Natalya Tsoy
- Naam
- Dr. N. Tsoy
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 2727
- 0000-0002-8543-3256
Voor meer informatie, zie de Engelse versie
- Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen
- Centrum voor Milieuwetenschappen Leiden
- CML/Industriele Ecologie
- Tsoy N. (7 november 2024), Life cycle assessment of emerging chemical technology systems: challenges and future needs (Dissertatie. Institute of Environmental Sciences (CML), Faculty of Science, Leiden University). Promotor(en): Tukker A.,Guinée J.B. & Steubing B.R.P.
- Tsoy N., Steubing B.R.P. & Guinée J.B. (2023), Ex-ante life cycle assessment of polyols using carbon captured from industrial process gas, Green Chemistry 25(14): 5526-5538.
- Tsoy N., Steubing B.R.P., Giesen C.C. van der & Guinée J.B. (2020), Upscaling methods used in ex ante life cycle assessment of emerging technologies: a review, International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 25(9): 1680-1692.
- Tsoy N., Prado V., Wypkema A., Quist J. & Mourad M. (2019), Anticipatory Life Cycle Assessment of sol-gel derived anti-reflective coating for greenhouse glass, Journal of Cleaner Production 221: 365-376.