Universiteit Leiden

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Martijn Manders

Professor by special appointment Underwater archaeology and maritime heritage management

Prof.dr. M.R. Manders
+31 71 527 2727

Martijn Manders is Professor by Special Appointment in Underwater archaeology and maritime heritage management at the Faculty of Archaeology.

More information about Martijn Manders

Office days

Thursday and Friday


Martijn Manders works at the cross-roads of maritime and underwater archaeology and maritime and underwater cultural heritage management. Policies, international conventions, assessing the significance but also shared heritage, cognitive landscapes and cultural diplomacy in maritime heritage management are amongst the subjects that he researches.

Read the text of Martijn Manders' Inaugural Lecture of April 17th, 2023.

Video registration of Martijn Manders' Inaugural Lecture on April 17th, 2023

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Martijn Manders at the Universiteit van Nederland (in Dutch)

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Teaching activities

Martijn Manders teaches the archaeological practices in maritime and underwater archaeology and also maritime and underwater cultural heritage management. A special track within the BA and MA is being developed for those that want to pursue a career in these subjects. For more information about this, please contact the professor: m.r.manders@arch.leidenuniv.nl.

Curriculum vitae

Martijn Manders is maritime and underwater archaeologist for the Netherlands' government since 1990. After years of focussing on inventories, assessments and field excavations he moved to the heritage policy department in 2003 and since 2011 is leading the maritime programme for the cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands (heritage management and archaeology) where he and his team is responsible for almost 1600 shipwrecks with Dutch sovereignty all over the world. Martijn did his PhD 'Preserving a layered history of the Western Wadden Sea' at Leiden University and teaches at the same place since 2010.  

Professor by special appointment Underwater archaeology and maritime heritage management

  • Faculteit Archeologie
  • Archaeological Heritage
  • Archaeological Heritage Management

Work address

Van Steenis
Einsteinweg 2
2333 CC Leiden
Room number B2.02




  • No relevant ancillary activities
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