Leila Demarest
Universitair hoofddocent
- Naam
- Dr. L. Demarest
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 2727
- l.demarest@fsw.leidenuniv.nl
- 0000-0001-6887-9937
Leila Demarest is Universitair Hoofddocent Politieke Wetenschappen aan het Instituut Politieke Wetenschap.
Leila Demarest is Universitair Hoofddocent Politieke Wetenschappen aan het Instituut Politieke Wetenschap, gespecialiseerd in de politiek van Sub-Sahara Afrikaanse landen.
Haar onderzoeksinteresses richten zich op democratisering, vrede en conflict, en intergroepsrelaties. Haar huidige onderzoeksprojecten focussen zich op:
- Democratisering, diversiteit, en parlementaire politiek in Afrika
- Politieke attitudes en participatie van jongeren in het Globale Zuiden.
Haar onderwijsactiviteiten richten zich op Afrikaanse politiek en onderzoeksmethoden.
Dr. Demarest werkt sinds 2018 aan de Universiteit Leiden. Voordien werkte ze bij het Centrum voor Vredesonderzoek en Ontwikkeling aan de Universiteit Leuven (KU Leuven), België. Ze behaalde ook haar doctoraat in de sociale wetenschappen (2017) aan de KU Leuven als aspirant van het Fonds Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Vlaanderen (FWO).
PhD supervisie
Leila Demarest kan PhD studenten begeleiden op de volgende thema’s:
- Conflict en mobilisatieprocessen in het Globale Zuiden
- Partijen en parlementaire politiek in het Globale Zuiden
- Democratische attitudes en politiek gedrag in het Globale Zuiden
Voor meer informatie over PhD-begeleiding, zie:
Universitair hoofddocent
- Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
- Instituut Politieke Wetenschap
- Demarest L. (2024) Good governance in Nigeria: rethinking accountability and transparency in the twenty-first century by Portia Roelofs. Bespreking van: (2023), Good governance in Nigeria: rethinking accountability and transparency in the twenty-first century. Canbridge: Cambridge University Press. Democratization 31(1): 258-259.
- Demarest L. (2023), Bespreking van: Agbiboa D.E. (2022), They eat our sweat : transport labor, corruption, and everyday survival in urban Nigeria. Critical Frontiers of Theory, Research, and Policy in International Development Studies. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Journal of Cultural Economy 16(2): 297-300.
- Demarest L. (2023), From budget padding to budget scrutiny?: National Assembly-executive relations in the budget process, Nigerian Journal of Legislative Affairs 10(1): .
- Demarest L. & Langer A. (2023), Managing diversity in Nigeria’s fourth republic national assembly: integrated parties versus ethno-regional balancing, Publius: The Journal of Federalism : .
- Demarest L. & Langer A. (2022), How events enter (or not) data sets: the pitfalls and guidelines of using newspapers in the study of conflict, Sociological Methods and Research : .
- Demarest L. (2021), Men of the people? Democracy and prebendalism in Nigeria’s Fourth Republic National Assembly, Democratization 28(4): 684-702.
- Demarest L. (26 januari 2021), Over bananenrepublieken spreken, is soms appels met peren vergelijken. Stuk Rood Vlees. [blog].
- Demarest L. (2021) Party proliferation and political contestation in Africa: Senegal in comparative perspective (by Catherine Lena Kelly). Bespreking van: Catherine Lena Kelly (2020), Party proliferation and political contestation in Africa: Senegal in comparative perspective .
- Demarest L. (18 mei 2021), Veel kleine partijen: een gevaar voor de democratie? Misschien niet in Nederland, maar elders…. Stuk Rood Vlees. [blog].
- Demarest L. (22 juni 2021), Kunnen we parlementariërs in nieuwe democratieën maar beter veel betalen?. Stuk Rood Vlees. [blog].
- Demarest L. (2021), Elite clientelism in Nigeria: the role of parties in weakening legislator-voter ties, Party Politics : .
- Demarest L. (27 augustus 2021), Are Nigerian lawmakers incentivised to direct public resources to their voters?. Africa at LSE. [blog].
- Demarest L. (2021), Bespreking van: Fourchard L. (2021), Classify, exclude, police: urban lives in South Africa and Nigeria. IJURR Studies in Urban and Social Change Book Series. Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons. Africa Spectrum : 1-3.
- Demarest L. & Haer R. (2021), A perfect match? : The dampening effect of interethnic marriage on armed conflict in Africa , Conflict Management and Peace Science : 1-20.
- Demarest L. (2 november 2021), Verkiezingsgeweld: meer dan slechte verliezers. StukRoodVlees. [blog].
- Demarest L & Haer R. van der (9 december 2021), What interethnic marriage rates tell us about ethnic conflict and cooperation in Africa. Africa at LSE. London: LSE. [blog].
- Veenendaal W.P. & Demarest L. (21 december 2021), Ondemocratisch Afrika?: Kleine eilandstaten vormen de uitzondering. Stuk Rood Vlees. [blog].
- Demarest L. & Langer A. (2021), Peace journalism on a shoestring? Conflict reporting in Nigeria’s national news media, Journalism : .
- Demarest L., Langer A. & Ukiwo U. (2020), Nigeria’s Federal Character Commission (FCC): A Critical Appraisal, Oxford Development Studies 48(3): .
- Demarest L., Godefroidt A. & Langer A. (2020), Understanding News Coverage of Religious-based Violence: Empirical and Theoretical Insights from Media Representations of Boko Haram in Nigeria, Journal of Communication 70(4): 548–573.
- Haer R. van der Demarest L. (2020), COVID-19 in Africa: Turning a Health Crisis into a Human Security Threat?, Peace Economics, Peace Science and Public Policy : .
- Veenendaal W.P. & Demarest L. (2020), How population size affects power-sharing: a comparison of Nigeria and Suriname, Contemporary Politics : 1-21.
- Demarest L. (5 maart 2019), Why Buhari won even though he had little to show for first term. The Conversation. www.theconversation.com. [blog].
- Demarest L. & Langer A. (2019), Reporting on electoral violence in Nigerian news media: “Saying it as it is”?, African Studies Review : The Journal of the African Studies Association 62(4): 83-109.
- Demarest L. & Smith R. (2019), Managing expectations? The opportunities and limitations of e-learning applications in Conflict Prevention and Peacebuilding Training, Journal of Peacebuilding & Development 14(3): 242-255.
- Demarest L. (31 mei 2019), Decolonizing the Museum: How should Belgium's Africa Museum address its colonial past?. Africa is a Country. [blog].
- Demarest L. & Langer A. (3 juni 2019), We found that Nigerian papers’ coverage of pre-election violence passed muster. The Conversation. [blog].
- Demarest L., Langer A. & Meuleman B. (2019), Between fallacy and feasibility? Dealing with the risk of ecological fallacies in the quantitative study of protest mobilization and conflict, Ask: Research and Methods 28(1): 21-42.
- Demarest L. (2018) Book review Laura Thaut Vinson. Religion, Violence, and Local Power-Sharing in Nigeria. Bespreking van: Thaut Vinson Laura (2017), Religion, Violence, and Local Power-Sharing in Nigeria: Cambridge University Press. African Studies Review 61(3): 245-246.
- Demarest L. (2018) Review: Perspectives on Political Communication in Africa. Bespreking van: Mutsvairo B. & Karam B.. Journal of Communication 68(4): E50--E51.
- Demarest L. & Langer A. (2018), The study of violence and social unrest in Africa: A comparative analysis of three conflict event datasets, African Affairs 117(467): 310-325.
- Demarest L. & Langer A. (2018), Understanding Violent Conflict in Africa: Trends, Causes, and Prospects. In: Peterson C.P., Knoblauch W. & Loadenthal M. (red.), The Routledge History of World Peace since 1750.
- Langer A. & Demarest L. (2018), Violent Group Mobilization and Conflicts in Africa: Understanding When and How Horizontal Inequalities Lead to Violence. In: Crocker C. & Aall P. (red.), The Fabric of Peace in Africa: Looking Beyond the State. Waterloo, Canada: Centre for International Governance Innovation. 33-48.
- Demarest L., Biafran unrest and the shrinking national cake: what prospects for Nigeria?. Democracy in Africa. www.democracyinafrica.org. [blog].
- Demarest L. (2017) Book review. The Quality of Democracy in Africa: Opposition Competitiveness Rooted in Legacies of Cleavages. Bespreking van: Van Eerd J.. Democratization 25(5): 952-954.
- Langer A., Stewart F., Smedts K. & Demarest L. (2016), Conceptualising and Measuring Social Cohesion in Africa: Towards a Perceptions-Based Index, Social Indicators Research 131(1): 321--343.
- Demarest L. (2016) Book review. Democracy in Africa: successes, failures, and the struggle for political reform. Bespreking van: Cheeseman N.. Journal of Contemporary African Studies 35(1): 130--133.
- Demarest L. (2016), Staging a “Revolution”: the 2011–12 electoral protests in Senegal, African Studies Review 59(3): 61-82.
- Demarest L. (2015), Food Price Rises and Political Instability: Problematizing a Complex Relationship, European Journal of Development Research 27(5): 650--671.
- Demarest L. (2015) Book review. Peaceland: Conflict resolution and the everyday politics of international intervention. Bespreking van: Auteserre S., Peaceland: Conflict resolution and the everyday politics of international intervention. African Affairs 114(454): 158-160.
- Demarest L. (2014) Book review. Food Security and Sociopolitical Stability. Bespreking van: Barrett C.B.. European Journal of Development Research 26(5): 931-933.
- Demarest L. (2014) Book review. Property and Political Order in Africa: Land Rights and the Structure of Politics. Bespreking van: Boone C.. African Studies Quarterly 15(1): 164-165.