Universiteit Leiden

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Floor Veldhuis

PhD candidate / PhD fellow

Mr. A.F. Veldhuis
+31 71 527 5310

Floor Veldhuis is connected to the Institute for Private Law as PhD fellow since April 2022.

More information about Floor Veldhuis

Floor Veldhuis studied law at Leiden University from 2012 to 2017. She graduated cum laude in Civil Law. After her master's degree, Floor briefly worked as a lecturer at the Civil Law department of Leiden University. Floor then worked as a lawyer in the (Supreme Court) litigation team of Pels Rijcken for almost five years. She focused on civil law and procedural law in a broad sense, and more specifically on (government) liability, international public and private law and contract law. Floor publishes regularly in journals. In 2021, she contributed to the 26th edition of W. Hugenholtz/W.H. Heemskerk, Hoofdlijnen van het Nederlands Burgerlijk Procesrecht. In addition to her work as a lawyer, Floor has been a guest lecturer at Leiden University. In 2021 Floor returned to the University in full: this time to conduct research in the field of attachment and enforcement law.

Floor's research concerns information duties and transparency about assets in the enforcement phase. Floor examines (i) which information duties (for debtors and third parties) currently exist in civil (procedural) law, (ii) whether these information duties - also in view of identified bottlenecks in practice and European and international developments - are sufficient for effective enforcement and (iii) in which way the statutory regulation could be adjusted (with an eye to the fundamental rights of the creditor and debtor protected by the ECHR). In that respect, Floor will examine whether inspiration can be drawn from systems in other (European) legal systems.

PhD candidate / PhD fellow

  • Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
  • Instituut voor Privaatrecht
  • Civiel recht

Work address

Kamerlingh Onnes Building
Steenschuur 25
2311 ES Leiden
Room number C2.08


  • Heemskerk W., Teuben K., Veldhuis A.F. & Boer R. den (2021), Hoofdlijnen van Nederlands burgerlijk procesrecht. Dordrecht: Convoy. Boek
  • Veldhuis A.F. & Mink J.E., annotation: Hoge Raad 10 July 2020, no. 19/01170, ECLI:NL:HR:2020:1251. JIN 2020(8): 1375-1378 (JIN 2020/138 JIN 2020/138 Semtex/X). Annotatie
  • Veldhuis A.F. (2020), Prejudiciële vragen in SHAPE/Supreme: over conservatoir beslag en immuniteit: HR 21 december 2018, ECLI:NL:HR:2018:2361 en HR 22 februari 2019, ECLI:NL:HR:2019:292, Nederlands Internationaal Privaatrecht 2020(1): 50-64 (NIPR 2020-137). 'Non-refereed' artikel in tijdschrift
  • Veldhuis A.F. (2019), Verzuimperikelen, Tijdschrift Overeenkomst in de Rechtspraktijk 2019(5): 9-14 (ORP 2019/91). 'Non-refereed' artikel in tijdschrift
  • Veldhuis A.F. & Feenstra A.J.J.M. (2019), Het ‘raamcontract’: balanceren tussen Boek 6 en Boek 8 BW, Tijdschrift Vervoer en Recht 2019(3): 57-66. 'Non-refereed' artikel in tijdschrift
  • Veldhuis A.F. (2019), Terugkomen van bindende eindbeslissingen, Advocatenblad: orgaan van de Nederlandse Orde van Advocaten 2019(8): 69. 'Non-refereed' artikel in tijdschrift
  • Veldhuis A.F., annotation: Hoge Raad 18 May 2018, no. 16/06017, ECLI:NL:HR:2018:729. JA 2018(7): 1269-1271 (JA 2018/121 Eiser/Allianz – ongeluk zeilklipper). Annotatie


  • No relevant ancillary activities
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