Universiteit Leiden

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CPP Annual Lecture 'Refugees and the Politics of Inhumanitarianism'

Thursday 20 April 2023
CPP Colloquia 2022-2023
Cleveringaplaats 1
2311 BD Leiden

Zoom: https://universiteitleiden.zoom.us/j/63941432873?pwd=T2FjQnE0dldqVE52ck05SkxMdVMxQT09

The Centre of Political Philosophy is pleased to announce the annual lecture by David Owen, Professor in Politics.

Professor David Owen (Southampton)

Refugees and the Politics of Inhumanitarianism

There are a number of critical perspectives on humanitarianism as a response to suffering concerning its historical relationship to colonial violence and its depoliticizing effects. My purpose in this lecture is to take up a distinct, but related, issue in contemporary refugee politics, namely, the availability of the language, practices, and agents of humanitarianism as media through which inhumanity can be enacted. I will be concerned to distinguish different forms of, what I will call, ‘inhumanitarianism’ – the dark double of humanitarianism - and its pervasive contemporary presence as a testimony to our ethical and political failures in the realm of refugee protection.

About the Center for Political Philosophy (CPP) Colloquia Series

The CPP is a collaboration between the Institute for Philosophy and the Institute for Political Science at Leiden University. Attendance of the Colloquia is free and there is no need to register. See CPP for more information. For further questions please contact dr. Thomas Fossen 

 Drinks afterwards & all are welcome!

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