Universiteit Leiden

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Caelesta Braun

Professor Public Governance and Civil Society

Prof.dr. C.H.J.M. Braun
+31 70 800 9977

Caelesta Braun's research expertise includes political advocacy, interest group politics, public decision-making, bureaucratic politics and regulatory governance. She studies the role of non-state stakeholders in public decision-making and regulation and how we can make sure to involve stakeholders in executive politics in an inclusive and effective way. In addition, she studies how stakeholders can succesfully strategize to influence legislative and regulatory decision-making.

More information about Caelesta Braun

Caelesta’s main fields of research include political advocacy, interest group politics, public decision-making, bureaucratic politics and regulatory governance. She recently finalized a large research project on civil society and the regulatory state (funded by a NWO Vidi grant), click for an overview of the project team and its research output. She’s currently involved in a NORFACE international collaborative research project ‘Reconnect’, researching the engagement of civil society and citizens with the administrative state.  

Before joining Leiden University, Caelesta was an assistant professor at Utrecht University and Vu University. She has held a postdoctoral fellowship at the University of Antwerp from 2009-2013 and obtained her PhD at Leiden University in 2009. In addition to her academic career, she also worked for a public consultancy firm and for Dutch parliament.


2-Capture (Vidi research project)
Comparative Interest Representation (international comparative research project)

Professor Public Governance and Civil Society

  • Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
  • Instituut Bestuurskunde

Work address

Turfmarkt 99
2511 DP The Hague
Room number 4.111


  • Raad voor het Openbaar Bestuur (ROB) Raadslid (vice-voorzitter)
  • Tijdschrift voor Toezicht redactielid
  • lid redactieraad Idee llid redactieraad politiek-wetenschappelijk tijdschrift mr. Hans van Mierlo Stichting
  • Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen Lid Raad van Advies voor de opleidingen Politicologie
  • Maerlant-Lyceum Lid Medezeggenschapsraad
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