Jan van Lith
Hoogleraar Obstetrie
- Naam
- Prof.dr. J.M.M. van Lith
- Telefoon
- +31 71 526 2896
- j.m.m.van_lith@lumc.nl
- null
Jan MM van Lith is hoogleraar en afdelingshoofd Verloskunde, lid bestuur Divisie 3 portefeuille onderwijs en opleiding en voorzitter van de Centrale OpleidingsCommissie (COC) van het Leids Universitair Medisch Centrum (LUMC). Daarnaast is hij voorzitter van de Nederlandse Vereniging voor Obstetrie & Gynaecologie (NVOG) en lid Raad van Toezicht van GGZinGeest.
Meer informatie over Jan van Lith
Jan MM van Lith is hoogleraar en afdelingshoofd Verloskunde, lid bestuur Divisie 3 portefeuille onderwijs en opleiding en voorzitter van de Centrale OpleidingsCommissie (COC) van het Leids Universitair Medisch Centrum (LUMC). Daarnaast is hij voorzitter van de Nederlandse Vereniging voor Obstetrie & Gynaecologie (NVOG) en lid Raad van Toezicht van GGZinGeest.
Een gezond leven begint in de baarmoeder. De verloskunde heeft zich ontwikkeld van baringsmechanisme naar foetale en maternale geneeskunde. Kennis van foetale ontwikkeling leidt tot betere diagnostische methoden en inmiddels mogelijkheden om intra-uterien kinderen te behandelen. Hoe bijzonder is het dat een moeder haar kind niet afstoot en een getransplanteerde nier niet. De zwangerschap blijkt een bepalend moment voor de gezondheid van vrouwen in hun verdere leven. Jan van Lith houdt zich hier actief mee bezig en dit sluit naadloos aan bij de Nationale Wetensschapsagenda: Zwangerschap, een kind baren en de overgang: leidt een beter inzicht tot een beter verloop?
Wetenschappelijke carrière
Jan MM van Lith studeerde Geneeskunde aan de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen. Hij promoveerde in 1992 op het proefschrift ‘First trimester screening for Down’s syndrome’. Zijn opleiding tot gynaecoloog vond plaats in Amsterdam (AMC/OLVG). Hij heeft in Leeds een aantal maanden epidemiologie gedaan. Hij werd in 2006 benoemd tot bijzonder hoogleraar Verloskunde aan de Universiteit van Amsterdam en in 2008 stapte hij over naar en werd benoemd in het LUMC. In 2009 werd hij er benoemd tot hoogleraar met als leeropdracht obstetrie. De titel van zijn oratie was 'Change of attitude and focus'. Hij heeft 100 wetenschappelijke publicaties. Hij bekleedde een aantal nationale en internationale functies bij wetenschappelijke organisaties, bijvoorbeeld President van International Society of Prenatal Diagnosis and Therapy (ISPD). Hij was lid van een aantal commissies van de Gezondheidsraad.
Hoogleraar Obstetrie
- Faculteit Geneeskunde
- Divisie 3
- Verloskunde
- Tweel, M.M. van den; Munckhof, E.H.A. van den; Zanden, M. van der; Molijn, A.C.; Lith, J.M.M. van; Cessie, S. le & Boers, K.E. (2023), Bacterial vaginosis in a subfertile population undergoing fertility treatments, Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics 41.
- Tweel, M.M. van den; Munckhof, E.H.A. van den; Zanden, M. van der; Molijn, A.C.; Lith, J.M.M. van; Cessie, S. le & Boers, K.E. (2023), Bacterial vaginosis in a subfertile population undergoing fertility treatments, Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics 41.
- Wagijo, M.A.; Crone, M.; Zwicht, B.; Lith, J. van; Billings, D.L. & Rijnders, M. (2023), Contributions of CenteringPregnancy to women's health behaviours, health literacy, and health care use in the Netherlands, Preventive Medicine Reports 35.
- Bonsen, L.R.; Harskamp, V.; Feddouli, S.; Bloemenkamp, K.W.M.; Duvekot, J.J.; Pors, A.; Roosmalen, J. van; Zwart, J.J.; Lith, J.M.M. van; Hendriks, J.; Urlings, T.A.J.; Akker, T. van den; Bom, J.G. van der; Henriquez, D.D.C.A. & TeMpOH-3 Study Grp (2023), Prophylactic radiologic interventions to reduce postpartum hemorrhage in women with risk factors for placenta accreta spectrum disorder, The Journal of Maternal-Fetal and Neonatal Medicine 36(2).
- Wind, M.; Akker-van Marle, M.E. van den; Ballieux, B.E.P.B.; Cobbaert, C.M.; Rabelink, T.J.; Lith, J.M.M. van; Teng, Y.K.O. & Sueters, M. (2022), Clinical value and cost analysis of the sFlt-1/PlGF ratio in addition to the spot urine protein/creatinine ratio in women with suspected pre-eclampsia , BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth 22(1).
- Bentem, K. van; Hoorn, M.L. van der; Lith, J. van; Cessie, S. le & Lashley, E. (2022), Development of hypertensive complications in oocyte donation pregnancy: protocol for a systematic review and individual participant data meta-analysis (DONOR IPD), BMJ Open 12(7).
- Youssef, A.; Hoorn, M.L. van der; Eekelen, R. van; Geloven, N. van; Wely, M. van; Smits, M.A.J.; Mulders, A.; Lith, J.M.M. van; Goddijn, M. & Lashley, E. (2022), Development of the OPAL prediction model for prediction of live birth in couples with recurrent pregnancy loss, BMJ Open 12(9).
- Fosse, N.A. du; Lashley, E.E.L.O.; Anholts, J.D.H.; Beelen, E. van; Cessie, S. le; Lith, J.M.M. van; Eikmans, M. & Hoorn, M.L.P. van der (2022), Impaired immunomodulatory effects of seminal plasma may play a role in unexplained recurrent pregnancy loss, Journal of Reproductive Immunology 151.
- Fosse, N.A. du; Hoorn, M.L.P. van der; Koning, R. de; Mulders, A.G.M.G.J.; Lith, J.M.M. van; Cessie, S. le & Lashley, E.E.L.O. (2022), Toward more accurate prediction of future pregnancy outcome in couples with unexplained recurrent pregnancy loss, Fertility and Sterility 117(1): 144-152.
- Wagijo, M.A.R.; Crone, M.R.; Zwicht, B.S. van; Lith, J.M.M. van; Rising, S.S. & Rijnders, M.E.B. (2022), CenteringPregnancy in the Netherlands, Birth 49(2).
- Wind, M.; Akker-van Marle, M.E. van den; Ballieux, B.E.P.B.; Cobbaert, C.M.; Rabelink, T.J.; Lith, J.M.M. van; Teng, Y.K.O. & Sueters, M. (2022), Clinical value and cost analysis of the sFlt-1/PlGF ratio in addition to the spot urine protein/creatinine ratio in women with suspected pre-eclampsia: PREPARE cohort study, BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth 22(1).
- Fosse, N.A. du; Hoorn, M.L.P. van der; Buisman, N.H.; Lith, J.M.M. van; Cessie, S. le & Lashley, E.E.L.O. (2021), Paternal Smoking Is Associated with an Increased Risk of Pregnancy Loss in a Dose-Dependent Manner: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis., Reproductive Sciences 28(SUPPL 1): 244A-244A.
- Wind, M.; Gaasbeek, A.G.A.; Oosten, L.E.M.; Rabelink, T.J.; Lith, J.M.M. van; Sueters, M. & Teng, Y.K.O. (2021), Therapeutic plasma exchange in pregnancy: a literature review, European Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology and Reproductive Biology 260.
- Wind, M.; Gaasbeek, A.G.A.; Oosten, L.E.M.; Rabelink, T.J.; Lith, J.M.M. van; Sueters, M. & Teng, Y.K.O. (2021), Therapeutic plasma exchange in pregnancy: a literature review, European Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology and Reproductive Biology 260: 29-36.
- Everwijn, S.M.; Bohemen, J.F. van; Geloven, N. van; Jansen, F.A.; Teunissen, A.K.; Rozendaal, L.; Blom, N.; Lith, J.M. van & Haak, M.C. (2021), Serial neurosonography in fetuses with congenital heart defects shows mild delays in cortical development, Prenatal Diagnosis 41(13).
- Fosse, N. du; Hoorn, M.L. van der; Buisman, N.; Lith, J. van; Cessie, S. le & Lashley, L. (2021), Paternal smoking in the preconception period is associated with an increased risk of spontaneous miscarriage in a dose-dependent manner: a systematic review and meta-analysis, Human Reproduction 36: 18-19.
- Fosse, N.A. du; Lashley, E.E.L.O.; Beelen, E. van; Meuleman, T.; Cessie, S. le; Lith, J.M.M. van; Eikmans, M. & Hoorn, M.L.P. van der (2021), Identification of Distinct Seminal Plasma Cytokine Profiles Associated with Male Age and Lifestyle Characteristics in Unexplained Recurrent Pregnancy Loss., Reproductive Sciences 28(SUPPL 1): 295A-296A.
- Fosse, N.A. du; Lashley, E.E.L.O.; Treurniet, T.T.; Lith, J.M.M. van; Cessie, S. le; Boosman, H. & Hoorn, M.L.P. van der (2021), Exploring gender differences among couples with unexplained recurrent pregnancy loss regarding preferences for supportive care, BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth 21(1).
- Ramler, P.I.; Gillissen, A.; Henriquez, D.D.C.A.; Caram-Deelder, C.; Markovski, A.A.; Maat, M.P.M. de; Duvekot, J.J.; Eikenboom, J.C.J.; Bloemenkamp, K.W.M.; Lith, J.M.M. van; Akker, T. van den & Bom, J.G. van der (2021), Clinical value of early viscoelastometric point-of-care testing during postpartum hemorrhage for the prediction of severity of bleeding, Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica 100(9): 1656-1664.
- Zwanenburg, F.; Jongbloed, M.R.M.; Geloven, N. van; Harkel, A.D.J. ten; Lith, J.M.M. van & Haak, M.C. (2021), Assessment of human fetal cardiac autonomic nervous system development using color tissue Doppler imaging, Echocardiography 38(6): 974-981.
- Sluijs, A.M.; Wijma, K.; Cleiren, M.P.H.D.; Lith, J.M.M. van & Wijma, B. (2020), Preferred and actual mode of delivery in relation to fear of childbirth, Journal of Psychosomatic Obstetrics and Gynecology 41(4).
- Nisselrooij, A.E.L. van; Jansen, F.A.R.; Geloven, N. van; Linskens, I.H.; Pajkrt, E.; Clur, S.A.; Rammeloo, L.A.; Rozendaal, L.; Lith, J.M.M. van; Blom, N.A. & Haak, M.C. (2020), Impact of extracardiac pathology on head growth in fetuses with congenital heart defect, Ultrasound in Obstetrics & Gynecology 55(2): 217-225.
- Fosse, N.A. du; Hoorn, M.L.P. van der; Lith, J.M.M. van; Cessie, S. le & Lashley, L.E. (2020), Advanced Paternal Age is Associated With an Increased Risk of Spontaneous Miscarriage: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis., Reproductive Sciences 27(SUPPL 1): 60A-60A.
- Jansen, F.A.R.; Haak, M.C.; Wesemael, M.S. van; Harkel, A.D.J.D.J. ten; Lith, J.M.M. van; Blom, N.A. & Steggerda, S.J. (2020), A low incidence of preoperative neurosonographic abnormalities in neonates with heart defects, Early Human Development 148.
- Nisselrooij, A.E.L. van; Lugthart, M.A.; Clur, S.A.; Linskens, I.H.; Pajkrt, E.; Rammeloo, L.A.; Rozendaal, L.; Blom, N.A.; Lith, J.M.M. van; Knegt, A.C.; Hoffer, M.J.V.; Aten, E.; Santen, G.W.E. & Haak, M.C. (2020), The prevalence of genetic diagnoses in fetuses with severe congenital heart defects, Genetics in Medicine 22(7): 1206-1214.
- Petrus, A.H.J.; Jongert, B.L.; Kies, P.; Sueters, M.; Jongbloed, M.R.M.; Vliegen, H.W.; Schalij, M.J.; Lith, J. van & Akker, T. van den (2020), Evaluation of mode of birth in pregnant women with heart disease, European Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology and Reproductive Biology 248: 150-155.
- Everwijn, S.M.P.; Namburete, A.I.L.; Geloven, N. van; Jansen, F.A.R.; Papageorghiou, A.T.; Teunissen, A.K.; Rozendaal, L.; Blom, N.; Lith, J.M. van & Haak, M.C. (2020), The association between flow and oxygenation and cortical development in fetuses with congenital heart defects using a brain-age prediction algorithm, Prenatal Diagnosis 41(1).
- Nisselrooij, A.E.L. van; Teunissen, A.K.K.; Clur, S.A.; Rozendaal, L.; Pajkrt, E.; Linskens, I.H.; Rammeloo, L.; Lith, J.M.M. van; Blom, N.A. & Haak, M.C. (2020), Why are congenital heart defects being missed?, Ultrasound in Obstetrics & Gynecology 55(6): 747-757.
- Dijkhuizen, K.; Bustraan, J.; Bogaard, M.E.D. van den; Velthuis, S.I.; Lith, J.M.M. van; Driessen, E.W. & Beaufort, A.J. de (2020), Values and beliefs on trainee selection, Medical Teacher 42(10): 1179-1186.
- Sluijs, A.M.; Cleiren, M.P.H.D.; Lith, J.M.M. van; Wijma, B. & Wijma, K. (2020), Is fear of childbirth related to the woman's preferred location for giving birth? , Birth 47(1): 144-152.
- Foss, N.A. du; Hoorn, M.L.P. van der; Lith, J.M.M. van; Cessie, S. le & Lashley, E.E.L.O. (2020), Advanced paternal age is associated with an increased risk of spontaneous miscarriage: a systematic review and meta-analysis, Human Reproduction Update 26(5): 650-669.
- Nisselrooij, A.E.L. van; Teunissen, A.K.K.; Clur, S.A.; Rozendaal, L.; Pajkrt, E.; Linskens, I.H.; Rammeloo, L.; Lith, J.M.M. van; Blom, N.A. & Haak, M.C. (2020), Why are congenital heart defects being missed?, Ultrasound in Obstetrics & Gynecology.
- Ramler, P.I.; Henriquez, D.D.C.A.; Akker, T. van den; Caram-Deelder, C.; Groenwold, R.H.H.; Bloemenkamp, K.W.M.; Roosmalen, J. van; Lith, J.M.M. van; Bom, J.G. van der; Cessie, S.; Eikenboom, H.C.J.; So-Osman, C.; Watering, L.M.G. van de; Zwaginga, J.J.; Zwart, J.J.; Loeff, R.M.; Goeverden, R.J. van; Eijlers, B.; Hillebrand, A.; Spelmin, S.E.; Beunder, T.J.; Harskamp, V.; Wind, M.; Koning, M.D.; Cramer, R.A.; Veenstra, A.; Smith, S.M.; Ensing, E.E.; Brussel-de Groot, C.J. van; Zouitni, O. & TeMpOH-1 Study Grp (2019), Comparison of outcome between intrauterine balloon tamponade and uterine artery embolization in the management of persistent postpartum hemorrhage: A propensity score-matched cohort study, Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica 98(11): 1473-1482.
- Crone, M.R.; Luurssen-Masurel, N.; Bruinsma-van Zwicht, B.S.; Lith, J.M.M. van & Rijnders, M.E.B. (2019), Pregnant women at increased risk of adverse perinatal outcomes: A combination of less healthy behaviors and adverse psychosocial and socio-economic circumstances, Preventive Medicine 127.
- Wyk, L. van; Boers, K.E.; Wassenaer-Leemhuis, A.G. van; Post, J.A.M. van der; Bremer, H.A.; Delemarre, F.M.C.; Gordijn, S.J.; Bloemenkamp, K.W.M.; Roumen, F.J.M.E.; Porath, M.; Lith, J.M.M. van; Mol, B.J.; Cessie, S. le; Scherjon, S.A. & DIGITAT Study Grp (2019), Postnatal Catch-Up Growth After Suspected Fetal Growth Restriction at Term, Frontiers in Endocrinology 10.
- Meuleman, T.; Baden, N.; Haasnoot, G.W.; Wagner, M.M.; Dekkers, O.M.; Cessie, S. le; Picavet, C.; Lith, J.M.M. van; Claas, F.H.J. & Bloemenkamp, K.W.M. (2019), Oral sex is associated with reduced incidence of recurrent miscarriage, Journal of Reproductive Immunology 133: 1-6.
- Jansen, F.A.R.; Zwet, E.W. van; Everwijn, S.M.P.; Teunissen, A.K.K.; Rozendaal, L.; Lith, J.M.M. van; Blom, N.A. & Haak, M.C. (2019), Fetuses with Isolated Congenital Heart Defects Show Normal Cerebral and Extracerebral Fluid Volume Growth: A 3D Sonographic Study in the Second and Third Trimester, Fetal Diagnosis and Therapy 45(4): 212-220.
- Henrichs, J.; Verfaille, V.; Jellema, P.; Viester, L.; Pajkrt, E.; Wilschut, J.; Horst, H.E. van der; Franx, A.; Jonge, A. de; Baar, A.L. van; Bais, J.M.J.; Bonsel, G.J.; Bosmans, J.E.; Dillen, J. van; Duijnhoven, N.T.L. van; Grobman, W.A.; Groen, H.; Hukkelhoven, C.W.P.M.; Klomp, T.; Kok, M.; Kroon, M.L. de; Kruijt, M.; Kwee, A.; Ledda, S.; Lafeber, H.N.; Lith, J.M.M. van; Mol, B.; Molewijk, B.; Nieuwenhuijze, M.; Oei, G.; Oudejans, C.; Paarlberg, K.M.; Papageorghiou, A.T.; Reddy, U.M.; Reu, P. de; Rijnders, M.; Roon-Immerzeel, A. de; Scheele, C.; Scherjon, S.A.; Snijders, R.; Spaanderman, M.E.; Teunissen, P.W.; Torij, H.W.; Vrijkotte, T.G.; Westerneng, M.; Zeeman, K.C.; Zhang, J.J. & IRIS Study Grp (2019), Effectiveness of routine third trimester ultrasonography to reduce adverse perinatal outcomes in low risk pregnancy (the IRIS study): nationwide, pragmatic, multicentre, stepped wedge cluster randomised trial, BMJ 367.
- Everwijn, S.M.P.; Namburete, A.I.L.; Geloven, N. van; Jansen, F.A.R.; Papageorghiou, A.T.; Noble, A.J.; Teunissen, A.K.K.; Rozendaal, L.; Blom, N.A.; Lith, J.M.M. van & Haak, M.C. (2019), Cortical development in fetuses with congenital heart defects using an automated brain-age prediction algorithm, Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica 98(12): 1595-1602.
- Ramler, P.I.; Akker, T. van den; Henriquez, D.D.C.A.; Zwart, J.J.; Roosmalen, J. van; Lith, J.M.M. van; Bom, J.G. van der; Loeff, R.M.; Goeverden, R.J. van; Eijlers, B.; Hillebrand, A.; Spelmin, S.E.; Beunder, T.J.; Harskamp, V.; Wind, M.; Koning, M.D.; Cramer, R.A.; Veenstra, A.; Smith, S.M.; Ensing, E.E.; Caram-Deelder, C.; Pors, A.; Brussel-de Groot, C.J. van; Zouitni, O.; Kolster-Bijdevaate, C.; Bourgonje-Verhart, M.S.; Taborh, C.E.B.; Roos-van Milligen, E. & TeMpOH-1Study Grp (2019), Women receiving massive transfusion due to postpartum hemorrhage: a comparison over time between two nationwide cohort studies., Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica 98(6).
- Ramler, P.I.; Henriquez, D.D.C.A.; Akker, T. van den; Caram-Deelder, C.; Groenwold, R.H.H.; Bloemenkamp, K.W.M.; Roosmalen, J. van; Lith, J.M.M. van; Bom, J.G. van der; Cessie, S.; Eikenboom, H.C.J.; So-Osman, C.; Watering, L.M.G. van de; Zwaginga, J.J.; Zwart, J.J.; Loeff, R.M.; Goeverden, R.J. van; Eijlers, B.; Hillebrand, A.; Spelmin, S.E.; Beunder, T.J.; Harskamp, V.; Wind, M.; Koning, M.D.; Cramer, R.A.; Veenstra, A.; Smith, S.M.; Ensing, E.E.; Brussel-de Groot, C.J. van; Zouitni, O. & TeMpOH-1 Study Grp (2019), Comparison of outcome between intrauterine balloon tamponade and uterine artery embolization in the management of persistent postpartum hemorrhage: A propensity score-matched cohort study., Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica.
- Ramler, P.I.; Akker, T. van den; Henriquez, D.D.C.A.; Zwart, J.J.; Roosmalen, J. van; Lith, J.M.M. van; Bom, J.G. van der; Loeff, R.M.; Goeverden, R.J. van; Eijlers, B.; Hillebrand, A.; Spelmin, S.E.; Beunder, T.J.; Harskamp, V.; Wind, M.; Koning, M.D.; Cramer, R.A.; Veenstra, A.; Smith, S.M.; Ensing, E.E.; Caram-Deelder, C.; Pors, A.; Brussel-de Groot, C.J. van; Zouitni, O.; Kolster-Bijdevaate, C.; Bourgonje-Verhart, M.S.; Taborh, C.E.B.; Roos-van Milligen, E. & TeMpOH-1Study Grp (2019), Women receiving massive transfusion due to postpartum hemorrhage: A comparison over time between two nationwide cohort studies, Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica 98(6): 795-804.
- Bustraan, J.; Dijkhuizen, K.; Velthuis, S.; Post, R. van der; Driessen, E.; Lith, J.M.M. van & Beaufort, A.J. de (2019), Why do trainees leave hospital based specialty training? A nationwide survey study investigating factors involved in attrition and subsequent career choices in the Netherlands, BMJ Open 9(6).
- Everwijn, S.M.P.; Namburete, A.I.L.; Geloven, N. van; Jansen, F.A.R.; Papageorghiou, A.T.; Noble, A.J.; Teunissen, A.K.K.; Rozendaal, L.; Blom, N.A.; Lith, J.M.M. van & Haak, M.C. (2019), Cortical development in fetuses with congenital heart defects using an automated brain-age prediction algorithm, Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica 98(12).
- Nisselrooij, A.E.L. van; Jansen, F.A.R.; Geloven, N. van; Linskens, I.H.; Pajkrt, E.; Clur, S.A.; Rammeloo, L.A.; Rozendaal, L.; Lith, J.M.M. van; Blom, N.A. & Haak, M.C. (2019), Impact of extracardiac pathology on head growth in fetuses with congenital heart defect, Ultrasound in Obstetrics & Gynecology.
- Wagner, M.M.; Jukema, J.W.; Hermes, W.; Cessie, S. le; Groot, C.J.M. de; Bakker, J.A.; Lith, J.M.M. van & Bloemenkamp, K.W.M. (2018), Assessment of novel cardiovascular biomarkers in women with a history of recurrent miscarriage, Pregnancy Hypertension 11: 129-135.
- Everwijn, S.M.P.; Nisselrooij, A.E.L. van; Rozendaal, L.; Clur, S.A.B.; Pajkrt, E.; Hruda, J.; Linskens, I.H.; Lith, J.M. van; Blom, N.A. & Haak, M.C. (2018), The effect of the introduction of the three-vessel view on the detection rate of transposition of the great arteries and tetralogy of Fallot, Prenatal Diagnosis.
- Freeman, L.; Middeldorp, J.; Akker, E. van den; Oudijk, M.; Bax, C.; Huizen, M. van; Radder, C.; Fong, B.; Bloemenkamp, K.; Dahan, A.; Struys, M.; Mol, B.W.; Lith, J. van & Akker-van Marle, E. van den (2018), An economic analysis of patient controlled remifentanil and epidural analgesia as pain relief in labour (RAVEL trial); a randomised controlled trial, PLoS ONE 13(10).
- Everwijn, S.M.P.; Nisselrooij, A.E.L. van; Rozendaal, L.; Clur, S.A.B.; Pajkrt, E.; Hruda, J.; Linskens, I.H.; Lith, J.M. van; Blom, N.A. & Haak, M.C. (2018), The effect of the introduction of the three-vessel view on the detection rate of transposition of the great arteries and tetralogy of Fallot, Prenatal Diagnosis 38(12): 951-957.
- Meuleman, T.; Drabbels, J.; Lith, J.M.M. van; Dekkers, O.M.; Rozemuller, E.; Cretu-Stancu, M.; Claas, F.H.J.; Bloemenkamp, K.W.M. & Eikmans, M. (2018), Lower frequency of the HLA-G UTR-4 haplotype in women with unexplained recurrent miscarriage, Journal of Reproductive Immunology 126: 46-52.
- Wagner, M.M.; Beshay, M.M.; Rooijakkers, S.; Hermes, W.; Jukema, J.W.; Cessie, S. le; Groot, C.J.M. de; Ballieux, B.E.P.B.; Lith, J.M.M. van & Bloemenkamp, K.W.M. (2018), Increased cardiovascular disease risk in women with a history of recurrent miscarriage, Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica 97(10): 1192-1199.
- Wagner, M.M.; Visser, J.; Verburg, H.; Hukkelhoven, C.W.P.M.; Lith, J.M.M. van & Bloemenkamp, K.W.M. (2018), Pregnancy before recurrent pregnancy loss more often complicated by post-term birth and perinatal death, Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica 97(1): 82-88.
- Meuleman, T.; Haasnoot, G.W.; Lith, J.M.M. van; Verduijn, W.; Bloemenkamp, K.W.M. & Claas, F.H.J. (2018), Paternal HLA-C is a risk factor in unexplained recurrent miscarriage, American Journal of Reproductive Immunology 79(2).
- Hermus, M.A.A.; Hitzert, M.; Boesveld, I.C.; Akker-van Marle, M.E. van den; Dommelen, P. van; Franx, A.; Graaf, J.P. de; Lith, J.M.M. van; Luurssen-Masurel, N.; Steegers, E.A.P.; Wiegers, T.A. & Pal-de Bruin, K.M. van der (2017), Differences in optimality index between planned place of birth in a birth centre and alternative planned places of birth, a nationwide prospective cohort study in The Netherlands: results of the Dutch Birth Centre Study, BMJ Open 7(11).
- Jansen, F.A.R.; Zwet, E.W. van; Rijlaarsdam, M.E.B.; Pajkrt, E.; Velzen, C.L. van; Zuurveen, H.R.; Kragt, A.; Bax, C.L.; Clur, S.A.B.; Lith, J.M.M. van; Blom, N.A. & Haak, M.C. (2016), Head growth in fetuses with isolated congenital heart defects: lack of influence of aortic arch flow and ascending aorta oxygen saturation, Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology.
- Meulernan, T.; Beelen, E. van; Kaaja, R.J.; Lith, J.M.M. van; Claas, F.H.J. & Bloemenkamp, K.W.M. (2016), HLA-C antibodies in women with recurrent miscarriage suggests that antibody mediated rejection is one of the mechanisms leading to recurrent miscarriage, Journal of Reproductive Immunology 116: 28-34.
- Jansen, F.A.R.; Everwijn, S.M.P.; Scheepjens, R.; Stijnen, T.; Peeters-Scholte, C.M.P.C.D.; Lith, J.M.M. van & Haak, M.C. (2016), Fetal brain imaging in isolated congenital heart defects - a systematic review and meta-analysis, Prenatal Diagnosis 36(7): 601-613.
- Zwicht, B.S. van; Crone, M.R.; Lith, M.M. van & Rijnders, M.E.B. (2016), Group based prenatal care in a low-and high risk population in the Netherlands: a study protocol for a stepped wedge cluster randomized controlled trial, BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth 16.
- Jansen, F.A.R.; Zwet, E.W. van; Rijlaarsdam, M.E.B.; Pajkrt, E.; Velzen, C.L. van; Zuurveen, H.R.; Kragt, A.; Bax, C.L.; Clur, S.A.B.; Lith, J.M.M. van; Blom, N.A. & Haak, M.C. (2016), Head growth in fetuses with isolated congenital heart defects: lack of influence of aortic arch flow and ascending aorta oxygen saturation, Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology 48(3): 357-364.
- Jansen, F.A.R.; Everwijn, S.M.P.; Scheepjens, R.; Stijnen, T.; Peeters-Scholte, C.M.P.C.D.; Lith, J.M.M. van & Haak, M.C. (2016), Fetal brain imaging in isolated congenital heart defects – a systematic review and meta-analysis, Prenatal Diagnosis.
- Freeman, L.M.; Bloemenkamp, K.W.; Franssen, M.T.; Papatsonis, D.N.; Hajenius, P.J.; Hollmann, M.W.; Woiski, M.D.; Porath, M.; Berg, H.J. van den; Beek, E. van; Borchert, O.W.H.M.; Schuitemaker, N.; Sikkema, J.M.; Kuipers, A.H.M.; Logtenberg, S.L.M.; Salm, P.C.M. van der; Rengerink, K.O.; Lopriore, E.; Akker-Van Marle, M.E. van den; Cessie, S. le; Lith, J.M. van; Struys, M.M.; Mol, B.J.; Dahan, A. & Middeldorp, J.M. (2015), Patient controlled analgesia with remifentanil versus epidural analgesia in labour: randomised multicentre equivalence trial, BMJ 350.
- Vis, J.Y.; Baaren, G.J. van; Wilms, F.F.; Oudijk, M.A.; Kwee, A.; Porath, M.M.; Scheepers, H.C.; Spaanderman, M.E.; Bloemenkamp, K.W.; Lith, J.M. van; Bolte, A.C.; Bax, C.J.; Cornette, J.; Duvekot, J.J.; Nij Bijvank, S.W.; Eyck, J. van; Franssen, M.T.; Sollie, K.M.; Woiski, M.; Vandenbussche, F.P.; Post, J.A. van der; Bossuyt, P.M.; Opmeer, B.C. & Mol, B.W. (2015), Randomized Comparison of Nifedipine and Placebo in Fibronectin-Negative Women with Symptoms of Preterm Labor and a Short Cervix (APOSTEL-I Trial), American Journal of Perinatology 32(5): 451-459.
- Jong, A. de; Maya, I. & Lith, J.M.M. van (2015), PRENATAL SCREENING: CURRENT PRACTICE, NEW DEVELOPMENTS, ETHICAL CHALLENGES, Bioethics 29(1): 1-8.
- Freeman, L.M.; Bloemenkamp, K.W.; Franssen, M.T.; Papatsonis, D.N.; Hajenius, P.J.; Hollmann, M.W.; Woiski, M.D.; Porath, M.; Berg, H.J. van den; Beek, E. van; Borchert, O.W.H.M.; Schuitemaker, N.; Sikkema, J.M.; Kuipers, A.H.M.; Logtenberg, S.L.M.; Salm, P.C.M. van der; Rengerink, K.O.; Lopriore, E.; Akker-Van Marle, M.E. van den; Cessie, S. le; Lith, J.M. van; Struys, M.M.; Mol, B.J.; Dahan, A. & Middeldorp, J.M. (2015), Patient controlled analgesia with remifentanil versus epidural analgesia in labour: randomised multicentre equivalence trial, BMJ.
- Lith, J.M.M. van; Faas, B.H.W. & Bianchi, D.W. (2015), Current controversies in prenatal diagnosis 1: NIPT for chromosome abnormalities should be offered to women with low a priori risk, Prenatal Diagnosis 35(1): 8-14.
- Vonderen, J.J. van; Roest, A.A.W.; Walther, F.J.; Blom, N.A.; Lith, J.M.M. van; Hooper, S.B. & Pas, A.B. te (2015), The Influence of Crying on the Ductus Arteriosus Shunt and Left Ventricular Output at Birth, Neonatology 107(2): 108-112.
- Velthuis, S.I.; Bustraan, J.; Beaufort, A.J. de & Lith, J.M.M. van (2015), The Value of an External Assessment in the Training for Medical Specialist, Reproductive Sciences 22: 233A-233A.
- Meuleman, T.; Lashley, L.E.L.O.; Dekkers, O.M.; Lith, J.M.M. van; Claas, F.H.J. & Bloemenkamp, K.W.M. (2015), HLA associations and HLA sharing in recurrent miscarriage: A systematic review and meta-analysis, Human Immunology 76(5): 362-373.
- Boere, I.; Smit, M.; Roest, A.A.W.; Lopriore, E.; Lith, J.M.M. van & Pas, A.B. te (2015), Current Practice of Cord Clamping in The Netherlands: A Questionnaire Study, Neonatology 107(1): 50-55.
- Vonderen, J.J. van; Roest, A.A.W.; Siew, M.L.; Blom, N.A.; Lith, J.M. van; Walther, F.J.; Hooper, S.B. & Pas, A.B. te (2014), Noninvasive measurements of hemodynamic transition directly after birth, Pediatric Research 75(3): 448-452.
- Vonderen, J.J. van; Pas, A.B. te; Kolster-Bijdevaate, C.; Lith, J.M. van; Blom, N.A.; Hooper, S.B. & Roest, A.A.W. (2014), Non-invasive measurements of ductus arteriosus flow directly after birth, Archives of disease in childhood. Fetal and neonatal edition 99(5): F408-F412.
- Crolla, J.A.; Wapner, R. & Lith, J.M.M. van (2014), Controversies in prenatal diagnosis 3: should everyone undergoing invasive testing have a microarray?, Prenatal Diagnosis 34(1): 18-22.
- Jong, A. de; Dondorp, W.J.; Macville, M.V.E.; Die-Smulders, C.E.M. de; Lith, J.M.M. van & Wert, G.M.W.R. de (2014), Microarrays as a diagnostic tool in prenatal screening strategies: ethical reflection, Human Genetics 133(2): 163-172.
- Freeman, L.; Bloemenkamp, K.; Franssen, M.; Papatsonis, D.; Hollmann, M.; Woiski, M.; Porath, M.; Berg, H. van den; Beek, E. van; Schuitemaker, N.; Sikkema, M.; Logtenberg, S.; Oudijk, M.; Bax, C.; Salm, P. van der; Akker-van Marle, E. van den; Cessie, S. le; Lith, J. van; Struys, M.; Dahan, A.; Mol, B.W. & Middeldorp, J. (2014), Remifentanil patient controlled analgesia versus epidural analgesia in labor; a randomized controlled equivalence trial, American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 210(1): S36-S37.
- Tajik, P.; Wyk, L. van; Boers, K.E.; Cessie, S. le; Zafarmand, M.H.; Roumen, F.; Post, J.A.M. van der; Porath, M.; Pampus, M.G. van; Spaanderdami, M.E.A.; Kwee, A.; Duvekot, J.J.; Bremer, H.A.; Delemarre, F.M.C.; Bloemenkamp, K.W.M.; Groot, C.J.M. de; Willekes, C.; Lith, J.M.M. van; Bossuyt, P.M.; Mol, B.W.J.; Scherjon, S.A. & Digitat Study Grp (2014), Which intrauterine growth restricted fetuses at term benefit from early labour induction? A secondary analysis of the DIGITAT randomised trial, European Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology and Reproductive Biology 172: 20-25.
- Vijgen, S.M.C.; Boers, K.E.; Opmeer, B.C.; Bijlenga, D.; Bekedam, D.J.; Bloemenkamp, K.W.M.; Boer, K. de; Bremer, H.A.; Cessie, S. le; Delemarre, F.M.C.; Duvekot, J.J.; Hasaart, T.H.M.; Kwee, A.; Lith, J.M.M. van; Meir, C.A. van; Pampus, M.G. van; Post, J.A.M. van der; Rijken, M.; Roumen, F.J.M.E.; Salm, P.C.M. van der; Spaandermann, M.E.A.; Willekes, C.; Wijnen, E.J.; Mol, B.W.J.; Scherjon, S.A. & DIGITAT Study Grp (2013), Economic analysis comparing induction of labour and expectant management for intrauterine, growth restriction at term (DIGITAT trial), European Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology and Reproductive Biology 170(2): 358-363.
- Lith, J.M.M. van (2013), Introductory remarks from the Board of Directors of the ISPD on the position statement on aneuploidy screening, Prenatal Diagnosis 33(7): 621-621.
- Gillissen, A.; Sueters, M.; Lith, J.M. van; Walther, F.J. & Lopriore, E. (2013), Acute Hemorrhage in Monochorionic Twins with Ruptured Velamentous Vessels: Anemic Twin Resuscitated by Its Co-Twin through Placental Vascular Anastomoses?, Fetal Diagnosis and Therapy 34(1): 56-58.
- Lindenburg, I.; Klink, J. van; Inklaar, M.; Smits-Wintjens, V.; Verduin, E.; Koopman, H.; Kamp, I. van; Walther, F.; Schonewille, H.; Doxiadis, I.; Kanhai, H.; Lith, J. van; Zwet, E. van; Oepkes, D.; Brand, A. & Lopriore, E. (2013), Health-related quality of life and behavioral outcome after intrauterine transfusion for hemolytic disease of the fetus/newborn, American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 208(1): S183-S184.
- Lith, J.M.M. van; Johnson, M.P. & Wilson, R.D. (2013), Current controversies in prenatal diagnosis 3: fetal surgery after MOMS: is fetal therapy better than neonatal?, Prenatal Diagnosis 33(1): 13-16.
- Lindenburg, I.T.; Smits-Wintjens, V.E.; Klink, J.M. van; Verduin, E.; Kamp, I.L. van; Walther, F.J.; Schonewille, H.; Doxiadis, I.I.; Kanhai, H.H.; Lith, J.M. van; Zwet, E.W. van; Oepkes, D.; Brand, A.; Lopriore, E. & LOTUS Study Grp (2012), Long-term neurodevelopmental outcome after intrauterine transfusion for hemolytic disease of the fetus/newborn: the LOTUS study., American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 206(2): 141.e1-8.
- Westerhuis, M.E.M.H.; Porath, M.M.; Becker, J.H.; Akker, E.S.A. van den; Beek, E. van; Dessel, H.J.H.M. van; Drogtrop, A.P.; Geijn, H.P. van; Graziosi, G.C.M.; Groenendaal, F.; Lith, J.M.M. van; Mol, B.W.J.; Moons, K.G.M.; Nijhuis, J.G.; Oei, S.G.; Oosterbaan, H.P.; Rijnders, R.J.P.; Schuitemaker, N.W.E.; Wijnberger, L.D.E.; Willekes, C.; Wouters, M.G.A.J.; Visser, G.H.A. & Kwee, A. (2012), Identification of cases with adverse neonatal outcome monitored by cardiotocography versus ST analysis: secondary analysis of a randomized trial, Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica 91(7): 830-837.
- Boers, K.E.; Wyk, L. van; Post, J.A.M. van der; Kwee, A.; Pampus, M.G. van; Spaanderdam, M.E.A.; Duvekot, J.J.; Bremer, H.A.; Delemarre, F.M.C.; Bloemenkamp, K.W.M.; Groot, C.J.M. de; Willekes, C.; Rijken, M.; Roumen, F.J.M.E.; Thornton, J.G.; Lith, J.M.M. van; Mol, B.W.J.; Cessie, S. le; Scherjon, S.A. & DIGITAT Study Grp (2012), Neonatal Morbidity After Induction Vs Expectant Monitoring in Intrauterine Growth Restriction at Term: A Subanalysis of the DIGITAT RCT EDITORIAL COMMENT, Obstetrical and Gynecological Survey 67(7): 389-391.
- Boormans, E.M.A.; Birnie, E.; Hoffer, M.J.V.; Macville, M.V.E.; Galjaard, R.J.; Schuring-Blom, G.H.; Bhola, S.L.; Huijsdens, K.; Smits, A. & Lith, J.M.M. van (2012), Economic evaluation of multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification and karyotyping in prenatal diagnosis: a cost-minimization analysis, Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics 285(1): 67-75.
- Boers, K.E.; Wyk, L. van; Post, J.A.M. van der; Kwee, A.; Pampus, M.G. van; Spaanderdam, M.E.A.; Duvekot, J.J.; Bremer, H.A.; Delemarre, F.M.C.; Bloemenkamp, K.W.M.; Groot, C.J.M. de; Willekes, C.; Rijken, M.; Roumen, F.J.M.E.; Thornton, J.G.; Lith, J.M.M. van; Mol, B.W.J.; Cessie, S. le; Scherjon, S.A. & DIGITAT Study Grp (2012), Neonatal morbidity after induction vs expectant monitoring in intrauterine growth restriction at term: a subanalysis of the DIGITAT RCT, American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 206(4): -.
- Wyk, L. van; Boers, K.E.; Post, J.A.M. van der; Pampus, M.G. van; Wassenaer, A.G. van; Baar, A.L. van; Spaanderdam, M.E.A.; Becker, J.H.; Kwee, A.; Duvekot, J.J.; Bremer, H.A.; Delemarre, F.M.C.; Bloemenkamp, K.W.M.; Groot, C.J.M. de; Willekes, C.; Roumen, F.J.M.E.; Lith, J.M.M. van; Mol, B.W.J.; Cessie, S. le; Scherjon, S.A. & DIGITAT Study Grp (2012), Effects on (neuro) developmental and behavioral outcome at 2 years of age of induced labor compared with expectant management in intrauterine growth-restricted infants: long-term outcomes of the DIGITAT trial, American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 206(5): -.
- Freeman, L.M.; Bloemenkamp, K.W.M.; Franssen, M.T.M.; Papatsonis, D.N.M.; Hajenius, P.J.; Huizen, M.E. van; Bremer, H.A.; Akker, E.S.A. van den; Woiski, M.D.; Porath, M.M.; Beek, E. van; Schuitemaker, N.; Salm, P.C.M. van der; Fong, B.F.; Radder, C.; Bax, C.J.; Sikkema, M.; Akker-van Marle, M.E. van den; Lith, J.M.M. van; Lopriore, E.; Uildriks, R.J.; Struys, M.M.R.F.; Mol, B.W.J.; Dahan, A. & Middeldorp, J.M. (2012), Remifentanil patient controlled analgesia versus epidural analgesia in labour. A multicentre randomized controlled trial, BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth 12: -.
- Westerhuis, M.E.M.H.; Schuit, E.; Kwee, A.; Zuithoff, N.P.A.; Groenwold, R.H.H.; Akker, E.S.A. van den; Beek, E. van; Dessel, H.J.H.M. van; Drogtrop, A.P.; Geijn, H.P. van; Graziosi, G.C.M.; Lith, J.M.M. van; Nijhuis, J.G.; Oei, S.G.; Oosterbaan, H.P.; Porath, M.M.; Rijnders, R.J.P.; Schuitemaker, N.W.E.; Wijnberger, L.D.E.; Willekes, C.; Wouters, M.G.A.J.; Visser, G.H.A.; Mol, B.W.J. & Moons, K.G.M. (2012), Prediction of Neonatal Metabolic Acidosis in Women with a Singleton Term Pregnancy in Cephalic Presentation.
- Schuit, E.; Kwee, A.; Westerhuis, M.E.M.H.; Dessel, H.J.H.M. van; Graziosi, G.C.M.; Lith, J.M.M. van; Nijhuis, J.G.; Oei, S.G.; Oosterbaan, H.P.; Schuitemaker, N.W.E.; Wouters, M.G.A.J.; Visser, G.H.A.; Mol, B.W.J.; Moons, K.G.M. & Groenwold, R.H.H. (2012), A clinical prediction model to assess the risk of operative delivery, BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 119(8): 915-923.
- Oever, J.M.E. van den; Balkassmi, S.; Verweij, E.J.; Iterson, M. van; Scheltema, P.N.A. van; Oepkes, D.; Lith, J.M.M. van; Hoffer, M.J.V.; Dunnen, J.T. den; Bakker, E. & Boon, E.M.J. (2012), Single Molecule Sequencing of Free DNA from Maternal Plasma for Noninvasive Trisomy 21 Detection, Clinical Chemistry 58(4): 699-706.
- Lith, J.M.M. van; Benacerraf, B.R. & Yagel, S. (2011), Current controversies in prenatal diagnosis 2: Down syndrome screening: Is ultrasound better than cell-free nucleic acids in maternal blood?, Prenatal Diagnosis 31(3): 231-234.
- Willekes, C.; Post, J. van der; Mol, B.; Roumen, F.; Boers, K.; Delemarre, F.; Boer, K. de; Bloemenkamp, K.; Scherjon, S.; Wyk, L. van; Rijken, M.; Cessie, S. le; Lith, J. van; Bekedam, D.; Pampus, M. van; Bremer, H.; Kwee, A. & Wijnen, E. (2011), Neonatal morbidity after induction vs expectant monitoring in at term growth restriction (DIGITAT trial), American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 204: S71S71.
- Becker, J.H.; Westerhuis, M.E.M.H.; Sterrenburg, K.; Akker, E.S.A. van den; Beek, E. van; Bolte, A.C.; Dessel, T.J.H.M. van; Drogtrop, A.P.; Geijn, H.P. van; Graziosi, G.C.M.; Lith, J.M.M. van; Mol, B.W.J.; Moons, K.G.M.; Nijhuis, J.G.; Oei, S.G.; Oosterbaan, H.P.; Porath, M.M.; Rijnders, R.J.P.; Schuitemaker, N.W.E.; Wijnberger, L.D.E.; Willekes, C.; Visser, G.H.A. & Kwee, A. (2011), Fetal blood sampling in addition to intrapartum ST-analysis of the fetal electrocardiogram: evaluation of the recommendations in the Dutch STAN (R) trial, BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 118(10): 1239-1246.
- Jong, A. de; Dondorp, W.J.; Timmermans, D.R.M.; Lith, J.M.M. van & Wert, G.M.W.R. de (2011), Rapid aneuploidy detection or karyotyping? Ethical reflection, European Journal of Human Genetics 19(10): 1020-1025.
- Vijgen, S.M.C.; Westerhuis, M.E.M.H.; Opmeer, B.C.; Visser, G.H.A.; Moons, K.G.M.; Porath, M.M.; Oei, G.S.; Geijn, H.P. van; Bolte, A.C.; Willekes, C.; Nijhuis, J.G.; Beek, E. van; Graziosi, G.C.M.; Schuitemaker, N.W.E.; Lith, J.M.M. van; Akker, E.S.A. van den; Drogtrop, A.P.; Dessel, H.J.H.M. van; Rijnders, R.J.P.; Oosterbaan, H.P.; Mol, B.W.J. & Kwee, A. (2011), Cost-effectiveness of cardiotocography plus ST analysis of the fetal electrocardiogram compared with cardiotocography only, Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica 90(7): 772-778.
- Tilburgs, T.; Schonkeren, D.; Eikmans, M.; Nagtzaam, N.M.; Datema, G.; Swings, G.M.; Prins, F.; Lith, J.M. van; Mast, B.J. van der; Roelen, D.L.; Scherjon, S.A. & Claas, F.H. (2010), Human Decidual Tissue Contains Differentiated CD8(+) Effector-Memory T Cells with Unique Properties, The Journal of Immunology 185(7): 4470-4477.
- Boormans, E.M.; Birnie, E.; Oepkes, D.; Galjaard, R.J.; Schuring-Blom, G.H.; Lith, J.M. van & MLP Karyotyping Evaluation MAKE St (2010), Comparison of multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification and karyotyping in prenatal diagnosis., Obstetrics and Gynecology.
- Tilburgs, T.; Schonkeren, D.; Eikmans, M.; Nagtzaam, N.M.; Datema, G.; Swings, G.M.; Prins, F.; Lith, J.M. van; Mast, B.J. van der; Roelen, D.L.; Scherjon, S.A. & Claas, F.H. (2010), Human Decidual Tissue Contains Differentiated CD8(+) Effector-Memory T Cells with Unique Properties, Journal of Immunology 185(7): 4470-4477.
- Boormans, E.M.A.; Birnie, E.; Knegt, A.C.; Schuring-Blom, G.H.; Bonsel, G.J. & Lith, J.M.M. van (2010), Aiming at multidisciplinary consensus: what should be detected in prenatal diagnosis?, Prenatal Diagnosis 30(11): 1049-1056.
- Bakker, J.J.H.; Verhoeven, C.J.M.; Janssen, P.F.; Lith, J.M. van; Oudgaarden, E.D. van; Bloemenkamp, K.W.M.; Papatsonis, D.N.M.; Mol, B.W.J. & Post, J.A.M. van der (2010), Outcomes After Internal Versus External Tocodynamometry for Monitoring Labor, Obstetrical and Gynecological Survey 65(6): 355-356.
- Boers, K.E.; Vijgen, S.M.C.; Bijlenga, D.; Post, J.A.M. van der; Bekedam, D.J.; Kwee, A.; Salm, P.C.M. van der; Pampus, M.G. van; Spaanderman, M.E.A.; Boer, K. de; Duvekot, J.J.; Bremer, H.A.; Hasaart, T.H.M.; Delemarre, F.M.C.; Bloemenkamp, K.W.M.; Meir, C.A. van; Willekes, C.; Wijnen, E.J.; Rijken, M.; Cessie, S. le; Roumen, F.J.M.E.; Thornton, J.G.; Lith, J.M.M. van; Mol, B.W.J.; Scherjon, S.A. & DIGITAT Study Grp (2010), Induction versus expectant monitoring for intrauterine growth restriction at term: randomised equivalence trial (DIGITAT), British medical journal 341.
- Boormans, E.M.; Birnie, E.; Oepkes, D.; Galjaard, R.J.; Schuring-Blom, G.H.; Lith, J.M. van & MLP Karyotyping Evaluation MAKE St (2010), Comparison of Multiplex Ligation-Dependent Probe Amplification and Karyotyping in Prenatal Diagnosis, Obstetrics and Gynecology 115(2): 297-303.
- Boormans, E.M.A.; Birnie, E.; Oepkes, D.; Bilardo, C.M.; Wildschut, H.I.J.; Creemers, J.; Bonsel, G.J.; Lith, J.M.M. van & MAKE Study Grp (2010), The impact of rapid aneuploidy detection (RAD) in addition to karyotyping versus karyotyping on maternal quality of life, Prenatal Diagnosis 30(5): 425-433.
- Boormans, E.M.A.; Birnie, E.; Oepkes, D.; Boekkooi, P.F.; Bonsel, G.J.; Lith, J.M.M. van & MAKE Study Grp (2010), Individualized choice in prenatal diagnosis: the impact of karyotyping and standalone rapid aneuploidy detection on quality of life, Prenatal Diagnosis 30(10): 928-936.
- Boormans, E.M.A.; Birnie, E.; Oepkes, D.; Bilardo, C.M.; Wildschut, H.I.J.; Creemers, J.; Bonsel, G.J.; Lith, J.M.M. van & MAKE Study Grp (2010), The impact of rapid aneuploidy detection (RAD) in addition to karyotyping versus karyotyping on maternal quality of life, Prenatal Diagnosis.
- Boormans, E.M.A.; Birnie, E.; Oepkes, D.; Boekkooi, P.F.; Bonsel, G.J.; Lith, J.M.M. van & MAKE Study Grp (2010), Individualized choice in prenatal diagnosis: the impact of karyotyping and standalone rapid aneuploidy detection on quality of life. , Prenatal Diagnosis.
- Bakker, J.J.H.; Verhoeven, C.J.M.; Janssen, P.F.; Lith, J.M. van; Oudgaarden, E.D. van; Bloemenkamp, K.W.M.; Papatsonis, D.N.M.; Mol, B.W. & Post, J.A.M. van der (2010), Outcomes after Internal versus External Tocodynamometry for Monitoring Labor, New England Journal of Medicine 362(4): 306-313.
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