Na Zhou Promovendus Naam Dr. N. Zhou Telefoon +31 71 527 3810 E-mail Promovendus ICLON Onderzoek Werkadres Willem Einthoven Kolffpad 1 2333 BN Leiden Kamernummer B4.16 Contact +31 71 527 3810 JavaScript is required to view this content. Zhou N. (1 maart 2023), Professional learning of vocational teachers in the context of work placement (Dissertatie. Leiden University Graduate School of Teaching (ICLON), Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences, Leiden University) ICLON PhD Dissertation Series. Promotor(en) en copromotor(en): Admiraal W.F., Tigelaar D.E.H. Dissertatie Geen relevante nevenwerkzaamheden