Annemieke Aartsma-Rus
Hoogleraar Humane Genetica
- Naam
- Prof.dr. A.M. Aartsma-Rus
- Telefoon
- +31 71 526 9436
- 0000-0003-1565-654X
Annemieke Aartsma-Rus is hoogleraar translationele genetica bij de afdeling humane genetica van het LUMC. Tevens is zij gasthoogleraar bij het John Walton Muscular Dystrophy Research Center bij het Institute of Genetic Medicine van de Universiteit van Newcastle. In 2011 ontving zij de Duchenne Award van het Duchenne Parent Project voor haar inzet voor haar onderzoek naar Duchenne spierdystrofie. In 2021 ontving ze de Black Pearl Science Award van Eurordis Sinds 2016 is zij de meest invloedrijke onderzoeker op het gebied van Duchenne spierdystrofie op basis van haar wetenschappelijke publicaties volgens Expertscape. In 2016 en 2017 was zij de meest invloedrijke onderzoeker op het gebied van Duchenne spierdystrofie op basis van haar wetenschappelijke publicaties volgens Expertscape.
Meer informatie over Annemieke Aartsma-Rus
Annemieke Aartsma-Rus is hoogleraar translationele genetica bij de afdeling humane genetica van het LUMC. Tevens is zij gasthoogleraar bij het John Walton Muscular Dystrophy Research Center bij het Institute of Genetic Medicine van de Universiteit van Newcastle. In 2011 ontving zij de Duchenne Award van het Duchenne Parent Project voor haar inzet voor haar onderzoek naar Duchenne spierdystrofie. In 2021 ontving ze de Black Pearl Science Award van Eurordis Sinds 2016 is zij de meest invloedrijke onderzoeker op het gebied van Duchenne spierdystrofie op basis van haar wetenschappelijke publicaties volgens Expertscape.
Translationele genetica
Door de recente innovatie in genetische analyse technieken is het aantal diagnoses van genetische aandoeningen drastisch toegenomen. Met het identificeren van de genetische oorzaak van een ziekte is vaak een eerste stap gezet in het ontwikkelen van een mogelijke behandeling. Vaak zijn dit genetische behandelingen, waarbij getracht wordt een missend gen of genproduct te herstellen of de hoeveelheid toxisch genproduct te verminderen.
Het ontwikkelen van therapieen verloopt in stappen. Eerst moet de werkzaamheid worden vastgesteld in model systemen. Vervolgens dient optimilisatie plaats te vinden in model systemen waarbij zowel werkzaamheid als veiligheid centraal staan. Daarna kunnen kan de translatie (vertaalslag) gemaakt worden naar de mens en kunnen mogelijke therapieen worden getest in klinische studies. Wanneer ook hier veiligheid en werkzaamheid wordt gevonden en de therapie klinisch relevant blijkt voor patienten kan deze worden goedgekeurd en op de markt gebracht. Als zodanig is translationeel onderzoek een samenspel van wetenschappers, artsen, patienten en regulatoire instanties en vaak ook de farmaceutische industrie.
Een voorbeeld van succesvol translationeel onderzoek is de exon skip therapie voor Duchenne spierdystrofie. Deze progressieve spierziekte wordt veroorzaakt door gebrek aan het eiwit dystrofine. De exon skip aanpak, die door het LUMC is gepionierd, beoogt de genetische code van dystrofine te herstellen om zo spiercellen van patienten in staat te stellen een deels functioneel dystrofine te produceren. Deze mutatie-specifieke therapie is uitvoerig getest in modelsystemen en klinische studies in patienten. De therapie goedgekeurd door de Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in de VS en ligt ter evaluatie bij de European Medicines Agency (EMA). Deze therapie zorgt momenteel voor een kleine vertraging van het ziekteproces en is toepasbaar voor 13% van de patienten. Echter er is dus ruimte voor verbetering. Het werk van Prof. Aartsma-Rus richt zich momenteel op het optimaliseren van deze therapie voor Duchenne, het ontwikkelen van therapieen om spierkwaliteit te verbeteren voor Duchenne modelsystemen en het ontwikkelen van exon skip therapieen voor patienten met zeldzame hersenziektes.
Wetenschappelijke carrière
Prof. Dr. Annemieke Aartsma-Rus speelde een belangrijke rol bij het ontwikkelen van de antisense-gemedieerde exon skip therapie voor Duchenne spierdystrofie sinds haar promotie onderzoek (2000-4) bij de afdeling Humane Genetica van het LUMC. Zij behaalde haar doctoraat op 10 februari 2005. In 2007 werd ze groepsleider van de Duchenne exon skip groep, eerst als universiteit docent, in 2010 als universiteit hoofddocent en sinds 2015 als hoogleraar. Zij sprak haar inaugurele rede, getiteld "Vertaalslagen van fundmenteel naar toegepast onderzoek" uit op 17 juni 2016.
Sinds 2013 heeft Prof Aartsma-Rus ook een gastprofessorschap bij de Universiteit van Newcastle (Verenigd Koninkrijg).
Prof. Dr. Aartsma-Rus heeft meer dan 250 wetenschappelijke artikelen gepubliceerd. Sinds 2016 is zij door Expertscape geselecteerd als meest invloedrijke wetenschapper op het gebied van Duchenne spierdystrofie gebaseerd op publicaties van de afgelopen 10 jaar. Verder is zij betrokken bij netwerken en multilateraal onderwijs van de partijen betrokken bij therapie ontwikkeling (academici, regulators en patienten) via workshops en training schools.
Prijzen en eervolle benoemingen
- 2011 Duchenne Award van het Duchenne Parent Project Nederland
- 2014 Benoeming als lid van De Jonge Akademie
- 2017 Verkozen als President van de Oligonucleotide Society (voor de termijn 2018-2019)
- Executive committee member van de TREAT-NMD Alliance (Voorzitter van 2013-2016)
- Lid van de Scientific Committee van de International Rare Disease Research Consortium (IRDiRC)
- Lid van de Patient Engagement for Rare Diseases taskforce van IRDiRC
- Lid van de board van het Leids Netwerk voor Personalized Therapeutics
- Lid van wetenschappelijke advies raad van ProQR, MirXX therapeutics en Philae Pharmaceuticals
- Lid van de wetenschappelijke advies raad van de volgende patienten verenigingen:
- Duchenne Parent Project, Nederland
- Little Steps, Israel
- Neurofibromatosis stichting, Nederland
- Duchenne Annihilation Research Trust, India
- Beards4Duchenne
- Duchenne UK
- Molecular and pathophysiological basis of muscular dystrophies scientific counsel (Association Francaise contre les myopathies)
Hoogleraar Humane Genetica
- Faculteit Geneeskunde
- Divisie 4
- Humane Genetica
- Signorelli, M.; Tsonaka, R.; Aartsma-Rus, A. & Spitali, P. (2023), Multiomic characterization of disease progression in mice lacking dystrophin, PLoS ONE 18(3).
- Muntoni, F.; Signorovitch, J.; Sajeev, G.; Lane, H.; Jenkins, M.; Dieye, I.; Ward, S.J.; McDonald, C.; Goemans, N.; Niks, E.H.; Wong, B.D.; Servais, L.; Straub, V.; Guglieri, M.; Groot, I.J.M. de; Chesshyre, M.; Tian, C.X.; Manzur, A.Y.; Mercuri, E.; Aartsma-Rus, A.; Assoc Francaise Myopathies; Univ Ziekenhuizen Leuven Grp; UK NorthStar Clinical Network; CCHMC; DMD Italian Grp & PRO-DMD-01 (2023), DMD genotypes and motor function in Duchenne muscular dystrophy, Neurology 100(15): E1540-E1554.
- Aartsma-Rus, A. (2023), Applying lessons learned from developing exon skipping for duchenne to developing individualized exon skipping therapy for patients with neurodegenerative diseases, Accounts and Rapid Communications in Chemical Synthesis.
- Deutekom, J. van; Beekman, C.; Bijl, S.; Bosgra, S.; Eijnde, R. van den; Franken, D.; Groenendaal, B.; Harquouli, B.; Janson, A.; Koevoets, P.; Mulder, M.; Muilwijk, D.; Peterburgska, G.; Querido, B.; Testerink, J.; Verheul, R.; Visser, P. de; Weij, R.; Aartsma-Rus, A.; Puolivali, J.; Bragge, T.; O'Neill, C. & Datson, N.A. (2023), Next generation exon 51 skipping antisense oligonucleotides for Duchenne muscular dystrophy, Nucleic Acid Therapeutics 33(3): 193-208.
- Singer, A.; Aartsma-Rus, A.; Grinshpun-Cohen, J. & Sagi-Dain, L. (2023), Lessons learned from the first national population-based genetic carrier-screening program for Duchenne muscular dystrophy, Genetics in Medicine 25(12).
- (2023), The IRDiRC Chrysalis Task Force: making rare disease research attractive to companies., Therapeutic Advances in Rare Disease 4.
- Filonova, G. & Aartsma-Rus, A. (2023), Next steps for the optimization of exon therapy for Duchenne muscular dystrophy, Expert Opinion on Biological Therapy 23(2): 133-143.
- O'Connor, D.J.; Gabaldo, M.; Aartsma-Rus, A. & Jonker, A.H. (2023), Defining rare conditions in the era of personalized medicine, Nature Reviews Drug Discovery 22(11): 857-858.
- Roon-Mom, W. van; Ferguson, C. & Aartsma-Rus, A. (2023), From failure to meet the clinical endpoint to US Food and Drug Administration approval, Nucleic Acid Therapeutics 33(4): 234-237.
- Heezen, L.G.M.; Abdelaal, T.; Putten, M. van; Aartsma-Rus, A.; Mahfouz, A. & Spitali, P. (2023), Spatial transcriptomics reveal markers of histopathological changes in Duchenne muscular dystrophy mouse models, Nature Communications 14(1).
- Aartsma-Rus, A.; Roon-Mom, W. van; Lauffer, M.; Siezen, C.; Duijndam, B.; Coenen-de Roo, T.; Schule, R.; Synofzik, M. & Graessner, H. (2023), Development of tailored splice-switching oligonucleotides for progressive brain disorders in Europe: development, regulation, and implementation considerations, RNA 29(4): 446-454.
- Cameron, D.; Abbassi-Daloii, T.; Heezen, L.G.M.; Velde, N.M. van de; Koeks, Z.; Veeger, T.T.J.; Hooijmans, M.T.; Abdellaoui, S. el; Duinen, S.G. van; Verschuuren, J.J.G.M.; Putten, M. van; Aartsma-Rus, A.; Raz, V.; Spitali, P.; Niks, E.H. & Kan, H.E. (2023), Diffusion-tensor magnetic resonance imaging captures increased skeletal muscle fibre diameters in Becker muscular dystrophy, Journal of Cachexia, Sarcopenia and Muscle 14(3): 1546-1557.
- Johansson, C.; Hunt, H.; Signorelli, M.; Edfors, F.; Hober, A.; Svensson, A.S.; Tegel, H.; Forststrom, B.; Aartsma-Rus, A.; Niks, E.; Spitali, P.; Uhlen, M. & Szigyarto, C.A. (2023), Orthogonal proteomics methods warrant the development of Duchenne muscular dystrophy biomarkers, Clinical Proteomics 20(1).
- Aartsma-Rus, A. (2023), Individualized ASO therapy for rare diseases, communications medicine 3(1).
- Aartsma-Rus, A. (2023), The future of exon skipping for Duchenne muscular dystrophy, Human Gene Therapy 34(9-10): 372-378.
- Aartsma-Rus, A.; Waele, L. de; Houwen-Opstal, S.; Kirschner, J.; Krom, Y.D.; Mercuri, E.; Niks, E.H.; Straub, V.; Duyvenvoorde, H.A. van & Vroom, E. (2023), The Dilemma of Choice for Duchenne Patients Eligible for Exon 51 Skipping The European Experience, Journal of Neuromuscular Diseases 10(3): 315-325.
- Aartsma-Rus, A.; Putten, M. van; Mantuano, P. & Luca, A. de (2023), On the use of D2.B10-Dmdmdx/J (D2.mdx) Versus C57BL/10ScSn-Dmdmdx/J (mdx) Mouse Models for Preclinical Studies on Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy: A Cautionary Note from Members of the TREAT-NMD Advisory Committee on Therapeutics, Journal of Neuromuscular Diseases 10(1): 155-158.
- Doisy, M.; Vacca, O.; Fergus, C.; Gileadi, T.; Verhaeg, M.; Saoudi, A.; Tensorer, T.; Garcia, L.; Kelly, V.P.; Montanaro, F.; Morgan, J.E.; Putten, M. van; Aartsma-Rus, A.; Vaillend, C.; Muntoni, F. & Goyenvalle, A. (2023), Networking to optimize Dmd exon 53 skipping in the brain of mdx52 mouse model, Biomedicines 11(12).
- Aartsma-Rus, A.; Garanto, A.; Roon-Mom, W. van; McConnell, E.M.; Suslovitch, V.; Yan, W.X.; Watts, J.K.; Yu, T.W. & N 1 Collaborative (2023), Consensus guidelines for the design and in vitro preclinical efficacy testing N-of-1 exon skipping antisense oligonucleotides, Nucleic Acid Therapeutics 33(1): 17-25.
- Engelbeen, S.; O'Reilly, D.; Vijver, D. van de; Verhaart, I.; Putten, M. van; Hariharan, V.; Hassler, M.; Khvorova, A.; Damha, M.J. & Aartsma-Rus, A. (2023), Challenges of assessing exon 53 skipping of the human DMD transcript with locked nucleic acid-modified antisense oligonucleotides in a mouse model for Duchenne muscular dystrophy, Nucleic Acid Therapeutics 33(6): 348-360.
- Goossens, R.; Verwey, N.; Ariyurek, Y.; Schnell, F. & Aartsma-Rus, A. (2023), DMD antisense oligonucleotide mediated exon skipping efficiency correlates with flanking intron retention time and target position within the exon, RNA Biology 20(1): 693-702.
- Goossens, Remko and Aartsma-Rus & Annemieke (2022), In vitro delivery of PMOs in myoblasts by electroporation, Methods in Molecular Biology 2434.
- Li, S.; Schonke, M.; Buurstede, J.C.; Moll, T.J.A.; Gentenaar, M.; Schilperoort, M.; Visser, J.A.; Kaikaew, K.; Vijver, D. van de; Abbassi-Daloii, T.; Raz, V.; Aartsma-Rus, A.; Putten, M. van; Meijer, O.C. & Kroon, J. (2022), Sexual dimorphism in transcriptional and functional glucocorticoid effects on mouse skeletal muscle, Frontiers in Endocrinology 13.
- Chey, Y.C.J.; Arudkumar, J.; Aartsma-Rus, A.; Adikusuma, F. & Thomas, P.Q. (2022), CRISPR applications for Duchenne muscular dystrophy, WIRES MECHANISMS OF DISEASE 15(1).
- Vockley, J.; Aartsma-Rus, A.; Cohen, J.L.; Cowsert, L.M.; Howell, R.R.; Yu, T.W.; Wasserstein, M.P. & Defay, T. (2022), Whole-genome sequencing holds the key to the success of gene-targeted therapies, American Journal of Medical Genetics Part C: Seminars in Medical Genetics 193(1).
- Alqallaf, A.; Engelbeen, S.; Palo, A.; Cutrupi, F.; Tanganyika-de Winter, C.; Plomp, J.; Vaiyapuri, S.; Aartsma-Rus, A.; Patel, K. & Putten, M. van (2022), The therapeutic potential of soluble activin type IIB receptor treatment in a limb girdle muscular dystrophy type 2D mouse model, Neuromuscular Disorders 32(5): 419-435.
- Bizot, F.; Goossens, R.; Tensorer, T.; Dmitriev, S.; Garcia, L.; Aartsma-Rus, A.; Spitali, P. & Goyenvalle, A. (2022), Histone deacetylase inhibitors improve antisense-mediated exon-skipping efficacy in mdx mice, Molecular Therapy - Nucleic Acids 30: 606-620.
- Aartsma-Rus, A. (2022), Good news for the mdx mouse community: Improved dystrophin restoration after skipping mouse dystrophin exon 23, Molecular Therapy - Nucleic Acids 30: 355-356.
- Aartsma-Rus, A.; Garanto, A.; Roon-Mom, W. van; McConnell, E.M.; Suslovitch, V.; Yan, W.X.; Watts, J.K.; Yu, T.W. & N 1 Collaborative (2022), Consensus guidelines for the design and in vitro preclinical efficacy testing N-of-1 exon skipping antisense oligonucleotides, Nucleic Acid Therapeutics 33(1).
- Engelbeen, S.; Pasteuning-Vuhman, S.; Meulen, J.B. van der; Parmar, R.; Charisse, K.; Sepp-Lorenzino, L.; Manoharan, M.; Aartsma-Rus, A. & Putten, M. van (2022), Efficient downregulation of Alk4 in skeletal muscle after systemic treatment with conjugated siRNAs in a mouse model for Duchenne muscular dystrophy, Nucleic Acid Therapeutics 33(1).
- Marchal, G.A.; Putten, M. van; Verkerk, A.O.; Casini, S.; Putker, K.; Amersfoorth, S.C.M. van; Aartsma-Rus, A.; Lodder, E.M. & Remme, C.A. (2021), Low human dystrophin levels prevent cardiac electrophysiological and structural remodelling in a Duchenne mouse model, Scientific Reports 11(1).
- Kuijper, E.C.; Bergsma, A.J.; Pijnappel, W.W.M.P. & Aartsma-Rus, A. (2021), Opportunities and challenges for antisense oligonucleotide therapies, Journal of Inherited Metabolic Disease 44(1): 72-87.
- Duan, D.S.; Goemans, N.; Takeda, S.; Mercuri, E. & Aartsma-Rus, A. (2021), Duchenne muscular dystrophy, Nature Reviews Disease Primers 7(1).
- Gravesteijn, G.; Hack, R.J.; Opstal, A.M. van; Eijsden, B.J. van; Middelkoop, H.A.M.; Girondo, M.D.M.R.; Aartsma-Rus, A.; Grond, J. van de; Rutten, J.W. & Oberstein, S.A.J.L. (2021), Eighteen-year disease progression and survival in CADASIL.
- Hammond, S.M.; Aartsma-Rus, A.; Alves, S.; Borgos, S.E.; Buijsen, R.A.M.; Collin, R.W.J.; Covello, G.; Denti, M.A.; Desviat, L.R.; Echevarria, L.; Foged, C.; Gaina, G.; Garanto, A.; Goyenvalle, A.T.; Guzowska, M.; Holodnuka, I.; Jones, D.R.; Krause, S.; Lehto, T.; Montolio, M.; Roon-Mom, W. van & Arechavala-Gomeza, V. (2021), Delivery of oligonucleotide-based therapeutics: challenges and opportunities, EMBO Molecular Medicine 13(4).
- Engelbeen, S.; Aartsma-Rus, A.; Koopmans, B.; Loos, M. & Putten, M. van (2021), Assessment of behavioral characteristics with procedures of minimal human interference in the mdx Mouse Model for Duchenne muscular dystrophy, Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience 14.
- Aartsma-Rus, A. (2021), 'N of 1' therapies need a better model, Nature Medicine 27(6): 939-939.
- Evequoz, D.; Verhaart, I.E.C.; Vijver, D. van de; Renner, W.; Aartsma-Rus, A. & Leumann, C.J. (2021), 7 ',5 '-alpha-bicyclo-DNA, Nucleic Acids Research 49(21): 12089-12105.
- Alghamdi, F.; Al-Tawari, A.; Alrohaif, H.; Alshuaibi, W.; Mansour, H.; Aartsma-Rus, A. & Megarbane, A. (2021), Case report: the genetic diagnosis of duchenne muscular dystrophy in the Middle East, Frontiers in Pediatrics 9.
- Aartsma-Rus, A.; Dooms, M.; Cam, Y. le; Od Expert Grp & Copenhagen Economics (2021), Orphan medicine incentives, Frontiers in Pharmacology 12.
- Synofzik, M.; Roon-Mom, W.M.C. van; Marckmann, G.; Duyvenvoorde, H.A. van; Graessner, H.; Schule, R.; Aartsma-Rus, A. & 1M1M Consortium (2021), Preparing n-of-1 antisense oligonucleotide treatments for rare neurological diseases in Europe, Nucleic Acid Therapeutics 32(2).
- Aartsma-Rus, A.; Vroom, E. & O'Reilly, D. (2021), The role of patient involvement when developing therapies, Nucleic Acid Therapeutics 32(2).
- Verhaart, I.E.C.; Cappellari, O.; Tanganyika-de Winter, C.L.; Plomp, J.J.; Nnorom, S.; Wells, K.E.; Hildyard, J.C.W.; Bull, D.; Aartsma-Rus, A. & Wells, D.J. (2021), Simvastatin treatment does not ameliorate muscle pathophysiology in a mouse model for Duchenne muscular dystrophy, Journal of Neuromuscular Diseases 8(5): 845-863.
- Alvelos, M.I.; Bruggemann, M.; Sutandy, F.X.R.; Juan-Mateu, J.; Colli, M.L.; Busch, A.; Lopes, M.; Aartsma-Rus, A.; Konig, J.; Zarnack, K.; Eizirik, D.L. & Castela, A. (2021), The RNA-binding profile of the splicing factor SRSF6 in immortalized human pancreatic beta-cells, Life Science Alliance 4(3).
- Tsonaka, R.; Seyer, A.; Aartsma-Rus, A. & Spitali, P. (2021), Plasma lipidomic analysis shows a disease progression signature in mdx mice, Scientific Reports 11(1).
- Signorelli, M.; Ebrahimpoor, M.; Veth, O.; Hettne, K.; Verwey, N.; Garcia-Rodriguez, R.; Tanganyika-deWinter, C.L.; Hernandez, L.B.L.; Cedillo, R.E.; Diaz, B.G.; Magnusson, O.T.; Mei, H.L.; Tsonaka, R.; Aartsma-Rus, A. & Spitali, P. (2021), Peripheral blood transcriptome profiling enables monitoring disease progression in dystrophic mice and patients, EMBO Molecular Medicine 13(4).
- Verwey, N.; Gazzoli, I.; Krause, S.; Mamchaoui, K.; Mouly, V. & Aartsma-Rus, A. (2020), Antisense-mediated skipping of dysferlin exons in control and dysferlinopathy patient-derived cells, Nucleic Acid Therapeutics 30(2): 71-79.
- Westering, T.L.E. van; Lomonosova, Y.; Coenen-Stass, A.M.L.; Betts, C.A.; Bhomra, A.; Hulsker, M.; Clark, L.E.; McClorey, G.; Aartsma-Rus, A.; Putten, M. van; Wood, M.J.A. & Roberts, T.C. (2020), Uniform sarcolemmal dystrophin expression is required to prevent extracellular microRNA release and improve dystrophic pathology, Journal of Cachexia, Sarcopenia and Muscle 11(2): 578-593.
- Jonker, A.H.; Hivert, V.; Gabaldo, M.; Batista, L.; O'Connor, D.; Aartsma-Rus, A.; Day, S.; Sakushima, K. & Ardigo, D. (2020), Boosting delivery of rare disease therapies: the IRDiRC Orphan Drug Development Guidebook, Nature Reviews Drug Discovery 19(8): 495-496.
- Yavas, A.; Weij, R.; Putten, M. van; Kourkouta, E.; Beekman, C.; Puolivali, J.; Bragge, T.; Ahtoniemi, T.; Knijnenburg, J.; Hoogenboom, M.E.; Ariyurek, Y.; Aartsma-Rus, A.; Deutekom, J. van & Datson, N. (2020), Detailed genetic and functional analysis of the hDMDdel52/mdx mouse model, PLoS ONE 15(12).
- Schneider, A.F.E. & Aartsma-Rus, A. (2020), Developments in reading frame restoring therapy approaches for Duchenne muscular dystrophy, Expert Opinion on Biological Therapy 21(3).
- Krishnan, V.S.; Aartsma-Rus, A.; Overzier, M.; Lutz, C.; Bogdanik, L. & Grounds, M.D. (2020), Implications of increased S100 beta and Tau5 proteins in dystrophic nerves of two mdx mouse models for Duchenne muscular dystrophy, Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience 105.
- Willmann, R.; Lee, J.; Turner, C.; Nagaraju, K.; Aartsma-Rus, A.; Wells, D.J.; Wagner, K.R.; Csimma, C.; Straub, V.; Grounds, M.D. & Luca, A. de (2020), Improving translatability of preclinical studies for neuromuscular disorders: lessons from the TREAT-NMD Advisory Committee for Therapeutics (TACT), Disease Models and Mechanisms 13(2).
- Hellebrekers, D.M.J.; Doorenweerd, N.; Sweere, D.J.J.; Kuijk, S.M.J. van; Aartsma-Rus, A.M.; Klinkenberg, S.; Vles, J.S.H. & Hendriksen, J.G.M. (2020), Longitudinal follow-up of verbal span and processing speed in Duchenne muscular dystrophy, European Journal of Paediatric Neurology 25: 120-126.
- Tsonaka, R.; Signorelli, M.; Sabir, E.; Seyer, A.; Hettne, K.; Aartsma-Rus, A. & Spitali, P. (2020), Longitudinal metabolomic analysis of plasma enables modeling disease progression in Duchenne muscular dystrophy mouse models, Human Molecular Genetics 29(5): 745-755.
- Putten, M. van; Hmeljak, J.; Aartsma-Rus, A. & Dowling, J.J. (2020), Moving neuromuscular disorders research forward: from novel models to clinical studies, Disease Models and Mechanisms 13(2).
- Gravesteijn, G.; Dauwerse, J.G.; Overzier, M.; Brouwer, G.; Hegeman, I.; Mulder, A.A.; Baas, F.; Kruit, M.C.; Terwindt, G.M.; Duinen, S.G. van; Jost, C.R.; Aartsma-Rus, A.; Oberstein, S.A.J.L. & Rutten, J.W. (2020), Naturally occurring NOTCH3 exon skipping attenuates NOTCH3 protein aggregation and disease severity in CADASIL patients, Human Molecular Genetics 29(11): 1853-1863.
- Garcia-Rodriguez, R.; Hiller, M.; Jimenez-Gracia, L.; Pal, Z. van der; Balog, J.; Adamzek, K.; Aartsma-Rus, A. & Spitali, P. (2020), Premature termination codons in the DMD gene cause reduced local mRNA synthesis, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117(28): 16456-16464.
- Lyu, P.; Yoo, K.W.; Yadav, M.K.; Atala, A.; Aartsma-Rus, A.; Putten, M. van; Duan, D.S. & Lu, B.S. (2020), Sensitive and reliable evaluation of single-cut sgRNAs to restore dystrophin by a GFP-reporter assay, PLoS ONE 15(9).
- Spitali, P.; Zaharieva, I.; Bohringer, S.; Hiller, M.; Chaouch, A.; Roos, A.; Scotton, C.; Claustres, M.; Bello, L.; McDonald, C.M.; Hoffman, E.P.; Koeks, Z.; Suchiman, H.E.; Cirak, S.; Scoto, M.; Reza, M.; Hoen, P.A.C. t; Niks, E.H.; Tuffery-Giraud, S.; Lochmuller, H.; Ferlini, A.; Muntoni, F.; Aartsma-Rus, A.; Dubrovsky, A.; Kornberg, A.; North, K.; Ryan, M.; Webster, R.; Biggar, W.D.; McAdam, L.C.; Mah, J.K.; Kolski, H.; Vishwanathan, V.; Chidambaranathan, S.; Nevo, Y.; Gorni, K.; Carlo, J.; Tulinius, M.; Lotze, T.; Bertorini, T.E.; Day, J.W.; Karachunski, P.; Clemens, P.R.; Abdel-Hamid, H.; Teasley, J.; Kuntz, N.; Driscoll, S.; Bodensteiner, J.B.; Connolly, A.M.; Pestronk, A.; Abresch, R.T.; Henricson, E.K.; Joyce, N.C.; Cnaan, A.; Gordish-Dressmsn, H.; Morgenroth, L.P.; Leshner, R.; Tesi-Rocha, C.; Thangarajh, M.; Duong, T. & CINRG Investigators (2020), TCTEX1D1 is a genetic modifier of disease progression in Duchenne muscular dystrophy, European Journal of Human Genetics 28.
- Aartsma-Rus, A. & Corey, D.R. (2020), The 10th oligonucleotide therapy approved, Nucleic Acid Therapeutics 30(2): 67-70.
- Passarelli, C.; Selvatici, R.; Carrieri, A.; Raimo, F.R. di; Falzarano, M.S.; Fortunato, F.; Rossi, R.; Straub, V.; Bushby, K.; Reza, M.; Zharaieva, I.; D'Amico, A.; Bertini, E.; Merlini, L.; Sabatelli, P.; Borgiani, P.; Novelli, G.; Messina, S.; Pane, M.; Mercuri, E.; Claustres, M.; Tuffery-Giraud, S.; Aartsma-Rus, A.; Spitali, P.; T'Hoen, P.A.C.; Lochmuller, H.; Strandberg, K.; Al-Khalili, C.; Kotelnikova, E.; Lebowitz, M.; Schwartz, E.; Muntoni, F.; Scapoli, C. & Ferlini, A. (2020), Tumor necrosis factor receptor SF10A (TNFRSF10A) SNPs correlate with corticosteroid response in Duchenne muscular dystrophy, Frontiers in Genetics 11.
- Schneider, A.F.E. & Aartsma-Rus, A. (2020), 'Developments in reading frame restoring therapy developments for Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy' , Expert Opinion on Biological Therapy 21(3).
- Strandberg, K.; Ayoglu, B.; Roos, A.; Reza, M.; Niks, E.; Signorelli, M.; Fasterius, E.; Ponten, F.; Lochmuller, H.; Domingos, J.; Ala, P.; Muntoni, F.; Aartsma-Rus, A.; Spitali, P.; Nilsson, P. & Szigyarto, C.A.K. (2020), Blood-derived biomarkers correlate with clinical progression in Duchenne muscular dystrophy, JOURNAL OF NEUROMUSCULAR DISEASES 7(3): 231-246.
- Verhaart, I.E.C.; Putker, K.; Vijver, D. van de; Tanganyika-de Winter, C.L.; Currency, S.P.V.; Plomp, J.J.; Aartsma-Rus, A.M. & Putten, M. van (2019), Cross-sectional study into age-related pathology of mouse models for limb girdle muscular dystrophy types 2D and 2F, PLoS ONE 14(8).
- Olie, C.S.; Riaz, M.; Konietzny, R.; Charles, P.D.; Pinto-Fernandez, A.; Kielbasa, S.M.; Aartsma-Rus, A.; Goeman, J.J.; Kessler, B.M. & Raz, V. (2019), Deacetylation Inhibition Reverses PABPN1-Dependent Muscle Wasting, iScience 12: 318-+.
- Verhaart, I.E.C.; Johnson, A.; Thakrar, S.; Vroom, E.; Angelis, F. de; Muntoni, F.; Aartsma-Rus, A.M. & Niks, E.H. (2019), Muscle biopsies in clinical trials for Duchenne muscular dystrophy - Patients' and caregivers' perspective, Neuromuscular Disorders 29(8): 576-584.
- Putten, M. van; Putker, K.; Overzier, M.; Adamzek, W.A.; Pasteuning-Vuhman, S.; Plomp, J.J. & Aartsma-Rus, A. (2019), Natural disease history of the D2-mdx mouse model for Duchenne muscular dystrophy, FASEB Journal 33(7): 8110-8124.
- Gravesteijn, G.; Rutten, J.W.; Verberk, I.M.W.; Bohringer, S.; Liem, M.K.; Grond, J. van der; Aartsma-Rus, A.; Teunissen, C.E. & Oberstein, S.A.J.L. (2019), Serum Neurofilament light correlates with CADASIL disease severity and survival, Annals of Clinical and Translational Neurology 6(1): 46-56.
- Bourke, J.P.; Guglieri, M.; Duboc, D. & ENMC 238th Workshop Study Grp (2019), 238th ENMC International Workshop: Updating management recommendations of cardiac dystrophinopathy Hoofddorp, The Netherlands, 30 November-2 December 2018, Neuromuscular Disorders 29(8): 634-643.
- Southall, N.T.; Natarajan, M.; Lau, L.P.L.; Jonker, A.H.; Deprez, B.; Guilliams, T.; Hunter, L.; Rademaker, C.M.A.; Hivert, V.; Ardigo, D.; Cavalla, D.; Colvis, C.; Hettne, K.; t'Hoen, P.B.; Kant, C.; Krischer, J.; Marin, F.; Quintana, J.; Rademaker, C.; Reed, J.; Southali, N.; Tsigkos, S.; Thompson, R. & IRDiRC Data Min Repurposing Task (2019), The use or generation of biomedical data and existing medicines to discover and establish new treatments for patients with rare diseases - recommendations of the IRDiRC Data Mining and Repurposing Task Force, Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases 14(1).
- Verhaart, I.E.C. & Aartsma-Rus, A. (2019), Therapeutic developments for Duchenne muscular dystrophy, Nature Reviews Neurology 15(7): 373-386.
- Aartsma-Rus, A. & Watts, J.K. (2019), The Munich Meeting: Medical Maturation, More Mechanisms, and Milasen, Nucleic Acid Therapeutics 29(6): 302-304.
- Gravesteijn, G.; Munting, L.P.; Overzier, M.; Mulder, A.A.; Hegeman, I.; Derieppe, M.; Koster, A.J.; Duinen, S.G. van; Meijer, O.C.; Aartsma-Rus, A.; Weerd, L. van der; Jost, C.R.; Maagdenberg, A.M.J.M. van den; Rutten, J.W. & Oberstein, S.A.J.L. (2019), Progression and Classification of Granular Osmiophilic Material (GOM) Deposits in Functionally Characterized Human NOTCH3 Transgenic Mice, Translational Stroke Research.
- Aartsma-Rus, A. & Dunnen, J.T. den (2019), Phenotype predictions for exon deletions/duplications: A user guide for professionals and clinicians using Becker and Duchenne muscular dystrophy as examples, Human Mutation 40(10): 1630-1633.
- Putten, M. van; Tanganyika-de Winter, C.; Bosgra, S. & Aartsma-Rus, A. (2019), Nonclinical Exon Skipping Studies with 2 '-O-Methyl Phosphorothioate Antisense Oligonucleotides in mdx and mdx-utrn-/- Mice Inspired by Clinical Trial Results, Nucleic Acid Therapeutics 29(2): 92-103.
- Patel, A.M.; Wierda, K.; Thorrez, L.; Putten, M. van; Smedt, J. de; Ribeiro, L.; Tricot, T.; Gajjar, M.; Duelen, R.; Damme, P. van; Waele, L. de; Goemans, N.; Tanganyika-de Winter, C.; Costamagna, D.; Aartsma-Rus, A.; Duyvenvoorde, H. van; Sampaolesi, M.; Buyse, G.M. & Verfaillie, C.M. (2019), Dystrophin deficiency leads to dysfunctional glutamate clearance in iPSC derived astrocytes, Translational Psychiatry 9.
- Verhaart, I.E.C.; Vijver, D. van de; Boertje-van der Meulen, J.W.; Putker, K.; Adamzek, K.; Aartsma-Rus, A. & Putten, M. van (2019), A modified diet does not ameliorate muscle pathology in a mouse model for Duchenne muscular dystrophy, PLoS ONE 14(4).
- Signorelli, M.; Ayoglu, B.; Johansson, C.; Lochmuller, H.; Straub, V.; Muntoni, F.; Niks, E.; Tsonaka, R.; Persson, A.; Aartsma-Rus, A.; Nilsson, P.; Al-Khalili Szigyarto, C. & Spitali, P. (2019), Longitudinal serum biomarker screening identifies malate dehydrogenase 2 as candidate prognostic biomarker for Duchenne muscular dystrophy, Journal of Cachexia, Sarcopenia and Muscle.
- Aartsma-Rus, A. & Krieg, A.M. (2019), Advancing Nucleic Acid Therapeutics by Setting Uniform Standards for Experimental Controls, Nucleic Acid Therapeutics 29(3): 115-115.
- Jirka, S.M.G.; Hoen, P.A.C. 't; Parillas, V.D.; Tanganyika-de Winter, C.L.; Verheu, R.C.; Aguilera, B.; Visser, P.C. de & Aartsma-Rus, A.M. (2018), Cyclic Peptides to Improve Delivery and Exon Skipping of Antisense Oligonucleotides in a Mouse Model for Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy, Molecular Therapy 26(1): 132-147.
- Veltrop, M.; Vliet, L. van; Hulsker, M.; Claassens, J.; Brouwers, C.; Breukel, C.; Kaa, J. van der; Linssen, M.M.; Dunnen, J.T. den; Verbeek, S.; Aartsma-Rus, A. & Putten, M. van (2018), A dystrophic Duchenne mouse model for testing human antisense oligonucleotides, PLoS ONE 13(2).
- Aartsma-Rus, A.; Ferlini, A.; McNally, E.M.; Spitali, P.; Sweeney, H.L. & Workshop Participants (2018), 226th ENMC International Workshop: Towards validated and qualified biomarkers for therapy development for Duchenne muscular dystrophy 20-22 January 2017, Heemskerk, The Netherlands, Neuromuscular Disorders 28(1): 77-86.
- Kogelman, B.; Putker, K.; Hulsker, M.; Tanganyika-de Winter, C.; Weerd, L. van der; Aartsma-Rus, A. & Putten, M. van (2018), Voluntary exercise improves muscle function and does not exacerbate muscle and heart pathology in aged Duchenne muscular dystrophy mice, Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology 125: 29-38.
- Aartsma-Rus, A. & Arechavala-Gomeza, V. (2018), Why dystrophin quantification is key in the eteplirsen saga, Nature Reviews Neurology 14(8): 454-456.
- Spitali, P.; Hettne, K.; Tsonaka, R.; Charrout, M.; Bergen, J. van den; Koeks, Z.; Kan, H.E.; Hooijmans, M.T.; Roos, A.; Straub, V.; Muntoni, F.; Al-Khalili-Szigyarto, C.; Koel-Simmelink, M.J.; Teunissen, C.E.; Lochmuller, H.; Niks, E.H. & Aartsma-Rus, A. (2018), Tracking disease progression non-invasively in Duchenne and Becker muscular dystrophies, Journal of Cachexia, Sarcopenia and Muscle 9(4): 715-726.
- Aartsma-Rus, A.; Mercuri, E.; Vroom, E. & Balabanov, P. (2018), Meeting report of the "Regulatory Exchange Matters" session at the 5th International TREAT-NMD Conference: Lessons in communication: How an early dialogue between patients, regulators and academics can further therapy development for neuromuscular disorders Freiburg, Germany, 27-29 November 2017, Neuromuscular Disorders 28(7): 619-623.
- Aartsma-Rus, A. & Goemans, N. (2018), A Sequel to the Eteplirsen Saga: Eteplirsen Is Approved in the United States but Was Not Approved in Europe, Nucleic Acid Therapeutics.
- Hiller, M.; Falzarano, M.S.; Garcia-Jimenez, I.; Sardone, V.; Verheul, R.C.; Popplewell, L.; Anthony, K.; Ruiz-Del-Yerro, E.; Osman, H.; Goeman, J.J.; Mamchaoui, K.; Dickson, G.; Ferlini, A.; Muntoni, F.; Aartsma-Rus, A.; Arechavala-Gomeza, V.; Datson, N.A. & Spitali, P. (2018), A multicenter comparison of quantification methods for antisense oligonucleotide- induced DMD exon 51 skipping in Duchenne muscular dystrophy cell cultures, PLoS ONE 13(10).
- Kogelman, B.; Khmelinskii, A.; Verhaart, I.; Vliet, L. van; Bink, D.I.; Aartsma-Rus, A.; Putten, M. van & Weerd, L. van der (2018), Influence of full-length dystrophin on brain volumes in mouse models of Duchenne muscular dystrophy, PLoS ONE 13(3).
- Lochmuller, H.; Badowska, D.M.; Thompson, R.; Knoers, N.V.; Aartsma-Rus, A.; Gut, I.; Wood, L.; Harmuth, T.; Durudas, A.; Graessner, H.; Schaefer, F.; Riess, O.; RD-Connect Consortium; NeurOmics Consortium & EURenOmis Consortium (2018), RD-Connect, NeurOmics and EURenOmics: collaborative European initiative for rare diseases, European Journal of Human Genetics 26(6): 778-785.
- Pasteuning-Vuhman, S.; Putker, K.; Tanganyika-de Winter, C.L.; Boertje-van der Meulen, J.W.; Vliet, L. van; Overzier, M.; Plomp, J.J.; Aartsma-Rus, A. & Putten, M. van (2018), Natural disease history of the dy(2J) mouse model of laminin alpha 2 (merosin)-deficient congenital muscular dystrophy, PLoS ONE 13(5).
- Bruin, D. de; Bossert, N.; Aartsma-Rus, A. & Bouwmeester, D. (2018), Measuring DNA hybridization using fluorescent DNA-stabilized silver clusters to investigate mismatch effects on therapeutic oligonucleotides, Journal of Nanobiotechnology 16.
- Pijl, E.M. van der; Putten, M. van; Niks, E.H.; Verschuuren, J.J.G.M.; Aartsma-Rus, A. & Plomp, J.J. (2018), Low dystrophin levels are insufficient to normalize the neuromuscular synaptic abnormalities of mdx mice, Neuromuscular Disorders 28(5): 427-442.
- Aartsma-Rus, A. (2018), Genetic therapies for spinal muscular atrophy type 1, Lancet Neurology 17(2): 111-112.
- Spitali, P.; Hettne, K.; Tsonaka, R.; Sabir, E.; Seyer, A.; Hemerik, J.B.A.; Goeman, J.J.; Picillo, E.; Ergoli, M.; Politano, L. & Aartsma-Rus, A. (2018), Cross-sectional serum metabolomic study of multiple forms of muscular dystrophy, Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine 22(4): 2442-2448.
- Godfrey, C.; Desviat, L.R.; Smedsrod, B.; Pietri-Rouxel, F.; Denti, M.A.; Disterer, P.; Lorain, S.; Nogales-Gadea, G.; Sardone, V.; Anwar, R.; Andaloussi, S. el; Lehto, T.; Khoo, B.; Brolin, C.; Roon-Mom, W.M.C. van; Goyenvalle, A.; Aartsma-Rus, A. & Arechavala-Gomeza, V. (2017), Delivery is key: lessons learnt from developing splice-switching antisense therapies, EMBO Molecular Medicine 9(5): 545-557.
- Aartsma-Rus, A.; Straub, V.; Hemmings, R.; Haas, M.; Schlosser-Weber, G.; Stoyanova-Beninska, V.; Mercuri, E.; Muntoni, F.; Sepodes, B.; Vroom, E. & Balabanov, P. (2017), Development of Exon Skipping Therapies for Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy: A Critical Review and a Perspective on the Outstanding Issues, Nucleic Acid Therapeutics 27(5): 251-259.
- Lourbakos, A.; Yau, N.; Bruijn, P. de; Hiller, M.; Kozaczynska, K.; Jean-Baptiste, R.; Reza, M.; Wolterbeek, R.; Koeks, Z.; Ayoglu, B.; Klerk, D. de; Campion, G.; Zaharieva, I.; Nadarajah, V.D.; Nilsson, P.; Szigyarto, C.A.K.; Muntoni, F.; Lochmuller, H.; Verschuuren, J.J.; Goemans, N.; Tulinius, M.; Niks, E.H.; Kimpe, S. de; Aartsma-Rus, A.; Hoen, P.A.C. 't & Spitali, P. (2017), Evaluation of serum MMP-9 as predictive biomarker for antisense therapy in Duchenne, Scientific Reports 7.
- Niks, E.H. & Aartsma-Rus, A. (2017), Exon skipping: a first in class strategy for Duchenne muscular dystrophy, Expert Opinion on Biological Therapy 17(2): 225-236.
- Spreeuwel, A.C.C. van; Bax, N.A.M.; Nierop, B.J. van; Aartsma-Rus, A.; Goumans, M.J.T.H. & Bouten, C.V.C. (2017), Mimicking Cardiac Fibrosis in a Dish: Fibroblast Density Rather than Collagen Density Weakens Cardiomyocyte Function, Journal of Cardiovascular Translational Research 10(2): 116-127.
- Pasteuning-Vuhman, S.; Boertje-van der Meulen, J.W.; Putten, M.M. van; Overzier, M.; Dijke, P. ten; Kielbasa, S.M.; Arindrarto, W.; Wolterbeek, R.; Lezhnina, K.V.; Ozerov, I.V.; Aliper, A.M.; Hoogaars, W.M.; Aartsma-Rus, A. & Loomans, C.J.M. (2017), New function of the myostatin/activin type I receptor (ALK4) as a mediator of muscle atrophy and muscle regeneration, FASEB Journal 31(1): 238-255.
- Bornert, O.; Peking, P.; Bremer, J.; Koller, U.; Akker, P.C. van den; Aartsma-Rus, A.; Pasmooij, A.M.G.; Murauer, E.M. & Nystrom, A. (2017), RNA-based therapies for genodermatoses, Experimental Dermatology 26(1): 3-10.
- Aartsma-Rus, A.; Balabanov, P.; Binetti, L.; Haas, M.; Haberkamp, M.; Mitchell, J.; Rosa, M.M.; Muntoni, F.; Finkel, R. & Mercuri, E. (2017), Stakeholder collaboration for spinal muscular atrophy therapy development, Lancet Neurology 16(4): 264-264.
- Doorenweerd, N.; Mahfouz, A.; Putten, M. van; Kaliyaperumal, R.; t' Hoen, P.A.C.; Hendriksen, J.G.M.; Aartsma-Rus, A.M.; Verschuuren, J.J.G.M.; Niks, E.H.; Reinders, M.J.T.; Kan, H.E. & Lelieveldt, B.P.F. (2017), Timing and localization of human dystrophin isoform expression provide insights into the cognitive phenotype of Duchenne muscular dystrophy, Scientific Reports 7.
- Leary, R.; Oyewole, A.O.; Bushby, K. & Aartsma-Rus, A. (2017), Translational Research in Europe for the Assessment and Treatment for Neuromuscular Disorders (TREAT-NMD), Neuropediatrics 48(4): 211-220.
- Pasteuning-Vuhman, S.; Putker, K.; Tanganyika-de Winter, C.L.; Boertje-van der Meulen, J.W.; Vliet, L. van; Overzier, M.; Plomp, J.J.; Aartsma-Rus, A. & Putten, M. van (2017), Natural disease history of mouse models for limb girdle muscular dystrophy types 2D and 2F, PLoS ONE.
- Verhaart, I.E.C.; Robertson, A.; Wilson, I.J.; Aartsma-Rus, A.; Cameron, S.; Jones, C.C.; Cook, S.F. & Lochmuller, H. (2017), Prevalence, incidence and carrier frequency of 5q-linked spinal muscular atrophy a literature review, Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases 12.
- Aartsma-Rus, A. & Krieg, A.M. (2017), FDA Approves Eteplirsen for Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy: The Next Chapter in the Eteplirsen Saga, Nucleic Acid Therapeutics 27(1): 1-+.
- Aartsma-Rus, A. (2017), FDA Approval of Nusinersen for Spinal Muscular Atrophy Makes 2016 the Year of Splice Modulating Oligonucleotides, Nucleic Acid Therapeutics 27(2): 67-69.
- Lucassen E.A., Coomans C.P., Putten M. van, Kreij S.R. de, Genugten J.H.L.T. van, Sutorius R.P.M., Rooij K.E. de, Velde M. van der, Verhoeve S.L., Smit J.W.A., Lowik C.W.G.M., Smits H.H., Guigas B., Aartsma-Rus A.M. & Meijer J.H. (2016), Environmental 24-hr Cycles Are Essential for Health, Current Biology 26(14): 1843-1853.
- Oonk, S.; Spitali, P.; Hiller, M.; Switzar, L.; Dalebout, H.; Calissano, M.; Lochmuller, H.; Aartsma-Rus, A.; Hoen, P.A.C. 't & Burgt, Y.E.M. van der (2016), Comparative mass spectrometric and immunoassay-based proteome analysis in serum of Duchenne muscular dystrophy patients, PROTEOMICS - Clinical Applications 10(3): 290-299.
- Bello, L.; Flanigan, K.M.; Weiss, R.B.; Spitali, P.; Aartsma-Rus, A.; Muntoni, F.; Zaharieva, I.; Ferlini, A.; Mercuri, E.; Tuffery-Giraud, S.; Claustres, M.; Straub, V.; Lochmuller, H.; Barp, A.; Vianello, S.; Pegoraro, E.; Punetha, J.; Gordish-Dressman, H.; Giri, M.; McDonald, C.M.; Hoffman, E.P.; United Dystrophinopathy Project & Cooperative Int Neuromuscular Res (2016), Association Study of Exon Variants in the NF-kappa B and TGF beta Pathways Identifies CD40 as a Modifier of Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy, American Journal of Human Genetics 99(5): 1163-1171.
- Pijl, E.M. van der; Putten, M. van; Niks, E.H.; Verschuuren, J.J.G.M.; Aartsma-Rus, A. & Plomp, J.J. (2016), Characterization of neuromuscular synapse function abnormalities in multiple Duchenne muscular dystrophy mouse models, European Journal of Neuroscience 43(12): 1623-1635.
- Remmelink, E.; Aartsma-Rus, A.; Smit, A.B.; Verhage, M.; Loos, M. & Putten, M. van (2016), Cognitive flexibility deficits in a mouse model for the absence of full-length dystrophin, Genes, Brain and Behavior 15(6): 558-567.
- Lucassen, E.A.; Coomans, C.P.; Putten, M. van; Kreij, S.R. de; Genugten, J.H.L.T. van; Sutorius, R.P.M.; Rooij, K.E. de; Velde, M. van der; Verhoeve, S.L.; Smit, J.W.A.; Lowik, C.W.G.M.; Smits, H.H.; Guigas, B.; Aartsma-Rus, A.M. & Meijer, J.H. (2016), Environmental 24-hr Cycles Are Essential for Health, Current Biology 26(14): 1843-1853.
- Pasteuning, S.; Boertje-van der Meulen, J.; Putten, M. van; Overzier, M.; Dijke, P. ten; Kielbasa, S.; Wolterbeek, R.; Hoogaards, W.; Loomans, C. & Aartsma-Rus, A. (2016), New function of the myostatin/activin type I receptor (ALK4) as a mediator of muscle atrophy and muscle regeneration, Neuromuscular Disorders 26: S153-S153.
- Aartsma-Rus, A. (2016), New Momentum for the Field of Oligonucleotide Therapeutics, Molecular Therapy 24(2): 193-194.
- Straub, V.; Balabanov, P.; Bushby, K.; Ensini, M.; Goemans, N.; Luca, A. de; Pereda, A.; Hemmings, R.; Campion, G.; Kaye, E.; Arechavala-Gomeza, V.; Goyenvalle, A.; Niks, E.; Veldhuizen, O.; Furlong, P.; Stoyanova-Beninska, V.; Wood, M.J.; Johnson, A.; Mercuri, E.; Muntoni, F.; Sepodes, B.; Haas, M.; Vroom, E. & Aartsma-Rus, A. (2016), Stakeholder cooperation to overcome challenges in orphan medicine development: the example of Duchenne muscular dystrophy, Lancet Neurology 15(8): 882-890.
- Aartsma-Rus, A.; Ginjaar, I.B. & Bushby, K. (2016), The importance of genetic diagnosis for Duchenne muscular dystrophy, Journal of Medical Genetics 53(3): 145-151.
- Rutten, J.W.; Dauwerse, H.G.; Peters, D.J.M.; Goldfarb, A.; Venselaar, H.; Haffner, C.; Ommen, G.J.B. van; Aartsma-Rus, A.M. & Oberstein, S.A.J.L. (2016), Therapeutic NOTCH3 cysteine correction in CADASIL using exon skipping: in vitro proof of concept, Brain 139: 1123-1135.
- Gazzoli, I.; Pulyakhina, I.; Verwey, N.E.; Ariyurek, Y.; Laros, J.F.J.; Hoen, P.A.C. 't & Aartsma-Rus, A. (2016), Non-sequential and multi-step splicing of the dystrophin transcript, RNA Biology 13(3): 290-305.
- Switzar, L.; Nicolardi, S.; Rutten, J.W.; Oberstein, S.A.J.L.; Aartsma-Rus, A. & Burgt, Y.E.M. van der (2016), In-Depth Characterization of Protein Disulfide Bonds by Online Liquid Chromatography-Electrochemistry-Mass Spectrometry, Journal of The American Society for Mass Spectrometry 27(1): 50-58.
- Rutten, J.W.; Klever, R.R.; Hegeman, I.M.; Poole, D.S.; Dauwerse, H.G.; Broos, L.A.M.; Breukel, C.; Aartsma-Rus, A.M.; Verbeek, J.S.; Weerd, L. van der; Duinen, S.G. van; Maagdenberg, A.M.J.M. van den & Oberstein, S.A.J.L. (2015), The NOTCH3 score: a pre-clinical CADASIL biomarker in a novel human genomic NOTCH3 transgenic mouse model with early progressive vascular NOTCH3 accumulation, Acta Neuropathologica Communications 3.
- Pulyakhina, I.; Gazzoli, I.; Hoen, P.A.C. 't; Verwey, N.; Dunnen, J. den; Aartsma-Rus, A. & Laros, J.F.J. (2015), SplicePie: a novel analytical approach for the detection of alternative, non-sequential and recursive splicing, Nucleic Acids Research 43(12).
- Spitali, P.; Aartsma-Rus, A. & Hoen, P.A.C. 't (2015), Response to: Evaluation of the serum matrix metalloproteinase-9 as a biomarker for monitoring disease progression in Duchenne muscular dystrophy, Neuromuscular Disorders 25(5): 446-447.
- Bladen, C.L.; Salgado, D.; Monges, S.; Foncuberta, M.E.; Kekou, K.; Kosma, K.; Dawkins, H.; Lamont, L.; Roy, A.J.; Chamova, T.; Guergueltcheva, V.; Chan, S.; Korngut, L.; Campbell, C.; Dai, Y.; Wang, J.; Barisic, N.; Brabec, P.; Lahdetie, J.; Walter, M.C.; Schreiber-Katz, O.; Karcagi, V.; Garami, M.; Viswanathan, V.; Bayat, F.; Buccella, F.; Kimura, E.; Koeks, Z.; Bergen, J.C. van den; Rodrigues, M.; Roxburgh, R.; Lusakowska, A.; Kostera-Pruszczyk, A.; Zimowski, J.; Santos, R.; Neagu, E.; Artemieva, S.; Rasic, V.M.; Vojinovic, D.; Posada, M.; Bloetzer, C.; Jeannet, P.Y.; Joncourt, F.; Diaz-Manera, J.; Gallardo, E.; Karaduman, A.A.; Topaloglu, H.; Sherif, R. el; Stringer, A.; Shatillo, A.V.; Martin, A.S.; Peay, H.L.; Bellgard, M.I.; Kirschner, J.; Flanigan, K.M.; Straub, V.; Bushby, K.; Verschuuren, J.; Aartsma-Rus, A.; Beroud, C. & Lochmuller, H. (2015), The TREAT-NMD DMD Global Database: Analysis of More than 7,000 Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy Mutations, Human Mutation 36(4): 395-402.
- Guiraud, S.; Aartsma-Rus, A.; Vieira, N.M.; Davies, K.E.; Ommen, G.J.B. van; Kunkel, L.M.; Chakravarti, A. & Green, E. (2015), The Pathogenesis and Therapy of Muscular Dystrophies, Annual Review of Genomics and Human Genetics 16: 281-+.
- Vojinovic, D.; Adams, H.H.H.; Lee, S.J. van der; Ibrahim-Verbaas, C.A.; Brouwer, R.; Hout, M.C.G.N. van den; Oole, E.; Rooij, J. van; Uitterlinden, A.; Hofman, A.; IJcken, W.F.J. van; Aartsma-Rus, A.; Ommen, G.B. van; Ikram, M.A.; Duijn, C.M. van & Amin, N. (2015), The dystrophin gene and cognitive function in the general population, European Journal of Human Genetics 23(6): 837-843.
- Lynn, S.; Aartsma-Rus, A.; Bushby, K.; Furlong, P.; Goemans, N.; Luca, A. de; Mayhew, A.; McDonald, C.; Mercuri, E.; Muntoni, F.; Pohlschmidt, M.; Verschuuren, J.; Voit, T.; Vroom, E.; Wells, D.J. & Straub, V. (2015), Measuring clinical effectiveness of medicinal products for the treatment of Duchenne muscular dystrophy, Neuromuscular Disorders 25(1): 96-105.
- Gramlich, M.; Pane, L.S.; Zhou, Q.F.; Chen, Z.F.; Murgia, M.; Schotterl, S.; Goedel, A.; Metzger, K.; Brade, T.; Parrotta, E.; Schaller, M.; Gerull, B.; Thierfelder, L.; Aartsma-Rus, A.; Labeit, S.; Atherton, J.J.; McGaughran, J.; Harvey, R.P.; Sinnecker, D.; Mann, M.; Laugwitz, K.L.; Gawaz, M.P. & Moretti, A. (2015), Antisense-mediated exon skipping: a therapeutic strategy for titin-based dilated cardiomyopathy, EMBO Molecular Medicine 7(5): 562-576.
- Jirka, S. & Aartsma-Rus, A. (2015), An update on RNA-targeting therapies for neuromuscular disorders, Current Opinion in Neurology.
- Jirka, S.M.G.; Tanganyika-de Winter, C.L.; Boertje-van der Meulen, J.W.; Putten, M. van; Hiller, M.; Vermue, R.; Visser, P.C. de & Aartsma-Rus, A. (2015), Evaluation of 2 '-Deoxy-2 '-fluoro Antisense Oligonucleotides for Exon Skipping in Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy, Molecular Therapy - Nucleic Acids 4.
- Tremblay, J.P.; Aartsma-Rus, A.; Bogdanove, A.; Ferreira, M.B.; Bueren, J. & Huard, J. (2014), Development of a Web Course on Gene Therapy by the International Consortium of Gene Therapy, Molecular Therapy 22(3): 482-482.
- Aartsma-Rus, A.; Ferlini, A.; Goemans, N.; Pasmooij, A.M.G.; Wells, D.J.; Bushby, K.; Vroom, E. & Balabanov, P. (2014), Translational and Regulatory Challenges for Exon Skipping Therapies, Human Gene Therapy 25(10): 885-892.
- Verhaart, I.E.C.; Vliet-van den Dool, L. van; Sipkens, J.A.; Kimpe, S.J. de; Kolfschoten, I.G.M.; Deutekom, J.C.T. van; Liefaard, L.; Ridings, J.E.; Hood, S.R. & Aartsma-Rus, A. (2014), The Dynamics of Compound, Transcript, and Protein Effects After Treatment With 2OMePS Antisense Oligonucleotides in mdx Mice, Molecular Therapy - Nucleic Acids 3.
- Wokke, B.H.; Bergen, J.C. van den; Versluis, M.J.; Niks, E.H.; Milles, J.; Webb, A.G.; Zwet, E.W. van; Aartsma-Rus, A.; Verschuuren, J.J. & Kan, H.E. (2014), Quantitative MRI and strength measurements in the assessment of muscle quality in Duchenne muscular dystrophy, Neuromuscular Disorders 24(5): 409-416.
- Putten, M. van; Pijl, E.M. van der; Hulsker, M.; Verhaart, I.E.C.; Nadarajah, V.D.; Weerd, L. van der & Aartsma-Rus, A. (2014), Low dystrophin levels in heart can delay heart failure in mdx mice, Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology 69: 17-23.
- Bergen, J.C. van den; Wokke, B.H.; Janson, A.A.; Duinen, S.G. van; Hulsker, M.A.; Ginjaar, H.B.; Deutekom, J.C. van; Aartsma-Rus, A.; Kan, H.E. & Verschuuren, J.J. (2014), Dystrophin levels and clinical severity in Becker muscular dystrophy patients, Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry 85(7): 747-753.
- Bergen, J.C. van den; Westrum, S.M.S. van; Dekker, L.; Kooi, A.J. van der; Visser, M. de; Wokke, B.H.A.; Straathof, C.S.; Hulsker, M.A.; Aartsma-Rus, A.; Verschuuren, J.J. & Ginjaar, H.B. (2014), Clinical characterisation of Becker muscular dystrophy patients predicts favourable outcome in exon-skipping therapy, Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry 85(1): 92-98.
- Aartsma-Rus, A.; Ferlini, A. & Vroonie, E. (2014), Biomarkers and surrogate endpoints in Duchenne: Meeting report, Neuromuscular Disorders 24(8): 743-745.
- Aartsma-Rus, A. & Putten, M. van (2014), Assessing Functional Performance in the Mdx Mouse Model, Journal of Visualized Experiments.
- Veltrop, M. & Aartsma-Rus, A. (2014), Antisense-mediated exon skipping: Taking advantage of a trick from Mother Nature to treat rare genetic diseases, Experimental Cell Research 325(1): 50-55.
- Raz, V.; Buijze, H.; Raz, Y.; Verwey, N.; Anvar, S.Y.; Aartsma-Rus, A. & Maarel, S.M. van der (2014), A Novel Feed-Forward Loop between ARIH2 E3-Ligase and PABPN1 Regulates Aging-Associated Muscle Degeneration, American Journal of Pathology 184(4): 1119-1131.
- Ayoglu, B.; Chaouch, A.; Lochmuller, H.; Politano, L.; Bertini, E.; Spitali, P.; Hiller, M.; Niks, E.H.; Gualandi, F.; Ponten, F.; Bushby, K.; Aartsma-Rus, A.; Schwartz, E.; Priol, Y. le; Straub, V.; Uhlen, M.; Cirak, S.; Hoen, P.A.C. 't; Muntoni, F.; Ferlini, A.; Schwenk, J.M.; Nilsson, P. & Szigyarto, C.A. (2014), Affinity proteomics within rare diseases: a BIO-NMD study for blood biomarkers of muscular dystrophies, EMBO Molecular Medicine 6(7): 918-936.
- Karkampouna, S.; Kruithof, B.P.T.; Kloen, P.; Obdeijn, M.C.; Laan, A.M.A. van der; Tanke, H.J.; Kemaladewi, D.U.; Hoogaars, W.M.H.; Hoen, P.A.C. 't; Aartsma-Rus, A.; Clark, I.M.; Dijke, P. ten; Goumans, M.J. & Kruithof-de Julio, M. (2014), Novel Ex Vivo Culture Method for the Study of Dupuytren's Disease: Effects of TGF beta Type 1 Receptor Modulation by Antisense Oligonucleotides, Molecular Therapy - Nucleic Acids 3.
- Jirka, S.M.G.; Heemskerk, H.; Tanganyika-de Winter, C.L.; Muilwijk, D.; Pang, K.H.; Visser, P.C. de; Janson, A.; Karnaoukh, T.G.; Vermue, R.; Hoen, P.A.C. 't; Deutekom, J.C.T. van; Aguilera, B. & Aartsma-Rus, A. (2014), Peptide Conjugation of 2 '-O-methyl Phosphorothioate Antisense Oligonucleotides Enhances Cardiac Uptake and Exon Skipping in mdx Mice, Nucleic Acid Therapeutics 24(1): 25-36.
- Kemaladewi, D.U.; Pasteuning, S.; Meulen, J.W. van der; Heiningen, S.H. van; Ommen, G.J. van; Dijke, P. ten; Aartsma-Rus, A.; Hoen, P.A.C. 't & Hoogaars, W.M. (2014), Targeting TGF-beta Signaling by Antisense Oligonucleotide-mediated Knockdown of TGF-beta Type I Receptor, Molecular Therapy - Nucleic Acids 3.
- Vojinovic, D.; Adams, H.H.; Lee, S.J. van der; Ibrahim-Verbaas, C.A.; Brouwer, R.; Hout, M.C.G.N. van den; Oole, E.; Rooij, J. van; Uitterlinden, A.; Hofman, A.; IJcken, W. van; Aartsma-Rus, A.; Ommen, G.B. van; Ikram, M.A.; Duijn, C.M. van & Amin, N. (2014), The dystrophin gene and cognition in the cognitively healthy population, European Journal of Neurology 21: 376-376.
- Evers, M.M.; Tran, H.D.; Zalachoras, I.; Meijer, O.C.; Dunnen, J.T. den; Ommen, G.J.B. van; Aartsma-Rus, A. & Roon-Mom, W.M.C. van (2014), Preventing Formation of Toxic N-Terminal Huntingtin Fragments Through Antisense Oligonucleotide-Mediated Protein Modification, Nucleic Acid Therapeutics 24(1): 4-12.
- Brouwer, A.P.M. de; Nabuurs, S.B.; Verhaart, I.E.C.; Oudakker, A.R.; Hordijk, R.; Yntema, H.G.; Hordijk-Hos, J.M.; Voesenek, K.; Vries, B.B.A. de; Essen, T. van; Chen, W.; Hu, H.; Chelly, J.; Dunnen, J.T. den; Kalscheuer, V.M.; Aartsma-Rus, A.M.; Hamel, B.C.J.; Bokhoven, H. van & Kleefstra, T. (2014), A 3-base pair deletion, c.9711_9713del, in DMD results in intellectual disability without muscular dystrophy, European Journal of Human Genetics 22(4): 480-485.
- Martin, F.C.; Hiller, M.; Spitali, P.; Oonk, S.; Dalebout, H.; Palmblad, M.; Chaouch, A.; Guglieri, M.; Straub, V.; Lochmuller, H.; Niks, E.H.; Verschuuren, J.J.G.M.; Aartsma-Rus, A.; Deelder, A.M.; Burgt, Y.E.M. van der & Hoen, P.A.C. 't (2014), Fibronectin is a serum biomarker for Duchenne muscular dystrophy, PROTEOMICS - Clinical Applications 8(3-4): 269-278.
- Bergen, J.C. van den; Hiller, M.; Bohringer, S.; Vijfhuizen, L.; Ginjaar, H.B.; Chaouch, A.; Bushby, K.; Straub, V.; Scoto, M.; Cirak, S.; Humbertclaude, V.; Claustres, M.; Scotton, C.; Passarelli, C.; Lochmuller, H.; Muntoni, F.; Tuffery-Giraud, S.; Ferlini, A.; Aartsma-Rus, A.M.; Verschuuren, J.J.G.M.; Hoen, P.A.C. 't & Spitali, P. (2014), Validation of genetic modifiers for Duchenne muscular dystrophy: a multicentre study assessing SPP1 and LTBP4 variants, Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry: jnnp--2014.
- Jirka, S.M.G.; Meulen, J.W. van der; Tanganyika-de Winter, C.L.; Putten, M. van; Hiller, M.; Vermue, R.; Visser, P.C. de & Aartsma-Rus, A. (2014), Evaluation of exon skipping activity of 2 '-deoxy-2 '-fluoro antisense oligonucleotides for Duchenne muscular dystrophy, Neuromuscular Disorders 24(9-10): 827-828.
- Tremblay, J.P.; Xiao, X.; Aartsma-Rus, A.; Barbas, C.; Blaus, H.M.; Bogdanove, A.J.; Boycott, K.; Brauns, S.; Breakefield, X.O.; Bueren, J.A.; Buschmann, M.; Byrne, B.J.; Calos, M.; Cathomen, T.; Chamberlain, J.; Chuah, M.; Cornetta, K.; Davies, K.E.; Dickson, J.G.; Duchateau, P.; Flotte, T.R.; Gaudet, D.; Gersbach, C.A.; Gilbert, R.; Glorioso, J.; Herzog, R.W.; High, K.A.; Huang, W.L.; Huard, J.; Joung, J.K.; Liu, D.P.; Liu, D.X.; Lochmuller, H.; Lustig, L.; Martens, J.; Massie, B.; Mavilio, F.; Mendell, J.R.; Nathwani, A.; Ponder, K.; Porteus, M.; Puymirat, J.; Samulski, J.; Takeda, S.; Thrasher, A.; VandenDriessche, T.; Wei, Y.Q.; Wilson, J.M.; Wilton, S.D.; Wolfe, J.H. & Gao, G.P. (2013), Translating the Genomics Revolution: The Need for an International Gene Therapy Consortium for Monogenic Diseases, Molecular Therapy 21(2): 266-268.
- Putten, M. van; Hulsker, M.; Young, C.; Nadarajah, V.D.; Heemskerk, H.; Weerd, L. van der; Hoen, P.A.C. 't; Ommen, G.J.B. van & Aartsma-Rus, A.M. (2013), Low dystrophin levels increase survival and improve muscle pathology and function in dystrophin/utrophin double-knockout mice, FASEB Journal 27(6): 2484-2495.
- Spitali, P.; Bergen, J.C. van den; Verhaart, I.E.C.; Wokke, B.; Janson, A.A.M.; Eijnde, R. van den; Dunnen, J.T. den; Laros, J.F.J.; Verschuuren, J.J.G.M.; Hoen, P.A.C. 't & Aartsma-Rus, A. (2013), DMD transcript imbalance determines dystrophin levels, FASEB Journal 27(12): 4909-4916.
- Dick, E.; Kalra, S.; Anderson, D.; George, V.; Ritso, M.; Laval, S.H.; Barresi, R.; Aartsma-Rus, A.; Lochmuller, H. & Denning, C. (2013), Exon Skipping and Gene Transfer Restore Dystrophin Expression in Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells-Cardiomyocytes Harboring DMD Mutations, Stem Cells and Development 22(20): 2714-2724.
- Klymiuk, N.; Blutke, A.; Graf, A.; Krause, S.; Burkhardt, K.; Wuensch, A.; Krebs, S.; Kessler, B.; Zakhartchenko, V.; Kurome, M.; Kemter, E.; Nagashima, H.; Schoser, B.; Herbach, N.; Blum, H.; Wanke, R.; Aartsma-Rus, A.; Thirion, C.; Lochmuller, H.; Walter, M.C. & Wolf, E. (2013), Dystrophin-deficient pigs provide new insights into the hierarchy of physiological derangements of dystrophic muscle, Human Molecular Genetics 22(21): 4368-4382.
- Verhaart, I.E.C.; Tanganyika-de Winter, C.L.; Karnaoukh, T.G.; Kolfschoten, I.G.M.; Kimpe, S.J. de; Deutekom, J.C.T. van & Aartsma-Rus, A. (2013), Dose-Dependent Pharmacokinetic Profiles of 2 '-O-Methyl Phosphorothioate Antisense Oligonucleotidesin mdx Mice, Nucleic Acid Therapeutics 23(3): 228-237.
- Evers, M.M.; Tran, H.D.; Zalachoras, I.; Pepers, B.A.; Meijer, O.C.; Dunnen, J.T. den; Ommen, G.J.B. van; Aartsma-Rus, A. & Roon-Mom, W.M.C. van (2013), Ataxin-3 protein modification as a treatment strategy for spinocerebellar ataxia type 3: Removal of the CAG containing exon, Neurobiology of Disease 58: 49-56.
- Ommen, G.J.B. van & Aartsma-Rus, A. (2013), Advances in therapeutic RNA-targeting, New Biotechnology 30(3): 299-301.
- Aartsma-Rus, A. & Muntoni, F. (2013), 194th ENMC international workshop. 3rd ENMC workshop on exon skipping: Towards clinical application of antisense-mediated exon skipping for Duchenne muscular dystrophy 8-10 December 2012, Naarden, The Netherlands, Neuromuscular Disorders 23(11): 934-944.
- Zalachoras, I.; Grootaers, G.; Weert, L.T.C.M. van; Aubert, Y.; Kreij, S.R. de; Datson, N.A.; Roon-Mom, W.M.C. van; Aartsma-Rus, A. & Meijer, O.C. (2013), Antisense-mediated isoform switching of steroid receptor coactivator-1 in the central nucleus of the amygdala of the mouse brain, BMC Neuroscience 14.
- Kemaladewi, D.U.; Gorter, D.J.J. de; Aartsma-Rus, A.; Ommen, G.J. van; Dijke, P. ten; Hoen, P.A.C. 't & Hoogaars, W.M. (2012), Cell-type specific regulation of myostatin signaling.
- Verhaart, I.E.C.; Duijn, R.J.M. van; Adel, B. den; Roest, A.A.W.; Verschuuren, J.J.G.M.; Aartsma-Rus, A. & Weerd, L. van der (2012), Assessment of cardiac function in three mouse dystrophinopathies by magnetic resonance imaging.
- Bergen, J. van den; Wokke, B.; Duinen, S. van; Ginjaar, H.; Janson, A.; Deutekom, J. van; Aartsma-Rus, A.; Kan, H. & Verschuuren, J. (2012), Dystrophin levels do not influence disease progression in Becker muscular dystrophy patients with an exon 45-47 deletion.
- Lemmers, R.J.L.F.; Tawil, R.; Petek, L.M.; Balog, J.; Block, G.J.; Santen, G.W.E.; Amell, A.M.; Vliet, P.J. van der; Almomani, R.; Straasheijm, K.R.; Krom, Y.D.; Klooster, R.; Sun, Y.; Dunnen, J.T. den; Helmer, Q.; Donlin-Smith, C.M.; Padberg, G.W.; Engelen, B.G.M. van; Greef, J.C. de; Aartsma-Rus, A.M.; Frants, R.R.; Visser, M. de; Desnuelle, C.; Sacconi, S.; Filippova, G.N.; Bakker, B.; Bamshad, M.J.; Tapscott, S.J.; Miller, D.G. & Maarel, S.M. van der (2012), Digenic inheritance of an SMCHD1 mutation and an FSHD-permissive D4Z4 allele causes facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy type 2, Nature Genetics 44(12): 1370-1374.
- Yilmaz-Elis, S.; Aartsma-Rus, A.; Vroon, A.; Deutekom, J. van; Kimpe, S. de; Hoen, P.A.C. 't; Ommen, G.J. van & Verbeek, J.S. (2012), Antisense oligonucleotide mediated exon skipping as a potential strategy for the treatment of a variety of inflammatory diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 71: 75-77.
- Aartsma-Rus, A.; Verwey, N.; Schneiderat, P.; Maarel, S.M. van der; Ommen, G.J.B. van & Houweling-Gazzoli, I. (2012), Exon skipping for dysferlinopathies.
- Verhaart, I.E.C. & Aartsma-Rus, A. (2012), Gene therapy for Duchenne muscular dystrophy, Current Opinion in Neurology 25(5): 588-596.
- Hoen, P.A.C. 't; Jirka, S.M.G.; Broeke, B.R. ten; Schultes, E.A.; Aguilera, B.; Pang, K.H.; Heemskerk, H.; Aartsma-Rus, A.; Ommen, G.J. van & Dunnen, J.T. den (2012), Phage display screening without repetitious selection rounds, Analytical Biochemistry 421(2): 622-631.
- Verhaart, I.E.C.; Heemskerk, H.; Karnaoukh, T.G.; Kolfschoten, I.G.M.; Vroon, A.; Ommen, G.J.B. van; Deutekom, J.C.T. van & Aartsma-Rus, A. (2012), Prednisolone Treatment Does Not Interfere with 2 '-O-Methyl Phosphorothioate Antisense-Mediated Exon Skipping in Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy, Human Gene Therapy 23(3): 262-273.
- Putten, M. van; Hulsker, M.; Nadarajah, V.D.; Heiningen, S.H. van; Huizen, E. van; Iterson, M. van; Admiraal, P.; Messemaker, T.; Dunnen, J.T. den; Hoen, P.A.C. 't & Aartsma-Rus, A. (2012), The Effects of Low Levels of Dystrophin on Mouse Muscle Function and Pathology, PLoS ONE 7(2): -.
- Putten, M. van; Hulsker, M.; Young, C.; Nadarajah, V.D.; Heemskerk, H.; Hoen, P.A.C. 't; Ommen, G.J.B. van & Aartsma-Rus, A.M. (2012), Low dystrophin levels increase survival and improve pathology and motor function in dystrophin/utrophin double knockout mice.
- Spitali, P. & Aartsma-Rus, A. (2012), Splice Modulating Therapies for Human Disease, Cell 148(6): 1085-1088.
- Verhaart IE & Aartsma-Rus A (2012), The effect of 6-thioguanine on alternative splicing and antisense-mediated exon skipping treatment for duchenne muscular dystrophy., Plos Currents 4.
- Tanganyika-de Winter, C.L.; Heemskerk, H.; Karnaoukh, T.G.; Putten, M. van; Kimpe, S.J. de; Deutekom, J. van & Aartsma-Rus, A. (2012), Long-term Exon Skipping Studies With 2'-O-Methyl Phosphorothioate Antisense Oligonucleotides in Dystrophic Mouse Models., Molecular Therapy - Nucleic Acids 1: e44.
- Aartsma-Rus A (2012), Overview on AON design., Methods in Molecular Biology 867: 117-29.
- van Roon-Mom WM & Aartsma-Rus A (2012), Overview on applications of antisense-mediated exon skipping., Methods in Molecular Biology 867: 79-96.
- Aartsma-Rus A (2012), Overview on DMD exon skipping., Methods in Molecular Biology 867: 97-116.
- Putten, M. van; Kumar, D.; Hulsker, M.; Hoogaars, W.M.H.; Plomp, J.J.; Opstal, A. van; Iterson, M. van; Admiraal, P.; Ommen, G.J.B. van; Hoen, P.A.C. 't & Aartsma-Rus, A. (2012), Comparison of skeletal muscle pathology and motor function of dystrophin and utrophin deficient mouse strains.
- Pichavant, C.; Aartsma-Rus, A.; Clemens, P.R.; Davies, K.E.; Dickson, G.; Takeda, S.; Wilton, S.D.; Wolff, J.A.; Wooddell, C.I.; Xiao, X. & Tremblay, J.P. (2011), Current Status of Pharmaceutical and Genetic Therapeutic Approaches to Treat DMD, Molecular Therapy 19(5): 830-840.
- Putten, M. van & Aartsma-Rus, A. (2011), Opportunities and challenges for the development of antisense treatment in neuromuscular disorders, Expert Opinion on Biological Therapy 11(8): 1025-1037.
- Aartsma-Rus, A. & Advocacy Grp Individuals (2011), The risks of therapeutic misconception and individual patient (n=1) "trials" in rare diseases such as Duchenne dystrophy.
- Zalachoras, I.; Evers, M.M.; Roon-Mom, W.M.C. van; Aartsma-Rus, A.M. & Meijer, O.C. (2011), Antisense-mediated RNA targeting: versatile and expedient genetic manipulation in the brain., Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience 4: 10.
- Goemans, N.M.; Tulinius, M.; Akker, J.T. van den; Burm, B.E.; Ekhart, P.F.; Heuvelmans, N.; Holling, T.; Janson, A.A.; Platenburg, G.J.; Sipkens, J.A.; Sitsen, J.M.A.; Aartsma-Rus, A.; Ommen, G.J.B. van; Buyse, G.; Darin, N.; Verschuuren, J.J.; Campion, G.V.; Kimpe, S.J. de & Deutekom, J.C. van (2011), Systemic Administration of PRO051 in Duchenne's Muscular Dystrophy.
- Anthony, K.; Cirak, S.; Torelli, S.; Tasca, G.; Feng, L.; Arechavala-Gomeza, V.; Armaroli, A.; Guglieri, M.; Straathof, C.S.; Verschuuren, J.J.; Aartsma-Rus, A.; Helderman-van den Enden, P.; Bushby, K.; Straub, V.; Sewry, C.; Ferlini, A.; Ricci, E.; Morgan, J.E. & Muntoni, F. (2011), Dystrophin quantification and clinical correlations in Becker muscular dystrophy: implications for clinical trials, BRAIN 134: 3544-3556.
- Kemaladewi, D.U.; Hoogaars, W.M.H.; Heiningen, S.H. van; Terlouw, S.; Gorter, D.J.J. de; Dunnen, J.T. den; Ommen, G.J.B. van; Aartsma-Rus, A.; Dijke, P. ten & Hoen, P.A.C. 't (2011), Dual exon skipping in myostatin and dystrophin for Duchenne muscular dystrophy., BMC Medical Genomics 4(1): 36.
- Shi, S.; Hoogaars, W.M.H.; Gorter, D.J.J. de; Heiningen, S.H. van; Lin, H.Y.; Hong, C.C.; Kernaladewi, D.U.; Aartsma-Rus, A.; Dijke, P. ten & Hoen, P.A.C. 't (2011), BMP antagonists enhance myogenic differentiation and ameliorate the dystrophic phenotype in a DMD mouse model, Neurobiology of Disease 41(2): 353-360.
- Nadarajah, V.D.; Putten, M. van; Chaouch, A.; Garrood, P.; Straub, V.; Lochmuller, H.; Ginjaar, H.B.; Aartsma-Rus, A.M.; Ommen, G.J.B. van; Dunnen, J.T. den & Hoen, P.A.C. 't (2011), Serum matrix metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9) as a biomarker for monitoring disease progression in Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD).
- Evers, M.M.; Pepers, B.A.; Deutekom, J.C.T. van; Mulders, S.A.M.; Dunnen, J.T. den; Aartsma-Rus, A.; Ommen, G.J.B. van & Roon-Mom, W.M.C. van (2011), Targeting Several CAG Expansion Diseases by a Single Antisense Oligonucleotide, PLoS ONE 6(9): -.
- Spitali, P.; Heemskerk, H.; Vossen, R.H.A.M.; Ferlini, A.; Dunnen, J.T. den; Hoen, P.A.C. 't & Aartsma-Rus, A. (2010), Accurate quantification of dystrophin mRNA and exon skipping levels in Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy, Laboratory Investigation 90(9): 1396-1402.
- Muntoni F & Meeting Steering Committee and TREAT-NMD Network (2010), The development of antisense oligonucleotide therapies for Duchenne muscular dystrophy: report on a TREAT-NMD workshop hosted by the European Medicines Agency (EMA), on September 25th 2009.
- Heemskerk, H.; Winter, C. de; Kuik, P. van; Heuvelmans, N.; Sabatelli, P.; Rimessi, P.; Braghetta, P.; Ommen, G.J.B. van; Kimpe, S. de; Ferlini, A.; Aartsma-Rus, A. & Deutekom, J.C.T. van (2010), Preclinical PK and PD Studies on 2 '-O-Methyl-phosphorothioate RNA Antisense Oligonucleotides in the mdx Mouse Model, Molecular Therapy 18(6): 1210-1217.
- Aartsma-Rus, A.; Houlleberghs, H.; Deutekom, J.C.T. van; Ommen, G.J.B. van & Hoen, P.A.C. 't (2010), Exonic Sequences Provide Better Targets for Antisense Oligonucleotides Than Splice Site Sequences in the Modulation of Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy Splicing, Oligonucleotides 20(2): 69-77.
- Popplewell, L.J.; Adkin, C.; Arechavala-Gomeza, V.; Aartsma-Rus, A.; Winter, C.L. de; Wilton, S.D.; Morgan, J.E.; Muntoni, F.; Graham, I.R. & Dickson, G. (2010), Comparative analysis of antisense oligonucleotide sequences targeting exon 53 of the human DMD gene: Implications for future clinical trials, Neuromuscular Disorders 20(2): 102-110.
- Aartsma-Rus, A. (2010), Antisense-mediated modulation of splicing Therapeutic implications for duchenne muscular dystrophy, RNA Biology 7(4): 453-461.
- Putten, M. van; Winter, C. de; Roon-Mom, W. van; Ommen, G.J. van; Hoen, P.A.C. 't & Aartsma-Rus, A. (2010), A 3 months mild functional test regime does not affect disease parameters in young mdx mice, Neuromuscular Disorders 20(4): 273-280.
- Aartsma-Rus, A.; Dunnen, J.T. den; Ommen, G.J.B. van; Casanova, J.L.; Abel, L. & Lyonnet, S. (2010), New insights in gene-derived therapy: the example of Duchenne muscular dystrophy, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences.
- Aartsma-Rus, A.; Singh, K.H.K.; Fokkema, I.F.A.C.; Ginjaar, I.B.; Ommen, G.J. van; Dunnen, J.T. den & Maarel, S.M. van der (2010), Therapeutic exon skipping for dysferlinopathies?, European Journal of Human Genetics 18(8): 889-894.
- Ommen, G.J.B. van; Aartsma-Rus, A.; Putten, M. van; Thoen, P.B.; Verbeek, S.; Yilmaz, S.; Roon, W. van; Evers, M.; Verschuuren, J.; Goemans, N.; Tulinus, M.; Kimpes, S. de; Campion, G. & Deutekom, J. van (2010), An overview of RNA therapeutics, Neuromuscular Disorders 20: S1S1.
- Helderman-van den Enden, A.T.J.M.; Straathof, C.S.M.; Aartsma-Rus, A.; Dunnen, J.T. den; Verbist, B.M.; Bakker, E.; Verschuuren, J.J.G.M. & Ginjaar, H.B. (2010), Becker muscular dystrophy patients with deletions around exon 51; a promising outlook for exon skipping therapy in Duchenne patients.
- Aartsma-Rus, A. & Ommen, G.J.B. van (2010), Progress in therapeutic antisense applications for neuromuscular disorders., European Journal of Human Genetics 18(2): 146-53.
- Aartsma-Rus, A.; Dunnen, J.T. den; Ommen, G.J.B. van; Casanova, J.L.; Abel, L. & Lyonnet, S. (2010), New insights in gene-derived therapy: the example of Duchenne muscular dystrophy, YEAR IN HUMAN AND MEDICAL GENETICS: NEW TRENDS IN MENDELIAN GENETICS 1214: 199-212.
- van de Vosse E, Verhard EM, de Paus RA, Platenburg GJ, van Deutekom JC, Aartsma-Rus A & van Dissel JT (2009), Antisense-mediated exon skipping to correct IL-12Rbeta1 deficiency in T cells., Blood 113(19): 4548-55.
- Bergen J.C. van den; Straathof, C.S.M.; Aartsma-Rus, A.; Ginjaar, I.B. & Verschuuren, J.J.G.M. (2009), Experimentele therapie bij duchenne-spierdystrofie, Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde 153(18): 870-5.
- Aartsma-Rus A, Fokkema I, Verschuuren J, Ginjaar I, van Deutekom J, van Ommen GJ & den Dunnen JT (2009), Theoretic applicability of antisense-mediated exon skipping for Duchenne muscular dystrophy mutations., Human Mutation 30(3): 293-9.
- Aartsma-Rus A & van Ommen GJ (2009), Less is more: therapeutic exon skipping for Duchenne muscular dystrophy.
- Heemskerk HA, de Winter CL, de Kimpe SJ, van Kuik-Romeijn P, Heuvelmans N, Platenburg GJ, van Ommen GJ, van Deutekom JC & Aartsma-Rus A (2009), In vivo comparison of 2'-O-methyl phosphorothioate and morpholino antisense oligonucleotides for Duchenne muscular dystrophy exon skipping.
- Aartsma-Rus A, van Vliet L, Hirschi M, Janson AA, Heemskerk H, de Winter CL, de Kimpe S, van Deutekom JC, 't Hoen PA & van Ommen GJ (2009), Guidelines for antisense oligonucleotide design and insight into splice-modulating mechanisms.
- Heemskerk H, de Winter CL, van Ommen GJ, van Deutekom JC & Aartsma-Rus A (2009), Development of antisense-mediated exon skipping as a treatment for duchenne muscular dystrophy., Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1175: 71-9.
- Aartsma-Rus A & van Ommen GJB (2009), Less is more: therapeutic exon skipping for Duchenne muscular dystrophy, Lancet Neurology 8(10): 873-875.
- Heemskerk HA, de Winter CL, de Kimpe SJ, van Kuik-Romeijn P, Heuvelmans N, Platenburg GJ, van Ommen GJB, van Deutekom JCT & Aartsma-Rus A (2009), In vivo comparison of 2 '-O-methyl phosphorothioate and morpholino antisense oligonucleotides for Duchenne muscular dystrophy exon skipping, Journal of Gene Medicine 11(3): 257-266.
- Aartsma-Rus A, van Vliet L, Hirschi M, Janson AAM, Heemskerk H, de Winter CL, de Kimpe S, van Deutekom JCT, t Hoen PAC & van Ommen GJB (2009), Guidelines for Antisense Oligonucleotide Design and Insight Into Splice-modulating Mechanisms, Molecular Therapy 17(3): 548-553.
- van Putten M, de Winter CL, van Roon-Mom WMC, van Ommen GJB, tHoen PAC & Aartsma-Rus AM (2009), Effect of a mild exercise regime on disease parameters in the mdx mouse model, Neuromuscular Disorders 19(8-9): 617-617.
- Heemskerk H, de Winter CL, van Ommen GJB, van Deutekom JCT & Aartsma-Rus A (2009), Development of Antisense-Mediated Exon Skipping as a Treatment for Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1175: 71-79.
- Kemaladewi DU, Hoogaars WMH, van Heiningen SH, van Deutekom JCT, den Dunnen JT, van Ommen GJB, Aartsma-Rus AR, ten Dijke P & 't Hoen PAC (2009), Dual exon skipping in myostatin and dystrophin as a potential therapy for Duchenne muscular dystrophy, Neuromuscular Disorders 19(8-9): 577-577.
- van de Vosse E, Verhard EM, de Paus RA, Platenburg GJ, van Deutekom JCT, Aartsma-Rus A & van Dissel JT (2009), Antisense-mediated exon skipping to correct IL-12R beta 1 deficiency in T cells. (vol 113, pg 4548, 2009), Blood 114(20): 4607-4607.
- Straathof CSM, Helderman-van den Enden ATJ, Aartsma-Rus A, den Dunnen JT, Verbist BM, Bakker E, Verschuuren JJG & Ginjaar HB (2009), Clinical phenotype of Becker muscular dystrophy patients with deletions of exons 45-51 and 50-51, Neuromuscular Disorders 19(8-9): 641-641.
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