Universiteit Leiden

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CPP Colloquium 'Design for Democracy: Deliberation and Experimentation'

Thursday 23 November 2023
CPP Colloquia 2023-2024
Pieterskerkhof 6
2311 SR Leiden

The Centre of Political Philosophy is pleased to announce a lecture by Filippo Santoni De Sio, Assistant Professor in Philosophy and Ethics of Technology at the Department Values, Technology and Innovation of Delft University of Technology (The Netherlands)

Dr. Filippo Santoni de Sio

In this talk I propose to complement the critique the negative impact of digital technology on democratic practices with an exploration of avenues for “designing for democracy”. The first part of the talk briefly presents two philosophical theories of democracy: deliberative democracy of e.g. Rawls and Habermas, and democracy as experimentation and inquiry in the pragmatism of e.g. Dewey and Addams. It illustrates how the two theories led to two different kinds of projects of “design for democracy”: the Brazilian open-government platform e-Democracia for citizen participation in deliberation and legislation, and Carl DiSalvo’s Careful Coding project for the data-driven maintenance of the built environment in a local community. The second part of the talk presents two design approaches which arguably reflect the two democratic theories: approaches where the design process is enriched and improved by stakeholder involvement and participation (Value-Sensitive Design and Scandinavian Participatory Design) and those where design is used to spark and expand social critique and to support the development of existing civic experiments (Critical and Social/Participatory Design). The talk concludes by proposing to support both approaches to design for democracy and to explore possibilities of creating a mixed approach.

About the Center for Political Philosophy (CPP) Colloquia Series

The CPP is a collaboration between the Institute for Philosophy and the Institute for Political Science at Leiden University. Attendance of the Colloquia is free and there is no need to register. See CPP for more information. For further questions please contact dr. Tim Meijers at t.meijers@hum.leidenuniv.nl

All are welcome!

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