Universiteit Leiden

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Graduate School of Science

PhD Training Programme

As a PhD candidate, you are expected to follow certain courses and training programmes in the context of your training as a researcher. The courses and training programmes will help you conduct your research, write your dissertation, develop your career, and gain self-insight.

Hours of training

According to the Leiden University PhD guidelines, employed and contract PhD candidates are expected to follow:

  • 140 hours of academic activities (training in the candidate’s specialism, conference attendance, etc.), and
  • 140 hours of activities focusing on transferable skills, including the compulsory transferable skills courses below

Please register the number of hours you spent on academic activities and transferable skills in LUCRIS GSM. Courses you took with HRM Learning & Development will automatically appear in your LUCRIS data. You should register any other courses yourself by filling in the number of hours spent on the course and uploading a certificate that proves your attendance and the number of hours (see the LUCRIS manual).

Compulsory transferable skills courses

The following course is compulsory for all PhD candidates of the Faculty of Science.

A number of cases of scientific fraud and misconduct were bad publicity for the scientific world. Are these cases signs of a system in crisis or just some anomalies in an otherwise good scientific framework? This course will give attention to the grey area and your role as an individual scientist to prevent misconduct.

Preferred moment of attendance: Start of your first year
Duration: 5 hours including attendance and preparation
Information and registration: Scientific Conduct

Optional courses

The requirements for the optional part of your training programme may vary by institute and your personal situation. You can think of courses in data management, writing a grant proposal, teaching skills, enhancing your learning qualities, Intellectual Property (IP) and how to use (social) media. But also coaching, intervision, and career counseling. Please discuss with your supervisor which courses will work best for you.

Training courses are available for PhD candidates through:

  1. HRM Learning & Development of Leiden University offers PhD training courses, including academic writing, presenting skills, time management, and knowledge utilisation. Courses in career development, personal development, communication, working effectively and research skills are taught throughout the year.
  2. Some institutes and research schools also offer (obligatory) training courses for their PhD candidates. Please check the institute’s website or ask your supervisor and/ or PhD coach for more information.

Registration for courses

You can register for courses yourself. For courses offered by HRM Learning & Development, you register using the "Register" button.

  • PhD candidates who are employees of Leiden University can register via the button "Register (Staff)".
  • PhD candidates who have their own scholarships and are guest employees, register using the button "Register (Guest/LUMC)".
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