Universiteit Leiden

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About Leiden University

As far back as 1575, Leiden University researchers have been leaving their mark on the world.

They conduct ground-breaking research, provide medical breakthroughs, write trailblazing books, shed light on complex social problems in the media and have been awarded 16 Nobel Prizes and now 27 Spinoza Prizes for their pioneering work. Leiden University is a fertile environment for top talent.

Freedom of mind, thought and expression

In a world where freedom is not always self-evident, Leiden University seeks to be a leading light, a place where scientists can freely conduct scientific research and freely express their views on possible solutions to societal problems. Not surprisingly, our motto is Praesidium Libertatis - Bastion of Freedom.

Scientific and social challenges

Leiden University researchers continually develop new knowledge and are active throughout the arts, humanities and sciences. They conduct both fundamental and interdisciplinary research and work to produce new knowledge that leads to new scientific insights that - sooner or later - can benefit society. In this way, the university contributes to solutions for scientific issues and social challenges and problems. In Leiden, researchers also conduct research that exists almost nowhere else in the Netherlands, ranging from Korean and Japanese Studies to Astronomy.

Interrelationship between research and education

At Leiden University, research and education are inextricably linked. Ongoing research serves as a source of inspiration for our teaching. Students are given ample opportunity to learn from our researchers and become aware of the latest scientific insights. Ambitious students are also given the chance to make their own contribution to their lecturers’ research.

State-of-the-art research facilities and exceptional collections

In order to allow researchers to excel with ground-breaking research, Leiden University has the latest equipment and research facilities. For example, high-tech equipment for interpreting astronomical observations, performing advanced metabolomics or applying molecular biological techniques. And in 2022, LUMC is building the largest stem cell facility in the Netherlands.

The equipment is not the only exceptional aspect; the Leiden collections are also truly special. Researchers from all over the world come here to access Leiden University’s libraries, with it's main library near the Humanities Campus. From Asian art to medieval manuscripts, from unique photos from the interwar period to anatomical drawings: it is truly a treasure trove of heritage.

Combining forces

Collaboration and connection are important to us. It is therefore no coincidence that Innovating and Connecting is the title of our Strategic Plan for 2022-2027. By working together interdisciplinarily and with strategic partners, the university increases its impact and achieves more. This is why Leiden University has close collaborations with countless national and international knowledge networks and organisations in the field of education and research. These include universities, social partners, the business sector and the public.

Joint management

Leiden University has seven faculties. Each faculty is governed by a Faculty Board with a Dean as chairperson. The overall management of the university as a whole is governed by the Executive Board. This decentralised structure gives faculties the freedom to make their own decisions. Our governance culture is transparent and our administrators are approachable.

Collegial atmosphere

Colleagues know each other well. Each and every one of them is a driven, talented individual with a passion for their profession. The faculties and research institutes are small enough that staff members regularly bump into each other. It is an open and friendly environment in which colleagues can learn from each other and enjoy exchanging and discussing knowledge. The lines of communication with administrators are also short, and everyone is approachable. The university is proud of this and is committed to maintaining this atmosphere.

Pleasant living environment

Leiden University is located in both Leiden and The Hague. Both are located centrally in the Randstad near other major cities, close to Schiphol Airport and in the vicinity of beaches and dunes. In the historic city centres of Leiden and The Hague you will quickly feel at home.

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