Johannes Frijns
Hoogleraar Otologie en fysica van het gehoor
- Naam
- J.H.M. Frijns
- Telefoon
- +31 71 526 2434
- 0000-0002-1180-3314
Johan H.M. Frijns is KNO-arts en hoogleraar Otologie en Fysica van het Gehoor, hoofd van het Centrum voor Audiologie en HoorImplantaten Leiden (CAHIL) en van het LUMC Expertisecentrum voor Zeldzame Oorziekten. Van 2005 tot 2023 was hij tevens opleider van de AIOS KNO in de Leidse OOR. Tevens is hij Medical Delta hoogleraar Elektrische Stimulatie van het Humane Zenuwstelsel met een deeltijd-aanstelling aan de faculteit EWI van de TU Delft. In 1995 ontving hij de KNO-jaarprijs voor wetenschappelijk onderzoek en in 1996 de C.J. Kok-prijs van de Universiteit Leiden. Sinds 2006 is hij Nederlands lid van het Collegium Otorhinolaryngologicum Amicitiae Sacrum (CORLAS).
Meer informatie over Johannes Frijns
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Johan H.M. Frijns is KNO-arts en hoogleraar Otologie en Fysica van het Gehoor, hoofd van het Centrum voor Audiologie en HoorImplantaten Leiden (CAHIL) en van het LUMC Expertisecentrum voor Zeldzame Oorziekten. Van 2005 tot 2023 was hij tevens opleider van de AIOS KNO in de Leidse OOR. Tevens is hij Medical Delta hoogleraar Elektrische Stimulatie van het Humane Zenuwstelsel met een deeltijd-aanstelling aan de faculteit EWI van de TU Delft. In 1995 ontving hij de KNO-jaarprijs voor wetenschappelijk onderzoek en in 1996 de C.J. Kok-prijs van de Universiteit Leiden. Sinds 2006 is hij Nederlands lid van het Collegium Otorhinolaryngologicum Amicitiae Sacrum (CORLAS).
Otologie en fysica van het oor
Binnen het zwaartepunt (neuro-)otologie/audiologie van de afdeling KNO richt mijn onderzoek zich voornamelijk op de otologie en fysica van het gehoor met speciale aandacht voor cochleaire implantaten. Dit zijn elektrische binnenoorprothesen, waarmee dove en ernstig slechthorende kinderen en volwassenen (weer of voor het eerst in hun leven) in contact gebracht kunnen worden met de horende en sprekende wereld. Het onderzoek is ingebed in het LUMC profileringthema Neuroscience, de Medical Delta en het landelijke consortium NeuroTech-NL. Mijn streven is om de resultaten van fundamenteel onderzoek (bijvoorbeeld computermodelvorming, gebruik van artificial intelligence, elektrofysiologie, psychofysica en beeldvorming) te vertalen in klinisch toepasbare methoden en technieken (bijvoorbeeld nieuwe spraakverwerkingsstrategieën of elektrode-ontwerpen), om deze vervolgens door middel van klinisch wetenschappelijk onderzoek te evalueren. Daarvoor is een multidisciplinaire klinische setting zoals de onze onontbeerlijk en komt mijn dubbele achtergrond als medisch specialist en fysicus goed van pas, net als bij de samenwerking met de TU Delft in het kader van de Medical Delta en de recent gezamenlijk door het LUMC, het Erasmus MC en de TU Delft gestarte opleidingen Klinische Technologie en Technical Medicine.
Wetenschappelijke carrière
In 1979 deed Johan H.M. Frijns (1961, Den Haag) eindexamen Gymnasium-B en begon hij met de studie Technische Natuurkunde aan de Technische Universiteit Delft, waar hij in 1983 cum laude het doctoraaldiploma behaalde met een afstudeerscriptie, getiteld Development of non-periodic stimuli for and investigation of the Binaural Edge Pitch in de vakgroep Akoestische Perceptie (prof. dr. ir. F.A. Bilsen). In 1988 slaagde hij eveneens cum laude voor het artsexamen aan de Universiteit Leiden. In september van dat jaar begon hij met zijn promotie-onderzoek naar cochleaire implantaten op de afdeling KNO van wat nu het LUMC wordt genoemd (afdelingshoofd: prof. dr. P.H. Schmidt). In de periode 1989-1994 was hij daar in opleiding tot KNO-arts en ook daarna is hij als staflid verbonden gebleven aan deze kliniek. Op 24 mei 1995 promoveerde hij cum laude op een proefschrift, getiteld Cochlear Implants – A Modelling Approach (promotor Prof.Dr. J.J. Grote, Leiden and co-promotor Dr. J.H. ten Kate, Delft). Hiervoor ontving hij de KNO-jaarprijs 1995 van de Nederlandse KNO-vereniging en de tweede prijs (1995-1996) van de Nederlandse Vereniging voor Biofysica.
Klinisch sub-specialiseerde hij zich in de (neuro-)otologie en in 1999 startte hij, voortbouwend op een groeiend translationeel onderzoeksprogramma op dit gebied, het Leidse cochlear implant programma, dat inmiddels ruim 1500 kinderen en volwassenen een cochleair implantaat (CI) of een auditief hersenstam implantaat (ABI) heeft gegeven, met resultaten die tot de beste ter wereld behoren.
Frijns is docent bij de opleidingen Geneeskunde en Technical Medicine, een aantal post-academische cursussen, is betrokken geweest bij de organisatie van diverse internationale congressen en is lid van de editorial board van diverse wetenschappelijke tijdschriften.
In 2005 werd hij bijzonder hoogleraar Otologie en Fysica van het Gehoor aan de Universiteit Leiden namens het Heinsius-Houbolt Fonds, omgezet in een gewoon hoogleraarschap in januari 2006. De titel van zijn oratie (17 februari 2006) was Leids KNOOPpunt. In november 2023 is hij tevens benoemd tot part-time hoogleraar Elektrische Stimulatie van het Humane Zenuwstelsel aan de TU Delft in het kader van de samenwerking in de Medical Delta.
Prijzen en eervolle benoemingen
Johan H.M. Frijns ontving de C.J. Kokprijs 1994 van de Universiteit Leiden en de KNO-jaarprijs 1995 van de Nederlandse KNO-vereniging. Sinds 2006 is hij Nederlands afgevaardigde bij het Collegium Otorhinolaryngologicum Amicitiae Sacrum.
Hoogleraar Otologie en fysica van het gehoor
- Faculteit Geneeskunde
- Divisie 3
- Keel-Neus-Oorheelkunde
- Groesen, N.R.A. van; Briaire, J.J.; Jong, M.A.M. de & Frijns, J.H.M. (2023), Dynamic current focusing compared to monopolar stimulation in a take-home trial of cochlear implant users, Ear and Hearing 44(2): 306-317.
- Nobel, J. de; Kononova, A.V.; Briaire, J.J.; Frijns, J.H.M. & Back, T.H.W. (2023), Optimizing stimulus energy for cochlear implants with a machine learning model of the auditory nerve, Hearing Research 432.
- Stronks, H.C.; Briaire, J.J. & Frijns, J.H.M. (2023), Residual hearing does not influence the effectiveness of beamforming when using a cochlear implant in conjunction with contralateral routing of signals, Audiology and Neurotology.
- Dong, Y.; Briaire, J.J.; Stronks, H.C. & Frijns, J.H.M. (2023), Speech perception performance in cochlear implant recipients correlates to the number and synchrony of excited auditory nerve fibers derived from electrically evoked compound action potentials, Ear and Hearing 44(2): 276-286.
- Groesen, N.R.A. van; Briaire, J.J. & Frijns, J.H.M. (2023), Evaluation of two spectro-temporal ripple tests and their relation to the Matrix speech-in-noise sentence test in cochlear implant recipients, Ear and Hearing 44(5): 1221-1228.
- Herrmann, D.P.; Kalkman, R.K.; Frijns, J.H.M. & Bahmer, A. (2023), Intra-cochlear differences in the spread of excitation between biphasic and triphasic pulse stimulation in cochlear implants, Hearing Research 432.
- Windmeijer, C.A.A.; Biesheuvel, J.D.; Boermans, P.P.B.M.; Briaire, J.J. & Frijns, J.H.M. (2023), Full-array channel discrimination in cochlear implants, International Journal of Audiology 62(10): 992-1001.
- Straaten, T.F.K. van der; Burger, A.V.M.; Briaire, J.J.; Boermans, P.P.B.M.; Vickers, D. & Frijns, J.H.M. (2023), Diagnostic value of preoperative measures in selecting post-lingually deafened candidates for cochlear implantation, International Journal of Audiology 62(10): 983-991.
- De Sousa da Silva Brenda (2022), Being deaf in mainstream schools : the effect of a hearing loss in children’s playground behaviors [Being Deaf in Mainstream Schools: The Effect of a Hearing Loss in Children’s Playground Behaviors] (vertaling De Sousa da Silva B.M., Rieffe C.J., Frijns J.H.M., Sousa H., Monteiro L. & Veiga G.), Children 9: 1091.
- Kleijbergen, W.J.; Sparreboom, M.; Mylanus, E.A.M.; Koning, G. de; Helleman, W.; Boermans, P.P.B.M.; Frijns, J.H.M.; Vroegop, J.L.; Schroeff, M.P. van der; Gelders, E.E.J.; George, E.L.J.; Lammers, M.J.W.; Stegeman, W.G.I.; Stegeman, I. & Smit, A.L. (2022), Benefit of sequential bilateral cochlear implantation in children between 5 to 18 years old , PLoS ONE 17(7).
- Stronks, H.C.; Briaire, J. & Frijns, J. (2022), Beamforming and single-microphone noise reduction, Trends in Hearing 26.
- Silva, B.M.S. da; Rieffe, C.; Frijns, J.H.M.; Sousa, H.; Monteiro, L. & Veiga, G. (2022), Being deaf in mainstream schools, Children 9(7).
- Straaten, T.F.K. van der; Burger, A.V.M.; Briaire, J.J.; Boermans, P.P.B.M.; Vickers, D. & Frijns, J.H.M. (2022), Diagnostic value of preoperative measures in selecting post-lingually deafened candidates for cochlear implantation , International Journal of Audiology.
- Windmeijer, C.A.A.; Biesheuvel, J.D.; Boermans, P.P.B.M.; Briaire, J.J. & Frijns, J.H.M. (2022), Full-array channel discrimination in cochlear implants, International Journal of Audiology.
- Eggink, M.C.; Frijns, J.H.M.; Sagers, J.E.; O'Malley, J.T.; Liberman, M.C. & Stankovic, K.M. (2022), Human vestibular schwannoma reduces density of auditory nerve fibers in the osseous spiral lamina, Hearing Research 418.
- Jagt, A.M.A. van der; Briaire, J.J.; Boehringer, S.; Verbist, B.M. & Frijns, J.H.M. (2022), Prolonged insertion time reduces translocation rate of a precurved electrode array in cochlear implantation, Otology and Neurotology 43(4): E427-E434.
- Biesheuvel, J.D.; Briaire, J.J.; Kalkman, R.K. & Frijns, J.H.M. (2022), The effect of stimulus level on excitation patterns of individual electrode contacts in cochlear implants, Hearing Research 420.
- Kalkman, R.K.; Briaire, J.J.; Dekker, D.M.T. & Frijns, J.H.M. (2022), The relation between polarity sensitivity and neural degeneration in a computational model of cochlear implant stimulation, Hearing Research 415.
- Dong, Y.; Briaire, J.J.; Stronks, H.C. & Frijns, J.H.M. (2022), Short- and long-latency components of the eCAP reveal different refractory properties, Hearing Research 420.
- Tsou, Y.T.; Li, B.Y.; Wiefferink, C.H.; Frijns, J.H.M. & Rieffe, C. (2021), The developmental trajectory of empathy and its association with early symptoms of psychopathology in children with and without hearing loss, Research on Child and Adolescent Psychopathology 49(9): 1151-1164.
- Stronks, H.C.; Apperloo, E.; Koning, R.; Briaire, J.J. & Frijns, J.H.M. (2021), SoftVoice improves speech recognition and reduces listening effort in cochlear implant users, Ear and Hearing 42(2): 381-392.
- Dong, Y.; Briaire, J.J.; Siebrecht, M.; Stronks, H.C. & Frijns, J.H.M. (2021), Detection of translocation of cochlear implant electrode arrays by intracochlear impedance measurements, Ear and Hearing 42(5): 1397-1404.
- Heutink, F.; Verbist, B.M.; Woude, W.J. van der; Meulman, T.J.; Briaire, J.J.; Frijns, J.H.M.; Vart, P.; Mylanus, E.A.M. & Huinck, W.J. (2021), Factors influencing speech perception in adults with a cochlear implant, Ear and Hearing 42(4): 949-960.
- Neve, O.M.; Boerman, J.A.; Hout, W.B. van den; Briaire, J.J.; Benthem, P.P.G. van & Frijns, J.H.M. (2021), Cost-benefit analysis of cochlear implants, Ear and Hearing 42(5): 1338-1350.
- Tsou, Y.T.; Li, B.Y.; Kret, M.E.; Frijns, J.H.M. & Rieffe, C. (2021), Hearing status affects children's emotion understanding in dynamic social situations, Ear and Hearing 42(4): 1024-1033.
- Bassaletti, C.F.; Esch, B.F. van; Briaire, J.J.; Benthem, P.P.G. van; Hensen, E.F. & Frijns, J.H.M. (2021), Saccades matter: reduced need for caloric testing of cochlear implant candidates by joint analysis of v-HIT gain and corrective saccades, Frontiers in Neurology 12.
- Straaten, T.F.K. van der; Briaire, J.J.; Vickers, D.; Boermans, P.P.B.M. & Frijns, J.H.M. (2021), Selection criteria for cochlear implantation in the United Kingdom and Flanders, Ear and Hearing 42(1): 68-75.
- Dong, Y.; Stronks, H.C.; Briaire, J.J. & Frijns, J.H.M. (2021), An iterative deconvolution model to extract the temporal firing properties of the auditory nerve fibers in human eCAPs, MethodsX 8.
- Stronks, H.C.; Briaire, J.J. & Frijns, J.H.M. (2021), Residual hearing affects contralateral routing of signals in cochlear implant users, Audiology and Neurotology 27(1).
- Tsou, Y.T.; Li, B.Y.; Eichengreen, A.; Frijns, J.H.M. & Rieffe, C. (2021), Emotions in deaf and hard-of-hearing and typically hearing children, Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education 26(4): 469-482.
- Straaten, T.F.K. van der; Briaire, J.J.; Dirks, E.; Soede, W.; Rieffe, C. & Frijns, J.H.M. (2021), The school career of children with hearing loss in different primary educational settings, Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education 26(3): 405-416.
- Early, S.; Valk, J.C. van der; Frijns, J.H.M. & Stankovic, K.M. (2021), Accelerated long-term hearing loss progression after recovery from idiopathic sudden sensorineural hearing loss, Frontiers in Neurology 12.
- Netten, A.P.; Rieffe, C.; Theunissen, S.C.P.M.; Soede, W.; Dirks, E.; Briaire, J.J. & Frijns, J.H.M. (2021), Low empathy in deaf and hard of hearing (pre)adolescents compared to normal hearing controls (vol 10, e0124102, 2015), PLoS ONE 16(3).
- Bassaletti, C.F.; Esch, B. van; Briaire, J.; Benthem, P.P. van; Hensen, E. & Frijns, J. (2021), Saccades matter: Reduced need for caloric testing of cochlear implant candidates by joint analysis of v-HIT gain and corrective saccades, Journal of the Neurological Sciences 429.
- Stronks, H.C.; Tops, A.L.; Hehrmann, P.; Briaire, J.J. & Frijns, J.H.M. (2021), Personalizing transient noise reduction algorithm settings for cochlear implant users, Ear and Hearing 42(6): 1602-1614.
- Broekhof E., Kouwenberg M., Oosterveld P., Frijns J.H.M. & Rieffe C. (2020), Use of the brief shame and guilt questionnaire in deaf and hard of hearing children and adolescents, Assessment 27(1): 194-205.
- Broekhof E., Kouwenberg M., Oosterveld P., Frijns J.H.M. & Rieffe C. (2020), Use of the Brief Shame and Guilt Questionnaire in deaf and hard of hearing children and adolescents, Assessment 27(1): 194-205.
- Straaten T.F.K. van der, Rieffe C., Soede W., Netten A.P., Dirks E., Oudesluys-Murphy A.M., Dekker F.W., Bohringer S. & Frijns J.H.M. (2020), Quality of life of children with hearing loss in special and mainstream education: a longitudinal study, International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology 128: 109701.
- Stronks, H.C.; Briaire, J.J. & Frijns, J.H.M. (2020), The temporal fine structure of background noise determines the benefit of bimodal hearing for recognizing speech, Journal of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology 21(6): 527-544.
- Broekhof, E.; Kouwenberg, M.; Oosterveld, P.; Frijns, J.H.M. & Rieffe, C. (2020), Use of the brief shame and guilt questionnaire in deaf and hard of hearing children and adolescents, Assessment 27(1): 194-205.
- Dong, Y.; Briaire, J.J.; Biesheuvel, J.D.; Stronks, H.C. & Frijns, J.H.M. (2020), Unravelling the temporal properties of human eCAPs through an iterative deconvolution model, Hearing Research 395.
- Gendt, M.J. van; Koka, K.; Kalkman, R.K.; Stronks, H.C.; Briaire, J.J.; Litvak, L. & Frijns, J.H.M. (2020), Simulating intracochlear electrocochleography with a combined model of acoustic hearing and electric current spread in the cochlea, The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 147(3): 2049-2060.
- Gendt, M.J. van; Siebrecht, M.; Briaire, J.J.; Bohte, S.M. & Frijns, J.H.M. (2020), Short and long-term adaptation in the auditory nerve stimulated with high-rate electrical pulse trains are better described by a power law, Hearing Research 398.
- Straaten, T.F.K. van der; Rieffe, C.; Soede, W.; Netten, A.P.; Dirks, E.; Oudesluys-Murphy, A.M.; Dekker, F.W.; Bohringer, S.; Frijns, J.H.M. & DECIBEL Collaborative Study Grp (2020), Quality of life of children with hearing loss in special and mainstream education, International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology 128.
- Early, S.; Kan, C.R.E.; Eggink, M.; Frijns, J.H.M. & Stankovic, K.M. (2020), Progression of contralateral hearing loss in patients with sporadic vestibular schwannoma, Frontiers in Neurology 11.
- Peek, N.F.A.W.; Nell, M.J.; Brand, R.; Jansen-Werkhoven, T.; Hoogdalem, E.J. van; Verrijk, R.; Vonk, M.J.; Wafelman, A.R.; Valentijn, A.R.P.M.; Frijns, J.H.M.; Hiemstra, P.S.; Driphout, J.W.; Nibbering, P.H. & Grote, J.J. (2020), Ototopical drops containing a novel antibacterial synthetic peptide, PLoS ONE 15(4).
- Schomann, T.; Iljas, J.D.; Que, I.; Li, Y.D.; Suidgeest, E.; Cruz, L.J.; Frijns, J.H.M.; Chan, A.; Lowik, C.M.W.G.; Huisman, M.A. & Mezzanotte, L. (2020), Multimodal imaging of hair follicle bulge-derived stem cells in a mouse model of traumatic brain injury, Cell and Tissue Research 381(1): 55-69.
- Schomann, T.; Mezzanotte, L.; Groot, J.C.M.J. de; Lowik, C.W.G.M.; Frijns, J.H.M. & Huisman, M.A. (2020), Imaging bioluminescent exogenous stem cells in the intact guinea pig cochlea, Anatomical Record: Advances in Integrative Anatomy and Evolutionary Biology 303(3): 427-440.
- Jong, M.A.M. de; Briaire, J.J.; Biesheuvel, J.D.; Snel-Bongers, J.; Bohringer, S.; Timp, G.R.F.M. & Frijns, J.H.M. (2020), Effectiveness of phantom stimulation in shifting the pitch percept in cochlear implant users, Ear and Hearing 41(5): 1258-1269.
- Dirks, E.; Stevens, A.; Kok, S.; Frijns, J. & Rieffe, C. (2020), Talk with me!, Journal of Child Language 47(1): 186-204.
- Straaten, T.F.K. van der; Rieffe, C.; Soede, W.; Netten, A.P.; Dirks, E.; Oudesluys-Murphy, A.M.; Dekker, F.W.; Böhringer, S.; Frijns, J.H.M. & DECIBEL Collaborative Study Grp (2020), Quality of life of children with hearing loss in special and mainstream education, International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology 128.
- Dirks, E.; Stevens, A.; Kok, S.; Frijns, J. & Rieffe, C. (2020), Talk with me! Parental linguistic input to toddlers with moderate hearing loss, Journal of Child Language 47(1): 186-204.
- Peek, N.F.A.W.; Nell, M.J.; Brand, R.; Jansen-Werkhoven, T.; Hoogdalem, E.J. van; Verrijk, R.; Vonk, M.J.; Wafelman, A.R.; Valentijn, A.R.P.M.; Frijns, J.H.M.; Hiemstra, P.S.; Driphout, J.W.; Nibbering, P.H. & Grote, J.J. (2020), Ototopical drops containing a novel antibacterial synthetic peptide, PLoS ONE 15(4).
- Velde D. van de, Schiller N.O., Levelt C.C., Heuven V.J.J.P. van, Beers M., Briaire J. & Frijns J.H.M. (2019), Prosody perception and production by children with cochlear implants, Journal of Child Language 46(1): 111-141.
- Jong, M.A.M. de; Briaire, J.J.; Woude, S.F.S. van der & Frijns, J.H.M. (2019), Dynamic current focusing for loudness encoding in cochlear implants: a take-home trial, International Journal of Audiology 58(9): 553-564.
- Schomann, T.; Mezzanotte, L.; Groot, J.C.M.J. de; L?wik, C.W.G.M.; Frijns, J.H.M. & Huisman, M.A. (2019), Imaging bioluminescent exogenous stem cells in the intact guinea pig cochlea, Anatomical Record: Advances in Integrative Anatomy and Evolutionary Biology.
- Stronks, H.C.; Biesheuvel, J.D.; Vos, J.J. de; Boot, M.S.; Briaire, J.J. & Frijns, J.H.M. (2019), Test/Retest Variability of the eCAP Threshold in Advanced Bionics Cochlear Implant Users, Ear and Hearing 40(6): 1457-1466.
- Straaten, T.F.K. van der; Netten, A.P.; Boermans, P.P.B.M.; Briaire, J.J.; Scholing, E.; Koot, R.W.; Malessy, M.J.A.; Mey, A.G.L. van der; Verbist, B.M. & Frijns, J.H.M. (2019), Pediatric Auditory Brainstem Implant Users Compared With Cochlear Implant Users With Additional Disabilities, Otology and Neurotology 40(7): 936-945.
- Kraaijenga, V.J.C.; Ramakers, G.G.J.; Smulders, Y.E.; Free, R.H.; Zon, A. van; Frijns, J.H.M.; Huinck, W.J.; Stokroos, R.J. & Grolman, W. (2019), No Difference in Behavioral and Self-Reported Outcomes for Simultaneous and Sequential Bilateral Cochlear Implantation: Evidence From a Multicenter Randomized Controlled Trial, Frontiers in Neuroscience 13.
- Gendt, M.J. van; Briaire, J.J. & Frijns, J.H.M. (2019), Effect of neural adaptation and degeneration on pulse-train ECAPs: A model study, Hearing Research 377: 167-178.
- Biesheuvel, J.D.; Briaire, J.J.; Jong, M.A.M. de; Boehringer, S. & Frijns, J.H.M. (2019), Channel discrimination along all contacts of the cochlear implant electrode array and its relation to speech perception, International Journal of Audiology 58(5): 262-268.
- Jong, M.A.M. de; Briaire, J.J. & Frijns, J.H.M. (2019), Dynamic Current Focusing: A Novel Approach to Loudness Coding in Cochlear Implants, Ear and Hearing 40(1): 34-44.
- Velde, D.J. van de; Schiller, N.O.; Levelt, C.C.; Heuven, V.J. van; Beers, M.; Briaire, J.J. & Frijns, J.H.M. (2019), Prosody perception and production by children with cochlear implants, Journal of Child Language 46(1): 111-141.
- Schomann, T.; Ramekers, D.; Groot, J.C.M.J. de; Ploeg, C.H. van der; Hendriksen, F.G.J.; Bohringer, S.; Klis, S.F.L.; Frijns, J.H.M. & Huisman, M.A. (2018), Ouabain Does Not Induce Selective Spiral Ganglion Cell Degeneration in Guinea Pigs, BioMed Research International.
- Jong, M.A.M. de; Briaire, J.J. & Frijns, J.H.M. (2018), Learning Effects in Psychophysical Tests of Spectral and Temporal Resolution, Ear and Hearing 39(3): 475-481.
- Vesseur, A.; Free, R.; Snels, C.; Dekker, F.; Mylanus, E.; Verbist, B. & Frijns, J. (2018), Hearing Restoration in Cochlear Nerve Deficiency: the Choice Between Cochlear Implant or Auditory Brainstem Implant, a Meta-analysis, Otology and Neurotology 39(4): 428-437.
- Rieffe, C.; Broekhof, E.; Eichengreen, A.; Kouwenberg, M.; Veiga, G.; Silva, B.M.S. da; Laan, A. van der & Frijns, J.H.M. (2018), Friendship and Emotion Control in Pre-Adolescents With or Without Hearing Loss, Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education 23(3): 209-218.
- Snel-Bongers, J.; Netten, A.P.; Boermans, P.P.B.M.; Rotteveel, L.J.C.; Briaire, J.J. & Frijns, J.H.M. (2018), Evidence-Based Inclusion Criteria for Cochlear Implantation in Patients With Postlingual Deafness, Ear and Hearing 39(5): 1008-1014.
- Velde, D.J. van de; Frijns, J.H.M.; Beers, M.; Heuven, V.J. van; Levelt, C.C.; Briaire, J. & Schiller, N.O. (2018), Basic Measures of Prosody in Spontaneous Speech of Children With Early and Late Cochlear Implantation, Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research 61(12): 3075-3094.
- Jong, M.A.M. de; Briaire, J.J. & Frijns, J.H.M. (2018), Dynamic Current Focusing: A Novel Approach to Loudness Coding in Cochlear Implants, Ear and Hearing.
- Netten, A.P.; Rieffe, C.; Ketelaar, L.; Soede, W.; Gadow, K.D. & Frijns, J.H.M. (2018), Terrible Twos or Early Signs of Psychopathology? Developmental Patterns in Early Identified Preschoolers With Cochlear Implants Compared With Hearing Controls, Ear and Hearing 39(3): 495-502.
- Biesheuvel, J.D.; Briaire, J.J. & Frijns, J.H.M. (2018), The Precision of eCAP Thresholds Derived From Amplitude Growth Functions, Ear and Hearing 39(4): 701-711.
- Vos, J.J. de; Biesheuvel, J.D.; Briaire, J.J.; Boot, P.S.; Gendt, M.J. van; Dekkers, O.M.; Fiocco, M. & Frijns, J.H.M. (2018), Use of Electrically Evoked Compound Action Potentials for Cochlear Implant Fitting: A Systematic Review, Ear and Hearing 39(3): 401-411.
- Velde D.J. van de, Schiller N.O., Heuven V.J.J.P. van, Levelt C.C., Ginkel J.R. van, Beers M., Briaire J.J. & Frijns J.H.M. (2017), The perception of emotion and focus prosody with varying acoustic cues in cochlear implant simulations with varying filter slopes, The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 141(5): 3349-3363.
- Ketelaar L., Wiefferink C.H., Frijns J.H.M. & Rieffe C.J. (2017), Children with cochlear implants and their parents: relations between parenting style and children's social-emotional functioning, Ear and Hearing 38(3): 321-331.
- Dirks E., Ketelaar L., Van der Zee R., Netten A.P., Frijns J.H.M. & Rieffe C. (2017), Concern for others: A study on empathy in toddlers with moderate hearing loss, Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education 22(2): 178-186.
- Gendt, M.J. van; Briaire, J.J.; Kalkman, R.K. & Frijns, J.H.M. (2017), Modeled auditory nerve responses to amplitude modulated cochlear implant stimulation, Hearing Research.
- Jagt, A.M.A. van der; Kalkman, R.K.; Briaire, J.J.; Verbist, B.M. & Frijns, J.H.M. (2017), Variations in cochlear duct shape revealed on clinical CT images with an automatic tracing method, Scientific Reports 7(1).
- Jagt, A.M.A. van der; Kalkman, R.K.; Briaire, J.J.; Verbist, B.M. & Frijns, J.H.M. (2017), Variations in cochlear duct shape revealed on clinical CT images with an automatic tracing method, Scientific Reports 7.
- Ketelaar, L.; Wiefferink, C.H.; Frijns, J.H.M. & Rieffe, C. (2017), Children With Cochlear Implants and Their Parents: Relations Between Parenting Style and Children's Social-Emotional Functioning, Ear and Hearing 38(3): 321-331.
- Velde, D.J. van de; Schiller, N.O.; Heuven, V.J. van; Levelt, C.C.; Ginkel, J. van; Beers, M.; Briaire, J.J. & Frijns, J.H.M. (2017), The perception of emotion and focus prosody with varying acoustic cues in cochlear implant simulations with varying filter slopes, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 141(5): 3349-3363.
- Jong, M.A.M. de; Briaire, J.J. & Frijns, J.H.M. (2017), Learning Effects in Psychophysical Tests of Spectral and Temporal Resolution., Ear and Hearing.
- Jong, M.A.M. de; Briaire, J.J. & Frijns, J.H.M. (2017), Take-Home Trial Comparing Fast Fourier Transformation-Based and Filter Bank-Based Cochlear Implant Speech Coding Strategies., BioMed Research International 2017(7915042).
- Gendt, M.J. van; Briaire, J.J.; Kalkman, R.K. & Frijns, J.H.M. (2017), Modeled auditory nerve responses to amplitude modulated cochlear implant stimulation, Hearing Research 351: 19-33.
- Vellinga, D.; Briaire, J.J.; Meenen, D.M.P. van & Frijns, J.H.M. (2017), Comparison of Multipole Stimulus Configurations With Respect to Loudness and Spread of Excitation, Ear and Hearing 38(4): 487-496.
- Ramakers, G.G.J.; Kraaijenga, V.J.C.; Smulders, Y.E.; Zon, A. van; Stegeman, I.; Stokroos, R.J.; Free, R.H.; Frijns, J.H.M.; Huinck, W.J.; Zanten, G.A. van & Grolman, W. (2017), Tinnitus after Simultaneous and Sequential Bilateral Cochlear Implantation, Frontiers in Surgery 4.
- Netten, A.P.; Rieffe, C.; Soede, W.; Dirks, E.; Korver, A.M.H.; Konings, S.; Briaire, J.J.; Oudesluys-Murphy, A.M.; Dekker, F.W.; Frijns, J.H.M. & DECIBEL Collaborative Study Grp (2017), Can You Hear What I Think? Theory of Mind in Young Children With Moderate Hearing Loss, Ear and Hearing 38(5): 588-597.
- Zon, A. van; Smulders, Y.E.; Stegeman, I.; Ramakers, G.G.J.; Kraaijenga, V.J.C.; Koenraads, S.P.C.; Zanten, G.A. van; Rinia, A.B.; Stokroos, R.J.; Free, R.H.; Frijns, J.H.M.; Huinck, W.J.; Mylanus, E.A.M.; Tange, R.A.; Smit, A.L.; Thomeer, H.G.X.M.; Topsakal, V. & Grolman, W. (2017), Stable benefits of bilateral over unilateral cochlear implantation after two years: A randomized controlled trial, Laryngoscope 127(5): 1161-1168.
- Netten, A.P.; Dekker, F.W.; Rieffe, C.; Soede, W.; Briaire, J.J. & Frijns, J.H.M. (2017), Missing Data in the Field of Otorhinolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery: Need for Improvement, Ear and Hearing 38(1): 1-6.
- Loon, Y. van; Stiggelbout, A.M.; Hakkesteegt, M.M.; Langeveld, T.P.M.; Jong, R.J.B. de & Sjogren, E.V. (2017), Utility approach to decision-making in extended T1 and limited T2 glottic carcinoma, Head and Neck 39(4): 779-785.
- Dirks, E.; Ketelaar, L.; Zee, R. van der; Netten, A.P.; Frijns, J.H.M. & Rieffe, C. (2017), Concern for Others: A Study on Empathy in Toddlers with Moderate Hearing Loss, Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education 22(2): 178-186.
- Vellinga, D.; Bruijn, S.; Briaire, J.J.; Kalkman, R.K. & Frijns, J.H.M. (2017), Reducing interaction in simultaneous paired stimulation with CI, PLoS ONE 12(2).
- Kraaijenga, V.J.C.; Ramakers, G.G.J.; Smulders, Y.E.; Zon, A. van; Stegeman, I.; Smit, A.L.; Stokroos, R.J.; Hendrice, N.; Free, R.H.; Maat, B.; Frijns, J.H.M.; Briaire, J.J.; Mylanus, E.A.M.; Huinck, W.J.; Zanten, G.A. van & Grolman, W. (2017), Objective and Subjective Measures of Simultaneous vs Sequential Bilateral Cochlear Implants in Adults A Randomized Clinical Trial, JAMA Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery 143(9): 881-890.
- Schomann, T.; Mezzanotte, L.; Groot, J.C.M.J. de; Rivolta, M.N.; Hendriks, S.H.; Frijns, J.H.M. & Huisman, M.A. (2017), Neuronal differentiation of hair-follicle-bulge-derived stem cells co-cultured with mouse cochlear modiolus explants, PLoS ONE 12(10).
- Schomann, T.; Mezzanotte, L.; Lourens, I.A.L.M.; Groot, J.C.M.J. de; Frijns, J.H.M. & Huisman, M.A. (2016), Lentiviral transduction and subsequent loading with nanoparticles do not affect cell viability and proliferation in hair-follicle-bulge-derived stem cells in vitro, Contrast Media and Molecular Imaging 11(6): 550-560.
- Kraaijenga, V.J.C.; Zon, A. van; Smulders, Y.E.; Ramakers, G.G.J.; Zanten, G.A. van; Stokroos, R.J.; Huinck, W.J.; Frijns, J.H.M.; Free, R.H. & Grolman, W. (2016), Development of a Squelch Effect in Adult Patients After Simultaneous Bilateral Cochlear Implantation, Otology and Neurotology 37(9): 1300-1306.
- Smulders, Y.E.; Zon, A. van; Stegeman, I.; Zanten, G.A. van; Rinia, A.B.; Stokroos, R.J.; Free, R.H.; Maat, B.; Frijns, J.H.M.; Mylanus, E.A.M.; Huinck, W.J.; Topsakal, V. & Grolman, W. (2016), Cost-Utility of Bilateral Versus Unilateral Cochlear Implantation in Adults: A Randomized Controlled Trial, Otology and Neurotology 37(1): 38-45.
- Jagt, M.A. van der; Briaire, J.J.; Verbist, B.M. & Frijns, J.H.M. (2016), Comparison of the HiFocus Mid-Scala and HiFocus 1J Electrode Array: Angular Insertion Depths and Speech Perception Outcomes, Audiology and Neurotology 21(5): 316-325.
- Marel, K.S. van der; Briaire, J.J.; Wolterbeek, R.; Verbist, B.M. & Frijns, J.H.M. (2016), Development of Insertion Models Predicting Cochlear Implant Electrode Position, Ear and Hearing 37(4): 473-482.
- Zon, A. van; Smulders, Y.E.; Ramakers, G.G.J.; Stegeman, I.; Smit, A.L.; Zanten, G.A. van; Stokroos, R.J.; Hendrice, N.; Free, R.H.; Maat, B.; Frijns, J.H.M.; Mylanus, E.A.M.; Huinck, W.J.; Topsakal, V.; Tange, R.A. & Grolman, W. (2016), Effect of unilateral and simultaneous bilateral cochlear implantation on tinnitus: A Prospective Study, Laryngoscope 126(4): 956-961.
- Beek, F.B. van der; Briaire, J.J.; Marel, K.S. van der; Verbist, B.M. & Frijns, J.H.M. (2016), Intracochlear Position of Cochlear Implants Determined Using CT Scanning versus Fitting Levels: Higher Threshold Levels at Basal Turn, Audiology and Neurotology 21(1): 54-67.
- Gendt, M.J. van; Briaire, J.J.; Kalkman, R.K. & Frijns, J.H.M. (2016), A fast, stochastic, and adaptive model of auditory nerve responses to cochlear implant stimulation, Hearing Research 341: 130-143.
- Taal, C.H.; Barneveld, D.C.P.B.M. van; Soede, W.; Briaire, J.J. & Frijns, J.H.M. (2016), Benefit of contralateral routing of signals for unilateral cochlear implant users, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 140(1): 393-401.
- Biesheuvel, J.D.; Briaire, J.J. & Frijns, J.H.M. (2016), A Novel Algorithm to Derive Spread of Excitation Based on Deconvolution, Ear and Hearing 37(5): 572-581.
- Jacobs, E.; Langereis, M.C.; Frijns, J.H.M.; Free, R.H.; Goedegebure, A.; Smits, C.; Stokroos, R.J.; Ariens-Meijer, S.A.M.; Mylanus, E.A.M. & Vermeulen, A.M. (2016), Benefits of simultaneous bilateral cochlear implantation on verbal reasoning skills in prelingually deaf children, Research in Developmental Disabilities 58: 104-113.
- Gho, C.G.; Schomann, T.; Groot, S.C. de; Frijns, J.H.M.; Rivolta, M.N.; Neumann, M.H.A. & Huisman, M.A. (2016), Isolation, expansion and neural differentiation of stem cells from human plucked hair: a further step towards autologous nerve recovery, Cytotechnology 68(5): 1849-1858.
- Dijkhuizen, J.N. van; Boermans, P.P.B.M.; Briaire, J.J. & Frijns, J.H.M. (2016), Intelligibility of the Patient's Speech Predicts the Likelihood of Cochlear Implant Success in Prelingually Deaf Adults, Ear and Hearing 37(5): E302-E310.
- Hoekstra, A.S.; Addie, R.D.; Ras, C.; Seifar, R.M.; Ruivenkamp, C.A.; Briaire-de Bruijn, I.H.; Hes, F.J.; Jansen, J.C.; Corssmit, E.P.M.; Corver, W.E.; Morreau, H.; Bovee, J.V.M.G.; Bayley, J.P. & Devilee, P. (2016), Parent-of-origin tumourigenesis is mediated by an essential imprinted modifier in SDHD-linked paragangliomas: SLC22A18 and CDKN1C are candidate tumour modifiers, Human Molecular Genetics 25(17): 3715-3728.
- Kalkman, R.K.; Briaire, J.J. & Frijns, J.H.M. (2016), Stimulation strategies and electrode design in computational models of the electrically stimulated cochlea: An overview of existing literature, Network: Computation in Neural Systems 27(2-3): 107-134.
- Smulders, Y.E.; Zon, A. van; Stegeman, I.; Rinia, A.B.; Zanten, G.A. van; Stokroos, R.J.; Hendrice, N.; Free, R.H.; Maat, B.; Frijns, J.H.M.; Briaire, J.J.; Mylanus, E.A.M.; Huinck, W.J.; Smit, A.L.; Topsakal, V.; Tange, R.A. & Grolman, W. (2016), Comparison of Bilateral and Unilateral Cochlear Implantation in Adults A Randomized Clinical Trial, JAMA Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery 142(3): 249-256.
- Velde D.J. van de, Dritsakis G., Frijns J.H.M., Heuven V.JJ.P. van & Schiller N.O. (2015), The effect of spectral smearing on the identification of pure F 0 intonation contours in vocoder simulations of cochlear implants, Cochlear Implants International 16(2): 77-87.
- Arkink, E.B.; Frijns, J.H.M. & Verbist, B.M. (2015), Temporal bone imaging, SA Journal of Radiology 19(1).
- Locher, H.; Groot, J.C.M.J. de; Iperen, L. van; Huisman, M.A.; Frijns, J.H.M. & Lopes, S.M.C.D. (2015), Development of the stria vascularis and potassium regulation in the human fetal cochlea: Insights into hereditary sensorineural hearing loss, Developmental Neurobiology 75(11): 1219-1240.
- Theunissen, S.C.P.M.; Rieffe, C.; Soede, W.; Briaire, J.J.; Ketelaar, L.; Kouwenberg, M. & Frijns, J.H.M. (2015), Symptoms of Psychopathology in Hearing-Impaired Children, Ear and Hearing 36(4): e190-e198.
- Ketelaar, L.; Wiefferink, C.H.; Frijns, J.H.M.; Broekhof, E. & Rieffe, C. (2015), Preliminary findings on associations between moral emotions and social behavior in young children with normal hearing and with cochlear implants, European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 24(11): 1369-1380.
- Netten, A.P.; Rieffe, C.; Theunissen, S.C.P.M.; Soede, W.; Dirks, E.; Briaire, J.J. & Frijns, J.H.M. (2015), Low Empathy in Deaf and Hard of Hearing (Pre)Adolescents Compared to Normal Hearing Controls.
- DePietro, J.D.; Jang, M.Y.; Sjogren, E.V.; Dikkers, F.G.; Cohen, S.M. & Noordzij, J.P. (2015), Management of Chronic Laryngopharyngeal Neuropathy in the United States and Europe, Annals of Otology Rhinology and Laryngology 124(4): 305-311.
- Locher, H.; Saadah, N.; Groot, S. de; Groot, J.C.M.J. de; Frijns, J.H.M. & Huisman, M.A. (2015), Hair follicle bulge cultures yield class III beta-tubulin-positive melanoglial cells, Histochemistry and Cell Biology 144(1): 87-91.
- Jagt, A.M.A. van der; Brink, W.M.; Webb, A.; Frijns, J.H.M. & Verbist, B.M. (2015), IN VIVO INNER EAR IMAGING AT 7 T, Otology and Neurotology 36(8): 1458-1459.
- Jagt, M.A. van der; Brink, W.M.; Versluis, M.J.; Steens, S.C.A.; Briaire, J.J.; Webb, A.G.; Frijns, J.H.M. & Verbist, B.M. (2015), Visualization of Human Inner Ear Anatomy with High-Resolution MR Imaging at 7T: Initial Clinical Assessment, American Journal of Neuroradiology 36(2): 378-383.
- Janmaat, C.J.; Rooij, K.E. de; Locher, H.; Groot, S.C. de; Groot, J.C.M.J. de; Frijns, J.H.M. & Huisman, M.A. (2015), Human Dermal Fibroblasts Demonstrate Positive Immunostaining for Neuron- and Glia-Specific Proteins.
- Vries, M. de; Mey, A.G.L. van der & Hogendoorn, P.C.W. (2015), Tumor Biology of Vestibular Schwannoma: A Review of Experimental Data on the Determinants of Tumor Genesis and Growth Characteristics, Otology and Neurotology 36(7): 1128-1136.
- Niemeijer, N.D.; Papathomas, T.G.; Korpershoek, E.; Krijger, R.R. de; Oudijk, L.; Morreau, H.; Bayley, J.P.; Hes, F.J.; Jansen, J.C.; Dinjens, W.N.M. & Corssmit, E.P.M. (2015), Succinate Dehydrogenase (SDH)-Deficient Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumor Expands the SDH-Related Tumor Spectrum, Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 100(10): E1386-E1393.
- Hulsteijn, L.T. van; Heesterman, B.; Jansen, J.C.; Bayley, J.P.; Hes, F.J.; Corssmit, E.P.M. & Dekkers, O.M. (2015), No evidence for increased mortality in SDHD variant carriers compared with the general population, European Journal of Human Genetics 23(12): 1713-1716.
- Kalkman, R.K.; Briaire, J.J. & Frijns, J.H.M. (2015), Current focussing in cochlear implants: An analysis of neural recruitment in a computational model, Hearing Research 322: 89-98.
- Marel, K.S. van der; Briaire, J.J.; Verbist, B.M.; Muurling, T.J. & Frijns, J.H.M. (2015), The Influence of Cochlear Implant Electrode Position on Performance, Audiology and Neurotology 20(3): 202-211.
- Beek, F.B. van der; Briaire, J.J. & Frijns, J.H.M. (2015), Population-Based Prediction of Fitting Levels for Individual Cochlear Implant Recipients.
- Leeuwen, B.M. van; Herruer, J.M.; Putter, H.; Mey, A.G.L. van der & Kaptein, A.A. (2015), The Art of Perception: Patients Drawing Their Vestibular Schwannoma, Laryngoscope 125(12): 2660-2667.
- Netten, A.P.; Rieffe, C.; Theunissen, S.C.P.M.; Soede, W.; Dirks, E.; Korver, A.M.H.; Konings, S.; Oudesluys-Murphy, A.M.; Dekker, F.W.; Frijns, J.H.M. & DECIBEL Collaborative Study Grp (2015), Early identification: Language skills and social functioning in deaf and hard of hearing preschool children, International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology 79(12): 2221-2226.
- Theunissen S.C.P.M., Rieffe C., Kouwenberg M., De Raeve L.J., Soede W., Briaire J.J. & Frijns J.H.M. (2014), Behavioral problems in school-aged hearing-impaired children: The influence of sociodemographic, linguistic, and medical factors, European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 23(4): 187-196.
- Marel, K.S. van der; Briaire, J.J.; Wolterbeek, R.; Snel-Bongers, J.; Verbist, B.M. & Frijns, J.H.M. (2014), Diversity in Cochlear Morphology and Its Influence on Cochlear Implant Electrode Position, Ear and Hearing 35(1): E9-E20.
- Hulsteijn, L.T. van; Niemeijer, N.D.; Hes, F.J.; Bayley, J.P.; Tops, C.M.; Jansen, J.C. & Corssmit, E.P.M. (2014), Phenotype of SDHB mutation carriers in the Netherlands, Familial Cancer 13(4): 651-657.
- Bayley, J.P.; Oldenburg, R.A.; Nuk, J.; Hoekstra, A.S.; Meer, C.A. van der; Korpershoek, E.; McGillivray, B.; Corssmit, E.P.M.; Dinjens, W.N.M.; Krijger, R.R. de; Devilee, P.; Jansen, J.C. & Hes, F.J. (2014), Paraganglioma and pheochromocytoma upon maternal transmission of SDHD mutations, BMC Medical Genetics 15.
- Hulsteijn, L.T. van; Duinen, N. van; Ninaber, M.K.; Romijn, J.A.; Dijk, J.G. van; Kralingen, K.W. van; Havekes, B.; Smid, L.; Lammers, G.J.; Jansen, J.C.; Smit, J.W.; Thijs, R.D. & Corssmit, E.P.M. (2014), Carotid body tumors are not associated with an increased risk for sleep-disordered breathing, Sleep and Breathing 18(1): 103-109.
- Vaerenberg, B.; Smits, C.; Ceulaer, G. de; Zir, E.; Harman, S.; Jaspers, N.; Tam, Y.; Dillon, M.; Wesarg, T.; Martin-Bonniot, D.; Gartner, L.; Cozma, S.; Kosaner, J.; Prentiss, S.; Sasidharan, P.; Briaire, J.J.; Bradley, J.; Debruyne, J.; Hollow, R.; Patadia, R.; Mens, L.; Veekmans, K.; Greisiger, R.; Harboun-Cohen, E.; Borel, S.; Tavora-Vieira, D.; Mancini, P.; Cullington, H.; Ng, A.H.C.; Walkowiak, A.; Shapiro, W.H. & Govaerts, P.J. (2014), Cochlear Implant Programming: A Global Survey on the State of the Art, Scientific World Journal.
- Theunissen, S.C.P.M.; Rieffe, C.; Netten, A.P.; Briaire, J.J.; Soede, W.; Schoones, J.W. & Frijns, J.H.M. (2014), Psychopathology and Its Risk and Protective Factors in Hearing-Impaired Children and Adolescents A Systematic Review, JAMA Pediatrics 168(2): 170-177.
- Kalkman, R.K.; Briaire, J.J.; Dekker, D.M.T. & Frijns, J.H.M. (2014), Place pitch versus electrode location in a realistic computational model of the implanted human cochlea, Hearing Research 315: 10-24.
- Theunissen, S.C.P.M.; Rieffe, C.; Kouwenberg, M.; Raeve, L.J.I. de; Soede, W.; Briaire, J.J. & Frijns, J.H.M. (2014), Behavioral problems in school-aged hearing-impaired children: the influence of sociodemographic, linguistic, and medical factors, European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 23(4): 187-196.
- Locher, H.; Groot, J.C.M.J. de; Iperen, L. van; Huisman, M.A.; Frijns, J.H.M. & Lopes, S.M.C.D. (2014), Distribution and Development of Peripheral Glial Cells in the Human Fetal Cochlea, PLoS ONE 9(1).
- Marel, K.S. van der; Briaire, J.J.; Wolterbeek, R.; Snel-Bongers, J.; Verbist, B.M. & Frijns, J.H.M. (2014), Diversity in Cochlear Morphology and Its Influence on Cochlear Implant Electrode Position, Ear and Hearing 35(1): E9-E20.
- Theunissen, S.C.P.M.; Rieffe, C.; Netten, A.P.; Briaire, J.J.; Soede, W.; Kouwenberg, M. & Frijns, J.H.M. (2014), Self-Esteem in Hearing-Impaired Children: The Influence of Communication, Education, and Audiological Characteristics, PLoS ONE 9(4).
- Dekker, D.M.T.; Briaire, J.J. & Frijns, J.H.M. (2014), The impact of internodal segmentation in biophysical nerve fiber models, Journal of Computational Neuroscience 37(2): 307-315.
- Locher, H.; Frijns, J.H.M.; Huisman, M.A. & Lopes, S.M.C.D. (2014), TUBB3: Neuronal Marker or Melanocyte Mimic?, Cell Transplantation 23(11): 1471-1473.
- Wiefferink C.H., Rieffe C., Ketelaar L., De Raeve L. & Frijns J.H.M. (2013), Emotion understanding in deaf children with a cochlear implant, Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education 18(2): 175-186.
- Broek, E.M.J.M. van den; Heijnen, B.J.; Verbist, B.M. & Sjogren, E.V. (2013), Laryngeal Sarcoidosis: A Case Report Presenting Transglottic Involvement, Journal of Voice 27(5): 647-649.
- Boons, T.; Brokx, J.; Frijns, J.; Philips, B.; Vermeulen, A.; Wouters, J. & Wieringen, A. van (2013), Newborn hearing screening and cochlear implantation: impact on spoken language development, Acta Otorhinolaryngologica Belgica 9: 91-98.
- Frijns, J.H.M.; Snel-Bongers, J.; Vellinga, D.; Schrage, E.; Vanpoucke, F.J. & Briaire, J.J. (2013), Restoring speech perception with cochlear implants by spanning defective electrode contacts, Acta Oto-laryngologica 133(4): 394-399.
- Ketelaar, L.; Rieffe, C.; Wiefferink, C.H. & Frijns, J.H. (2013), Social competence and empathy in young children with cochlear implants and with normal hearing, Laryngoscope 123(2): 518-523.
- Wiefferink, C.H.; Rieffe, C.; Ketelaar, L.; Raeve, L. de & Frijns, J.H.M. (2013), Emotion Understanding in Deaf Children with a Cochlear Implant, Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education 18(2): 175-186.
- Vries, J.J.C. de; Vesseur, A.; Rotteveel, L.J.C.; Korver, A.M.H.; Rusman, L.G.; Wessels, E.; Kroes, A.C.M.; Mylanus, E.A.; Oudesluys-Murphy, A.M.; Frijns, J.H.M. & Vossen, A.C.T.M. (2013), Cytomegalovirus DNA detection in dried blood spots and perilymphatic fluids from pediatric and adult cochlear implant recipients with prelingual deafness, Journal of Clinical Virology 56(2): 113-117.
- Lenarz, T.; James, C.; Cuda, D.; O'Connor, A.F.; Frachet, B.; Frijns, J.H.M.; Klenzner, T.; Laszig, R.; Manrique, M.; Marx, M.; Merkus, P.; Mylanus, E.A.M.; Offeciers, E.; Pesch, J.; Ramos-Macias, A.; Robier, A.; Sterkers, O. & Uziel, A. (2013), European multi-centre study of the Nucleus Hybrid L24 cochlear implant, International Journal of Audiology 52(12): 838-848.
- Snel-Bongers, J.; Briaire, J.J.; Veen, E.H. van der; Kalkman, R.K. & Frijns, J.H.M. (2013), Threshold Levels of Dual Electrode Stimulation in Cochlear Implants, Journal of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology 14(5): 781-790.
- Locher, H.; Rooij, K.E. de; Groot, J.C.M.J. de; Doorn, R. van; Gruis, N.A.; Lowik, C.W.G.M.; Lopes, S.M.C.D.; Frijns, J.H.M. & Huisman, M.A. (2013), Class III beta-tubulin, a novel biomarker in the human melanocyte lineage, Differentiation 85(4-5): 173-181.
- Locher, H.; Frijns, J.H.M.; Iperen, L. van; Groot, J.C.M.J. de; Huisman, M.A. & Lopes, S.M.C.D. (2013), Neurosensory development and cell fate determination in the human cochlea, Neural Development 8.
- Korver, A.M.H.; Konings, S.; Meuwese-Jongejeugd, A.; Straaten, H.L.M. van; Uilenburg, N.; Dekker, F.W.; Wever, C.C.; Frijns, J.H.M.; Oudesluys-Murphy, A.M. & DECIBEL Collaborative Study Grp (2013), National study of Newborn Hearing Screening: programme sensitivity and characteristics of undetected children, Acta Otorhinolaryngologica Belgica 9: 37-44.
- Mishra, V.S.; Maudgal, S.; Theunissen, S.C.P.M. & Rieffe, C. (2012), Alexithymia in children with cancer and their siblings, Journal of Psychosomatic Research 72(4): 266-268.
- Kurniawan, C.; Westendorp, R.G.J.; Craen, A.J.M. de; Gussekloo, J.; Laat, J. de & Exel, E. van (2012), Gene dose of apolipoprotein E and age-related hearing loss, Neurobiology of Aging 33(9): -.
- Ketelaar, L.; Rieffe, C.; Wiefferink, C.H. & Frijns, J.H.M. (2012), Does Hearing Lead to Understanding? Theory of Mind in Toddlers and Preschoolers With Cochlear Implants, Journal of Pediatric Psychology 37(9): 1041-1050.
- Bonnet, R.M.; Boermans, P.P.B.M.; Avenarius, O.F.; Briaire, J.J. & Frijns, J.H.M. (2012), Effects of Pulse Width, Pulse Rate and Paired Electrode Stimulation on Psychophysical Measures of Dynamic Range and Speech Recognition in Cochlear Implants, Ear and Hearing 33(4): 489-496.
- Beek, F.B. van der; Briaire, J.J. & Frijns, J.H.M. (2012), Effects of parameter manipulations on spread of excitation measured with electrically-evoked compound action potentials, International Journal of Audiology 51(6): 465-474.
- Boons, T.; Brokx, J.P.L.; Frijns, J.H.M.; Peeraer, L.; Philips, B.; Vermeulen, A.; Wouters, J. & Wieringen, A. van (2012), Effect of Pediatric Bilateral Cochlear Implantation on Language Development, Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine 166(1): 28-34.
- Snel-Bongers, J.; Briaire, J.J.; Vanpoucke, F.J. & Frijns, J.H.M. (2012), Spread of Excitation and Channel Interaction in Single- and Dual-Electrode Cochlear Implant Stimulation., Ear and Hearing.
- Buchner, A.; Lenarz, T.; Boermans, P.P.; Frijns, J.H.M.; Mancini, P.; Filipo, R.; Fielden, C.; Cooper, H.; Eklof, M.; Freijd, A.; Lombaard, S.; Meerton, L.; Pickerill, M.; Vanat, Z.; Wesarg, T.; Aschendorff, A.; Kienast, B.; Boyle, P.; Arnold, L.; Meyer, B.; Sterkers, O.; Muller-Deile, J.; Ambrosch, P.; Helbig, S.; Frachet, B.; Gallego, S.; Truy, E.; Jeffs, E.; Morant, A. & Marco, J. (2012), Benefits of the HiRes 120 coding strategy combined with the Harmony processor in an adult European multicentre study, Acta Oto-laryngologica.
- Boons, T.; Brokx, J.P.L.; Dhooge, I.; Frijns, J.H.M.; Peeraer, L.; Vermeulen, A.; Wouters, J. & Wieringen, A. van (2012), Predictors of Spoken Language Development Following Pediatric Cochlear Implantation, Ear and Hearing 33(5): 627-639.
- Wiefferink, C.H.; Rieffe, C.; Ketelaar, L. & Frijns, J.H.M. (2012), Predicting social functioning in children with a cochlear implant and in normal-hearing children: The role of emotion regulation, International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology 76(6): 883-889.
- Vanpoucke, F.J.; Boermans, P.P.B. & Frijns, J.H. (2012), Assessing the Placement of a Cochlear Electrode Array by Multidimensional Scaling.
- Theunissen, S.C.P.M.; Rieffe, C.; Kouwenberg, M.; Raeve, L. de; Soede, W.; Briaire, J.J. & Frijns, J.H.M. (2012), Anxiety in children with hearing aids or cochlear implants compared to normally hearing controls, Laryngoscope 122(3): 654-659.
- Marel, K.S. van der; Verbist, B.M.; Briaire, J.J.; Joemai, R.M.S. & Frijns, J.H.M. (2012), Electrode Migration in Cochlear Implant Patients: Not an Exception, Audiology and Neurotology 17(5): 275-281.
- Theunissen, S.C.P.M.; Rieffe, C.; Kouwenberg, M.; Soede, W.; Briaire, J.J. & Frijns, J.H.M. (2011), Depression in hearing-impaired children, International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology 75(10): 1313-1317.
- Korver, A.M.H.; Admiraal, R.J.C.; Kant, S.G.; Dekker, F.W.; Wever, C.C.; Kunst, H.P.M.; Frijns, J.H.M.; Oudesluys-Murphy, A.M. & DECIBEL-Collaborative Study Grp (2011), Causes of Permanent Childhood Hearing Impairment, Laryngoscope 121(2): 409-416.
- Snel-Bongers, J.; Briaire, J.J.; Vanpoucke, F.J. & Frijns, J.H.M. (2011), Influence of Widening Electrode Separation on Current Steering Performance, Ear and Hearing 32(2): 221-229.
- Westen, A.A.; Dekker, D.M.T.; Briaire, J.J. & Frijns, J.H.M. (2011), Stimulus level effects on neural excitation and eCAP amplitude, Hearing Research 280(1-2): 166-176.
- Dijkhuizen, J.N. van; Beers, M.; Boermans, P.P.B.M.; Briaire, J.J. & Frijns, J.H.M. (2011), Speech Intelligibility as a Predictor of Cochlear Implant Outcome in Prelingually Deafened Adults, Ear and Hearing 32(4): 445-458.
- Frijns, J.H.M.; Dekker, D.M.T. & Briaire, J.J. (2011), Neural excitation patterns induced by phased-array stimulation in the implanted human cochlea, Acta Oto-laryngologica 131(4): 362-370.
- Marel, K.S. van der; Briaire, J.J.; Verbist, B.M.; Joemai, R.M.S.; Boermans, P.P.B.M.; Peek, F.A.W. & Frijns, J.H.M. (2011), Cochlear Reimplantation With Same Device: Surgical and Audiologic Results, Laryngoscope 121(7): 1517-1524.
- Kania, R.E.; Lamers, G.E.M.; Laar, N. van de; Dijkhuizen, M.; Lagendijk, E.; Huy, P.T.B.; Herman, P.; Hiemstra, P.; Grote, J.J.; Frijns, J. & Bloemberg, G.V. (2010), Biofilms on tracheoesophageal voice prostheses: a confocal laser scanning microscopy demonstration of mixed bacterial and yeast biofilms, Biofouling 26(5): 519-526.
- Verbist, B.M.; Joemai, R.M.S.; Briaire, J.J.; Teeuwisse, W.M.; Veldkamp, W.J.H. & Frijns, J.H.M. (2010), Cochlear Coordinates in Regard to Cochlear Implantation: A Clinically Individually Applicable 3 Dimensional CT-Based Method, Otology and Neurotology 31(5): 738-744.
- Carlyon, R.P.; Macherey, O.; Frijns, J.H.M.; Axon, P.R.; Kalkman, R.K.; Boyle, P.; Baguley, D.M.; Briggs, J.; Deeks, J.M.; Briaire, J.J.; Barreau, X. & Dauman, R. (2010), Pitch Comparisons between Electrical Stimulation of a Cochlear Implant and Acoustic Stimuli Presented to a Normal-hearing Contralateral Ear, Journal of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology 11(4): 625-640.
- Tait, M.; Nikolopoulos, T.P.; Raeve, L. de; Johnson, S.; Datta, G.; Karltorp, E.; Ostlund, E.; Johansson, U.; Knegsel, E. van; Mylanus, E.A.M.; Gulpen, P.M.H.; Beers, M. & Frijns, J.H.M. (2010), Bilateral versus unilateral cochlear implantation in young children, International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology 74(2): 206-211.
- Merkus, P.; Free, R.H.; Mylanus, E.A.M.; Stokroos, R.; Metselaar, M.; Spronsen, E. van; Grolman, W. & Frijns, J.H.M. (2010), Dutch Cochlear Implant Group (CI-ON) Consensus Protocol on Postmeningitis Hearing Evaluation and Treatment, Otology and Neurotology 31(8): 1281-1286.
- Ruellan, K.; Frijns, J.H.M.; Bloemberg, G.V.; Hautefort, C.; Abbeele, T. van den; Lamers, G.E.M.; Herman, P.; Huy, P.T.B. & Kania, R.E. (2010), Detection of Bacterial Biofilm on Cochlear Implants Removed Because of Device Failure, Without Evidence of Infection, Otology and Neurotology 31(8): 1320-1324.
- Korver, A.M.H.; Konings, S.; Dekker, F.W.; Beers, M.; Wever, C.C.; Frijns, J.H.M.; Oudesluys-Murphy, A.M. & DECIBEL Collaborative Study Grp (2010), Newborn Hearing Screening vs Later Hearing Screening and Developmental Outcomes in Children With Permanent Childhood Hearing Impairment, Journal of the American Medical Association 304(15): 1701-1708.
- Verbist, B.M.; Skinner, M.W.; Cohen, L.T.; Leake, P.A.; James, C.; Boex, C.; Holden, T.A.; Finley, C.C.; Roland, P.S.; Roland, T.; Haller, M.; Patrick, J.F.; Jolly, C.N.; Faltys, M.A.; Briaire, J.J. & Frijns, J.H.M. (2010), Consensus Panel on a Cochlear Coordinate System Applicable in Histologic, Physiologic, and Radiologic Studies of the Human Cochlea, Otology and Neurotology 31(5): 722-730.
- Ketelaar L, Rieffe C, Otten-Koens JC, Wiefferink CH, Zijp A van, Stockmann APAM & Frijns JHM. (2010), Social emotions in deaf children with a CI between 1 and 5 years of age, Cochlear Implants International.
- Frijns JHM, Kalkman RK, Vanpoucke FJ, Bongers JS & Briaire JJ (2009), Simultaneous and non-simultaneous dual electrode stimulation in cochlear implants: evidence for two neural response modalities, Acta Oto-laryngologica 129(4): 433-439.
- Korver AMH, de Vries JJC, Konings S, de Jong JW, Dekker FW, Vossen ACTM, Frijns JHM & Oudesluys-Murphy AM (2009), DECIBEL-study: congenital cytomegalovirus infection in young children with bilateral permanent hearing, Journal of Clinical Virology 46: S10S11.
- Frijns JH, Kalkman RK & Briaire JJ (2009), Stimulation of the facial nerve by intracochlear electrodes in otosclerosis: a computer modeling study.
- Klop WMC, Frijns JHM, Soede W & Briaire JJ (2009), An objective method to measure electrode independence in cochlear implant patients with a dual-masker forward masking technique, Hearing Research 253(1-2): 3-14.
- Verbist BM, Ferrarini L, Briaire JJ, Zarowski A, Admiraal-Behloul F, Olofsen H, Reiber JHC & Frijns JHM (2009), Anatomic Considerations of Cochlear Morphology and Its Implications for Insertion Trauma in Cochlear Implant Surgery, Otology and Neurotology 30(4): 471-477.
- El Seady R, Huisman MA, Lowik CWGM & Frijns JHM (2008), Uncomplicated differentiation of stem cells into bipolar neurons and myelinating glia, Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 376(2).
- Martin W, Klop C, Boermans PPBM, Ferrier MB, van den Hout WB, Stiggelbout AM & Frijns JHM (2008), Clinical relevance of quality of life outcome in cochlear implantation in postlingually deafened adults.
- Verbist BM, Joemai RMS, Teeuwisse WM, Veldkamp WJH, Geleijns J & Frijns JHM (2008), Evaluation of 4 multisection CT systems in postoperative imaging of a cochlear implant: A human cadaver and phantom study, American Journal of Neuroradiology 29(7).
- Ferrarini L, Verbist BM, Olofsen H, Vanpoucke F, Frijns JHM, Reiber JHC & Admiraal-Behloul F (2008), Autonomous virtual mobile robot for three-dimensional medical image exploration: Application to micro-CT cochlear images, Artificial Intelligence in Medicine 43(1).
- Frijns J.H.M. (2007), CI: Hoe om te gaan met het restgehoor? (CI: How to deal with residual hearing?), : .
- Klop WMC, Briaire JJ, Stiggelbout AM & Frijns JHM (2007), Cochlear implant outcomes and quality of life in adults with prelingual deafness, Laryngoscope 117(11).
- Laszig R, Chang SO, Kubo T, Ramos MA, Frijns JHM, Briggs R & Haynes DS (2007), APSCI panel discussion I: Imaging and surgical issues, Ear and Hearing 28(2).
- van der Beek FB, Soede W & Frijns JHM (2007), Evaluation of the benefit for cochlear implantees of two assistive directional microphone systems in an artificial diffuse noise situation, Ear and Hearing 28(1).
- Dingemanse JG, Frijns JHM & Briaire JJ (2006), Psychophysical assessment of spatial spread of excitation in electrical hearing with single and dual electrode contact maskers, Ear and Hearing 27(6).
- Briaire JJ & Frijns JHM (2006), The consequences of neural degeneration regarding optimal cochlear implant position in scala tympani: A model approach, Hearing Research 214(1-2).
- van der Beek FB, Boermans PPBM, Verbist BM, Briaire JJ & Frijns JHM (2005), Clinical evaluation of the clarion CII HiFocus 1 with and without positioner, Ear and Hearing 26(6).
- Briaire JJ & Frijns JHM (2005), Unraveling the electrically evoked compound action potential, Hearing Research 205(1-2).
- Verbist BM, Frijns JHM, Geleijns J & van Buchem MA (2005), Multisection CT as a valuable tool in the postoperative assessment of cochlear implant patients, American Journal of Neuroradiology 26(2).
- Bonnet RM, Mattie H, De Laat JAPM, Schoemaker HC & Frijns JHM (2004), Clinical ototoxicity of teicoplanin, Annals of Otology Rhinology and Laryngology 113(4).
- Vanpoucke F, Zarowski A, Casselman J, Frijns J & Peeters S (2004), The facial nerve canal: An important cochlear conduction path revealed by clarion electrical field imaging, Otology and Neurotology 25(3).
- Klop WMC, Hartlooper A, Briare JJ & Frijns JHM (2004), A new method for dealing with the stimulus artefact in electrically evoked compound action potential measurements, Acta Oto-laryngologica 124(2).
- Bonnet RM, Frijns JHM, Peeters S & Briaire JJ (2004), Speech recognition with a cochlear implant using triphasic charge-balanced pulses, Acta Oto-laryngologica 124(4).
- de Haan TR, Grooters E, Frijns JHM & Walther FJ (2003), Unilateral submandibular suppurative sialadenitis in a premature infant, Acta Paediatrica 92(12).
- Frijns JHM, Klop WMC, Bonnet RM & Briaire JJ (2003), Optimizing the number of electrodes with high-rate stimulation of the clarion CII cochlear implant, Acta Oto-laryngologica 123(2).
- Frijns JHM, Briaire JJ, de Laat JAPM & Grote JJ (2002), Initial evaluation of the Clarion CII cochlear implant: Speech perception and neural response imaging, Ear and Hearing 23(3).
- Frijns JHM, Briaire JJ & Grote JJ (2001), The importance of human cochlear anatomy for the results of modiolus-hugging multichannel cochlear implants, Otology and Neurotology 22(3).
- Briaire JJ & Frijns JHM (2000), Field patterns in a 3D tapered spiral model of the electrically stimulated cochlea, Hearing Research 148(1-2).
- Langeveld TPM, Drost HA, Zwinderman AH, Frijns JHM & de Jong RJB (2000), Perceptual characteristics of adductor spasmodic dysphonia.
- Frijns JHM, Briaire JJ & Schoonhoven R (2000), Integrated use of volume conduction and neural models to simulate the response to cochlear implants.
- Briaire JJ & Frijns JHM (2000), 3D mesh generation to solve the electrical volume conduction problem in the implanted inner ear.
- Frijns JHM, de Snoo SL & Schoonhoven R (2000), Improving the accuracy of the boundary element method by the use of second-order interpolation functions, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 47(10).
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