Francien Bossema
Promovendus / buiten
- Naam
- Dr. F.G. Bossema
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 4799
Promovendus / buiten
- Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen
- Leiden Inst of Advanced Computer Science
- Bossema F.G. (23 mei 2024), Tailoring x-ray tomography techniques for cultural heritage research (Dissertatie. Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science (LIACS), Faculty of Science, Leiden University). Promotor(en): Batenburg K.J. & Hermens E.
- Kiss M.B., Bossema F.G., Laar P.J.C. van, Meijer S., Lucka F., Leeuwen T. van & Batenburg K.J. (2023), Beam filtration for object-tailored X-ray CT of multi-material cultural heritage objects, Heritage Science 11(1): 130.
- Bossema F.G., Zwetsloot C.P.A.. & Smeets I. (2023), Math in the city: designing a math trail for high school students. In: Hartkopf A.M. (red.), Handbook of mathematical science communication. World Scientific Series on Science Communication nr. 3 53-72.
- Dorscheid J., Bossema F.G., Duin P. van, Coban S.B., Liere R. van, Batenburg K.J. & Stefano G.P. di (2022), Looking under the skin: multi-scale CT scanning of a peculiarly constructed cornett in the Rijksmuseum, Heritage Science 10(1): 161.