Universiteit Leiden

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Richard Jansen

Assistant professor

Dr. R. Jansen
+31 71 527 2932

Richard Jansen is an Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Archaeology.

More information about Richard Jansen

Richard Jansen (Zevenhuizen, 1969) is lecturer of European Prehistory. He studied prehistoric and Caribbean archaeology at Leiden University. His MA thesis concerned the analysis and interpretation of two Iron Age settlements from the Maaskant region (Noord-Brabant, southern-Netherlands).

Jansen was appointed in 1997 as researcher within the Maaskant project, one of the most extensive and longest running archaeological projects in the Netherlands, with the excavations at Oss at its centre. About 60 ha have been excavated in this region so far, giving a perspective on the origin and development of the cultural landscape, including settlement, burial and ritual practices, from 2500 BC till 250 AD. Since 1997 he coordinates and supervises (annual) fieldwork within the (broader) Maaskant area with students from Leiden University and abroad. He currently lectures several BA courses in Archaeology of Northwestern-Europe.

In 2010 he initiated the NWO-funded Odyssee-research project Oss-Mikkeldonk & -Mettegeupel: de dynamiek van het laatprehistorische en inheems-Romeinse cultuurlandschap. In 2012 also his project Uniformiteit of pluriformiteit? De inheems-Romeinse grafvelden van Oss-Ussen, Mierlo-Hout-Snippenscheut en Geleen-Janskamperveld was granted within the Odyssee-research project. Since 2015 he participates within the Oogst voor Malta-project Locatiekeuze en bewoningsdynamiek in de late prehistorie, Romeinse tijd en middeleeuwen in oostelijk Noord-Brabant. His PhD research focuses on the long term development of farmstead and settlement within the Iron Age and (Early) Roman period rural landscape of (north)east - Noord-Brabant. The main focus of this research is the analysis of the large-scale excavations of Oss-Horzak.

Part-time he also works as archaeologist of the municipality of Oss.

Assistant professor

  • Faculteit Archeologie
  • Archaeological Heritage
  • Field Research Education Centre

Work address

Van Steenis
Einsteinweg 2
2333 CC Leiden
Room number B2.01



  • Jansen R. (2017), Ongelooflijk veel archeologische schatten komen uit het zand. Interviewed by Toebosch T. for NRC.nl. [interview]. Optreden voor tv, radio of in andere publieke media
  • Jansen R. (2014), Archeologie in Oss (Oss). [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Jansen R. (2014), The Oss-Horzak excavation (open day). [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Jansen R. (2013), The Oss-Horzak excavation (open day). [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Jansen R. (2013), Het Vorstengraf van Zevenbergen (Leiden). [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Jansen R. (27 April 2013), Begraven met een verbrande plank en krammetjes, Vorstengraf Zevenbergen. Interviewed by Spiering Hendrik for NRC Handelsblad, Archeologie. [interview]. Optreden voor tv, radio of in andere publieke media
  • Jansen R. (2013), 5000 jaar boeren in Oss (Oss). [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Jansen R. (2012), Het urnenveld Slabroekse Heide (Ede). [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Jansen R. (13 September 2011), Nieuw prehistorisch vorstengraf gevonden in Uden. interview on site. [interview]. Optreden voor tv, radio of in andere publieke media
  • Fontijn D.R. & Jansen R. (26 February 2010), Een nieuw vorstengraf uit Oss. Congres : Lunula. Archaeologia Protohistorica. Tongeren, Belgie. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Fontijn D.R. & Jansen R. (4 November 2009), Nieuw prehistorisch vorstengraf gevonden in Oss. interview on site. [interview]. Optreden voor tv, radio of in andere publieke media
  • Jansen R. (2009), Eisenzeitliche Siedlungen in der Südlichen Niederlande - Iron Age Settlements in Southern Netherlands. Tagung Haus - Gehoft - Weiler (20-22 maart 2009) Freien Universitat Berlin. Berlijn. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • No relevant ancillary activities
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