Josien de Klerk
Universitair hoofddocent
- Naam
- Dr. J. de Klerk
- Telefoon
- +31 70 800 9557
- 0000-0002-9165-4100
Josien de Klerk's onderzoeksinteresses richten zich op Globale publieke gezondheidszorg, en Internationale Ontwikkeling in sub-Sahara Africa. Haar specifieke interesses omvatten chronische ziektes, HIV/AIDS, ouderdom, informele - en zelfzorg, welzijn. Zij bestudeert dit door de lens van verwantschapsstudies en kritische medische antropologie.
Meer informatie is te vinden op de Engelstalige pagina.
Universitair hoofddocent
- Faculteit Governance and Global Affairs
- Leiden University College
- Reynolds L., Moye E., Meta J., Tusajigwe E. & Klerk J. de (2023), Mediating immediacy in the era of ‘treat all’: the (chrono)logics of HIV treatment initiation in Shinyanga, Tanzania, Social Science & Medicine 338: 116317 (116317).
- Okere N.E., Meta J., Maokola W., Martelli G., Praag E. van, Naniche D., Gomez G.B., Pozniak A., Rinke de Wit T., Klerk J. de & Hermans S. (2022), Quality of care in a differentiated HIV service delivery intervention in Tanzania: a mixed-methods study, PLoS ONE 17(3): 1-25 (0265307).
- Klerk J. de & Moyer E.M. (2021), Chronic Caring in Unstable Landscapes (Somatosphere). [overig].
- Klerk J. de, Bortolani A., Meta J., Tusajigwe E., Rinke de Wit T. & Moyer E. (2021), ‘It is not fashionable to suffer nowadays’ : Community motivations to repeatedly participate in outreach HIV testing indicate UHC potential in Tanzania, PLoS ONE : .
- Klerk J. de (17 mei 2020), Touch in the new '1,5 meter society'. Touch in the new '1,5 meter' society. Wiley: Social Anthropology . [blog].
- Reynolds L., Klerk J. de, Meta J. & Moyer E. (2020), Mediating immediate linkage to care in the era of 'treat all': Questioning the (chrono)logics of HIV treatment initiation in Shinyanga, Tanzania. 23rd International AIDS conference (July 2020) 6 juli 2020 - 10 juli 2020.
- Nardo P. de, Okere N., Klerk J. de, Gentilotti E., Wit R.T. de, Bortolani A., Pellizzer G., Hermans S., Praag E. van, Gomez G., Mfinanga S., Somi G., Desderius B., Pozniak A. & Test & Treat Study Group (2020), Protocol and Operational Procedures for the Implementation of a Differentiated HIV Service Delivery Model in North-Western Tanzania: A Multicentre Implementation Research, International Journal of Health Systems and Implementation Research 4(2): 80-91.
- Okere N.E., Censi V., Machibya C., Costigan K., Katambi P., Martelli G., Klerk J. de, Hermans S., Gomez G., Pozniak A., Rinke de Wit T. & Naniche D. (2020), Beyond viral suppression: Quality of Life among stable ART clients in a differentiated service delivery intervention in Tanzania, Health and Quality of Life Outcomes : .
- Klerk J. de (2019), Monitoring the body: grandmothers’ ability to provide ‘expert’ care for grandchildren living with HIV in northwest Tanzania, Anthropology and Medicine 27(1): 17-31.
- Klerk J. de (11 mei 2016), Time and Bodies in Grandparenthood. Time and Bodies in Grandparenthood: Association for Anthropology, Gerontology and the Life-Course. [blog].
- Klerk J. de & Moyer E.M. (2016), “A Body Like a Baby”: Social Self-Care among Older People with Chronic HIV in Mombasa, Medical Anthropology 36(4): 305-318.
- Klerk J. de (2016), Making sense of neglect in Northwest Tanzania. In: Hoffman J. & Pype K. (red.), Ageing in Sub-Saharan Africa. Spaces and Practices of Care. Bristol: Policy Press. 137-157.
- Klerk Josien de (2016), Slam that # ethnography! Unbounded Ethnography [Slam that #Ethnography! Unbounded Ethnography] (vertaling Klerk J. de), : .
- Klerk J. de (2 november 2015), Conference review: MAGic 2015 Anthropology and Global Health: Interrogating Theory, Policy and Practice. Conference review: MAGic 2015 Anthropology and Global Health: Interrogating Theory, Policy and Practice: Somatosphere. [blog].
- Klerk J. de (2014), Heaviness, intensity, and intimacy: Dutch elder care in the context of retrenchment of the welfare state, 1(1): .
- Klerk J. de (2013), Being tough, being healthy. Local forms of counselling in response to adult death in northwest Tanzania, 15(Suppl 4): S482-94.
- Klerk J. de (2012), The compassion of concealment. Silence between older caregivers and dying patients in the AIDS era, northwest Tanzania, 14(Suppl 1): S27-38.
- Klerk J. de (2011), Being old in times of AIDS. Ageing, Caring and Relating in northwest Tanzania. African Studies Collection nr. 37. Leiden: Africa Studies Centre.
- Shiripinda I. (2009), Ouder worden met HIV. Ervaringen van migranten in Nederland. In: Smit C., Brinkman K., Rümke K. & Knecht-Van Eekelen A. de (red.), Oud worden met HIV. Gezondheid en ziekte van oudere HIV-patienten: Een inventarisatie. Amsterdam: AIDS Fonds. 120-128.
- Burchardt M., Hardon A. & Klerk J. de (2009), Faith Matters. Religion and Biomedical Treatment for HIV/AIDS in Sub-Saharan Africa. Diemen: AMB.