Universiteit Leiden

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Synthetic Study on ADP-ribosylation

This Thesis focuses on the design and synthesis of ADP-ribosylated compounds that can be applied in biological studies.

Liu, Q.
27 november 2019
Thesis in Leiden Repositroy

This Thesis focuses on the design and synthesis of ADP-ribosylated compounds that can be applied in biological studies.The limitations of the contemporary methods of chemical ADP-ribosylation and a relative scarcity of the well-defined synthetic ADP-ribosylated derivative was an incentive to undertake synthetic studies to further advance the methodologies in the bioorganic chemistry of ADP-ribosylated molecules. This Thesis aims specifically at the developing of new and improved synthetic methodologies and to synthesize advanced mono- or oligo-ADP-ribosylated biomolecules. The target compounds that are described in this Thesis are not only represent a synthetic challenge but also have great value in biology for a better understanding of ADP-ribosylation.

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