Universiteit Leiden

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Leiden Observatory


Leiden Observatory is managed by its Directorate, with assistance from a number of Management Teams, an Institute Council, and an Advisory Board. The Secretariat, the Education Office and the Computer Support Group provide support for its research and educational tasks.


The directorate of Leiden Observatory consists of the Scientific Director, the Director of Education and the Director of Operations. [Read more]

Management Teams

The management teams lead the department and consist of a General Manager, an Outreach Manager, an Instrumentation Manager, an ICT/Housing Manager, a HR/Finances Manager and an Education Manager. [Read more]

Institute Council

The Institute Council consists of scientists, support staff and PhD and MSc students. They discuss policies, strategies and other institute matters that concern everyone working or studying at Leiden Observatory. [Read more]

Advisory Board

The Advisory Board of Leiden Observatory consists of five eminent scientists with prominent positions in science, industry and society. [Read more]


The secretariat supports all aspects of the daily operations of Leiden Observatory. [Read more]

Education Office

The Education Office Astronomy supports all aspects of the Astronomy bachelor and master education programmes. [Read more]

Computer support group

The Computer Support group provides dedicated support for the computing infrastructure of Leiden Observatory. [Read more]


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