Universiteit Leiden

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Block 1


The newsletter opens with a warm welcome to the class of 2023, followed by an announcement of workshops on LaTeX and Personal Finance. The Roosevelt Network at LUC is shared followed by the first impressions of the class of 2023. A study on redesigning the future through LAS is featured before the newsletter concludes with an announcement on Paul Behrens book launch. 

Staff Features


Workshops, Network, Class of 2023, LAS, Book Launch


An extensive message from the dean is provided followed by a warm welcome to LUC by Head RA Janine Hoek. A call to join the LUC Instagram team is shared, followed by the opportunity to join a hackathon. The opportunity to submit a paper to the ACAS international conference is shared followed by a recap on the introduction week of 2020. The newsletter concludes with a highlight of Ajay Gandhi. 

Staff Features

  • Ajay Gandhi Assistant Professor
  • Judi Mesman Professor The interdisciplinary study of societal challenges/Distinguished Professor


Introduction Week, Instagram, Hackathon


A message from the Dean proceeds the content of this week’s newsletter, followed by an update on corona regulations and what they mean and SLO Lenore Todd shares a message with students. Following this an event celebrating 75 years of the UN is announced, the annual inspire the students event and the kick-off of the LUC film series. The newsletter concludes with an announcement highlighting the nomination of lecturer Laura Bertens from the faculty of Humanities.  

Staff Features


Film Series, Inspire the Students, Alumni, UN, Corona 


A new update on COVID-19 and what it means for LUC is provided, followed by a message from the dean and an update on student life matters from the SLO. Following this first years are encouraged to register at the town hall and further guidelines on the use of the building are provided. A new event, namely coffee with the dean is announced followed by the announcement that LUC Is recruiting new students ambassadors. A thought provoking take on a sustainable university is included followed by a welcome extended to the new SLC. 

Staff Features

  • Lenore Todd Assistant professor / Student Life Officer
  • Judi Mesman Professor The interdisciplinary study of societal challenges/Distinguished Professor


Corona, AvB, Student Ambassador, Sustainability 


The launch of Paul Behrens book ‘The Best of Times, The Worst of Times’ is announced followed by a message from the dean, the SLO and an update of corona. An announcement is made informing all of the ed of winter graduation and The Hague corona challenge. The upcoming event ‘Inspire the Students’ is highlighted, followed by an announcement from the GGD that they are seeking students with Dutch. The newsletter concluded with the reiteration of the LUC film series. 

Staff Features

  • Lenore Todd Assistant professor / Student Life Officer
  • Judi Mesman Professor The interdisciplinary study of societal challenges/Distinguished Professor


Corona, AvB, Film Series, Alumni, GGD, Book Launch


Changes to guidelines on socializing and travel are announced followed by a message from the dean and the SLO. The GPH podcast anthropologic is shared followed by a student spotlight. The upcoming coffee with the dean is shared followed by a reflection by Joris Larik on the UN at 75 years. 

Staff Features

  • Joris Larik Assistant Professor
  • Judi Mesman Professor The interdisciplinary study of societal challenges/Distinguished Professor
  • Lenore Todd Assistant professor / Student Life Officer


Podcast, GPH, IJ, SLO, Infographic, Corona 


Students are informed how to properly deal with items considered bulky waste, following this there is an update of corona measures and a message from the dean.  An Update is given by the SLO on student life matter, and the GPH podcast returns with a new episode. An upcoming round table is announced, followed by a message from the representative of FGGA for the Leiden Student Platform. The newsletter concludes with the announcement of Diplomacy in International Conflict and the celebration of LUC turning 10 years.  

Staff Features


Podcast, GPH, Lustrum, SLO, Bulky Waste, Diplomacy 


Joris Larik is front and center given his recent interview with AL Jazeera. following this there is a recap on an event run by the Leiden Leadership Centre. The GPH Podcast is featured. Two announcements are made on the new Eeko collection boxes and Corona related matters on maintaining the measures and the first reported case among staff.

Staff Features


Podcast, GPH, Corona, Sustainability, Al Jazeera 


New measures on wearing masks at University are announced coupled with changes to teaching policy. Students are reminded to fill out course evaluations. An update is given on an educational and Health Needs study by staff members. A message from the Dean is shared followed by an invitation to all students to sign up for coffee with the Dean, An update on all matters student life related is given by the SLO,  followed by three announcements on: A call for academic papers, A mandatory meeting for double degree students and an opportunity to attend a digital event on enriching the city of The Hague. 


Changes in Teaching Policy, Course Evaluations, Research Update,  Corona, City of The Hague, Double Degree Studies

Staff Features

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