.M. (red.) (1999), Modernization, Leadership, and Participation. Leiden: DSWO Press. Boekredactie
  • Silva P. & Nas P.J.M. (1999), In pursuit of progress: `Top-Down' and `Bottom-Up' Roads towards development. In: Silva P. & Nas P.J.M. (red.), Modernization, Leadership and Participation. Leiden: DSWO Press. 3-16. Boekdeel
  • Silva P. (1999), Political Leadership. Culture, and Legitimacy in the Third World. In: Silva P. & Nas P.J.M. (red.), Modernization, Leadership and Participation. Leiden: DSWO Press. 79-103. Boekdeel
  • Silva P. (1999), Collective memories, fears and consensus: The political psychology of the Chilean democratic transition. In: Koonings K. & Kruijt D. (red.), Societies of fear: The legacy of civic war, violence and terror in Latin America. London: Zed Books. 171-196. Boekdeel
  • Silva P. (1999), The New Political order in Latin America: Towards technocratic democracies?. In: Gwynne R. & Kay C. (red.), Latin America transformed: Globalization and modernity. New York: Oxford University Press. 51-64. Boekdeel
  • Silva P. (1999), Chile's approach towards Mercosur: A political perspective. In: Schregardus P. & Telkamp G. (red.), Mercosul: Facing a New Millennium. Den Haag: Clingendael. 17-23. Boekdeel
  • Silva P. (1999) Bookreview. Bespreking van: Randall V. (1999), Political change and underdevelopment nr. 1. Basingstoke: Macmillan. European Journal of Development Research 11: 216-219. Boekbespreking
  • Silva P. (1999) Bookreview. Bespreking van: Veltmeyer H. (1999), Neoliberalism and class conflict in Latin America: A comparative perspective on the political economy of structural adjustment nr. 4. Basingstoke: Macmillan. Political Studies 47: 791. Boekbespreking
  • Silva P. (1 april 1999), Politiek: Pinochet. IQ: 14-21. 'Non-refereed' artikel in tijdschrift
  • Silva P. (14 april 1999), Interview: Nog één keer op bres voor Pinochet. NRC Handelsblad: 4. 'Non-refereed' artikel in tijdschrift
  • Silva P. (1999), Tussen populisme en neoliberalisme: Obstakels voor een Poldermodel in Latijns-Amerika' in BBO. Den Haag: Bureau voor Beleid voor Ontwikkelingslanden (BBO). Rapport
  • Silva P. (1998), Evaluación curso intensivo Juventud guatemalteca y Democracia. Santiago de Chile: FLACSO. Rapport
  • Silva P. (1998), Pablo Ramírez: A Technocrat Avant-La-Lettre. In: Silva P. & Centeno M.A. (red.), The Politics of Expertise in Latin America. Londen: Macmillan. 52-76. Boekdeel
  • Silva P. & Centeno M.A. (red.) (1998), The Politics of Expertise in Latin America. Londen: Macmillan. Boekredactie
  • Silva P. & Centeno M.A. (1998), The Politics of Expertise in Latin America: Introduction. In: Silva P. & Centeno M.A. (red.), The Politics of Expertise in Latin America. Londen: Macmillan. 1-12. Boekdeel
  • Silva P. (1998), Neoliberalism, Democratization, and the Rise of Technocrats. In: Vellinga M. (red.), The Changing Role of the State in Latin America. Boulder, Colorado (USA): Westview Press. 75-92. Boekdeel
  • Silva P. (1998), Agrarian Entrepreneurs and the State during the Chilean Democratic Transition, Nordic Journal of Latin American Studies 27(1-2): 105-126. 'Refereed' artikel in tijdschrift
  • Silva P. (1997), Studying Technocracy in Chile: What Can Be Learnt from the Mexican Case?, European Review of Latin American and Caribbean Studies 61: 39-64. 'Non-refereed' artikel in tijdschrift
  • Silva P. (1997), Neoliberalism, Democratisation, and Technocratic Politics in Chile, CLAS Paper Series (6): 1-28. 'Non-refereed' artikel in tijdschrift
  • Silva P. (1997), Technocratic Ascendancy in Latin America. In: Vellinga M. (red.), The Withdrawal of the State in Latin America. Boulder: Westview Press. 75-92. Boekdeel
  • Silva P. (1997), Etnicidad y formación nacional en América Latina y el Caribe, Anos 90 90(6): 21-63. 'Refereed' artikel in tijdschrift
  • Silva P. (1997), Neoliberalismo, democratización y ascenso tecnocrático. In: Vellinga M. (red.), El cambio del papel del Estado en América Latina. Mexico: Siglo Veintiuno Editores. 103-128. Boekdeel
  • Silva P. (1997), Ascenso tecnocrático y democracia en América Latina, Nueva Sociedad 152: 68-77. 'Non-refereed' artikel in tijdschrift
  • Silva P. (1996), Chili: autoritarisme en het herstel van de democratie. In: , Democratie en dictatuur in Latijns-Amerika. Amsterdam: Thela Publishers. 221-234. Boekdeel
  • Silva P. (1996), Studying Technocracy in Chile: What Can Be Learned From the Mexican Case?, European Review of Latin American and Caribbean Studies 51: 7-35. 'Refereed' artikel in tijdschrift
  • Silva P. & Galjart B.F. (1995), Knowledge, Expertise, and Political Power: Intellectuals and technocrats in Developing Countries. In: Silva P. & Galjart B.F. (red.), Designers of Development: Intellectuals and Technocrats in the Third World. Leiden: CNWS. 1-15. Boekdeel
  • Silva P. & Galjart B.F. (red.) (1995), Designers of Development: Intellectuals and Technocrats in the Third World. Leiden: CNWS. Boekredactie
  • Silva P. (1995), Neoliberalismo y transición democrática en Chile, 1973-1994, Revista Mexicana de Sociología 41(4): 3-26. 'Non-refereed' artikel in tijdschrift
  • Silva P. & Galjart B.F. (1995), Intellectuals, Technocrats and Development: Concluding Observations. In: Silva P. & Galjart B.F. (red.), Designers of Development: Intellectuals and Technocrats in the Third World. Leiden: CNWS. 269-278. Boekdeel
  • Silva P. (1995), Intellectuals and Technocrats in Third World Politics: Towards a Convergency?. In: Silva P. & Galjart B.F. (red.), Designers of Development: Intellectuals and Technocrats in the Third World. Leiden: CNWS. 19-33. Boekdeel
  • Silva P. (1995), Modernization, Consumerism and Politics in Chile. In: , Neo Liberalism with a Human Face? The Politics and Economics of the Chilean Model. Liverpool: The University of Liverpool. 118-132. Boekdeel


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