Universiteit Leiden

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Integrated Chain Management in the Province of Limburg

The cases of building materials, automobility, mushrooms and plastics.

Lauran van Oers
Province of Limburg

The Province of Limburg wants to stimulate integrated chain management. For that purpose, they commissioned a project to indicate a number of promising options. A definition document was drafted and four examples of possible chains were elaborated: building materials, automobility, mushrooms and plastics. The chains were chosen because they are located mainly within the Province. The chains are specified regarding their physical aspects - quantities of production, use and waste disposal - but also on their organisational aspects - actors, local and national policies, policy instruments, different options for implementation and suchlike. Based on this study, the Province decided to go ahead with the chains of building materials and mushrooms.

Report (in Dutch)

Oers, L. van & E. van der Voet: Integraal ketenbeheer in de provincie Limburg. CML rapport 153.

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