Universiteit Leiden

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Dimiter Toshkov

Associate Professor

Dr. D.D. Toshkov
+31 70 800 9391

Dimiter Toshkov's main fields of research are European Union politics, comparative public policy, and research methodology. His earlier research focused on the implementation of EU law in the post-communist countries from Central and Eastern Europe.

More information about Dimiter Toshkov

Dr. Dimiter Toshkov is Associate Professor at the Institute of Public Administration, Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs. His main fields of research are European Union politics, comparative public policy, and research methodology. He is also affiliated with the Central and East European Studies Centre (CEES) and the Leiden-Delft-Erasmus Centre Governance of Migration and Diversity.

He teaches courses on public policy and research design and regularly gives talks on data visualization, policy evaluation, research methodology, European integration and game theory.

He is also Chair of the Admissions Board of the Institute of Public Administration.


Dimiter Toshkov studied public administration at Sofia University and Leiden University and completed professional training at the ICPSR Summer Program in Quantitative Methodology (University of Michigan), European University Institute (Florence), and ETH (Zurich). He obtained a PhD degree from Leiden University in 2009 with a dissertation on the implementation of EU law in the post-communist countries from Central and Eastern Europe. His research has won prizes for best article in European Union Politics (2011) and Public Administration (2013). 

In 2016 Dimiter Toshkov published a widely-used textbook on Research Design in Political Science (Palgrave Macmillan).

Dimiter Toshkov was Jean Monnet fellow at the Rober Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies at the European University Institute in Florence (2018/2019).  Since September 2022, he is Vice-Chair of the Standing Group on the European Union of the ECPR (European Consortium for Political Research).

You can find more about his research at: https://www.dimiter.eu

Grants and awards

  • World Data Visualization Prize (2019)
  • LEGITIMULT (Horizon Europe project) (2022-2025)
  • CHARLIO (The Challenge of Enforcing Rule of Law in International Organizations: Winning the Public and Resisting Populist Attacks) (2022)

Associate Professor

  • Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
  • Instituut Bestuurskunde

Work address

Turfmarkt 99
2511 DP The Hague
Room number 4.109



  • Standing Group on the EU, European Consortium for Political Research Vice-Chair and member of the Steering Board
  • Research and Politics Associate Editor
  • Journal of European Public Policy Member of the Editorial Board
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