David Heyne
- Name
- Dr. D. Heyne
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 2727
- d.heyne@fsw.leidenuniv.nl
- 0000-0002-9320-0786
David Heyne is associate professor in the unit Developmental and Educational Psychology of the Institute of Psychology at Leiden University.
David Heyne is associate professor in the unit Developmental and Educational Psychology of the Institute of Psychology at Leiden University.
"When the heart of the therapist works together with the mind of the scientist, much can be learned about the most effective ways to help young people and families who are in distress."
Short CV
Heyne obtained a post-graduate diploma in educational psychology, a master’s degree in counseling psychology, and his PhD in clinical child psychology at Monash University, Melbourne, Australia. His PhD thesis was entitled: Evaluation of Child Therapy and Caregiver Training in the Treatment of School Refusal. David was clinical services manager for the treatment outcome program in the Centre for Developmental Psychiatry and Psychology at Monash University, and held a post as Senior Lecturer in the postgraduate child psychiatry training program at the University of Melbourne.
His current research focuses on the development and evaluation of interventions for young people who find it hard to attend school as a result of anxiety and depression (i.e., school refusal), including intervention with the parents of these young people, and with school staff. He teaches courses in developmental psychopathology and in cognitive-behavior therapy with young people.
For full details on his research programme, see Social Anxiety and School Refusal in Adolescence.
- Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
- Instituut Psychologie
- Ontwikkelings- & Onderwijspsychologie
- Li B., Heyne D., Scheeren A., Blijd-Hoogewysm E. & Rieffe C.J. (2024), School participation of autistic youths: the influence of youth, family and school factors, Autism: International Journal of Research and Practice : .
- Melvin G.A., Freeman M., Ashford L.J., Hastings R.P., Heyne D.A., Tonge B.J., Bailey T., Totsika V. & Gray K.M. (2023), Types and correlates of school absenteeism among students with intellectual disability, Journal of Intellectual Disability Research 67: 375-386.
- Groot C.M.C.E. de, Heyne D.A. & Boon A.E. (2023), School refusal in adolescence: personality traits and their influence on treatment outcome, Journal of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders : 1-14.
- Kouroupa A., Allard A., Gray K., Hastings R.P., Heyne D.A., Melvin G.A., Tonge B. & Totsika V. (2023), The association between home learning during COVID‐19 lockdowns and subsequent school attendance among children with neurodevelopmental conditions, Child: Care, Health and Development : 1-6.
- Kouroupa A., Allard A., Gray K.M., Hastings R.P., Heyne D.A., Melvin G.A., Tonge B.J. & Totsika V. (2022), Home schooling during the COVID-19 pandemic in the United Kingdom: the experience of families of children with neurodevelopmental conditions, Frontiers in Education 7: 974558.
- Johnsen D.B., Lomholt J.J., Heyne D.A., Jeppesen P., Jensen M.B., Silverman W.K. & Thastum M. (2022), Sociodemographic and clinical characteristics of youths and parents seeking psychological treatment for school attendance problems, PLoS ONE 17(1): e0261449.
- Heyne D.A. & Brouwer-Borghuis M. (2022), Wegwijzers voor interventies bij schoolweigering, vanuit de visie van betrokkenen, 49: 140-166.
- Heyne D.A. & Brouwer-Borghuis M. (2022), Signposts for school refusal interventions, based on the views of stakeholders, Continuity in Education 3(1): 25-40.
- Heyne D.A. (2022), Developmental issues associated with adolescent school refusal and cognitive-behavioral therapy manuals: a practitioner review, Zeitschrift für Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie und Psychotherapie 50(6): 471-494.
- Bitsika V., Heyne D.A. & Sharpley C.F. (2022), The inverse association between psychological resilience and emerging school refusal among bullied autistic youth, Research in Developmental Disabilities 120: 104121.
- Heyne D.A. (2022), Practitioner review: signposts for enhancing cognitive-behavioral therapy for school refusal in adolescence, Zeitschrift für Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie und Psychotherapie : .
- Paulauskaite L., Timmerman A., Kouroupa A., Allard A., Gray K.M., Hastings R.P., Heyne D.A., Melvin G.A., Tonge B. & Totsika V. (2022), Elective home education of children with neurodevelopmental conditions before and after the COVID-19 pandemic started, Frontiers in Psychology 13: 995217.
- Heyne D.A., Kearney C.A. & Finning K. (2022), Mental health and attendance at school: setting the scene. In: Finning K., Ford T. & Moore D.A. (Eds.), Mental health and attendance at school. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 1-21.
- Karel E., Heyne D.A., Weerd M. de & Halberstadt R. (2022), The recording, reporting, and use of school attendance data by school personnel in The Netherlands: toe the line or take a new path?, Orbis Scholae 16(2-3): 1-20.
- Bitsika V., Heyne D.A. & Sharpley C.F. (2021), Is bullying associated with emerging school refusal in autistic boys?, Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 51(4): 1081-1092.
- Bitsika V., Sharpley C. & Heyne D.A. (2021), Risk for school refusal among autistic boys bullied at school: investigating associations with social phobia and separation anxiety, International Journal of Disability, Development and Education : .
- Kearney C.A., Heyne D.A. & Gonzálvez C. (2021), School attendance and problematic school absenteeism in youth. Frontiers Research Topics. Lausanne: Frontiers Media SA.
- Schraven J., Matthijssen D., Weerden C. van de, Heyne D.A. & Bodden D. (2021), ACT your way: kwaliteit van het protocol en eerste bevindingen van een pilot-effectonderzoek bij adolescenten met een recidiverende depressie, Gedragstherapie 2021(2): .
- Johnsen D.B., Heyne D. & Karel E.R. (2021), Psychological interventions for school refusal and truancy. In: Gren Landell M. (Ed.) School attendance problems: a research update and where to go.: Jerringfonden. 125-137.
- Sleeuwen W. van & Heyne D.A. (2020), Schoolverzuim aanpakken. Een wetenschappelijke onderbouwing. Utrecht: Nederlands Jeugdinstituut.
- Heyne D., Gentle-Genitty C., Landell. M.G., Melvin G., Chu B., Galle-Tessonneau M., Askeland. K.G., Gonzalvez C., Havik T., Ingul J.M., Johnsen D.B., Keppens G., Knollmann M., Lyon A.R., Maeda N., Reissner V., Sauter F., Silverman W.K., Thastum M., Tonge B.J. & Kearney C.A. (2020), Improving school attendance by enhancing communication among stakeholders: establishment of the International Network for School Attendance (INSA), European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 29: 1023-1030.
- Kearny C. A., Heyne D. A. & Gonzalvez C. (Eds.) (2020), School attendance and problematic school absenteeism in youth. Frontiers in Psychology.
- Heyne D., Strombeck J., Alanko K., Bergstrom M. & Ulriksen R. (2020), A scoping review of constructs measured following intervention for school refusal: are we measuring up?, Frontiers in Psychology 11: .
- Gallé-Tessonneau M. & Heyne D.A. (2020), Behind the SCREEN: identifying school refusal themes and sub-themes, EMOTIONAL AND BEHAVIOURAL DIFFICULTIES 25(2): 139-154.
- Heyne D., Strombeck J., Alanko K., Bergstrom M. & Ulriksen R. (2020), A scoping review of constructs measured following intervention for school refusal: are we measuring up?, Frontiers in Psychology 11: 1744.
- Lomholt J.J., Johnsen D.B., Silverman W.K., Heyne D., Jeppesen P. & Thastum M. (2020), Feasibility study of Back2School, a modular cognitive behavioral intervention for youth with school attendance problems, Frontiers in Psychology 11: 586.
- Totsika V., Hastings R.P., Dutton Y., Worsley A., Melvin G., Gray K., Tonge B. & Heyne D.A. (2020), Types and correlates of school non-attendance in students with autism spectrum disorders, Autism: International Journal of Research and Practice 24(7): 1639-1649.
- Kearney C.A., Heyne D.A. & Gonzálvez C. (2020), Editorial: school attendance and problematic school absenteeism in youth, Frontiers in Psychology 11(602242): .
- Lomholt J.J., Johnsen D.B., Silverman W.K., Heyne D., Jeppesen P. & Thastum M. (2020), Feasibility study of Back2School, a modular cognitive behavioral intervention for youth with school attendance problems, Frontiers in Psychology 11: 586.
- Heyne D. (2019), Developments in classification, identification, and intervention for school refusal and other attendance problems: Introduction to the special series, Cognitive and Behavioral Practice 26(1): 1-7.
- Heyne D., Gren-Landell M., Melvin G. & Gentle-Genitty C. (2019), Differentiation between school attendance problems: why and how?, Cognitive and Behavioral Practice 26(1): 8-34.
- Ingul J.M., Havik T. & Heyne D. (2019), Emerging school refusal: a school-based framework for identifying early signs and risk factors, Cognitive and Behavioral Practice 26(1): 46-62.
- Brouwer-Borghuis M.L., Heyne D., Sauter F.M. & Scholte R.H.J. (2019), The link: An alternative educational program in the Netherlands to reengage school-refusing adolescents with schooling, Cognitive and Behavioral Practice 26(1): 75-91.
- Heyne D. (Ed.) (2019), Special series: School refusal and other school attendance problems. Cognitive and Behavioral Practice: Elsevier.
- Brouwer-Borghuis M.L., Heyne D.A., Vogelaar B. & Sauter F.M. (2019), Early identification of school attendance problems: How helpful are Dutch laws, policies, and protocols?, European Journal of Education and Psychology 12(1): 47-61.
- Ng V.V., Heyne D., Kueh Y.C. & Husain M. (2019), The Malay Self-Efficacy Questionnaire for School Situations: Development, reliability, and validity among early adolescents in primary school, European Journal of Education and Psychology 12(1): 91-108.
- Thastum M., Johnsen D.B., Silverman W.K., Jeppesen P., Heyne D.A. & Jeppesen Lomholt J. (2019), The Back2School modular cognitive behavioral intervention for youths with problematic school absenteeism: Study protocol for a randomized controlled trial, Trials 20(1): e29.
- Melvin G.A., Heyne D., Gray K.M., Hastings R.P., Totsika V., Tonge B.J. & Freeman M.M. (2019), The Kids and Teens at School (KiTeS) framework: An inclusive bioecological systems approach to understanding school absenteeism and school attendance problems, Frontiers in Education 4: 61.
- Heyne D.A. (2019), VGCt Factsheet: Cognitieve gedragstherapie bij schoolweigering (Vereniging voor gedrags- en cognitieve therapieen). [other].
- Maeda N. & Heyne D. (2019), Rapid return for school refusal: A school-based approach applied with Japanese adolescents, Frontiers in Psychology 10: e2862.
- Heyne D.A. (Ed.) (2019), Cognitive and Behavioral Practice. Cognitive and Behavioral Practice: Elsevier.
- Kearny C., Gonzalvez C. & Heyne D. (Eds.) (2019), School Attendance and Problematic School Absenteeism in Youth. Frontiers in Psychology.
- Maynard B.R., Heyne D., Brendel K.E., Bulanda J.J., Thompson A.M. & Pigott T.D. (2018), Treatment for school refusal among children and adolescents: a systematic review and meta-analysis, Research on Social Work Practice 28(1): 56-67.
- Heyne D., Vreeke L.J., Maric M., Boelens H. & Widenfelt B.M. van (2017), Functional assessment of school attendance problems: An adapted version of the School Refusal Assessment Scale-Revised, Journal of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders 25(3): 178-192.
- Maynard B.R., Vaughn M.G., Nelson E.J., Salas-Wrigh C.P., Heyne D.A. & Kremer K.P. (2017), Truancy in the United States: Examining temporal trends and correlates by race, age, and gender, Children and Youth Services Review 81: 188-196.
- Heyne D.A. & Maynard B.R. (2016), Interventions for school refusal and truancy: A case of 'old dogs in need of new tricks'. In: Menzies R., Kyrios M. & Kazantzis N. (Eds.), Innovations and future directions in the behavioural and cognitive therapies. Samford Valley: Australian Academic Press. 23-28.
- Blöte A.W., Miers A.C., Heyne D.A. & Westenberg P.M. (2015), Social anxiety and the school environment of adolescents. In: Ranta K., La Greca A.M., Garcia-Lopez L.-J. & Marttunen M. (Eds.), Social Anxiety and Phobia in Adolescents: Development, Manifestation and Intervention Strategies: Springer International Publishing. 151-181.
- Heyne D.A., Sauter F.M. & Maynard B.R. (2015), Moderators and mediators of treatments for youth with school refusal or truancy. In: Maric M., Prins P.J.M. & Ollendick T.H. (Eds.), Moderators and mediators of youth treatment outcomes. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 230-266.
- Maynard B.R., Brendel K.E., Bulanda J.J., Heyne D., Thompson A. & Pigott T.D. (2015), Psychosocial interventions for school refusal with primary and secondary students: A systematic review, Campbell Systematic Reviews 11(12): e76.
- Heyne D.A., Sauter F.M., Ollendick T.H., Van Widenfelt B.M. & Westenberg P.M. (2014), Developmentally sensitive cognitive behavioral therapy for adolescent school refusal: Rationale and case illustration, Clinical Child and Family Psychology Review 17(2): 191-215.
- Blöte A.W., Miers A.C., Heyne D.A., Clark D.M. & Westenberg P.M. (2014), The relation between social anxiety and audience perception: Examining Clark and Wells' (1995) model among adolescents, Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy 42(5): 555-567.
- Miers A.C., Blöte A.W., Heyne D.A. & Westenberg P.M. (2014), Developmental pathways of social avoidance across adolescence: The role of social anxiety and negative cognition, Journal of Anxiety Disorders 28(8): 787-794.
- Manassis K., Lee T.C., Bennett K., Zhao X.Y., Mendlowitz S., Duda S., Saini M., Wilansky P., Baer S., Barrett P., Bodden D., Cobham V.E., Dadds M.R., Flannery-Schroeder E., Ginsburg G., Heyne D., Hudson J.L., Kendall P.C., Liber J., Masia-Warner C., Nauta M.H., Rapee R.M., Silverman W., Siqueland L., Spence S.H., Utens E. & Wood J.J. (2014), Types of parental involvement in CBT with anxious youth: A preliminary meta-analysis, Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 82(6): 1163-1172.
- Heyne D.A. & Sauter F.M. (2013), School refusal. In: Essau C.A. & Ollendick T.H. (Eds.), The Wiley-Blackwell handbook of the treatment of childhood and adolescent anxiety. Chichester: John Wiley & Sons Limited. 471-517.
- Bennett K., Manassis K., Walter S.D., Cheung A., Wilansky-Traynor P., Diaz-Granados N., Duda S., Rice M., Baer S., Barrett P., Bodden D., Cobham V.E., Dadds M.R., Flannery-Schroeder E., Ginsburg G., Heyne D., Hudson J.L., Kendall P.C., Liber J., Masia Warner C., Mendlowitz S., Nauta M.H., Rapee R.M., Silverman W., Siqueland L., Spence S.H., Utens E. & Wood J.J. (2013), Cognitive behavioral therapy age effects in child and adolescent anxiety: An individual patient data meta-analysis, Depression and Anxiety 30(9): 829-841.
- Maric M., Heyne D.A., MacKinnon D.P., Van Widenfelt B.M. & Westenberg P.M. (2013), Cognitive mediation of cognitive-behavioural therapy outcomes for anxiety-based school refusal, Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy 41(5): 549-564.
- Maric M., Heyne D.A., Heus P. de, Widenfelt B.M. van & Westenberg P.M. (2012), The role of cognition in school refusal: An investigation of automatic thoughts and cognitive errors, Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy 40(3): 255-269.
- Maric M., Heyne D.A., Widenfelt B.M. van & Westenberg P.M. (2011), Distorted cognitive processing in youth: The structure of negative cognitive errors and their associations with anxiety, Cognitive Therapy and Research 35(1): 11-20.
- Heyne D.A., Sauter F.M., Widenfelt B.M. van, Vermeiren R.R.J.M. & Westenberg P.M. (2011), School refusal and anxiety in adolescence: Non-randomized trial of a developmentally sensitive cognitive behavioral therapy, Journal of Anxiety Disorders 25(7): 870-878.
- Vuijk P., Heyne D.A. & Efferen-Wiersma E.S. (2010), @school project: Prevalentie en functies van problematisch schoolverzuim in het Rotterdamse basisonderwijs, Eurasian Journal of Business and Economics 31(1): 29-40.
- Vuijk P. & Heyne D.A. (2010), Ongeoorloofd schoolverzuim [Unapproved school absenteeism], Pulse: Primair Onderwijs 2: 34-37.
- Sauter F.M., Snel R., Heyne D.A. & Widenfelt B.M. van (2010), Schoolweigering bij adolescenten: het @school project [School refusal in adolescence: the @school project], PsychoPraktijk 2(4): 14-18.
- Sauter F.M., Heyne D.A., Blöte-Aanhane A.W., Widenfelt B.M. van & Westenberg P.M. (2010), Assessing therapy-relevant cognitive capacities in young people: Development and psychometric evaluation of the self-reflection and insight scale for youth, Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy 38(3): 303-317.
- Sauter F.M., Heyne D.A. & Westenberg P.M. (2009), Cognitive behavior therapy for anxious adolescents: Developmental influences on treatment design and delivery, Clinical Child and Family Psychology Review 12(4): 310-335.
- Vuijk P. & Heyne D.A. (2009), Ongeoorloofd schoolverzuim in het basisonderwijs, Advies & Educatie 3: 4-5.
- Bokhorst C.L., Westenberg P.M., Oosterlaan J. & Heyne D.A. (2008), Changes in social fears across childhood and adolescence: Age-related differences in the factor structure of the Fear Survey Schedule for Children-Revised, Journal of Anxiety Disorders 22(1): 135-142.
- Melvin G., Tonge B.J., King N.J., Heyne D.A., Gordon M.S. & Klimkeit E. (2006), A comparison of cognitive-behavioral therapy, sertraline, and their combination for adolescent depression, Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 45(10): 1151-1161.
- Heyne D.A. (2006), School refusal. In: Fisher J.E. & O'Donohue W.T. (Eds.), Practitioner’s guide to evidence-based psychotherapy. New York: Springer. 599-618.
- Westenberg P.M., Gullone E., Bokhorst C.L., Heyne D.A. & King N.J. (2006), Social evaluation fear in childhood and adolescence: Normative developmental course and continuity of individual differences, British Journal of Developmental Psychology 25(3): 471-483.
- King N.J., Heyne D.A. & Ollendick T.H. (2005), Cognitive-behavioral treatments for anxiety and phobic disorders in children and adolescents: A review, Behavioral Disorders 30: 241-257.
- Tonge B.J., King N.J., Klimkeit E., Melvin G., Heyne D.A. & Gordon M. (2005), The Self-Efficacy Questionnaire for Depression in Adolescents (SEQ-DA): Development and psychometric evaluation, European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 14: 357-363.
- Heyne D.A. & Rollings S. (2004), Niechec do szkoty [School refusal practitioner guide (Polish)]. Gdansk: Gdanskie Wydawnictwo Psychologiczne.
- Heyne D.A., King N.J. & Tonge B.J. (2004), School refusal. In: Ollendick T.H. & March J.S. (Eds.), Phobic and anxiety disorders in children and adolescents: A clinician¿s guide to effective psychosocial and pharmacological interventions. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 236-271.
- Heyne D.A., King N.J. & Ollendick T.H. (2004), School refusal. In: Graham P. (Ed.), Cognitive Behaviour Therapy for Children and Families. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. 320-341.
- Heyne D.A. & King N.J. (2004), Treatment of school refusal. In: Barrett P.M. & Ollendick T.H. (Eds.), Handbook of interventions that work with children and adolescents: Prevention and treatment. London: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.. 243-272.
- King N.J., Heyne D.A., Tonge B.J., Mullen P., Myerson N., Rollings S. & Ollendick T.H. (2003), Sexually abused children suffering from posttraumatic stress disorder: Assessment and treatment strategies, Cognitive Behaviour Therapy 32: 2-12.
- Workshop series on school refusal and other school attendance problems
- teaching post-masters for registration as GZ-psycholoog