Sarah Wolff
Hoogleraar International Studies and Global Politics
- Naam
- Prof.dr. S.C.A. Wolff
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 2698
- 0000-0002-6225-3500
Sarah Wolff is hoogleraar International Studies and Global Politics aan de Universiteit Leiden. Ze is gespecialiseerd in het migratie- en asielbeleid van de Europese Unie, inclusief migratiedeals met derde landen. Daarnaast is ze expert in de betrekkingen tussen de EU en het VK, met een focus op Brexit en de gevolgen daarvan. Haar expertise omvat ook de rol van religie in het EU-buitenlands beleid, en ze heeft diepgaande kennis van de EU-relaties met Tunesië, Marokko en Egypte, evenals democratisering en gendergelijkheid.
Meer informatie over Sarah Wolff
Sarah Wolff is hoogleraar International Studies and Global Politics aan de Universiteit Leiden.
Meer informatie is beschikbaar op de Engelstalige pagina.
Werkplek Leiden:
Johan Huizinga gebouw, Doelensteeg 16, Leiden. Kamer 1.33Telefoon: +31 (0)71 527 2698
Werkplek Den Haag:
Schouwburgstraat 2, Den Haag. Kamer B2.10
Telefoon: +31 (0)70 800 9005
Hoogleraar International Studies and Global Politics
- Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen
- Instituut voor Geschiedenis
- History and International Studies
- Wolff S.C.A. (2024), Migrations in the Mediterranean: IMISCOE regional reader. IMISCOE Research Series. London: Routledge.
- Wolff S.C.A. & Zardo F. (2024), The role of sub-national actors in coordinative Europeanisation: insights from the digitalisation of asylum services, Comparative European Politics : .
- Wolff S.C.A. (2024), The new pact on migration: embedded illiberalism?, Journal of Common Market Studies : .
- Trauner F. & Wolff S.C.A. (2024), The impact of the Russian war against Ukraine on the reform of the common European asylum system, European Politics and Society : .
- Piquet A. & Wolff S.C.A. (2023), Au-delà de la déseuropéanisation: Rrepenser la diversité des (non-)changements des politiques publiques post-Brexit au Royaume-Uni, Gouvernement et Action Publique 11(4): 9-30.
- Khakee Anna Wolff Sarah (2022), EU democracy projection in the Southern Mediterranean a practice analysis, Mediterranean Politics 27(4): 419-434.
- Wolff Sarah (2022), Gender equality in Tunisia: The EU's tripartite dialogue, Mediterranean Politics 27(4): 435-455.
- Wolff Sarah Gazsi David Huber Daniela Fisher-Onar Nora (2022), How to Reflexively Decentre EU Foreign Policy: Dissonance and Contrapuntal Reconstruction in Migration, Religious and Neighbourhood Governance, Journal of Common Market Studies 60(6): 1611-1628.
- Wolff Sarah Piquet Agathe (2022), Post-Brexit Europeanization: re-thinking the continuum of British policies, polity, and politics trajectories, Comparative European Politics 20(5): 513-526.
- Wolff Sarah Piquet Agathe Carrapico Helena (2022), UK's withdrawal from Justice and Home Affairs: a historical institutionalist analysis of policy trajectories, Comparative European Politics 20(5): 604-625.
- Kutz William Wolff Sarah (2022), Urban Geopolitics and the Decentring of Migration Diplomacy in EU-Moroccan Affairs, Geopolitics 27(3): 703-728.
- Wolff Sarah (2021), Conceptualizing Security Sector Governance (SSG) and Migration.
- Wolff Sarah (2021), Conclusions and Policy Recommendations.
- Wolff Sarah (2021), Introduction.
- Wolff Sarah (2021), Mapping the Field: The Role of SSG Actors and Institutions in Migration.
- Wolff Sarah (2021), Migration: Trends and Terminology.
- Wolff S.C.A. (2021), The Security Sector Governance–Migration Nexus: rethinking how Security Sector Governance matters for migrants’ rights. London: Ubiquity Press.
- Wolff Sarah (2021), The SSG/R–Migration Nexus and Migrants’ Journeys.
- Kutz William Wolff Sarah (2021), Le « piège localiste » de la gouvernance décentralisée des migrations au Maroc, Migrations Société N° 185: 155-170.
- Zardo Federica Wolff Sarah (2021), Decentering the Study of Migration Governance in the Mediterranean, Geopolitics 27: 687-702.
- Ladi Stella Wolff Sarah (2021), The EU Institutional Architecture in the Covid‐19 Response: Coordinative Europeanization in Times of Permanent Emergency, Journal of Common Market Studies 59: 32-43.
- Wolff S.C.A. (2021), Secular power Europe and Islam: identity and foreign policy. Ann Arbor: Michigan University Press.
- Wolff Sarah Ladi Stella (2020), European Union Responses to the Covid-19 Pandemic: adaptability in times of Permanent Emergency, Journal of European Integration 42(8): 1025-1040.
- Wolff Sarah Servent Ariadna Ripoll Piquet Agathe (2020), Framing immobility: Schengen governance in times of pandemics, Journal of European Integration 42(8): 1127-1144.
- Wolff S Ladi S (2020), European Union Responses to the Covid-19 Pandemic: adaptability in times of Permanent Emergency, Journal of European Integration 42(8): 1025--1040.
- Wolff S Servent AR Piquet A (2020), Framing immobility: Schengen governance in times of pandemics, Journal of European Integration 42(8): 1127--1144.
- Wolff Sarah (2018), EU religious engagement in the Southern Mediterranean: Much ado about nothing?, Mediterranean Politics 23(1): 161-181.
- Wolff S.C.A. (2017), 16. The External Dimension of the European Union’s Internal Security. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Wolff S (2017), EU religious engagement in the Southern Mediterranean: Much ado about nothing?, Mediterranean Politics 23(1): 161--181.
- Wolff S (2017), Reassessing the role of religion and secularism in US and European foreign policies, Global Affairs 3(2): 173--177.
- Wolff S (2015), Migration and Refugees in the Mediterranean: Rethinking Geopolitical Constraints, Western-centric Policies and Mobility’s Precariousness, Mediterranean Politics 20(3): 439--444.
- Wolff S (2015), Integrating in Justice and Home Affairs. Oxford University Press. [overig].
- Trauner F Wolff S (2014), The Negotiation and Contestation of EU Migration Policy Instruments: A Research Framework, European Journal of Migration and Law 16(1): 1--18.
- Wolff S (2014), The Politics of Negotiating EU Readmission Agreements: Insights from Morocco and Turkey, European Journal of Migration and Law 16(1): 69--95.
- Wolff S Schout A (2013), Frontex as Agency: More of the Same?, Perspectives on European Politics and Society 14(3): 305--324.
- Wolff S (2013), The Rule of Law in the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice: Monitoring at home what the European Union preaches abroad, Hague Journal on the Rule of Law 5(01): 119--131.
- Wolff S (2012), A Rational–Choice-Historical Institutionalist Approach. Palgrave Macmillan {UK}. [overig].
- Wolff S (2012), Border Management in the Mediterranean. Palgrave Macmillan {UK}. [overig].
- Wolff S (2012), Conclusions. Palgrave Macmillan {UK}. [overig].
- Wolff S (2012), Introduction. Palgrave Macmillan {UK}. [overig].
- Wolff S (2012), The Mediterranean Dimension of European Union Counter-Terrorism. Palgrave Macmillan {UK}. [overig].
- Wolff S (2012), The Mediterranean Dimension of the European Union’s Internal Security. London: Palgrave Macmillan {UK}.
- Wolff Sarah Mounier Grégory (2012), A Kaleidoscopic View on the External Dimension of Justice and Home Affairs, European Foreign Affairs Review 17: 143-162.
- Wolff S.C.A., Goudapel F. & Zwaan W.J. de (2011), Freedom, security and justice after Lisbon and Stockholm. The Hague: T.M.C. Asser Press.
- Wolff S (2009), Constraints on the promotion of the rule of law in Egypt: insights from the 2005 judges' revolt, Democratization 16(1): 100--118.
- Wolff S (2009), The Mediterranean Dimension of EU Counter‐terrorism, Journal of European Integration 31(1): 137--156.
- Wolff S (2009), The Mediterranean Dimension of EU’s Internal Security. Palgrave Macmillan {UK}. [overig].
- Wolff Sarah Wichmann Nicole Mounier Gregory (2009), The External Dimension of Justice and Home Affairs: A Different Security Agenda for the EU?, Journal of European Integration 31: 9-23.
- Saouli A Y{ı}ld{ı}z N Akdeniz E Wolff S (2008), Book Reviews, Mediterranean Politics 13(1): 121--127.
- Wolff S (2008), Border management in the Mediterranean: internal, external and ethical challenges, Cambridge Review of International Affairs 21(2): 253--271.
- Wolff S (2007), España y la gobernanza de la seguridad mediterránea: vecinos, espacios y actores, CIDOB d'Afers Internationals : .
- Wolff S (2007), La dimension méditerranéenne de la politique Justice et Affaires intérieures 1, Cultures {&} conflits (66): 77--99.
- Wolff S (2007), Spain and Mediterranean Security Governance: Neighbours, Spaces and Actors, CIDOB d'Afers Internationals : .
- Wolff S Mounier G (2005), France: The Come-Back of Political Parties, European Constitutional Law Review 1(03): 383.
- Visiting Professor