Universiteit Leiden

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ILS Lunch Seminars

ILS organizes monthly Lunch Seminars in which all researchers from Leiden Law School can present their research. The idea is to share in an open and accessible way what researchers from other research programs and institutes are working on. During a seminar, two or three speakers will present their research.

All researchers from Leiden Law School can sign up! Please contact dr. M. Fink to sign up as a speaker at an ILS lunch seminar. Lunch is provided at the seminars that take place every month on a Thursday. There is no need to register; just join!

Overview 2019/2020

  1. 19 September 2019, 13:00 - 14:00 hrs (KOG A.008). With presentations from Clare Fenwick on "Intra-EU Labour Migration and the Welfare State" and Ilya Kokorin on "Bankruptcy of Cryptocurrency Exchanges and Implications for Crypto Investors".
  2. 17 October 2019, 13:00 - 14:00 hrs (KOG A.008). With presentations from Hanneke Bennaars on "Does platformwork causes a paradigm shift in labour law?" and Prof. Frans Sonneveldt on “The elimination of double taxation of estates, inheritances and gifts within and outside the European Union”.
  3. 28 November 2019, 13:00 - 14:00 hrs (KOG C.020). With presentations from Melanie Fink on "Rethinking Remedies: Does the EU Need a Fundamental Rights Complaints Procedure?" and Tycho de Graaf on "Civil law aspects of technology".
  4. 12 December 2019, 13:00 - 14:-00 hrs (KOG A.028). With presentations from Cecily Rose on "The Role of the Judge Ad Hoc: An Empirical Study of Party-Appointed Judges at the International Court of Justice" and Eduard Fosch Villaronga on "Healthcare Robots: Challenges and Opportunities".
  5. 16 January 2020, 13:00 - 14:00 hrs (KOG B0.13). With presentations from Hoko Horii on "Rethinking 'agency' in international human rights" and Lexo Zardiashvili on "Artificial Dignity - Regulating Manipulative Capabilities of Artificial Intelligence for Human Dignity".
  6. 19 March 2020, 13:00 - 14:00 hrs (KOG B0.13): This event was canceled due to the measures taken against the Coronavirus. With presentations from Santy Kouwagam on "Commercial lawyers: not a singular profession?" and Laura van Bochove on "Coherent interpretation in Private International Law".  
  7. 16 April 2020, 13:00 - 14:00 hrs (KOG B0.13). With presentations from Chase Burton and Thea Coventry.
  8. 14 May 2020, 13:00 - 14:00 hrs (KOG B0.13). With presentations from Anna Marhold and Hannah DeLacey.
  9. 18 June 2020, 13:00 - 14:00 hrs (KOG B0.13). With presentations from Maartje van der Woude and Merinda Stewart.
  1. 13 September 2018, 12:00 - 13:00 hrs (KOG B0.13). With presentations from Geerten Waling on "All politics is personal? The "personalisation" trend in Dutch politics" and Michael Klos on "Sovereignty and internet intermediaries: should nation-states be able to censor undesirable content?".
  2. 11 October 2018, 13:00 - 14:00 hrs (KOG A0.08). With presentations from Hans-Martien ten Napel on "Modern Constitutional Practice and the Ideal of Self-Government" and Mark Leiser on "A principle-based response to the #FakeNews crisis". 
  3. 8 November 2018, 13:00 - 14:00 hrs (KOG B0.31). With presentations from Philippe van Gruisen on "The Effect of Treaty Revisions on EU Policy-Making" and Almut Breuer on "Taxpayers' Rights in a National, EU and International Law Context".
  4. 13 December 2018, 13:00 - 14:00 hrs (KOG A0.08). A special edition of the ILS Lunch Seminar, focused on the project EU-ERC GLOBTAXGOV. With the first presentation from Irma Mosquera on "A New Model of Global Governance in International Tax Law Making" and the second presentation from Adrian Grant and Frederik Heitmüller on "Global Tax Governance". 
  5. 14 February 2019, 12:00 - 13:00 hrs (KOG B0.13). With presentations from Beryl ter Haar on "The Prospect of a Transnational Labour Inspectorate System: Harnessing Public Institutions for Labour Law Enforcement" and Yannick van den Brink on "Pre-Trial Detention Decision-Making in The Dutch Juvenile Justice System". 
  6. 14 March 2019, 12:00 - 13:00 hrs (KOG B0.13). With presentations from Nienke van Heek on "Reconciliation and national identity in post-Gaddafi Libya" and Esther van Ginneken on "Prison climate and well-being: Findings from the Life in Custody Study".
  7. 11 April 2019, 12:00 - 13:00 hrs (KOG B0.13). A very special edition of the ILS Lunch Seminars, featuring a presentation by Leandro Mancano from the University of Edinburgh, who will present his new book: "The European Union and Deprivation of Liberty: A Legislative and Judicial Analysis from the Perspective of the Individual."
  8. 23 May 2019, 13:00 - 14:00 hrs (KOG A0.14). A special collaboration between the ILS Lunch Seminars and the Leiden Research Lunch. Maria Weimer, assistant professor at the University of Amsterdam, will present her new book: "Risk Regulation in the Internal Market: paradoxes and pitfalls" - CANCELLED
  9. 27 June 2019, 12:00 - 13:00 hrs (KOG B0.13). With presentations from Prof. Pablo Mendes de Leon on "The boundaries of law in the context of aviation safety: practices and remedies" and Albert van Marwijk Kooy on "The Dutch pensions polder product; a blessing in disguise?"
  1. 21 September 2017, 12:00 - 13:00 hrs. With the first presentation from Prof. Jannemieke Ouwerkerk on “The Exercise of EU Criminalisation Powers after Lisbon”. The second prestentation will be given by Magdalena Jozwiak on e-SIDES (ethical and societal impact of data sciences), this is a Coordination & Support Action (CSA) part of the Horizon 2020 programme.
  2. 19 October 2017, 12.00 - 13.00 hrs (KOG B0.25). With the first presentation by Prof. Egbert Koops on “Freed by childbirth. The position of Roman women under the Augustan family laws”. The second presentation will be given by Max van Lent on “Recognition and Teacher Performance: A Field Experiment”.
  3. 16 November 2017, 12.00 - 13.00 hrs (KOG B0.41). Interaction on ConstitutionsWith the first presentation by Prof. Wim Voermans on “Do constitutions matter?”. The second presentation will be given by Emile Cammeraat on “The Effect of Constitutional Commitment to Social Security on Social Expenditure Schemes”.
  4. 14 December 2017, 12.00 - 13.00 hrs (KOG B0.17). With presentations from Dr. Moritz Jesse on “The ‘others’ amongst ‘us’: Thoughts on Western Societies, Otherness, and the Law” and Helena Ursic on: “Law & the data economy: a modern conflict or alliance? An example of a successful three-year cooperation between Leiden University and the European Commission on the EuDEco project”.
  5. 15 February 2018, 12.00 - 13.00 hrs (KOG B0.41). With presentations from Prof. Jean-Pierre van der Rest on "An Update on "Buyers Beware: Online Pricing in Operation!” How the Framing of Mandated Behavioral Price Discrimination Disclosure Influences Intention to Purchase" and Maria Berghuis on "Visitation in Dutch prisons: a study on determinants and consequences of prison visitation."
  6. 8 March 2018, 12.00 - 13.00 hrs (KOG B0.41). A special edition of our ILS Lunch Seminars, with Prof. Vassilis Hatzopoulos from the Panteion University in Athens who will present his new book on the "Collaborative Economy and EU Law".
  7. 19 April 2018, 12.00 - 13.00 hrs (KOG B0.25). With presentations from Adriano Martufi on "The cross-border dimension of social rehabilitation: interest of the State or right of the individual” and Marco Stam on “The effects of welfare receipt on crime: A regression discontinuity and instrumental variable approach”.
  8. 23 May 2018, 12.00 - 13.00 hrs (KOG B0.13). A special seminar, jointly organized by ILS and the research program Reform of Social Legislation. Prof. Jason Beckfield of Harvard University will give a presentation on “The Welfare State Meets European Integration: The Place of ECJ Jurisprudence in Retrenchment and Convergence”.
  9. 14 June 2018, 12.00 - 13.00 hrs (KOG B0.13). With presentations from Prof. Pim Rank on "Custody and Asset Segregation under MiFID II" and Prof. Barend Barentsen on “Public sector reform in the Netherlands: much ado about nothing?”.
  1. 28 November 2016 , with presentations from Prof. Ymre Schuurmans, Prof. Peter Rodrigues and Dr. Bastiaan Rijpkema.
  2. 19 December 2016, with presentations from Dirk Broekhuijsen on “A Multilateral Tax Treaty: Designing an Instrument to Modernise International Tax Law” and Dr. Armin Cuyvers on “Leave my budget alone? Reconciling EU budget controls with national democracy”.
  3. 30 January 2017, with presentations from Prof. Joanne van der Leun on “Crimmigration” and Mr. Dorine Verheij and Mr. Ruben de Graaff on “Direct claims under EU law. The case of regulations”.
  4. 27 February 2017, with presentations from Drs. Tanja Masson-Zwaan on “Space law: regulating the final frontier” and Mr. Tom Herrenberg on “The Evolution of Defamation”.
  5. 27 March 2017, with presentations from Dr. Daniëlla Dam- de Jong on “International law and the enforcement of peace agreements”, Dr. Ingrid Leijten on “Core Rights, Social Cities” and Dr. Francien Dechesne on "Making decisions fair and square? On data-driven decisions and regulating algorithms".
  6. 1 May 2017, with presentations from Dr. Iris van Ooijen on “Opting opt-in or out? Effects of defaults on perceived ownership of personal data” and Mr. Tom Dijkhuizen on “Banks, interest and corporate governance - the future of banks as public companies”.
  7. 29 May 2017, with presentations from Dr. Jim Been on “Household consumption spending and home production responses to retirement: Do retirees substitute consumption spending?and Mr. Esther Kentin on “The plastic soup and how to ban microplastics in cosmetics in the EU”.
  8. 26 June 2017, with presentations from Prof. Niels Blokker on “Preparing a new edition of International Institutional Law (on the law of international organizations): mission impossible?” and Drs. Willy de Heer on “The paradigm of equality in Dutch primary education. Research into education for double-quick learning children”.
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