Alfred Vertegaal
Hoogleraar celbiologie, in het bijzonder van postranslationele modificatie van eiwitten
- Naam
- Prof.dr. A.C.O. Vertegaal
- Telefoon
- +31 71 526 9111
- 0000-0002-7989-0493
Alfred Vertegaal is hoogleraar celbiologie en staflid van de afdeling Cel en Chemische Biologie van het Leids Universitair Medisch Centrum. Zijn onderzoek is mede mogelijk gemaakt door de NWO Vernieuwingsimpuls (Veni, Vidi, Vici) en de European Research Council.
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Alfred Vertegaal is hoogleraar celbiologie en staflid van de afdeling Cel en Chemische Biologie van het Leids Universitair Medisch Centrum. Zijn onderzoek is mede mogelijk gemaakt door de NWO Vernieuwingsimpuls (Veni, Vidi, Vici) en de European Research Council.
Cel en Chemische Biologie
Functionele activiteit van eiwitten wordt gereguleerd door reversibele post-translationele modificaties zoals fosforylering, acetylering en ubiquitylering. Deze modificaties mediëren de cellulaire reacties op een breed scala van stimuli. Door deze modificaties zijn functionele proteomen uitermate complex. Vooruitgang in het veld komt tot stand door het ontwikkelen van nieuwe methoden om deze modificaties cel-breed in kaart te brengen via massa spectrometrie (MS). Hierdoor is het mogelijk geworden om vele duizenden dynamische modificaties te bestuderen.
Wij onderzoeken post-translationele modificatie door ubiquitine en het ubiquitine familie lid SUMO, dat met name aanwezig is in de kern van prolifererende cellen. SUMOylering is essentieel voor eukaryoot leven en reguleert een breed scala van cellulaire processen zoals transcriptie, pre-mRNA splicing, translatie, transport, replicatie en reparatie van DNA schade. Het remmen van SUMOylering leidt tot verlies van genoom integriteit, blokkeert celcyclus progressie en activeert het immuunsysteem. Remmers van SUMOylering zouden in de toekomst mogelijk ingezet kunnen worden als cytostatica en immunotherapie. Wij ontwikkelen proteomics methodologie om duizenden doeleiwitten van SUMO te identificeren. Van een aantal SUMO doeleiwitten onderzoeken we hoe SUMOylering de activiteit van deze eiwitten beïnvloedt. Daarmee vergroten we ons inzicht in de kritische rollen van SUMO tijdens celdeling, tijdens reparatie van beschadigd DNA en in het immuunsysteem.
Wetenschappelijke carrière
Alfred Vertegaal heeft zijn opleiding Biomedische Wetenschappen en zijn promotieonderzoek gedaan aan de Universiteit Leiden. In 2001 is hij gepromoveerd op zijn proefschrift ‘Molecular analysis of antigen presentation in Ad5- and Ad12-transformed cells’. Zijn verdere loopbaan is als volgt:
2019 – professor Leids Universitair Medisch Centrum, afdeling Cel en Chemische Biologie (oratie 2021).
2011 – 2019 associate professor LUMC, afdeling Moleculaire Celbiologie.
2008 – 2011 assistant professor LUMC, afdeling Moleculaire Celbiologie.
2004 – 2008 senior scientist LUMC, afdeling Moleculaire Celbiologie.
2001 – 2003 KWF fellow, Wellcome Trust Biocentre, Dundee, U.K.
Hoogleraar celbiologie, in het bijzonder van postranslationele modificatie van eiwitten
- Faculteit Geneeskunde
- Divisie 4
- Cel en Chemische biologie
- Claessens, L.A.; Vries, M.V.D.; Graaf, I.J. de & Vertegaal, A.C.O. (2023), SENP6 regulates localization and nuclear condensation of DNA damage response proteins by group deSUMOylation, Nature Communications 14(1).
- Salas-Lloret, D.; Jansen, N.S.; Nagamalleswari, E.; Meulen, C. van der; Gracheva, E.; Ru, A.H. de; Otte, H.A.M.; Veelen, P.A. van; Pichler, A.; Goedhart, J.; Vertegaal, A.C.O. & González-Prieto, R. (2023), SUMO-activated target traps (SATTs) enable the identification of a comprehensive E3-specific SUMO proteome, Science Advances 9(31).
- Fan, C.N.; González-Prieto, R.; Kuipers, T.B.; Vertegaal, A.C.O.; Veelen, P.A. van; Mei, H.L. & Dijke, P. ten (2023), The lncRNA LETS1 promotes TGF-β-induced EMT and cancer cell migration by transcriptionally activating a TβR1-stabilizing mechanism, Science Signaling 16(790).
- Barroso-Gomila, O.; Merino-Cacho, L.; Muratore, V.; Perez, C.; Taibi, V.; Maspero, E.; Azkargorta, M.; Iloro, I.; Trulsson, F.; Vertegaal, A.C.O.; Mayor, U.; Elortza, F.; Polo, S.; Barrio, R. & Sutherland, J.D. (2023), BioE3 identifies specific substrates of ubiquitin E3 ligases, Nature Communications 14(1).
- Tessier, S.; Ferhi, O.; Geoffroy, M.C.; González-Prieto, R.; Canat, A.; Quentin, S.; Pla, M.; Niwa-Kawakita, M.; Bercier, P.; Rérolle, D.; Tirard, M.; Therizols, P.; Fabre, E.; Vertegaal, A.C.O.; Thé, H. de & Lallemand-Breitenbach, V. (2023), Author Correction: Exploration of nuclear body-enhanced sumoylation reveals that PML represses 2-cell features of embryonic stem cells (vol 13, 5726, 2022), Nature Communications 14(1).
- Samra, N.; Jansen, N.S.; Morani, I.; Kakun, R.R.; Zaid, R.; Paperna, T.; Garcia-Dominguez, M.; Viner, Y.; Frankenthal, H.; Shinwell, E.S.; Portnov, I.; Bakry, D.; Shalata, A.; Rootman, M.S.; Kidron, D.; Claessens, L.A.; Wevers, R.A.; Mandel, H.; Vertegaal, A.C.O. & Weiss, K. (2023), Exome sequencing links the SUMO protease SENP7 with fatal arthrogryposis multiplex congenita, early respiratory failure and neutropenia, Journal of Medical Genetics 60.
- Heuvel, D. van den; Kim, M.; Wondergem, A.P.; Meer, P.J. van der; Witkamp, M.; Lambregtse, F.; Kim, H.S.; Kan, F.; Apelt, K.; Kragten, A.; González-Prieto, R.; Vertegaal, A.C.O.; Yeo, J.E.; Kim, B.G.; Doorn, R. van; Schäer, O.D. & Luijsterburg, M.S. (2023), A disease-associated XPA allele interferes with TFIIH binding and primarily affects transcription-coupled nucleotide excision repair, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 120(11).
- Kroonen, J.S.; Graaf, I.J. de; Kumar, S.; Remst, D.F.G.; Wouters, A.K.; Heemskerk, M.H.M. & Vertegaal, A.C.O. (2023), Inhibition of SUMOylation enhances DNA hypomethylating drug efficacy to reduce outgrowth of hematopoietic malignancies, Leukemia 37(4): 864-876.
- Sampadi, B.; Vermeulen, S.; Misovic, B.; Boei, J.J.; Batth, T.S.; Chang, J.G.; Paulsen, M.T.; Magnuson, B.; Schimmel, J.; Kool, H.; Olie, C.S.; Everts, B.; Vertegaal, A.C.O.; Olsen, J.V.; Ljungman, M.; Jeggo, P.A.; Mullenders, L.H.F. & Vrieling, H. (2022), Divergent molecular and cellular responses to low and high-dose Ionizing radiation, Cells 11(23).
- Blessing, C.; Apelt, K.; Heuvel, D. van den; Gonzalez-Leal, C.; Rother, M.B.; Woude, M. van der; Gonzalez-Prieto, R.; Yifrach, A.; Parnas, A.; Shah, R.G.; Kuo, T.T.; Boer, D.E.C.; Cai, J.; Kragten, A.; Kim, H.S.; Scharer, O.D.; Vertegaal, A.C.O.; Shah, G.M.; Adar, S.; Lans, H.; Attikum, H. van; Ladurner, A.G. & Luijsterburg, M.S. (2022), XPC-PARP complexes engage the chromatin remodeler ALC1 to catalyze global genome DNA damage repair, Nature Communications 13(1).
- Kamp, J.A.; Lemmens, B.B.L.G.; Romeijn, R.J.; Gonzalez-Prieto, R.; Olsen, J.V.; Vertegaal, A.C.O.; Schendel, R. van & Tijsterman, M. (2022), THO complex deficiency impairs DNA double-strand break repair via the RNA surveillance kinase SMG-1, Nucleic Acids Research 50(11): 6235-6250.
- Kumar, S.; Schoonderwoerd, M.J.A.; Kroonen, J.S.; Graaf, I.J. de; Sluijter, M.; Ruano, D.; González-Prieto, R.; Verlaan-de Vries, M.; Rip, J.; Arens, R.; Miranda, N.F.C.C. de; Hawinkels, L.J.A.C.; Hall, T. van & Vertegaal, A.C.O. (2022), Targeting pancreatic cancer by TAK-981, Gut 71(11): 2266-2283.
- Tessier, S.; Ferhi, O.; Geoffroy, M.C.; González-Prieto, R.; Canat, A.; Quentin, S.; Pla, M.; Niwa-Kawakita, M.; Bercier, P.; Rérolle, D.; Therizols, P.; Fabre, E.; Vertegaal, A.C.O.; Thé, H. de & Lallemand-Breitenbach, V. (2022), Exploration of nuclear body-enhanced sumoylation reveals that PML represses 2-cell features of embryonic stem cells, Nature Communications 13(1).
- Huppelschoten, Y.; Mukhopadhyay, R.; Buchardt, J.; Nielsen, T.E.; Vertegaal, A.C.O.; Ovaa, H. & Noort, G.J.V. van (2022), In-plate chemical synthesis of isopeptide-linked SUMOylated peptide fluorescence polarization reagents for high-throughput screening of SENP preferences, ChemBioChem.
- Trulsson, F.; Akimov, V.; Robu, M.; Overbeek, N. van; Berrocal, D.A.P.; Shah, R.G.; Cox, J.; Shah, G.M.; Blagoev, B. & Vertegaal, A.C.O. (2022), Deubiquitinating enzymes and the proteasome regulate preferential sets of ubiquitin substrates, Nature Communications 13(1).
- Trulsson, F. & Vertegaal, A.C.O. (2022), Site-specific proteomic strategies to identify ubiquitin and SUMO modifications: Challenges and opportunities, Seminars in Cell & Developmental Biology 132: 97-108.
- Vertegaal, A.C.O. (2022), Signalling mechanisms and cellular functions of SUMO, Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology 23(11): 715-731.
- Kumar, S.; Schoonderwoerd, M.J.A.; Kroonen, J.S.; Graaf, I.J. de; Sluijter, M.; Ruano, D.; Gonzalez-Prieto, R.; Verlaan-de Vries, M.; Rip, J.; Arens, R.; Miranda, N.F.C.C. de; Hawinkels, L.J.A.C.; Hall, T. van & Vertegaal, A.C.O. (2022), Targeting pancreatic cancer by TAK-981, Gut.
- Fredrik Trulsson (2022), Deciphering the Ubiquitin Code by Mass Spectrometry.
- Gonzalez-Prieto, R.; Eifler-Olivi, K.; Claessens, L.A.; Willemstein, E.; Xiao, Z.Y.; Ormeno, C.M.P.T.; Ovaa, H.; Ulrich, H.D. & Vertegaal, A.C.O. (2021), Global non-covalent SUMO interaction networks reveal SUMO-dependent stabilization of the non-homologous end joining complex, Cell Reports 34(4).
- Weegen, Y. van der; Lint, K. de; Heuvel, D. van den; Nakazawa, Y.; Mevissen, T.E.T.; Schie, J.J.M. van; Alonso, M.S.; Boer, D.E.C.; Gonzalez-Prieto, R.; Narayanan, I.V.; Klaassen, N.H.M.; Wondergem, A.P.; Roohollahi, K.; Dorsman, J.C.; Hara, Y.; Vertegaal, A.C.O.; Lange, J. de; Walter, J.C.; Noordermeer, S.M.; Ljungman, M.; Ogi, T.; Wolthuis, R.M.F. & Luijsterburg, M.S. (2021), ELOF1 is a transcription-coupled DNA repair factor that directs RNA polymerase II ubiquitylation, Nature Cell Biology 23(6).
- Heuvel, D. van den; Spruijt, C.G.; Gonzalez-Prieto, R.; Kragten, A.; Paulsen, M.T.; Zhou, D.; Wu, H.Y.; Apelt, K.; Weegen, Y. van der; Yang, K.; Dijk, M.; Daxinger, L.; Marteijn, J.A.; Vertegaal, A.C.O.; Ljungman, M.; Vermeulen, M. & Luijsterburg, M.S. (2021), A CSB-PAF1C axis restores processive transcription elongation after DNA damage repair, Nature Communications 12(1).
- Barroso-Gomila, O.; Trulsson, F.; Muratore, V.; Canosa, I.; Merino-Cacho, L.; Cortazar, A.R.; Perez, C.; Azkargorta, M.; Iloro, I.; Carracedo, A.; Aransay, A.M.; Elortza, F.; Mayor, U.; Vertegaal, A.C.O.; Barrio, R. & Sutherland, J.D. (2021), Identification of proximal SUMO-dependent interactors using SUMO-ID, Nature Communications 12(1).
- Yatskevich, S.; Kroonen, J.S.; Alfieri, C.; Tischer, T.; Howes, A.C.; Clijsters, L.D.; Yang, J.; Zhang, Z.G.; Yan, K.G.; Vertegaal, A.C.O. & Barford, D. (2021), Molecular mechanisms of APC/C release from spindle assembly checkpoint inhibition by APC/C SUMOylation, Cell Reports 34(13).
- Giordano, I.; Pirone, L.; Muratore, V.; Landaluze, E.; Perez, C.; Lang, V.; Garde-Lapido, E.; Gonzalez-Lopez, M.; Barroso-Gomila, O.; Vertegaal, A.C.O.; Aransay, A.M.; Rodriguez, J.A.; Rodriguez, M.S.; Sutherland, J.D. & Barrio, R. (2021), SALL1 modulates CBX4 stability, nuclear bodies, and regulation of target genes, Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology 9.
- Singh, J.K.; Smith, R.; Rother, M.B.; Groot, A.J.L. de; Wiegant, W.W.; Vreeken, K.; D'Augustin, O.; Kim, R.Q.; Qian, H.B.; Krawczyk, P.M.; Gonzalez-Prieto, R.; Vertegaal, A.C.O.; Lamers, M.; Huet, S. & Attikum, H. van (2021), Zinc finger protein ZNF384 is an adaptor of Ku to DNA during classical non-homologous end-joining, Nature Communications 12(1).
- Apelt, K.; White, S.M.; Kim, H.S.; Yeo, J.E.; Kragten, A.; Wondergem, A.P.; Rooimans, M.A.; Gonzalez-Prieto, R.; Wiegant, W.W.; Lunke, S.; Flanagan, D.; Pantaleo, S.; Quinlan, C.; Hardikar, W.; Attikum, H. van; Vertegaal, A.C.O.; Wilson, B.T.; Wolthuis, R.M.F.; Scharer, O.D. & Luijsterburg, M.S. (2021), ERCC1 mutations impede DNA damage repair and cause liver and kidney dysfunction in patients, Journal of Experimental Medicine 218(3).
- Goossens, R.; Tihaya, M.S.; Heuvel, A. van den; Tabot-Ndip, K.; Willemsen, I.M.; Tapscott, S.J.; Gonzalez-Prieto, R.; Chang, J.G.; Vertegaal, A.C.O.; Balog, J. & Maarel, S.M. van der (2021), A proteomics study identifying interactors of the FSHD2 gene product SMCHD1 reveals RUVBL1-dependent DUX4 repression, Scientific Reports 11(1).
- Koedoot, E.; Steijn, E. van; Vermeer, M.; Gonzalez-Prieto, R.; Vertegaal, A.C.O.; Martens, J.W.M.; Devedec, S.E. le & Water, B. van de (2021), Splicing factors control triple-negative breast cancer cell mitosis through SUN2 interaction and sororin intron retention, Journal of Experimental & Clinical Cancer Research 40(1).
- Kroonen, J.S.; Kruisselbrink, A.B.; Briaire-de Bruijn, I.H.; Olaofe, O.O.; Bovee, J.V.M.G. & Vertegaal, A.C.O. (2021), SUMOylation is associated with aggressive behavior in chondrosarcoma of bone, Cancers 13(15).
- Kroonen, J.S. & Vertegaal, A.C.O. (2021), Targeting SUMO signaling to wrestle cancer, TRENDS IN CANCER 7(6): 496-510.
- Cremer, T.; Jongsma, M.L.M.; Trulsson, F.; Vertegaal, A.C.O.; Neefjes, J. & Berlin, I. (2021), The ER-embedded UBE2J1/RNF26 ubiquitylation complex exerts spatiotemporal control over the endolysosomal pathway, Cell Reports 34(3).
- Li, C.Y.; Nelson, T.G.; Vertegaal, A.C.O. & Thibault, P. (2021), Proteomic strategies for characterizing ubiquitin-like modifications, Nature Reviews Methods Primers 1(1).
- Jansen, N.S. & Vertegaal, A.C.O. (2021), A chain of events: regulating target proteins by SUMO polymers, Trends in Biochemical Sciences 46(2): 113-123.
- Weegen, Y. van der; Golan-Berman, H.; Mevissen, T.E.T.; Apelt, K.; Gonzalez-Prieto, R.; Goedhart, J.; Heilbrun, E.E.; Vertegaal, A.C.O.; Heuvel, D. van den; Walter, J.C.; Adar, S. & Luijsterburg, M.S. (2020), The cooperative action of CSB, CSA, and UVSSA target TFIIH to DNA damage-stalled RNA polymerase II (vol 11, 2104, 2020), Nature Communications 11(1).
- Rother, M.B.; Pellegrino, S.; Smith, R.; Gatti, M.; Meisenberg, C.; Wiegant, W.W.; Luijsterburg, M.S.; Imhof, R.; Downs, J.A.; Vertegaal, A.C.O.; Huet, S.; Altmeyer, M. & Attikum, H. van (2020), CHD7 and 53BP1 regulate distinct pathways for the re-ligation of DNA double-strand breaks, Nature Communications 11(1).
- Cuijpers, S.A.G.; Willemstein, E.; Ruppert, J.G.; Elsland, D.M. van; Earnshaw, W.C. & Vertegaal, A.C.O. (2020), Chromokinesin KIF4A teams up with stathmin 1 to regulate abscission in a SUMO-dependent manner, Journal of Cell Science 133(14).
- Liu, S.J.; Gonzalez-Prieto, R.; Zhang, M.D.; Geurink, P.P.; Kooij, R.; Iyengar, P.V.; Dinther, M. van; Bos, E.; Zhang, X.B.; Devedec, S.E. le; Water, B. van de; Koning, R.I.; Zhu, H.J.; Mesker, W.E.; Vertegaal, A.C.O.; Ovaa, H.; Zhang, L.; Martens, J.W.M. & Dijke, P. ten (2020), Deubiquitinase activity profiling identifies UCHL1 as a candidate oncoprotein that promotes TGF beta-induced breast cancer metastasis, Clinical Cancer Research 26(6): 1460-1473.
- Helfricht, A.; Thijssen, P.E.; Rother, M.B.; Shah, R.G.; , L.K. du; Takada, S.; Rogier, M.; Moritz, J.; IJspeert, H.; Stoepker, C.; Ostaijen-ten Dam, M.M. van; Heyer, V.; Luijsterburg, M.S.; Groot, A. de; Jak, R.; Grootaers, G.; Wang, J.; Rao, P.; Vertegaal, A.C.O.; Tol, M.J.D. van; Pan-Hammarstrom, Q.; Reina-San-Martin, B.; Shah, G.M.; Burg, M. van der; Maarel, S.M. van der & Attikum, H. van (2020), Loss of ZBTB24 impairs nonhomologous end-joining and class-switch recombination in patients with ICF syndrome, Journal of Experimental Medicine 217(11).
- Weegen, Y. van der; Golan-Berman, H.; Mevissen, T.E.T.; Apelt, K.; Gonzalez-Prieto, R.; Goedhart, J.; Heilbrun, E.E.; Vertegaal, A.C.O.; Heuvel, D. van den; Walter, J.C.; Adar, S. & Luijsterburg, M.S. (2020), The cooperative action of CSB, CSA, and UVSSA target TFIIH to DNA damage-stalled RNA polymerase II, Nature Communications 11(1).
- Liebelt, F.; Schimmel, J.; Verlaan-de Vries, M.; Klemann, E.; Royen, M.E. van; Weegen, Y. van der; Luijsterburg, M.S.; Mullenders, L.H.; Pines, A.; Vermeulen, W. & Vertegaal, A.C.O. (2020), Transcription-coupled nucleotide excision repair is coordinated by ubiquitin and SUMO in response to ultraviolet irradiation, Nucleic Acids Research 48(1): 231-248.
- Liebelt, F.; Sebastian, R.M.; Moore, C.L.; Mulder, M.P.C.; Ovaa, H.; Shoulders, M.D. & Vertegaal, A.C.O. (2019), SUMOylation and the HSF1-Regulated Chaperone Network Converge to Promote Proteostasis in Response to Heat Shock, Cell Reports 26(1): 236-+.
- Jia, Y.Q.; Claessens, L.A.; Vertegaal, A.C.O. & Ovaa, H. (2019), Chemical Tools and Biochemical Assays for SUMO Specific Proteases (SENPs), ACS Chemical Biology 14(11): 2389-2395.
- Sha, Z.; Blyszcz, T.; Gonzalez-Prieto, R.; Vertegaal, A.C.O. & Goldberg, A.L. (2019), Inhibiting ubiquitination causes an accumulation of SUMOylated newly synthesized nuclear proteins at PML bodies, Journal of Biological Chemistry 294(42): 15218-15234.
- Liebelt, F.; Jansen, N.S.; Kumar, S.; Gracheva, E.; Claessens, L.A.; Verlaan-de Vries, M.; Willemstein, E. & Vertegaal, A.C.O. (2019), The poly-SUMO2/3 protease SENP6 enables assembly of the constitutive centromere-associated network by group deSUMOylation, Nature Communications 10.
- Gjonaj, L.; Sapmaz, A.; Gonzalez-Prieto, R.; Vertegaal, A.C.O.; Flierman, D. & Ovaa, H. (2019), USP7: combining tools towards selectivity, Chemical Communications 55(35): 5075-5078.
- Caron, P.; Pankotai, T.; Wiegant, W.W.; Tollenaere, M.A.X.; Furst, A.; Bonhomme, C.; Helfricht, A.; Groot, A. de; Pastink, A.; Vertegaal, A.C.O.; Luijsterburg, M.S.; Soutoglou, E. & Attikum, H. van (2019), WWP2 ubiquitylates RNA polymerase II for DNA-PK-dependent transcription arrest and repair at DNA breaks, Genes and Development 33(11-12): 684-704.
- Cuijpers, S.A.G. & Vertegaal, A.C.O. (2018), Guiding Mitotic Progression by Crosstalk between Post-translational Modifications, Trends in Biochemical Sciences 43(4): 251-268.
- Ovaa, H. & Vertegaal, A.C.O. (2018), Probing ubiquitin and SUMO conjugation and deconjugation, Biochemical Society Transactions 46: 423-436.
- Eifler, K.; Cuijpers, S.A.G.; Willemstein, E.; Raaijmakers, J.A.; Atmioui, D. el; Ovaa, H.; Medema, R.H. & Vertegaal, A.C.O. (2018), SUMO targets the APC/C to regulate transition from metaphase to anaphase, Nature Communications 9.
- Mulder, M.P.C.; Merkx, R.; Witting, K.F.; Hameed, D.S.; Atmioui, D. el; Lelieveld, L.; Liebelt, F.; Neefjes, J.; Berlin, I.; Vertegaal, A.C.O. & Ovaa, H. (2018), Total Chemical Synthesis of SUMO and SUMO-Based Probes for Profiling the Activity of SUMO-Specific Proteases, Angewandte Chemie International Edition 57(29): 8958-8962.
- Hendriks, I.A.; Lyon, D.; Young, C.; Jensen, L.J.; Vertegaal, A.C.O. & Nielsen, M.L. (2017), Site-specific mapping of the human SUMO proteome reveals co-modification with phosphorylation, Nature Structural and Molecular Biology 24(3): 325-+.
- Cuijpers, S.A.G.; Willemstein, E. & Vertegaal, A.C.O. (2017), Converging Small Ubiquitin-like Modifier (SUMO) and Ubiquitin Signaling: Improved Methodology Identifies Co-modified Target Proteins, Molecular and Cellular Proteomics 16(12): 2281-2295.
- IJzendoorn, D.G.P. van; Forghany, Z.; Liebelt, F.; Vertegaal, A.C.; Jochemsen, A.G.; Bovee, J.V.M.G.; Szuhai, K. & Baker, D.A. (2017), Functional analyses of a human vascular tumor FOS variant identify a novel degradation mechanism and a link to tumorigenesis, Journal of Biological Chemistry 292(52): 21282-21290.
- Kumar, R.; Gonzalez-Prieto, R.; Xiao, Z.Y.; Verlaan-de Vries, M. & Vertegaal, A.C.O. (2017), The STUbL RNF4 regulates protein group SUMOylation by targeting the SUMO conjugation machinery, Nature Communications 8.
- Munk, S.; Sigurdosson, J.O.; Xiao, Z.Y.; Batth, T.S.; Franciosa, G.; Stechow, L. von; Lopez-Contreras, A.J.; Vertegaal, A.C.O. & Olsen, J.V. (2017), Proteomics Reveals Global Regulation of Protein SUMOylation by ATM and ATR Kinases during Replication Stress, Cell Reports 21(2): 546-558.
- Luijsterburg, M.S.; Krijger, I. de; Wiegant, W.W.; Shah, R.G.; Smeenk, G.; Groot, A.J.L. de; Pines, A.; Vertegaal, A.C.O.; Jacobs, J.J.L.; Shah, G.M. & Attikum, H. van (2016), PARP1 Links CHD2-Mediated Chromatin Expansion and H3.3 Deposition to DNA Repair by Non-homologous End-Joining, Molecular Cell 61(4): 547-562.
- Mulder, M.P.C.; Witting, K.; Berlin, I.; Pruneda, J.N.; Wu, K.P.; Chang, J.G.; Merkx, R.; Bialas, J.; Groettrup, M.; Vertegaal, A.C.O.; Schulman, B.A.; Komander, D.; Neefjes, J.; Oualid, F. el & Ovaa, H. (2016), A cascading activity-based probe sequentially targets E1-E2-E3 ubiquitin enzymes, Nature Chemical Biology 12(7): 523-+.
- Hendriks, I.A. & Vertegaal, A.C.O. (2016), A comprehensive compilation of SUMO proteomics, Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology 17(9): 581-595.
- Liebelt, F. & Vertegaal, A.C.O. (2016), Ubiquitin-dependent and independent roles of SUMO in proteostasis, American Journal of Physiology - Cell Physiology 311(2): C284-C296.
- Hendriks, I.A. & Vertegaal, A.C.O. (2016), A high-yield double-purification proteomics strategy for the identification of SUMO sites, Nature Protocols 11(9): 1630-1649.
- Gonzalez-Prieto, R.; Cuijpers, S.A.G.; Luijsterburg, M.S.; Attikum, H. van & Vertegaal, A.C.O. (2015), SUMOylation and PARylation cooperate to recruit and stabilize SLX4 at DNA damage sites, EMBO Reports 16(4): 512-519.
- Hendriks, I.A. & Vertegaal, A.C.O. (2015), SUMO in the DNA damage response, Oncotarget 6(18): 15734-15735.
- Hendriks, I.A.; Treffers, L.W.; Verlaan-de Vries, M.; Olsen, J.V. & Vertegaal, A.C.O. (2015), SUMO-2 Orchestrates Chromatin Modifiers in Response to DNA Damage, Cell Reports 10(10): 1778-1791.
- Eifler, K. & Vertegaal, A.C.O. (2015), Mapping the SUMOylated landscape, FEBS Journal 282(19): 3669-3680.
- Gonzalez-Prieto, R.; Cuijpers, S.A.G.; Kumar, R.; Hendriks, I.A. & Vertegaal, A.C.O. (2015), c-Myc is targeted to the proteasome for degradation in a SUMOylation-dependent manner, regulated by PIAS1, SENP7 and RNF4.
- Eifler, K. & Vertegaal, A.C.O. (2015), SUMOylation-Mediated Regulation of Cell Cycle Progression anc Cancer, Trends in Biochemical Sciences 40(12): 779-793.
- Xiao, Z.Y.; Chang, J.G.; Hendriks, I.A.; Sigurdsson, J.O.; Olsen, J.V. & Vertegaal, A.C.O. (2015), System-wide Analysis of SUMOylation Dynamics in Response to Replication Stress Reveals Novel Small Ubiquitin-like Modified Target Proteins and Acceptor Lysines Relevant for Genome Stability, Molecular and Cellular Proteomics 14(5): 1419-1434.
- Hendriks, I.A.; D'Souza, R.C.; Chang, J.G.; Mann, M. & Vertegaal, A.C.O. (2015), System-wide identification of wild-type SUMO-2 conjugation sites, Nature Communications 6.
- Hendriks, I.A.; Schimmel, J.; Eifler, K.; Olsen, J.V. & Vertegaal, A.C.O. (2015), Ubiquitin-specific Protease 11 (USP11) Deubiquitinates Hybrid Small Ubiquitin-like Modifier (SUMO)-Ubiquitin Chains to Counteract RING Finger Protein 4 (RNF4), Journal of Biological Chemistry 290(25): 15526-15537.
- Schimmel, J.; Eifler, K.; Sigurdsson, J.O.; Cuijpers, S.A.G.; Hendriks, I.A.; Verlaan-de Vries, M.; Kelstrup, C.D.; Francavilla, C.; Medema, R.H.; Olsen, J.V. & Vertegaal, A.C.O. (2014), Uncovering SUMOylation Dynamics during Cell-Cycle Progression Reveals FoxM1 as a Key Mitotic SUMO Target Protein, Molecular Cell 53(6): 1053-1066.
- Hendriks, I.A.; D'Souza, R.C.J.; Yang, B.; Verlaan-de Vries, M.; Mann, M. & Vertegaal, A.C.O. (2014), Uncovering global SUMOylation signaling networks in a site-specific manner.
- Helfricht, A.; Wiegant, W.W.; Thijssen, P.E.; Vertegaal, A.C.; Luijsterburg, M.S. & Attikum, H. van (2013), Remodeling and spacing factor 1 (RSF1) deposits centromere proteins at DNA double-strand breaks to promote non-homologous end-joining, Cell Cycle 12(18): 3070-3082.
- Vyas, R.; Kumar, R.; Clermont, F.; Helfricht, A.; Kalev, P.; Sotiropoulou, P.; Hendriks, I.A.; Radaelli, E.; Hochepied, T.; Blanpain, C.; Sablina, A.; Attikum, H. van; Olsen, J.V.; Jochemsen, A.G.; Vertegaal, A.C.O. & Marine, J.C. (2013), RNF4 is required for DNA double-strand break repair in vivo, Cell Death and Differentiation 20(3): 490-502.
- Zhang, L.; Huang, H.Z.; Zhou, F.F.; Schimmel, J.; Pardo, C.G.; Zhang, T.T.; Barakat, T.S.; Sheppard, K.A.; Mickanin, C.; Porter, J.A.; Vertegaal, A.C.O.; Dam, H. van; Gribnau, J.; Lu, C.X. & Dijke, P. ten (2012), RNF12 Controls Embryonic Stem Cell Fate and Morphogenesis in Zebrafish Embryos by Targeting Smad7 for Degradation, Molecular Cell 46(5): 650-661.
- Raap, A.K.; Tafrechi, R.S.J.; Rijke, F.M. van de; Pyle, A.; Wahlby, C.; Szuhai, K.; Ravelli, R.B.G.; Coo, R.F.M. de; Rajasimha, H.K.; Nilsson, M.; Chinnery, P.F.; Samuels, D.C. & Janssen, G.M.C. (2012), Non-Random mtDNA Segregation Patterns Indicate a Metastable Heteroplasmic Segregation Unit in m.3243A > G Cybrid Cells, PLoS ONE 7(12): -.
- Hendriks, I.A.; Schimmel, J.; Matic, I.; Mann, M. & Vertegaal, A.C.O. (2011), Proteomic approaches to dissect ubiquitin-like signaling pathways, International Journal of Molecular Medicine 28: S45-S45.
- Vertegaal, A.C.O. (2011), Uncovering Ubiquitin and Ubiquitin-like Signaling Networks., Chemical Reviews.
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- Matic, I.; Schimmel, J.; Hendriks, I.A.; Santen, M.A. van; Rijke, F. van de; Dam, H. van; Gnad, F.; Mann, M. & Vertegaal, A.C.O. (2010), Site-Specific Identification of SUMO-2 Targets in Cells Reveals an Inverted SUMOylation Motif and a Hydrophobic Cluster SUMOylation Motif, Molecular Cell 39(4): 641-652.
- Hagen, M. van; Overmeer, R.M.; Abolvardi, S.S. & Vertegaal, A.C.O. (2010), RNF4 and VHL regulate the proteasomal degradation of SUMO-conjugated Hypoxia-Inducible Factor-2 alpha, Nucleic Acids Research 38(6): 1922-1931.
- Vertegaal, A.C.O. (2010), SUMO chains: polymeric signals.
- Schimmel, J.; Balog, C.I.A.; Deelder, A.M.; Drijfhout, J.W.; Hensbergen, P.J. & Vertegaal, A.C.O. (2010), Positively charged amino acids flanking a sumoylation consensus tetramer on the 110 kDa tri-snRNP component SART1 enhance sumoylation efficiency, Journal of Proteomics 73(8): 1523-1534.
- Vertegaal, A.C.O. (2010), SUMO chains: polymeric signals, Biochemical Society Transactions 38: 46-49.
- Brouwer, A.K.; Schimmel, J.; Wiegant, J.C.A.G.; Vertegaal, A.C.O.; Tanke, H.J. & Dirks, R.W. (2009), Telomeric DNA mediates de novo PML body formation., Molecular Biology of the Cell 20(22): 4804-15.
- Brouwer AK, Schimmel J, Wiegant JCAG, Vertegaal ACO, Tanke HJ & Dirks RW (2009), Telomeric DNA Mediates De Novo PML Body Formation, Molecular Biology of the Cell 20(22): 4804-4815.
- Janssen GMC, Schwertman P, Wanga TAT, Tafrechi RSJ, van den Broek PJA & Raap AK (2009), Transient and constitutive repression of cytoplasmic translation signaling in cells with mtDNA mutation, Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences 66(4): 721-730.
- van Hagen M, Overmeer RM, Abolvardi SS & Vertegaal AC (2009), RNF4 and VHL regulate the proteasomal degradation of SUMO-conjugated Hypoxia-Inducible Factor-2{alpha}.
- Matic I, van Hagen M, Schimmel J, Macek B, Ogg SC, Tatham MH, Hay RT, Lamond AI, Mann M & Vertegaal ACO (2008), In vivo identification of human small ubiquitin-like modifier polymerization sites by high accuracy mass spectrometry and an in vitro to in vivo strategy, Molecular and Cellular Proteomics 7(1).
- Schimmel J, Larsen KM, Matic I, van Hagen M, Cox J, Mann M, Andersen JS & Vertegaal ACO (2008), The Ubiquitin-Proteasome System Is a Key Component of the SUMO-2/3 Cycle.
- Roukens MG, Alloul-Ramdhani M, Vertegaal ACO, Anvarian Z, Balog CIA, Deelder AM, Hensbergen PJ & Baker DA (2008), Identification of a new site of sumoylation on Tel (ETV6) uncovers a PIAS-dependent mode of regulating Tel function, Molecular and Cellular Biology 28(7).
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- Scheper, G.C.; Parra, J.L.; Wilson, M.; Kollenburg, B. van; Vertegaal, A.C.O.; Han, Z.G. & Proud, C.G. (2003), The N and C termini of the splice variants of the human mitogen-activated protein kinase-interacting kinase Mnk2 determine activity and localization, Molecular and Cellular Biology 23(16): 5692-5705.
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- Buijs, A.; Rompaey, L. van; Molijn, A.C.; Davis, J.N.; Vertegaal, A.C.O.; Potter, M.D.; Adams, C.; Baal, S. van; Zwarthoff, E.C.; Roussel, M.F. & Grosveld, G.C. (2000), The MN1-TEL fusion protein, encoded by the translocation (12;22)(p13;q11) in myeloid leukemia, is a transcription factor with transforming activity, Molecular and Cellular Biology 20(24): 9281-9293.
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- Schouten, G.J.; Vertegaal, A.C.O.; Whiteside, S.T.; Israel, A.; Toebes, M.; Dorsman, J.C.; vanderEb, A.J. & Zantema, A. (1997), I kappa B alpha is a target for the mitogen-activated 90 kDa ribosomal S6 kinase, EMBO Journal 16(11): 3133-3144.