Florian Schneider
Hoogleraar Modern China
- Naam
- Prof.dr. F.A. Schneider
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 2544
- f.a.schneider@hum.leidenuniv.nl
- 0000-0001-7490-2187
Florian Schneiders omvatten kwesties rond (openbaar) bestuur in de Volksrepubliek China, Taiwan en Hongkong. Hij richt zich vooral op politieke communicatie en de politiek van media en technologie. Dit betreft de politieke inhoud van populair Chinees entertainment, China's mediaomgeving en hoe deze wordt beheerd, en de politiek van China's internet. Hij heeft gewerkt aan vraagstukken over digitaal nationalisme, digitale mis-/disinformatie, online strijd en digitaal bestuur, en onderzoekt vooral hoe digitale technologieën en hun ontwerpen de samenleving vormgeven. Ook heeft hij belangstelling voor internationale betrekkingen in Oost-Azië.
Meer informatie over Florian Schneider
Hoogleraar Modern China
- Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen
- Leiden Institute for Area Studies
- SAS China
- Schneider F.A. (2024), The video game Chinese parents and its political potentials. In: Guo L., Eyman D. & Su H. (red.), Games and play in Chinese and Sinophone cultures. Seatle: University of Washington Press. 213-232.
- Schneider F.A. (2024), Nationalisms on China’s evolving internet, Communication and the Public : .
- Schneider F.A. (2023), The shape of the Asiascape: ten years of Digital Asia research, Asiascape: Digital Asia 10(1-2): 5-29.
- Schneider F. A. (2023), Reality decoupling: rumours, disinformation, and studying the politics of truth in digital Asia, Asiascape: Digital Asia 10(1/2): 181-207.
- Schneider F.A. (2023), China’s digital nationalism. In: Lu Z. (red.), The Routledge handbook of nationalism in East and Southeast Asia. New York/London: Routledge. 167-180.
- Ismangil M.S. & Schneider F.A. (2023), Hong Kong’s Networked Agitprop: Popular Nationalism in the Wake of the 2019 Anti-Extradition Protests, Journal of Current Chinese Affairs 52(3): 488-517.
- Schneider F.A. (2023), Communication and censorship. In: She C. & Cao Q. (red.), Routledge resources online - Chinese studies: Chinese media, communication and technology. London: Routledge.
- Schneider F.A. (2022), Emergent nationalism in China's sociotechnical networks: How technological affordance and complexity amplify digital nationalism, Nations and Nationalism 28(1): 267-285.
- Veere A.P. van der, Schneider F.A. & Lo C.Y. (red.) (2022), Public Health in Asia during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Global Health Governance, Migrant Labour, and International Health Crises. Health, Medicine, and Science in Asia. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.
- Kuai J. & Schneider F.A. 9 mei 2022, Covid-19 Nationalism in China and Lessons from the Pandemic: A Conversation with Florian Schneider. The Nordic Asia Podcast. Nordic Institute of Asian Studies [podcast].
- Schneider F.A. (2022), Bespreking van: Liu J. (2020), Shifting Dynamics of Contention in the Digital Age: Mobile Communication and Politics in China . New York: Oxford University Press. The China Quarterly 251: 959-960.
- Schneider F.A. (2022), Political Communication in Xi’s China: Mao and the Cultural Revolution as Analogies for PRC Current Affairs. In: Shih C.Y., Singh S. & Marwah R. (red.) Studies of China and Chineseness since the Cultural Revolution, Volume 1: Reinterpreting Ideologies and Ideological Reinterpretations. Singapore: World Scientific. 91–114.
- Schneider F.A. (red.) (2021), Global Perspectives on China's Belt and Road Initiative: Asserting Agency through Regional Connectivity. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.
- Schneider F.A. (2021), Actors and agency in China's Belt and Road Initiative: an introduction. In: Schneider F.A. (red.), Global Perspectives on China's Belt and Road Initiative: Asserting Agency through Regional Connectivity. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press. 11-32.
- Schneider F.A. (2021), COVID-19 nationalism and the visual construction of sovereignty during China’s coronavirus crisis, China Information 35(3): 301-324.
- Schneider F.A. (17 augustus 2021), China’s Digital Nationalism and Activism: Insights from Florian Schneider Geïnterviewd door Mercy Kuo for Interviews/Society/East Asia [interview].
- Schneider F.A. (2021), China’s viral villages: Digital nationalism and the COVID-19 crisis on online video-sharing platform Bilibili, Communication and the Public 6(1-4): 48-66.
- Barendregt B.A. & Schneider F.A. (2020), Digital Activism in Asia: Good, Bad, and Banal Politics Online, Asiascape: Digital Asia 7(1-2): 5-19.
- Schneider F.A., Veere A.P. van der, Lammertink J.P., Burgers E.M., Sicinski R.G. & Zhang S. (2020), How Asia Confronts COVID-19 through Technology. Leiden: LeidenAsiaCentre.
- Schneider F.A. (2020), COVID-19 Apps in Asia: Risks, Opportunities, and Lessons. In: Schneider F.A. & Creemers R.J.E.H. (red.), How Asia Confronts COVID-19 through Technology. Leiden: LeidenAsiaCentre. 51-57.
- Schneider F.A. (2019), Programming China’s Image through the Beijing Olympics: A Comparison of Chinese and Taiwanese Television Broadcasts of the 2008 Beijing Olympics Opening Ceremony. In: Ikeda K., Woo C.W. & Ren T. (red.), Media, Sport, Nationalism. East Asia: Soft Power Projection via the Modern Olympic Games. Berlin: Logos. 227-250.
- Schneider F.A. (2019), Staging China - The Politics of Mass Spectacle. Leiden: Leiden University Press.
- Schneider F.A. (2019), Digital smartness: rethinking communities and citizenship in the face of ‘smart’ technology, Asiascape: Digital Asia 6(3): 152-159.
- Schneider F.A. (15 juli 2019), Audrey Tang Discusses Taiwan’s Digital Politics - An Interview on Participatory Politics, Social Technology, and Digital Democracy after the Sunflower Movement. PoliticsEastAsia.com. Leiden. [blog].
- Schneider F.A. (2019), The cultural governance of China's mass media events: how the PRC manages discourses in complex media environments. In: Shei C. (red.), The Routledge handbook of Chinese discourse analysis. London/New York: Routledge. 458-469.
- Schneider F.A. (2018), Mediated Massacre: Digital Nationalism and History Discourse on China's Web, Journal of Asian Studies 77(2): 429-452.
- Faust M., Schneider F.A., Herdin T., Ji D., Negro G., Zhou T., Vargas Façanha M.A. & Oliveira Nascimento A.K. de (2018), BRICS as formation to study visual online communication? : A dialogue on historical origins, perspectives on theory and future directions, China Media Research 14(2): 85-97.
- Schneider F.A. (2018), China's Digital Nationalism. New York: Oxford University Press.
- Schneider F.A. (2017), China’s ‘Big V’ Bloggers: How Celebrities Intervene in Digital Sino-Japanese Relations, Celebrity Studies 8(2): 331-336.
- Schneider F.A. (2017), Bespreking van: DeLisle Jacques, Goldstein Avery & Yang Guobin (2016), The Internet, Social Media, and a Changing China. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press. Asiascape: Digital Asia 4(1-2): 147-157.
- Schneider F.A. (2016), The Cultural Governance of Mass Media in Contemporary China. In: Keane M. (red.), The Handbook of Cultural and Creative Industries in China. Handbook of Research on Contemporary China. Cheltenham & Northampton (MA): Edward Elgar. 189-206.
- Schneider F.A. (3 juni 2016), Studying Digital China’s Networks and Media Objects. Studying Digital China’s Networks and Media Objects. Nottingham: China Policy Institute. [blog].
- Schneider F.A. (2016), China’s ‘info-web’: How Beijing governs online political communication about Japan, New Media & Society 18(11): 2664-2684.
- Schneider F.A. (2015), Searching for ‘Digital Asia’ in its Networks: Where the Spatial Turn Meets the Digital Turn, Asiascape: Digital Asia 2(1-2): 57-92.
- Schneider F.A. (26 januari 2015), Who Shapes International Politics? Thoughts on the Conference "Informal Political Actors in East Asia, Russia and the Arab World" at Sheffield University. PoliticsEastAsia.com. Leiden: PoliticsEastAsia.com. [blog].
- Schneider F.A. (12 januari 2015), What to Show on Your Slides ...and How to "Snazze" up Your Slides with Prezi. PoliticsEastAsia.com. Leiden: PoliticsEastAsia.com. [blog].
- Schneider F.A. & Goto-Jones C.S. (2015), Where Is Digital Asia? Introduction to the Second Special Issue of Asiascape: Digital Asia, Asiascape: Digital Asia 2(1-2): 5-10.
- Schneider F.A. (2015), Bespreking van: Hoofd I.M., Ambiguities of Activism – Alter-Globalism and the Imperatives of Speed. Asiascape: Digital Asia 2(3): 308-311.
- Schneider F.A. (2014), Reconceptualising World Order: Chinese Political Thought and Its cChallenge to International Relations Theory, Review of International Studies 40(4): 683-703.
- Schneider F.A. (2014), It's a small world after all? Simulating the future world order at the Shanghai Expo. In: Cao Q., Tian H.L. & Chilton P. (red.), Discourse, Politics and Media in Contemporary China. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. 97-120.
- Schneider F.A. & Hwang Y. (2014), China’s Road to Revival: “Writing” the PRC’s Struggles for Modernisation. In: Cao Q., Tian H. & Chilton P. (red.), Discourse, Politics and Media in Contemporary China. U.S.: John Benjamins. 145–170.
- Schneider F.A. (red.) (2014), . Asiascape: Digital Asia.
- Schneider F.A. (18 februari 2014), What’s in a Methodology? The Difference between Method, Methodology, and Theory... and How to Get the Balance Right. PoliticsEastAsia.com. [blog].
- Schneider F.A. (22 december 2014), The Politics of Digital Tools - What Decides How We Use Digital Media Technologies? . PoliticsEastAsia.com. Leiden: PoliticsEastAsia.com. [blog].
- Schneider F.A. (2014) Blocked on Weibo – What Gets Supressed on China’s Version of Twitter (and Why), by Jason Ng (2013). Bespreking van: Ng Jason Q. (2013), Blocked on Weibo – What Gets Supressed on China’s Version of Twitter (and Why). New York & London: The New Press. Asiascape: Digital Asia 1(3): 223-228.
- Schneider F.A. (26 mei 2014), Are scholars too slow for Asia? What Academics and Bloggers Can Learn from Each Other. PoliticsEastAsia.com. Leiden: Florian Schneider. [blog].
- Schneider F.A. (2014) Book Review "Digital Methods" by Richard Rogers (2013). Bespreking van: Rogers Richard (2013), Digital Methods. Cambridge, MA & London: MIT Press. Asiascape: Digital Asia 1(1-2): 127-130.
- Schneider F.A. (1 december 2014), Five Ways to Do a Good Presentation ...and Why Reading Your Paper Out Loud Is Not One of Them. PoliticsEastAsia.com. Leiden: PoliticsEastAsia.com. [blog].
- Schneider F.A. & Goto-Jones C.S. (2014), Revisiting the Emancipatory Potential of Digital Media in Asia – Introduction to the Inaugural Issue of Asiascape: Digital Asia, Asiascape: Digital Asia 1(1-2): 3-13.
- Schneider F.A. & Huang Y. (2014), The Sichuan Earthquake and the Heavenly Mandate: Legitimizing Chinese Rule through Disaster Discourse, Journal of Contemporary China 23(88): 636-656.
- Schneider F.A., PoliticsEastAsia.com. Leiden: Florian Schneider. [webartikel].
- Schneider F.A. (29 juli 2013), An Introduction to Visual Communication Analysis - How to Analyze the Political Meanings of Pictures and Moving Images. PoliticsEastAsia.com. Leiden: Florian Schneider. [blog].
- Schneider F.A. (3 juni 2013), Studying the Patterns of Mass Communication - Why Media Content Still Matters. PoliticsEastAsia.com. Leiden: Florian Schneider. [blog].
- Schneider F.A. (20 mei 2013), Discourse Analysis and Foreign Languages - The Challenge of Working with East Asian Scripts. PoliticsEastAsia.com. Leiden: Florian Schneider. [blog].
- Schneider F.A. (11 november 2013), The Mass-Media Logic behind China’s Internet Controls - How the Chinese Government Is Applying 20th Century Thinking to 21st Century Technology. China Policy Institute Blog. Nottingham: The University of Nottingham. [blog].
- Schneider F.A. (13 mei 2013), How to Do a Discourse Analysis - A Toolbox for Analysing Political Texts. PoliticsEastAsia.com. Leiden: Florian Schneider. [blog].
- Schneider F.A. (4 november 2013), Why Digital Humanities? Art and Critical Thinking Can Start at the Code. PoliticsEastAsia.com. Leiden: Florian Schneider. [blog].
- Schneider F.A. (6 mei 2013), Getting the Hang of Discourse Theory - An Introduction to the Field. PoliticsEastAsia.com. Leiden: Florian Schneider. [blog].
- Schneider F.A. (5 mei 2013), The Challenge of Studying Digital Asia - An Introduction to Asiascape: Digital Asia. Asiascape.org. Leiden: Asiascape.org. [blog].
- Schneider F.A. (17 juni 2013), Political Communication at the Shanghai Expo - Why Theories of Domination and Resistance Do Not Tell the Whole Story of How Mass-Media Events Work. PoliticsEastAsia.com. Leiden: Florian Schneider. [blog].
- Schneider F.A. (28 oktober 2013), Thoughts on the Fourth International Conference on Multicultural Discourse - Is Discourse Analysis a "Western" Project?. PoliticsEastAsia.com. Leiden: Florian Schneider. [blog].
- Schneider F.A. & Glenn R.A. (15 juli 2013), International Politics and China’s Foreign Policy - An Interview with Russ Glenn. PoliticsEastAsia.com. Leiden: Florian Schneider. [blog].
- Schneider F.A. (23 september 2013), What North Korea Has to Do with the 2013 German Election - And Do Germans Who Refuse to Vote Support Kim Jong-Un?. PoliticsEastAsia.com. Leiden: Florian Schneider. [blog].
- Schneider F.A. (6 mei 2013), Video Introduction to Discourse Analysis. PoliticsEastAsia.com. Leiden: Youtube. [blog].
- Schneider F.A. (1 juli 2013), A Rough Guide to the Theory of Semiotics - How Communication Works as a Series of Signs. PoliticsEastAsia.com. Leiden: Florian Schneider. [blog].
- Schneider F.A. (6 mei 2013), Setting up a Discourse Analysis - Tips and Tricks on How to Create a Professional Discourse Analysis Project. PoliticsEastAsia.com. Leiden: Florian Schneider. [blog].
- Schneider F.A. (2013), The Futurities and Utopias of the Shanghai World Exposition - A Multimodal Discourse Analysis of the Expo 2010 Theme Pavilions, Asiascape Occasional Papers (7): 1-17.
- Schneider F.A. (17 september 2013), Making Sense of the Recent Chinese Propaganda Campaigns - Does the Visual Rhetoric Mean that Mao Is Back?. PoliticsEastAsia.com. Leiden: Florian Schneider. [blog].
- Schneider F.A. (2012), Visual Political Communication in Popular Chinese Television Series. Leiden & Boston: Brill.
- Schneider F.A. (2011) Book Review: Multifaceted identity of interethnic young people – chameleon identities. Bespreking van: (2010), Multifaceted identity of interethnic young people – chameleon identities. Farnham & Burlington: Ashgate. Asian Ethnicity iFirst: 1-3.
- Hwang Yih-Jye & Schneider F.A. (2011), Performance, Meaning, and Ideology in the Making of Legitimacy: The Celebrations of the People’s Republic of China’s Sixty-Year Anniversary, The China Review 11(1): 27-56.
- Schneider F.A. (16 april 2009), Visual Political Communication in Popular Chinese Television Series (Dissertatie, School of East Asian Studies, University of Sheffield). Sheffield. Promotor(en): Chen L. & Dobson H.
- Schneider F.A. (2009) Book Review: Ying ZHU, Television in Post-Reform China: Serial Dramas, Confucian Leadership and the Global Television Market. Bespreking van: (2008), Television in Post-Reform China: Serial Dramas, Confucian Leadership and the Global Television Market nr. 2. London & New York: Routledge. China Information 23: 348-349.
- Schneider F.A. (2006), Konstruktion einer Krise: Wertesysteme und Identitäten im aktuellen koreanischen Nuklearkonflik. In: Schottenhammer A. (red.), China’s Eintritt in die Weltpolitik – Außenpolitisches Handeln am Beispiel Europas, Koreas, und des Nahen Ostens. Hamburg: Institut für Asienkunde. 77-108.
- Academic Director
- Managing Editor of journal Asiascape: Digital Asia