Fulco Scherjon
- Naam
- Dr.ir. F. Scherjon
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 2727
- f.scherjon@arch.leidenuniv.nl
- 0000-0002-5859-8813
Zie voor meer informatie het Engelstalige profiel van Fulco Scherjon.
- Faculteit Archeologie
- World Archaeology
- Human Origins
- Nikulina A., MacDonald K., Zapolska A., Serge M.A., Roche D.M., Mazier F., Davoli M., Svenning J., Wees D. van, Pearce E.A., Fyfe R., Roebroeks W.J.M. & Scherjon F. (2024), Hunter-gatherer impact on European interglacial vegetation: a modelling approach, Quaternary Science Reviews 324: 108439.
- Roebroeks J.W.M., Gibbard P. & Scherjon F. (2024), Sci. Adv.: taphonomy matters: Comment on “Substantial light woodland and open vegetation characterized the temperate forest biome before Homo sapiens” by Pearce et al. 2023, Science Advances 9(45): eadi9135.
- Nikulina A., MacDonald K., Scherjon F., Pearce E.A., Davoli M., Svenning J.-C., Vella E., Gaillard M.-J., Zapolska A., Arthur F., Martinez A., Hatlestad K., Mazier F., Serge M.A., Lindholm K.-J., Fyfe R., Renssen H., Roche D.M., Kluiving S. & Roebroeks W. (2022), Tracking hunter-gatherer impact on vegetation in last interglacial and holocene Europe: proxies and challenges, Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory 29: 989–1033.
- MacDonald K., Scherjon F., Veen E. van, Vaesen K., Roebroeks W. & Bakels C.C. (2021), Middle Pleistocene fire use: the first signal of widespread cultural diffusion in human evolution, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118(31): e2101108118.
- Vaesen K., MacDonald K., Scherjon F., Veen E. van & Roebroeks W. (2021), Reply to McGrew: chimpanzees do not exhibit widespread cultural diffusion, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118(51): e2116917118.
- Roebroeks J.W.M., MacDonald K., Scherjon F., Bakels C.C., Kindler L., Nikulina A., Pop E. & Gaudzinski-Windheuser. S. (2021), Landscape modification by Last Interglacial Neanderthals, Science Advances 7(51): .
- Roebroeks J.W.M., MacDonald K. & Scherjon F. (2021), Establishing patterns of early fire use in human evolution. In: Gaudzinski-Windheuser S. & Jöris O. (red.) The Beef behind All Possible Pasts. The Tandem Festschrift in Honour of Elaine Turner and Martin Street (Volume 1. Heidelberg: Propylaeum.
- Roebroeks W., MacDonald K., Scherjon F., Bakels C.C, Kindler L., Nikulina A., Pop E.A.L. & Gaudzinski-Windheuser S. (2021), Landscape modification by Last Interglacial Neanderthals, Science Advances 7(51): eabj5567.
- Scherjon F., Romanowska I. & Lambers K. (2019), Digitally Teaching Digital Skills: Lessons Drawn from a Small Private Online Course (SPOC) on ‘Modelling and Simulation in Archaeology’ at Leiden University, Journal of Computer Applications in Archaeology 2(1): 79-88.
- Scherjon F. (28 mei 2019), Virtual Neanderthals : a study in agent-based modelling Late Pleistocene hominins in western Europe (Dissertatie. Human Origins group, Faculty of Archaeology, Leiden University). Vianen: Global Academic Press. Promotor(en) en copromotor(en): Roebroeks J.W.M., MacDonald K.
- Vaesen K., Scherjon F., Hemerik L. & Verpoorte A. (2019), Inbreeding, Allee effects and stochasticity might be sufficient to account for Neanderthal extinction, PLoS ONE 14(11): e0225117.
- Scherjon F. (27 mei 2019), Neanderdata. NMNWeek. [blog].
- Sorensen A.C. & Scherjon F. (2018), fiReproxies: A computational model providing insight into heat-affected archaeological lithic assemblages, PLoS ONE 13(5): e0196777.
- Sorensen A.C. & Scherjon F. (2018), Introducing “fiReproxies”: A computer simulation-based tool for gaining a better understanding of archaeological fire proxy evidence, : .
- Scherjon F. (17 augustus 2017), Mammoeten in de Vlietwijk!. Groot Voorschoten.
- Scherjon F. (2017), Evolving hominins in HomininSpace — Genetic algorithms and the search for the ‘perfect’ Neanderthal. Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology (CAA) 2016 (Oslo) 29 maart 2016 - 2 april 2016.
- Aarts J.M.M.J.G., Alink G.M., Scherjon F., MacDonald K., Smith A.C., Nijveen H. & Roebroeks W. (2016), Fire Usage and Ancient Hominin Detoxification Genes: Protective Ancestral Variants Dominate While Additional Derived Risk Variants Appear in Modern Humans, PLoS ONE 11(e0161102): .
- Scherjon F., Bakels C.C., MacDonald K. & Roebroeks W. (2015), Burning the Land. An Ethnographic Study of Off-Site Fire Use by Current and Historically Documented Foragers and Implications for the Interpretation of Past Fire Practices in the Landscape, Current Anthropology 56(3): 299-326.
- Scherjon F. & Kamermans H. (2014), Happisburgh I. GIS data sets. Leiden: Faculty of Archaeology.
- Scherjon F. (2013), Burning The Land. European Society for the study of Human Evolution (ESHE), Leiden. 21 september 2017 - 23 september 2017. [conferentie poster].
- Scherjon F. (2012), SteppingIn – Modern humans moving into Europe – Implementation. Whitelock D., Warburton W., Wills G. & Gilbert L. (red.), CAA 2012 International Conference,. : University of Southampton.
- software ontwikkeling