E-learning Wet zorg en dwang
De nieuwe Wet zorg en dwang regelt de rechten bij onvrijwillige zorg of onvrijwillige opname van mensen met een verstandelijke beperking of psychogeriatrische aandoening zoals dementie. Als huisarts wilt u ongetwijfeld weten wat deze wet inhoudt. Het betreft immers complexe situaties bij kwetsbare mensen, waarbij zorgvuldig handelen nodig is. Wat is uw rol hierin? Onze nascholing geeft antwoord op deze en andere belangrijke vragen van huisartsen.
- Startdatum
- zelf te bepalen
- Looptijd
- 1 dag
- Cursusgeld
- €35,- (vrij van btw)
Leiden Legal Technologies Program
Het Joint Legal Technologies Program is een multidisciplinaire opleiding die een brug slaat tussen de juridische en technische wereld. Deze opleiding wordt aangeboden in samenwerking met de Open Universiteit.
- Startdatum
- Data via de Open Universiteit
- Looptijd
- 5 dagen per cursus
- Cursusgeld
- € 8.500,- voor 4 cursussen / € 2.500,- per cursus
Online Course Anatomy of the Abdomen and the Pelvis: a journey from basic to clinic
In this course, you will explore the organs involved in our food digestion and discover the common causes of abdominal and pelvic pain. The latest graphics and animations will give you new insights and understandings of this part of the body.
- Startdatum
- Start instantly & learn at your own schedule.
- Cursusgeld
- Free (Certificate €46,-)
Online Course Clinical Kidney, Pancreas and Islet Transplantation
Kidney transplantation is a major advance of modern medicine. This course will give you state of the art updates about what used to be an experimental, risky, and very limited treatment option more than 50 years ago and is now routinely performed in many countries worldwide.
- Startdatum
- Start instantly & learn at your own schedule.
- Looptijd
- 34 hours
Online Course Clinical Research Regulation in the Netherlands
Are you planning to conduct clinical research in the Netherlands? In this online course, you are introduced to legislation and procedures on clinical research in the Netherlands. It will help you prepare and submit your research file efficiently. The first three themes ‘The Dutch Review System’ , ‘The Mandatory Review of Medical Research’, and ‘Organizing and submitting a research file’ are now available.
- Startdatum
- Start instantly & learn at your own schedule.
- Cursusgeld
- Free
Online Course Cosmopolitain Medieval Arabic World
In this course, we will focus on the fascinating history of the Arabic Medieval World. We will take you on a journey through the Middle Ages. All along, we will present you with historiographical debates and dilemmas and travel back and forth in time explaining to you how events of the past affected and shaped the world as we know it today.
- Startdatum
- Start instantly & learn at your own schedule.
- Looptijd
- 24 hours
- Cursusgeld
- Free (Certificate €46,-)
Online Course De-Mystifying Mindfulness
Around the world, mindfulness has become big business. This course combines conventional scholarly inquiry from multiple disciplines with experiential learning to provide a responsible, comprehensive, and inclusive education about mindfulness as a contemporary phenomenon.
- Startdatum
- Start instantly & learn at your own schedule.
- Looptijd
- 43 hours
- Cursusgeld
- Free (Certificate €27,-)
Online Course EU Policy & Implementation: Making Europe Work!
In this top-rated course, you will learn how the European Union prepares and decides on policy, and how policy is transferred to member states and implemented by various authorities. It discusses the challenges of the European multi-level governance structure and the main causes of policy failure or success.
- Startdatum
- Start instantly and learn at your own schedule.
- Looptijd
- 55 hours
- Cursusgeld
- Free (Certificate €46,-)
Online Course Evolution Today
In this course, you will develop an understanding of evolutionary processes and their formative power. You will see how evolution has shaped biodiversity, and continuously influences our daily life.
- Startdatum
- Start instantly & learn at your own schedule.
- Looptijd
- 19 hours
- Cursusgeld
- Free (Certificate €46,-)
Online Course International Humanitarian Law
In this course, you will gain a deep insight into the rules that govern armed conflict, and aim to mitigate human suffering on the battlefield. You will explore the why and how of International Humanitarian Law, followed by the different types of conflict.
- Startdatum
- Start instantly & learn at your own schedule.
- Looptijd
- 18 hours
- Cursusgeld
- Free (Certificate €46,-)
Online Course International Law in Action: A Guide to the International Courts and Tribunals in The Hague
This course explains the functions of each international court and tribunal in The Hague. On the basis of cases and interviews with judges and lawyers, this course explores the role of these courts and tribunals and their potential to contribute to global justice.
- Startdatum
- Start instantly & learn at your own schedule.
- Looptijd
- 18 hours
- Cursusgeld
- Free (Certificate €46,-)
Online Course International Law in Action: Investigating and Prosecuting International Crime
This course provides an insider perspective into the work of international criminal courts and tribunals. You will learn about the investigation and prosecution of international crimes in The Hague.
- Startdatum
- Start instantly & learn at your own schedule.
- Looptijd
- 17 hours
- Cursusgeld
- Free (Certificate €46,-)
Online Course International Law in Action: The Arbitration of International Disputes
This course explores international arbitration as one of the most common methods of international dispute settlement. You will gain an in-depth understanding of international arbitration through the analysis of its role as a mechanism of dispute settlement, its institutions, the fields of law it is applicable to, and its most famous awards.
- Startdatum
- Start instantly and learn at your own schedule.
- Looptijd
- 11 hours
- Cursusgeld
- Free (Certificate €46,-)
Online Course Introduction to Comparative Indo-European Lingistics
Indo-European is the name of the language family to which English belongs, along with many sub-families such as Germanic languages and Romance languages. In this course, you will delve into the structure and origins of these branches, the oldest languages belonging to the language family, linguistic reconstruction, and oral traditions.
- Startdatum
- Start instantly & learn at your own schedule.
- Looptijd
- 17 hours
- Cursusgeld
- Free (Certificate €46,-)
Online Course Risk in Modern Society
Risk has become one of the defining features of modern society. This course examines various types of safety and security risks, and how these are perceived and dealt with in a wide array of professional and academic fields, ranging from criminology, counter-terrorism and cyber security, to philosophy, safety and medical science.
- Startdatum
- Start instantly & learn at your own schedule.
- Looptijd
- 10 hours
- Cursusgeld
- Free (Certificate €46,-)
Online Course Safety & Security Challenges in a Globalized World
Security and safety challenges rank among the most pressing issues of modern times. Challenges such as cyber-crime, terrorism, and environmental disasters impact the lives of millions across the globe. The course will introduce you to this broad theme in an increasingly complex world.
- Startdatum
- Start instantly & learn at your own schedule.
- Looptijd
- 11 hours
- Cursusgeld
- Free (Certificate €46,-)
Online Course Terrorism & Counterterrorism: Comparing Theory & Practice
This six-weeks online course delves into the research behind terrorism as it unpacks the assumptions and impacts of both terrorism and counterterrorism.
- Startdatum
- Start instantly & learn at your own schedule.
- Looptijd
- 6 weeks / 19 hours
- Cursusgeld
- Free (Certificate €46,-)
Online Course The Great Sustainability Transition
In this course, you will learn about sustainability and staying with the environmental boundaries of our planet. You will gain an understanding of the effects of growing affluence and population growth, the key challenges we are facing, and ways to influence your direct environment.
- Startdatum
- Start instantly & learn at your own schedule.
- Looptijd
- 26 hours
- Cursusgeld
- Free (Certificate €46,-)
Online Course The Miracles of Human Language: Introduction into Linguistics
There is no human society that does not employ a rich and diverse language. This course introduces you to linguistics, featuring interviews with well-known linguists and with speakers of many different languages. Join us to explore the miracles of human language!
- Startdatum
- Start instantly & learn at your own schedule.
- Looptijd
- 23 hours
- Cursusgeld
- Free (Certificate €46,-)
Online Course The Rooseveltian Century
This course uses the lives, ideals and achievements of Theodore, Franklin, and Eleanor Roosevelt to create the idea of a Rooseveltian century. It is an invitation to think critically and historically, and it wants to give you a glimpse of what it means to be a historian at work.
- Startdatum
- Start instantly & learn at your own schedule.
- Looptijd
- 16 hours
- Cursusgeld
- Free (Certificate €46,-)