Universiteit Leiden

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Computer Science - Leiden University

Foundations of Computing (MSc)


If you are keen on pursuing an MSc degree in Computer Science but you do not fully meet the admission requirements, a Pre-Master’s programme may be possible.

A Pre-Master’s programme is meant to remedy deficiencies of a BSc degree that is closely related to Computer Science and/or Artificial Intelligence but is insufficient for admission. A Pre-Master’s programme consists of at most 30EC (and thus can remedy up to 30EC of deficiencies), is tailored to your background and the Computer Science specialization that you would like to pursue, and is agreed upon with the study adviser.

In order to be considered for a Pre-Master’s programme, you should contact the study adviser prior to applying to the MSc Computer Science. To ensure sufficient time to discuss a potential Pre-Master’s programme, it is advised to do this at least one month before the submission deadline. You should provide a comparison of your BSc degree curriculum with that of the [link: courses and projects] of the Leiden BSc Computer Science program. 

After agreeing upon a Pre-Master’s programme with the study adviser and applying, the Board of Admissions will evaluate your application and –if appropriate- will accord the Pre-Master’s programme. Completion of the agreed programme within the agreed timespan will make you admissible to the Master’s programme.


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