Barrie Sander
Universitair docent
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- Dr. B.J. Sander
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- +31 70 800 9503
Barrie Sander is universitair docent International Justice aan de Universiteit Leiden - Faculteit Governance en Global Affairs. Zijn onderzoeksinteresses omvatten internationaal strafrecht, internationaal humanitair recht, en het snijpunt tussen digitale technologie en het internationaal recht.
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Barrie Sander is universitair docent International Justice aan de Universiteit Leiden - Faculteit Governance en Global Affairs. Zijn onderzoeksinteresses omvatten internationaal strafrecht, internationaal humanitair recht, en het snijpunt tussen digitale technologie en het internationaal recht.
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Universitair docent
- Faculteit Governance and Global Affairs
- Leiden University College
- Belic J., Canfield M.C., Griffin R., Lahmann H.C. & Sander B.J. (18 juni 2024), The promise and perils of human rights for governing digital platforms: symposium introduction. Tech Policy Press: Tech Policy Press. [blog].
- Sander B.J. (2021), Doing Justice to History. Confronting the Past in International Criminal Courts. London: Oxford University Press.
- Sander B.J. (2021), Democratic Disruption in the Age of Social Media: Between Marketized and Structural Conceptions of Human Rights Law, European journal of international law 32(1): 159-193.
- Sander B. & Rudall J. (30 maart 2020), Symposium on COVID-19 and International Law: Introduction. Opinio Juris. [blog].
- Sander B.J. & Tsagourias N. (2020), The COVID-19 Infodemic and Online Platforms as Intermediary Fiduciaries under International Law, Journal of International Humanitarian Legal Studies : 1-17 .
- Sander B.J. (2020), Freedom of Expression in the Age of Online Platforms: The Promise and Pitfalls of a Human Rights-Based Approach to Content Moderation, Fordham International Law Journal 43(4): 939-1006.
- Bergsmo M. & Sander B.J. (2020), The Anti-Impunity Mindset. In: , Power in internatiional justice: towards a sociology of international justice: TOAEP. 1-29.
- Sander B.J. (2019), The Expressive Limits of International Criminal Justice: Victim Trauma and Local Culture in the Iron Cage of the Law, International Criminal Law Review 19(6): 1014-1045.
- Sander B.J. (2019), The Expressive Turn of International Criminal Justice: A Field in Search of Meaning, Leiden Journal of International Law 32(4): 851-872.
- Sander B.J. (2019), Democracy Under The Influence: Paradigms of State Responsibility for Cyber Influence Operations on Elections, Chinese Journal of International Law 18(1): 1-56.
- Sander B.J. (2019), The Sound of Silence: International Law and the Governance of Peacetime Cyber Operations. In: Minarik T., Alatalu S., Biondi S., Signoretti M., Tolga I. & Visky G. (red.), 11th International Conference on Cyber Conflict:Silent Battle, 28 May – 31 May 2019, Tallinn, Estonia. Tallinn: NATO CCD COE Publications. 361-381.
- Sander B.J. (2019), Justifying International Criminal Punishment: A Critical Perspective. In: Bergsmo M. & Buis E.J. (red.), Philosophical Foundations of International Criminal Law: Foundational Concepts. Publication Series / Torkel Opsahl Academic EPublisher (TOAEP) nr. 35. Brussels: TOAEP. 167-240.
- Sander B.J. (2018), Unveiling the Historical Function of International Criminal Courts: Between Adjudicative and Sociopolitical Justice, International Journal of Transitional Justice 12(2): 334-355.
- Sander B.J. (2018), The Method is the Message: Law, Narrative Authority, and Historical Contestation in International Criminal Courts, Melbourne Journal of International Law 19(1): 299-334.
- Sander B.J. (2018), Justice as Identity: Unveiling the Mechanics of Legitimation in Domestic Atrocity Trials, Journal of International Criminal Justice 16(2): 203-228.
- Sander B.J. (2018), History on Trial: Historical Narrative Pluralism Within and Beyond International Criminal Courts, International & Comparative Law Quarterly 67(3): 547-576.
- Sander B.J. (2015), International Criminal Justice as Progress: From Faith to Critique. In: Bergsmo M., Cheah W.L., Song T. & Yi P. (red.), Historical Origins of International Criminal Law. Volume 4. Publication Series / Torkel Opsahl Academic EPublisher (TOAEP) nr. 23. Brussels: TOAEP. 749-836.
- Sander B.J. (2011), A Critical Assessment of the Supreme Court of Uganda’s Judgment in Attorney General v. Susan Kigula and 417 Others, Journal of African Law 55(2): 261-279.
- Tricot R. & Sander B.J. (2011), The Broader Consequences of the International Court of Justice’s Advisory Opinion on the Unilateral Declaration of Independence in Respect of Kosovo, Columbia Journal of Transnational Law 49(2): 321-363.
- Sander B.J. (2010), Unravelling the Confusion Concerning Successor Superior Responsibility in the ICTY Jurisprudence, Leiden Journal of International Law 23(1): 105-135.