Universiteit Leiden

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Kim Beerden

University Lecturer

Dr. K. Beerden
+31 71 527 2761

Kim Beerden is university lecturer at the Institute for History.

More information about Kim Beerden

Spreekuur / Office hours

Na afspraak / by appointment.


Dr. Kim Beerden is a historian of ancient mentalities, working in the field of religions in the Graeco-Roman world. In 2013 she received her PhD at Leiden University, on the basis of her dissertation Worlds Full of Signs. Ancient Greek Divination in Context (published in a revised version at Brill, 2013; paperback 2021), in which she systematically compares Greek divination to divinatory practices in Neo-Assyrian Mesopotamia and in Republican Rome. She has been employed as a university lecturer at Leiden University since 2013 – and won the LUS Teaching Prize for best lecturer in 2016. Kim Beerden is one of the editors of the Religions in the Graeco-Roman World series.


Worlds full of signs: ancient Greek divination in context (Leiden 2013; paperback 2021)
Worlds full of signs: ancient Greek divination in context (Leiden 2013; paperback 2021)
(with Timo Epping) (eds.) Classical controversies: reception of Graeco-Roman antiquity in the twenty-first century (Leiden 2022)
(with Timo Epping) (eds.) Classical controversies: reception of Graeco-Roman antiquity in the twenty-first century (Leiden 2022)
(with Frits Naerebout) (eds.) Coping with Versnel: a roundtable on religion and magic in honour of the 80th birthday of Henk S. Versnel (Leiden 2023)
(with Frits Naerebout) (eds.) Coping with Versnel: a roundtable on religion and magic in honour of the 80th birthday of Henk S. Versnel (Leiden 2023)

University Lecturer

  • Faculty of Humanities
  • Institute for History
  • Oude Geschiedenis

Work address

Johan Huizinga
Doelensteeg 16
2311 VL Leiden
Room number 1.73b




  • Brill Redactielid Religions in the Graeco-Roman World
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